D: and Can You Tell What's The Impact of This Massive Demonstration Going On in Jakarta?

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D: Hello everyone, welcome, to our viewers around the country and around the world. I’m Dwi
Nova and welcome to Pew News. We begin today’s show in Indonesia, where there is a
massive demonstration is going on. Where at least 6 people have died and hundreds have been
injured after supporters of former military commander, Prabowo Subianto took to the streets
to protest his election defeat. Earlier this days president Joko Widodo has issued a statement
to this incident.
D: President Jokowi said that he will not tolerate people who disturb the security of the country.
He spoke to the media after violent protests hit the capital Jakarta after he was officially
declared the winner of the April presidential election. for more information let’s go straight
over to Jakarta. I’m joined by reporter Dyandra Maheza Abimanyu. Hello Abi, can you hear

A: Yes, hello Dwi

D: Ok Abi, so can you tell me what situation like away you are right now?

A: Well Dwi, the situation now at the election supervisory agency, bawaslu building in central
Jakarta is intense. There is a standard currently between protesters and security personnel.
Protesters started throwing water bottles, rocks and even shooting fireworks onto the security
personnel and police fired tear gas onto the protesters.

D: And can you tell what’s the impact of this massive demonstration going on in Jakarta?

A: well at the moment the situation is already some how come no one really expected what
happened to the night starting this afternoon. The governer of Jakarta, Anies Baswedan said
that 6 people have died and around 200 were injured and sent to hospitals. at the moment the
military is step in between the policeman and the prostesters in Tanah abang, a central market
in the capital, but there were around a thousand people throwing a stone, a lot of Molotov
cocktails and well the government has already said that this situation might escalate although
they hope to have it solve by today.

D: So 6 deaths have been reported you said, this sounds quite serious. But that’s a physical impact
you mentioned. But what the impact to the town, to Jakarta or maybe to Indonesia?

A: There’s so many impact that happened here Dwi. Police facilities are damaged and burned,
some shops are closed in Tanah Abang and also Sarinah and the most severe, is rupiah
exchange rate is decreased to Rp14.500, but according to the Minister of Finance, Sri Mulyani,
the weakening of rupiah could occur due to security conditions. But she considered this would
not affect Indonesia’s economic growth in the next few quarters. But that’s not it Dwi, few
street were closed during this demonstration. Thamrin street, Majapahit street, Merdeka Barat
street, and Medan Utara Sreet are some of the roads that are closed during this demonstration
took place.
D: So it seems there are extremely chaos condition going on in Jakarta. And by the way Abi can
you tell us how did the protests start?
A: The violence was set off by Tuesday’s announcement, more than one month after the April
17 vote, that Mr. Jokowi had won re-election with 55.5 percent of the vote. The
announcement inflamed some supporters of his opponent, Mr. Prabowo, who has accused
election officials of widespread fraud and said he would legally challenge the result and
thousands of Mr. Prabowo’s supporters rallied outside government buildings on Tuesday to
protest the result.

D: And I heard that the government will block the internet access too, is it right Abi?

A: Yes, this is true Dwi. The individual authorities have also imposed limited access to social
media beginning Tuesday morning. Security chief, Wiranto said this during a press
conference earlier today. This move is intended to prevent the spread of fake news and
hoaxes related to the election and also immense demonstrations to prevent further emotions
from being inflamed.

D: For the last Abi. We’ve heard from both, president Jokowi and Prabowo Subianto is urging
that people to refrain and to stop from any violence is that likely to have an impact though we
can still see that the situation behind you. There’s still a lot of personnel on the ground it does
seem like the situation is quite tense.

A: Yes indeed, Dwi. It’s very important for Joko Widodo and Prabowo Subianto as the
candidates of this bitter election contest to come out to try and quell the swelling of emotions
following the results of the election. Mr Jokowi gave a statement saying that it’s open to
work with anyone for the betterment of the country but will not tolerate anyone who disturbs
the image and unity of the country. And Mr Prabowo also issued a statement on Tuesday at
his residence in South Jakarta essentially Mr Prabowo said that he rejects violence in his own
national political struggle.

D: Alright, Abi thank you very much for the update. That was reporter Dyandra Maheza
Abimanyu there, in Jakarta everybody.
Alright we will end this show right now because i already accompany you guys for a5 hour.
Thank you so much everybody to watch the show and we will meet again tomorrow on Pew
News. Good night everybody and goodbye.

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