MAS10481 - Event Plan

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Hold the Happiness

Executive Summary

The present report is about the event proposal for the silent fundraising program for the

cancer patients. The event is unique in its was because it is not just raising the fund but also

letting these people participate. The top fashion and beauty experts of Australia will do their

make-over. Mehndi artists will tattoo their head to cover the baldness due to chemotherapy.

Beauty experts will use organic cosmetics on their face to hide burns of radiation therapy.

Alternative medical practitioners from Asia will talk about the benefits of Yoga and

meditation. They will encourage cancer patients to adopt healthy lifestyle. While planning

the event ‘Hold the Happiness’ team will seek guidance from UNSW, Cav Comm

corporations so that the event will run smoothly.

Executive Summary ................................................................................................................... 2

Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 4

Description Concept of the Event .............................................................................................. 4

Co-Creative Element .............................................................................................................. 5

Site Analysis/Planning ............................................................................................................... 5

Market Analysis/Integrated Marketing strategy ........................................................................ 6

Sponsorship ................................................................................................................................ 7

Logistics and Staging ................................................................................................................. 7

Risk Assessment and Disaster Management.............................................................................. 8

Financial Feasibility ................................................................................................................... 8

Event Evaluation and Legacy .................................................................................................... 9

Conclusion ................................................................................................................................. 9

References ................................................................................................................................ 11

There are several people suffering from cancer these days. The event which has been planned

in the New South Wales of Sydney is for cancer patients and their families. The event will be

different from the routine fund raising programs because this will not be limited just fund

raising. The event is an attempt to spread happiness among the cancer patient where these

people can have quality time with their family and friends. The aim of the report is to prepare

an event proposal. In the following paragraphs the description of the concept of the event will

be given along with the the co-creative elements of the event will also be discussed.

Secondly, site analysis will be done so as to determine the feasibility of the same for the

event. Integrated marketing strategy is important element for the event plan hence it will also

be discussed. Potential sponsors for the event will also be shortlisted. In addition to this,

logistics and staging of the event will be done. For a successful event proposal it is important

to assess the risk involvement, financial feasibility and legacy of the event. This will be

followed with the findings, implications and recommendations in the conclusion.

Description Concept of the Event

With the increasing number of cancer patients fund raising events for them have also taking

the toll. Most of the event focus on the treatment of these patients instead of allowing them

the quality time to spend with their family and friends. According to Quinn (2013), the name

for the event would be decided which is ‘Hold the Happiness’. The objective of ‘Hold the

Happiness’ is to plan activities where cancer patients including children, adolescents, adults

and old people to enjoy with their loved ones. The event will run for two days where children

and adolescents will participate on the first day and adults and old people will participate on

the second day. Loved ones of the patients will be invited for the event so that they can

become a part of their happiness and give them more reasons to smile (Husebø, 2013). ‘Hold

the Happiness’ is expecting 10,000 visitors which will include cancer patients, their families,
friends, care takers, health care officials, cancer experts and sponsors. The event will be silent

fund raising program where artists from all over the world will be invited so that they fulfil

the demands of the patients. The event will be held at UNSW Hospitality which will also

attract the attention of the tourism sector.

Co-Creative Element

‘Hold the Happiness’ event is all about spreading happiness among the cancer patients. Due

to their medical conditions and treatment there are several consequences they undergo. Hair

fall, weight loss, burns due to radiation, or dryness due to chemotherapy are few such

consequences of their health condition. To cover their physical appearance ‘Hold the

Happiness’ will invite artists such as tattoo and mehendi artists, musicians, acrobats,

alternate medicine experts, beauticians, fashion designers and photographers. They will try to

identify the wish of these patients so that with the help of their talent they can make them

happy. For instance, mehndi artist will make a tattoo on their head so that their baldness can

be covered and they will get a new look, beautician will do their make-up and fashion

designers will style them in new dresses and a photographer will prepare their photoshoot. In

the silent auction these photographs will be auctioned so that funds can be raised. The event

will serve the two purpose of making these people happy and raising funds for them (Gamble

& Gilmore, 2013). At the same time experts of alternate medicine such as homeopathy and

Ayurveda will also be invited who will talk about the remedial therapies to reduce the pain

and improve the lifestyle by yoga and meditation.

