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Lesson Plan in English Grade 7


I. Objectives

At the end of 60-minute instructional time, at least 80% of the total number of learners should be able
to attain at least 70% performance level to:

1. analyze the use of stream of consciousness in literary texts;

2. appreciate stream of consciousness in having positive outlook in life; and
3. present a short skit, song and an interview using stream of consciousness in accepting
challenges in life.

II. Subject Matter

A. Big Idea: The Period of Contemporary Literature

B. Title: Penmanship
C. Genre: Short Story
D. Author: Jose Y. Dalisay Jr.
E. Transfer Goal:
I want my students to learn stream of consciousness so that in the long run, they will be able on their
own to analyze how literary texts become more realistic. They will also be able to demonstrate the value
of lifelong learning by accepting reality and having positive views in life.
As intelligent FCPCians, they will be ready to solve problems that they encounter in their everyday

E. Essential Question:
 Why study short story?
 Why should we study stream of consciousness?
F. Comprehension Skill:
Stream of consciousness is a contemporary literary technique used to make the story more realistic
or true-to-life. The characters are saying something to themselves while saying something else aloud.
G. Instructional Devices:
 Big book containing the lesson
 Task cards containing their assigned tasks, 6 Facets of Understanding Questions, and rubric for
Group Enrichment Activity
 Comic strips that show the highlights of the story
 Picture of a blind person
 Picture of the author (Jose Y. Dalisay Jr.)

H. References:
 Ribo, Lourdes, et al. (2013). Language in Literature, Philippine Literature. Quezon City: Vibal
Publishing House, Inc. pp, 464 – 475
 Lapid, Milagros, et al. (2011). English Communication Arts and Skills through Anglo-American
and Filipino Literature. Quezon City: Phoenix Publishing House, Inc. pp, 251-252
 McDougal Littell, Language Network. Houghton Mifflin Company

III. Procedure
A. Routine
1. General Routine
 Greetings
 Checking of attendance and cleanliness of the room
2. Grammar Review
Directions: Choose the words inside the parenthesis that best complete the sentences.

Many people now a days are unwilling to accept reality of life (which, that) some people may
change by passing of time. There are people (who, whom) will really insist that how they knew a person
is still he or she is. However, there are some who will just cope (with, to) the changes of life and use it
as their strengths to continue life.

Answer key: that, who, with

3. Vocabulary Building Activity

 Idiom:
to move mountains
Part of Speech: verb
Meaning: to do impossible things
Tagalog Translation: gawin ang mga imposible o hindi kapani-paniwalang bagay

 Words:

auspicious (adjective) \ȯ -ˈspi-shəs\

Meaning: having favorable circumstances and good luck
Synonyms: fortunate, lucky
Antonyms: hopeless, unhappy
Tagalog trans: mapalad

expedient (adjective) \ik-ˈspē-dē-ənt\

Meaning: tending to promote some proposed or desire object
Synonyms: advisable, desirable
Antonyms: imprudent, inadvisable
Tagalog translation: marapat

surrogate (noun) \ˈsər-ə-ˌgāt, ˈsə-rə-\

Meaning: a person appointed to act for another
Synonyms: proxy, stand-in
Antonyms: permanent, real
Tagalog translation: pangalawa

Ms. Lara is an auspicious handicapped person who can move mountains, because she
can do what a normal person does. That is why an expedient decision for her to be a surrogate
came over because of the manager’s leave of absence.

4. Write About
Write a short composition about a disabled (blind, deaf, paralytic and etc.) man who is
determined and dedicated with his work.

B. Lesson Proper

1. Motivation
The teacher presents a picture of a blind person and asks, “How do you feel when you see a blind
person walking along a street or sitting the same room with you?”

