Campaign Letter

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September 5, 2017

Roy Cimatu
DENR Secretary
Visayas Avenue
1128 Quezon City, Philippines

Dear Sir,
I am writing you on behalf of billion people living in this planet
who do not wish to see the environment systematically in the
state of chaos.
Over the past few decades there has been some improvement
our attitude towards the way we care for our environment. The
clear air laws, emissions, regulations and the endangered
species act. However, these laws will only get us half way. We
need better environmental laws, enforcements and a system
for restoration.
Our laws are good, but need to be re-evaluated for the coming
Millennia. With new technologies, such as cleaner cars and processing
techniques, the limits on pollution can be lowered still. Yet a law is no good if it
is not enforced. The other various agencies do a job enforcing environmental
law, but larger companies with better facilities always seem to get away with
many wrongful acts. A better system watchdogging and retribution must be
established to ensure that all standards are enforced. Finally, while we
continue to keep our environment from decaying we must find ways to restore
our environment. Funding for program that plant trees and maintain natural
buffers, a national recycling program to clean the nations lakes and water
supplies and new technologies to help reduce the pollution that already exists
can all be instituted to help renew our environment’s natural state of wellness.
The environment is important, not just for our
continued survival
on this planet, but for our attitude and well-
being as well. People emulate the environment if it’s cleaned up and
the people see trees on their way to work and can breathe fresh air,
they will be happier and more productive. Plus, the environment is
something everybody can see and feel that progress has been truly
made. That sense of hopelessness will fade away and our country will have something to truly be
proud of, a happy and stable environment for its citizens. We encourage you to support
environmental issues and hope that you will work with us for cleaner and better planet. Thank you
for your time.

Kaila Ilarde
Eco-rebirth Inc.

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