SIX Week Internship On: Python

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SIX week Internship on PYTHON

Guided by Tejas Sir

Done by Rudresh Pandey 1

Week 1st Report

1. History of python & Features of Python.

2. Installation of Python & Installation of Pycharm.

3. Write and execute simple Python code for the given problem variable vs Identifier.

4. Assigning value to variable identifier naming convention.

5. Python keywords—
Identation, Quotation, Suits & Comment.

6. Introduction to Python data types &

Introduction to Python Operators.

Week 2nd Report

1. Arithmetic operator, Comparison operator

Write a program on Arithmetic operator, Comparision operator by taking user input.
2. Assignment operator, Logical operator
WAP on Assignment operator, Logical operator by taking user input.
3. Identify operator, Membership operator
WAP on Identify operator, Membership operator by taking user input.
4. Bitwise operator
WAP on Bitwise operator by taking user input.
5. Operator precedence and solving example input.
6. For loop, For loop with range, While loop, While loop with else.

Week 3rd report

1. Condition Statement , WAP to check voter is eligible for voting,

1. WAP to find greatest number among three numbers
2. Number datatype, Type conversion
2. WAP to convert int—Float, Float to Int, String to Int, Float, Complex
3. String Datatype, Accessing element, String Slicing, Escape, Character, Special operation, String formatting.
4. WAP to create a String Accessing it’s element.
Perform all types of Slicing, Special operation, String formatting, String Built in function.
5. List Datatype, Accessing element in list, Updating list, Deleting element in List, Slicing,
Special operation, Built-in function.
6. Tuple Datatype, Accessing element, Slicing, Special operation.
6. WAP to create List & Tuple & perform all above operation.

Week 4th Report

1. Create Dictionary and access, update delete element in Dictionary

WAP to create Dictionary and print it’s key values, items.
2. Create Set, add & delete element inside set, Create Frozen set, perform union Intersection
difference operation on set & Frozen.
3. WAP to print unique element inside list.
WAP to create two sets & perform union intersection & different operation.
4. Break, Continue, Pass in Python. WAP to create a List & go through each element in List
and stop when desire element encounter.
5. Datatype conversion in Python, use of type() difference between list & type ,Set &
Frozen sets.
6. WAP to convert list to Tupple, Set Tupple to list, set , set to list, tiple.

Week 5th Report

1. Introduction to function
Create a simple Python function to add two numbers.
2. Use of return in function, arguments & parameters, type of argument
WAP to create function with all function argument.
3. Function inside function, modules. Type of importing modules.
4. WAP to create two different Python files & Pass values from one file & perform arithmetic
operation in second file & return result to first file.
5. Python class , Class object & attributes self & init, Create a class & solve given problems.
6. File handling Python , open() opening file various mode.

Week 6th Report

1. Reading data from file, Writing of appending data to file creating file, copying data from
one file to another file, deleting file.

2. Exception Handling, exception vs error type of error, use of try, except,

Finally, block.

3. Programs on Exception handling.

4. GUI programming, tile , geometry, creating label & button, adding image, button on click.

Project Code
Current Date , Time Format
import datetime
now =
print ("Current date and time using str method of datetime object:")
print (str(now))
print ("Current date and time using instance attributes:")
print ("Current year: %d" % now.year)
print ("Current month: %d" % now.month)
print ("Current day: %d" %
print ("Current hour: %d" % now.hour)
print ("Current minute: %d" % now.minute)
print ("Current second: %d" % now.second)
print ("Current microsecond: %d" % now.microsecond)
print ("Current date and time using strftime:")
print (now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"))
print ("Current date and time using isoformat:")
print (now.isoformat())

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