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College of Computing & Information Sciences | Pakistan Air Force – Karachi Institute of Engineering & Technology


[FALL 2017]
Summary Table

Title of Project Book Ambulance

Nature of End Product Mobile App
Team Organization Democratic
Programming Environment 64-bit windows
Programming Languages JAVA, SQL-LITE
Software Tools Android SDK
Software Development Model Agile Methodology
Data Link Model RDBMS
Project Management
Project Costing
Fault Tolerance
Farrukh Dilawar (59044)
Team Members Sharik Abdul Majeed (59087)

Accepted / Rejected: ___________________________ Total Marks: ___________________________

Committee Review:

Committee Signatures: _____________________________________________________________________

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College of Computing & Information Sciences | Pakistan Air Force – Karachi Institute of Engineering & Technology

The whole project in a miniature:
Provide a platform to users to access the public ambulance services at the earliest.

State main objectives – What did you investigate and why?

In an emergency situation, if someone tries to get an ambulance as soon as possible, sometimes
it works and sometimes it’s too late when the ambulance came. We investigated the process by
which public service/different trust ambulance network works to circulate and control the
ambulances. So, there we found some problems in the amount of time taken in transferring of calls
(here and there) for availability to problems in reaching the desired location.

Describe methods – What will you do?

We will design a mobile application with two modules. One for the general users (requester)
who need ambulance services in an emergency situation and second module is for the drivers.
1. Requester uses it to request an available nearby ambulance directly as shown on map.
2. Drivers use it to accept the request and get the shortest route to the destination on UI.

Summarize important results – What will you find out?

 It will help the requester to find an available ambulance.
 Call centers services for ambulance will be no more needed.
 It will save good amount of important time (might save a life).
 It will remove the headache of directing the driver to reaching the destination.
 It will help drivers to reach the destination as soon as possible using shortest route feature.
1. Introduction

a. Background
Stated above.

b. Aim of Project /Motivation

App will serve to general public like a life saver by reducing the amount of time taken during
booking of an ambulance to arriving of ambulance, so this is our aim of Project.

c. Comparative survey of Past Work and Current Objective

# Current Features Proposed Features

01 Manual call App button to call ambulance
02 Explanation of Address GPS based accurate location
03 No path finding Shortest path to incident, then
to hospital through map.

2. Features / Challenges presented by the project

a. Your project has ability to do this….

 It will help the requester to find an available ambulance.

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College of Computing & Information Sciences | Pakistan Air Force – Karachi Institute of Engineering & Technology

 Call centers services for ambulance will be no more needed.

 It will save good amount of important time (might save a life).
 It will remove the headache of directing the driver to reaching the destination
 It will help drivers to reach the destination as soon as possible using shortest route feature

b. Inputs / Data Collection methods

c. Data processing / Calculation procedures
i. Implementation of Algorithms: Shortest Path Algorithm
ii. Usage of 3rd-party APIs: Google Maps API, Facebook and Gmail API’s

d. Results and Reports

i. Report will be generated.

3. Nature of End Product:

a. Type: Mobile Application (Android)
b. Applicability / Impact on People’s life: This will be a product for every person.

4. Learning Out Comes

It is project that extensively increase our experience in Mobile application development. It will
help us to showcase our skills at high level and learn how to build a business level application.

5. Methodology
a. Software Development:
Project will be developed using Agile Development Model.
b. Code Pattern:

6. Testing Criteria
a. Test Environment: Manual Testing
b. Testing Approach: White Box
c. Testing Type: Software Performance Testing, Reliability Testing, Compatibility Testing, Usability
Testing and Graphical User Interface Testing.

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College of Computing & Information Sciences | Pakistan Air Force – Karachi Institute of Engineering & Technology

7. Project Planning & WBS

a. Time per activity - division in weeks &percentage

Activity Weeks %age of time

Requirement Analysis

b. Milestones for Semester One

Week Student 1 Task Student 2 Task Student 3 Task

Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
… … … …
c. Milestones for Semester Two

Week Student 1 Task Student 2 Task Student 3 Task

Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
… … … …

8. Project Budget & Costing

a. Budget &Costing Model
b. Revenue Generation
c. Project Sponsor

9. Language & Skills

Language / Skill Expertise Level (out of 10)

C# 07 out of 10
JAVA 05 out of 10
Android Studio SDK 08 out of 10
HTML5 + CSS3 + JavaScript 08 out of 10
XML / JSON 07 out of 10

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