2. Articulation of Purpose and Objectives

The teacher says, “Life is full of struggles and changes. It only depends on us on how we are going to
solve problems that we encounter by having positive outlook and determination. Problems are tests that
would help us become strong in dealing with it.
As Godly and intelligent FCPCians, we should be determined in facing every challenge in life despite of
our weaknesses because God gives us problems that we can overcome through the strengths that He gave us.
So, we should impart our positive attitude in life by demonstrating communicative competence as stated in the
K to 12 Curriculum Desired Outcomes.

At the end of today’s lesson, I do expect that you will be able to analyze the use of stream of
consciousness in literary texts, appreciate stream of consciousness in having positive outlook in life and present
a short skit, song and an interview using stream of consciousness in accepting challenges in life.

3. Presentation of the New Lesson

a. The teacher:
 states the title of the selection, its genre, as well as the book pages
 presents the picture and background of the author
 and asks a motive question, “Do you think the two characters in the story will fall in love
with each other?”
b. The selection has been pre-assigned to be read by the students, but as a review the teacher
presents comic strips that show the important events of the story.
c. The teacher asks the comprehension questions
1. Who are the characters in the story? How does the main character feel about the blind girl at the
start of the story?
2. Why do you think Nora wants the letter to be handwritten instead of typed?
3. While fulfilling the request, what did the main character find out about Nora’s life?
4. As a student, how will you accept the negativities in life like how the girl accepts the truth that
she is blind?
d. Then, the teacher:
 presents the comprehension skill
 asks the students how the characters in the story say what they want to say
 introduces stream of consciousness by asking first the meaning of “stream” and
“consciousness” and then give the meaning of stream of consciousness
 gives example passages found in the story that show stream of consciousness
4. Generalization
The teacher asks, “What is stream of consciousness?”
5. Fixing Skills
a. Oral Assessment
 The teacher asks and gives situational questions.
“Why is stream of consciousness important in literature?”
“Imagine that you are a blind person, will you still think consciously of the things that a
typical blind person cannot do? ”
b. Written Assessment
The teachers asks the class to answer this orally.
Directions: Read the following paragraphs and determine the part where stream of
consciousness is shown by writing the letter of the correct answer.

A. first sentence C. third and fourth sentence

B. second sentence D. all the sentences

1. “He is young Leopold, as in a retrospective arrangement, a mirror within a mirror (hey,

presto!), he beholdeth himself.” That young figure of then is seen, precious manly, walking on a
nipping morning from the old house in Clambrassil to the high school, his book satchel on him
bandolier wise, and in it a goodly hunk of wheaten loaf, a mother’s thought.
2. “What a lark! What a plunge! For so it always seemed to me when, with a little squeak
of the hinges, which I can hear now, I burst open the French windows and plunged at Bourton
into the open air. How fresh, how calm, stiller than this of course, the air was in the early
morning; like the flap of a wave; the kiss of a wave; chill and sharp and yet (for a girl of eighteen
as I then was) solemn, feeling as I did, standing there at the open window, that something
awful was about to happen …”

3. “It partook, he thought, shifting his weight in the saddle, of metempsychosis, the way
his humble life fell into molds prepared by literature. Or was it, he wondered, picking his nose,
the result of closely studying the sentence structure of the English novelists? One had resigned
oneself to having no private language any more, but one had clung wistfully to the illusion of a
personal property of events. A find and fruitless illusion, it seemed, for here, inevitably came
the limousine, with its Very Important Personage, or Personages, dimly visible in the interior.
The policeman saluted, and the crowd pressed forward, murmuring ‘Philip’, ‘Tony’, ‘Margaret’,
‘Prince Andrew’.”

Answers: 1. B 2. D 3. D

6. Formative Assessment
Directions: Read the following paragraphs and determine the part where stream of consciousness
is shown by writing the letter of the correct answer.

