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The Matrix of the Case Study



Confusions The confusions regarding this activity Those people
on the whole heated the arguments whether ambush concerned must try to fix first
classification marketing is just or unjust to the marketing and the confusion ambush
or identity of legal world. Ambush marketing is indeed not marketing is creating. Is it just
ambush illegal at some point but it is also not ethical at or unjust? Is it good or bad?
marketing. all since it promotes unfair competition and We must not limit it in the
(is it good or immoral acts to existing laws. For as said in the middle of good or bad for that
is it bad?) selection we quoted: would create confusion. If this
“A good merchant custom is not only not confusion will be established
spoofing the name and reputation of the to a clearer path, then laws
competing company, but also not to use regarding this practices will
someone else’s achievements to promote a new then follow. We can now
product, generically identical, without paying strengthen the laws and
for this purpose by use of their own efforts and regulations with regards to
financial resources.” ambush marketing or even
-SC recreate a precise law to
Indeed, the success of any given combat ambush marketing of
business relies heavily on how effective it is in all forms.
promoting their products or services to the
market but it must be in a mannered way of
promoting. This objectives of the business are
somewhat regulated by law but in the case of
ambush marketing mishaps happens! If this
confusion remains, then definitely this practice
will not have its clear slate and will remain a
question mark to everyone.

Lack of This issue ultimately leads to lack of If we already have

knowledge awareness about ambush marketing leaving the proper law, then it is
on all the the market unaware that such issue exists. With already time to spread
types, forms that problem, laws regarding this unethical awareness and properly taught
and aspects practices are still a big query to the marketing and share knowledge about
of ambush and legal laws up to these days. There is no this marketing practices. It is
marketing. establish law that will directly combat all time now to reroute our way of
forms of ambush marketing. But if laws aren’t minds about ambush
enough anymore then then you must regulate marketing. But how?
yourself from doing something you don’t want As stated on the
others to do unto you. We are marketers and conclusion, what we need to
the focal point of this issues are on us. What have is firstly, be responsible
I’m saying is let’s be responsible enough if we enough as a marketing student
want to change something then that change and future marketer. Changes
must happen to yourself first! Be the catalyst must start with us and others
of change after all no one really becomes will follow. This is the best
successful on the expense of another. way to spread awareness and
change for the better. IT
If we already established a
clearer classification of
ambush marketing, then
awareness may flow easily.
One can easily classify that
such activity is wrong and
must be punishable. This will
definitely ripple into a better
understanding of the issue.
Therefore, we recommend
that subjects like this must be
strengthened also.

Other The whole course of the study revolved As a marketing

preventive around the prevention of ambush marketing. students and future marketer
measures on There are many ideas on combatting such we must learn how to evade
dealing with activities but is that enough? Once and for all such activities. If we have the
ambush what we need is not only preventive measures right set of minds one will
marketing but we must be thinking of ways to eradicate realize that this is not a good
such practices. But how? Our laws are created and ethical practices. That is
to protect its citizens (consumers) against why we need to strengthen
fraudulent activities. But in the case of ambush this type of course and subject
marketing, costumers never really cared about to eradicate such activity.
it for they are not affected with it but only those And if ever,
industries involved such as the organizers and since we already have the
the main sponsors. In that case, one can “Law” it would be useless if
conclude that the existing laws we have aren’t we don`t use this law in the
enough and considering the fact that only few proper way. Therefore, we
people are knowledgeable about ambush recommend that the law that
marketing this gives hype to this issue. will be established must be
The role of law on marketing is integral strengthened every now and
and it must somehow be strengthened every then. It must be updated and it
time considering the fact that we are in the enforcement must be firm!
modern world and technologies at par
dominates the market making it more
complicated therefore our law must step up
also to meet such concerns. Thankfully, past
experiences teaches us every time to step up
and somewhat prevents us from doing such
mistakes again and again.

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