Site Analysis/Planning

The event will be planned under the supervision of UNSW Hospitality. The UNSW is a well-

known name in the event management business (UNSW, 2018). Their superior quality

venues, meticulous planning and hospitality services are world class. The venue of the event

will be the creative event space of the UNSW. The event management company will the
partner and sponsor of the event planned for cancer patients. Partnering with UNSW will help

the ‘Hold the Happiness’ program to attract potential sponsors. It has expertise in managing

fund raising programs for not for profit organisations. Working in association with UNSW

will help the program to gain the required attention so that maximum number of people can

participate. The UNSW is well versed with the technicalities of any sort of event and will

also assist ‘Hold the Happiness’ program in its ethical and legal requirements (Pearcy et al.,

2014). Concierge services will be planned by the ‘Hold the Happiness’ crew and rest of the

hospitality services will taken care by the UNSW because they have the better hospitality

experience. The UNSW will decorate the event venue so that patients will feel enthusiastic

and full of energy. Its production team will help the ‘Hold the Happiness’ team to shortlist

the guests, sponsors and delegates.

Market Analysis/Integrated Marketing strategy

There are various categories of marketing essential to promote an event in order to achieve

their objectives. For ‘Hold the Happiness’ program there will be a consistent message which

will flow throughout every marketing channel. The marketing activities for the program will

begin one month before the event. According to Halinen, Törnroos & Elo (2013), the first

step will encourage people to register for the event. At the same time microsites and survey

will be planned to gather the information on the cancer patients, health experts, beauty

experts, fashion designers and tattoo artists who will be willing to participate in the event.

The initial marketing strategy will focus on collecting the information and feedback from the

expected attendees (Van der Wagen & White, 2018). After receiving the feedback, websites

for the event will be generated, its social advertising and promotion will be made active so as

to spread awareness about the program. The uniqueness of the program will be the

communication message. Unlike previous awareness events, ‘Hold the Happiness’ is different

hence it should reflect on all the medium. The event is to make patients happy and let them
discover the joy on their own with the help of experts. Instead of sponsoring the event, the

pictures of the joyful cancer patients will be auctioned. This will be done silently.


UNSW hospitality will be the main sponsor of the event. Fashion companies such as Jac and

Jack, Dinosaurs Design, Zimmermann will be the approached for the sponsorship and their

fashion experts will also be invited as attendees. Their expertise will give the patients new

look. Companies of famous cosmetics brands such as Mr. Smith, goodness, Divine and little

innocents will also be approached for their organic brands. These organic brands will not

harm the delicate skin of patients undergoing radiation therapy. Beauty experts from these

companies will transform the look of the patients. Similarly, Paloma salon and Jet hairstylist

will be called upon to style the hair of the patients free of cost. Alternate medicine experts

from Malaysia, China, Japan, Hong Kong and India will be invited so that they can give their

advice on lifestyle for cancer patients and remedies. Kazuka Tatsumura, Holistic Health

expert from Japan, Susan Horning, yoga specialist from Canada are few of the names which

‘Hold the Happiness’ will approach. Their cooperation will help the program to fill joy and

happiness in the lives of these cancer patients. These experts will be encouraged to extend

their support to the patients so that they get the motivation to enjoy their life and resuscitate

their health. Cav Comm corporations will be approached to sponsor the logistics and staging

of the event.

Logistics and Staging

The planning of logistics and staging includes scheduling of the venue, show design, show

equipment, stage lightening set up system operation warehouse and transportation. For all this

operations ‘Hold the Happiness’ program will approach Cav Comm corporations an expert in

handling logistics and staging. Cav Comm corporations is also one of the sponsors for the

program. The company has huge fleet to carry logistics smoothly. For the program, Cav
Comm will prepare the stage and will also take care of the warehousing. The materials

required by the event will be stored beforehand in the warehouse managed by Cav Comm so

that there will not be any interruption in the program (Fishman, 2013). Designers, hair and

beauty experts will provide their stuff beforehand and everything will be stored in the

warehouse. Cav Comm also has CTS certified technicians to handle the system operation

required for audio-visual.

Risk Assessment and Disaster Management

Risk assessment and the disaster management is also important to ensure the success of the

event. During the planning process hazards and risks should be identified in order to

minimise the chances of injury and harm to the people attending the event. The ‘Hold the

Happiness’ program has a ‘Event Safety and Planning’ checklist to ensure that they have

followed all the instructions and have assessed all the possible risks. Under the guidance of

UNSW Hospitality, ‘Hold the Happiness’ team will assess the budget allocated for the event,

check the plan to obtain the funds, seek permission from the council, obtain license from the

health care authorities, and manage the waste disposal practices. [The checklist is enclosed in

the appendix.]

