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Delay Monitoring Dashboard Manual


1. Go to Microsoft Teams and visit the ICS Delay Monitoring Group.

2. Click on the Delay Monitoring Tab to see the dashboard.

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Delay Monitoring Dashboard Manual
3. To add a new delay entry, click on “BOARD” and press the + sign

4. Type the Flight Number-Flight Date as the task name. Once done, click “ADD TASK”.

5. Once the bucket has been created, click on it to proceed entering the other details.
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Delay Monitoring Dashboard Manual
6. Enter the ff:

Assign: type the name of the SHO/CSC involved in the incident.

Progress: select the status of the incident
Start Date: select the date of incident
Description: fill out the standard format under the DESCRIPTION box

7. To add task, enter your deliverable under “ADD AN ITEM”. If task is completed, just tick the
corresponding box.
To add a comment, just type it under “COMMENTS” and press “SEND”.
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Delay Monitoring Dashboard Manual
8. Click “CHARTS” to see the dashboard of the delays

In the Delay Monitoring dashboard, you will see the status, the Bucket (items under Delayed Flights),
individual entry of delayed flights, and the graphical representation to each member.
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Delay Monitoring Dashboard Manual

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