771 Family Life Skills Syllabus

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771 Family Life Skills Syllabus

Joan Kephart/ 2012-2013 School Year

Title of Planned Instruction: 771 Family Life Skills

Subject Area: Family and Consumer Science Grade 11/12

Credit: 0.5 Clock Hours: 60 Periods Per Week: 5 Weeks Per Year: 18

Course Description: This semester course will be required by all juniors to meet
Family and Consumer Science standards for high school students. This course includes
the four academic standards for Family and Consumer Science: 1) Financial and
Resource Management; 2) Balancing Family, Work, and Community Responsibility;
3) Food Science and Nutrition; 4) Child Development. In Financial and Resource
Management, students will complete a unit emphasizing spending plans, consumer
rights and responsibilities, income, purchasing, investing, building a strong credit
history, and financing a house and car. In Balancing Family, Work, and Community
Responsibility, the students practice practical reasoning skills, team building, family
functions, the family life cycle, and communication. In Food Science and Nutrition,
students will learn about food supply and handling and nutrition throughout the life
span. In Child Development, students learn about children’s developmental stages,
health, and safety.

Major Text/ Resources

The Developing Child: Glencoe/McGraw Hill publishers

Skills for Living: Goodheart Wilcox Company, Inc.

“How to Do Your Banking”: CNB publication

NEFE High School Financial Planning Program: National Endowment for Financial

 Research
 Role play
 Worksheets
 Written work
 Checklists
 Cooperative learning
 Computer research
 Graphic organization
 Lecture
 Discussion
 Videos
 Books and magazines


 Family constellation
 Negative behavior
 Peer pressure
 Family atmosphere
 Mutual respect
 Reflective listening
 Decision making
 Value clarification
 Personality traits
 Work and family
 Managing personal finances
 Consumer rights and responsibilities
 Keeping a checking account
 Savings
 Credit
 Reproduction
 Parenting
 Child care
 Child development


Grades will be a reflection of both written work and class participation.

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