Financial Feasibility

Assessing the financial feasibility of the event requires that the objective of the silent

fundraising should be achieved. Silent fundraising is not the easy task to attempt. It greatly

depends on the supportive communities. For ‘Hold the Happiness’ program, the supportive

communities such as health care and fashion industry will render their support to the event.

Their participation in the event will form a component of their CSR activities which is

beneficial for their brand image (Doyle, Pentecost & Funk, 2014). A percentage from the

auction money will be sent for the well-being of the cancer patients. Hospitals will utilise the

collected money to treat the underprivilege cancer patients. The capital invested by the
sponsors may not fetch them financial results but will definitely build their brand image as

they are associate with a noble cause. UNSW, Cav Comm Corp, Jac and Jack, Dinosaurs

Design, Zimmermann, Mr. Smith, goodness, Divine, Little innocents, Paloma salon and Jet

hairstylist are the elite sponsors of the event. Their association will ensure the popularity of

the event, hence its success as well.

Event Evaluation and Legacy

Event evaluation is the post event activity. This helps in analysing the success of the event.

How well it went, were attendees happy, did they enjoyed, was the objective of the event met

or will the sponsors be retained. If the answer to these questions are yes then the success of

the event can be determined. The impact of the event should last long so as to justify the

capital invested in it to make it successful. Even if the event was successful and its impact

was not long lasting, the capital invested is not justified (Siddiq & Javed, 2014). For ‘Hold

the Happiness’ program, it is expected that the impact will be long lasting because it is an

attempt to make cancer patients happy. The guests will do the make-over of the patients

which will bring happiness in their life. The event will be for two days but its impact will

lasts till they recover and get healthy again. The advice from the alternative medicines

experts will bring change in the lifestyle which will always remain with them.


The report aimed at proposing an event plan for the cancer patients. The event was not just

raising funds for them instead it was to make them happy and enjoy their life. These people

are under-confident because of their physical appearance which is a consequence of their

treatment. The event proposed a lively program for them so that these people can participate

see their hidden beauty within. The top fashion and beauty experts will transform their looks.

Mehndi and tattoo artists across the globe will be invited to give them new look. Yoga and

meditation practitioners will guide them to adopt different lifestyle which is beneficial for
their health. The ‘Hold the Happiness’ team need to ensure that their execution of the event

must be smooth and they should adhere to the safety requirements.


Cav Comm. (2018). Staging & Logistics. Retrieved 23rd September 2018, from

Doyle, J. P., Pentecost, R. D., & Funk, D. C. (2014). The effect of familiarity on associated

sponsor and event brand attitudes following negative celebrity endorser publicity. Sport

Management Review, 17(3), 310-323.

Fishman, G. S. (2013). Discrete-event simulation: modeling, programming, and analysis.

Springer Science & Business Media.

Gamble, J., & Gilmore, A. (2013). A new era of consumer marketing? An application of co-

creational marketing in the music industry. European Journal of Marketing, 47(11/12),


Halinen, A., Törnroos, J. Å., & Elo, M. (2013). Network process analysis: An event-based

approach to study business network dynamics. Industrial Marketing Management,

42(8), 1213-1222.

Husebø, A. M. L., Dyrstad, S. M., Søreide, J. A., & Bru, E. (2013). Predicting exercise

adherence in cancer patients and survivors: A systematic review and meta‐analysis of

motivational and behavioural factors. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 22(1-2), 4-21.

Pearcy, D. P., Heinrich, J. A., Gaskins, J. J., & Phillips, C. A. (2014). U.S. Patent No.

8,839,349. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

Quinn, B. (2013). Key concepts in event management. Sage.

Siddiq, S., & Javed, S. (2014). Impact of CSR on organizational performance. European

Journal of Business and Management, 6(27), 40-45.

UNSW Hospitality. (2018). UNSW Hospitality provides a host of services for on-campus

events. Retrieved 23rd September 2018, from
Van der Wagen, L., & White, L. (2018). Event management: For tourism, cultural, business

and sporting events. Cengage AU.

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