A. last eight sentences B. fourth and fifth sentences C. last two sentences

D. last six sentences E. first four sentences

1. “I overslept again,” he muttered under his breath. He sneezed and wiped the snivel from
his upper lip with his hand.
When he looked down again, he was frightened.
What’s that? I was fast asleep, he thought. That’s why I didn’t see whoever it was fixed
that net down there. What’s it for?
“Oh, is that him?”
“Yes, that’s him!”
“Ha! Ha! That’s a good one! The sensation of the year! Ha! Ha!”
2. Pak Brahim was mending a leak in the roof. He answered half-laughingly, “Oh, no sir. We
never fought. He just had a bit of fight with my daughter here, the day before yesterday.”
Pak Brahim did not continue. Who are these men? What do they want with their
questions? Should I really tell these people everything? Is it any business of theirs? And
what’s the use, supposing I tell them every detail of what happened? How can they help
anyway? Yes, old Pak Brahim would like to know first who on earth these people are.
3. “Well sir, you know how it is with husband and wife,” Pak Brahim continued. “There’s
always a bit of fighting.”
“Oh, then there really was a fight?”
Just like a reporter, always snooping into things that aren’t any of his business, thought
“What about? Try and tell us what it was all about.”
The man’s got no sense of decency at all!
“Why did your daughter quarrel with her husband?”
It’s a man’s own business, his own private business. It’s my and Minah’s problem, does he
want to put that in the papers?
4. “You know how it is Sir. We’re humble people with our own troubles. We’re poor and
don’t get much out of life.”
What’s the use of telling them all that? What can they do to help us out of the terrible
mess we’re in?
“And you know how it is Sir. If a girl has her troubles she likes to nag. And my son’-in-
law’s in a pretty bad way. He never has any luck; his work always seems to be wrong;
everything he puts his hands to, fails. So, naturally my daughter picks on him more and
more, and he gets nervier every day.”
Now he’s gone as crazy as the rest of them.
5. “I am resigning, Mr. Ruiz,” said Leon. He smiled a little. He was thinking. I wonder what
he is going to say. He probably thinks I am fool. If he does, I do not see it on his face. He
is a fine fellow. I am sorry to leave him.

Answer Key: 1. E 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. D

7. Checking of Formative Assessment using answer key

8. Getting the frequency of scores
9. Group Enrichment Activities

The class will be divided into 6 groups to do the following:

Each group shall receive an envelope containing the task card and the rubrics.

a. M.I-Based Activities

 Group 1 and 2: Perform a 3-minute short skit showing determination and consciousness
 Group 3 and 4: Make a song about positive outlook in life
 Group 5 and 6: Present an interview of a person who succeeded in life despite of his disability

Rubric for M.I-Based Activities

1 (needs
Criteria 3 (excellent) 2 (better)
1 member did not
participate in the 2 or more members did
All members played a
Cooperation role in the presentation.
presentation. Division of not participate in the
tasks was somehow presentation.

The presentation was

The presentation was
The presentation was not original and
Creativity well presented with
somehow unique. uniqueness was not
The presentation was There were few dead air There were many lapses
Organization very spontaneous. in the presentation. in the presentation.
The presentation was The presentation did not
The presentation was
Content relevant to the theme.
somehow relevant to the have any connection to
theme. the theme.
The presenters somehow
The presenters caught Attention of the
caught the audience’s
Eye contact and the attention of the audience was not caught
attention. Ideas were
articulation audience. Ideas were and ideas were not
somehow well
well articulated. articulated well.

b. Each member of the group is expected to answer the 6 Facets of Understanding Questions

Explanation: How is the story related in your life?

Interpretation: To which object or thing you can compare stream of consciousness?
Application: As a student, how can you think of positive thoughts at the back of struggles that you
Perspective: What are your different points of view about stream of consciousness after learning about it?
Empathy: What would it be like if you will put yourself in Nora’s shoes?
Self-Knowledge: How can you best show positive outlook in life despite of many problems that you

c. EAR notes
d. Presentation of outputs

10. Verifying the Attainment of Objectives

11. Assignment: Write a 3-paragraph story about a person who is dedicated to work despite of his
weaknesses using stream of consciousness.

Prepared by:

Kristel Anne S.D Lorenzo

III-BSED English
December 16, 2015

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