Demagnatization Demagnatization Demagnatization Demagnatization Downhole Tools Downhole Tools Downhole Tools Downhole Tools

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Established 1965

26509 Township Road 543 Phone: (780) 459-6720

Sturgeon County, Alberta Fax: (780) 459-7837
T8T 1M1 E-mail:

January 2004


For most Drilling Personnel, the inspection of Downhole Tools holds a mystique. The
inspector arrives in the field with a Black Light, and perhaps a small coil, sprays on a
fluorescent liquid and by the grace of god finds some cracks in the last engaged thread.
In today’s world there is much more science than Smoke and Mirrors in the Magnetic
Particle Inspection (MPI) of Threaded Connections. This article will shed some light on
the subject.
To start with we know that putting tools on a drill stem and tripping them downhole will
induce a strong magnetic field in both the Drill Stem and any Bottom Hole Assembly.
However in most cases this is far too strong a Magnetic Field to perform a proper
Fluorescent MPI on the Threads (Pin and Box Ends). Rather than the fine Magnetic
Particles (5 to 20 Microns) flowing over the surface and migrating to cracks, the
particles simply adhere to the surface. Unless the inspector realizes this and knows
how to read the indications, they may simply be going through the motions of an
inspection. Luckily the type of Magnetic Field set up in the BHA Downhole, is
longitudinal and optimal for detecting cracks in threads.
Now the driller has some concern about a tool, and wants the threads inspected or the
Monitoring While Drilling (MWD) Technician is concerned about the Strong Magnetic
Field Interfering with his downhole equipment. What can be done? The tool needs to
be demagnetized for two reasons; firstly so the inspector can induce a controlled
Magnetic Field for a proper inspection; and secondly to ensure there isn’t a Magnetic
Field to reek havoc on the MWD sensors. Any Magnetic Field, in any BHA, can
interfere with the MWD sensors, so it must be Demagnetized either when being tripped,
while being rebuilt, or when it arrives on the lease.
Measuring a Field
Magnetic Field Indicators come in two forms, Electronic and Mechanical. Electronic
Field Indicators measure a far larger range of fields, typically 0 to 200 Gauss (or
greater) in 0.01 Gauss increments, than is required for Magnetic Particle Inspection.
Pocket Magnetometers measure a limited range of fields, typically 10-0-10 (+/-10), 20-
0-20 (+/-20), & 50-0-50 (+/-50). A 10-0-10 would be used during Demag to ensure the

Demagnetization of Downhole Tools 1

residual field is less than 3 Gauss, while a 50-0-50 would be used to check a part for
field intensity and direction. A 20-0-20 allows the cheap inspector to use only one Field

Field Indicators
In order to Demagnetize a BHA, a Reversing DC Magnetizing Coil is required; portable
AC Coils do not produce a strong enough Field to affect any BHA. This Magnetizing
Coil needs to be able to induce a field almost as strong as the one that has been setup
in the tool while downhole. Secondly, the Coil must be able to induce either a Positive
or Negative Field (Reversing Polarity), and finally an Intensity Control to reduce the
amount of Field produced by the coil (Variable Amperage). With these three features, a
Reversing DC Demag procedure can be performed. Typically these powerful DC Coils
weigh in at over 40 Pounds, while the ‘Toys’ (AC Coils) are much smaller and weigh
less than 15 pounds.

DC End Area
Demag Coil

General Purpose
AC Coil

Performing Reversing DC Demagnetization is not a matter of ‘waving’ a coil over the

tool joint. The field must be measured, for intensity and polarity (+/-). The DC Coil is
typically placed in the middle of the assembly, and the operator starts to progressively
reduce and reverse the output of the coil, until the field is reduced to zero. When the
middle of the assembly is Demagnetized the operator starts to work his way to each
end, alternating from one side of the center to the other. Obviously a short tool can be
demagnetized quite quickly, but a longer tool takes more time. Fully assembled tools,

Demagnetization of Downhole Tools 2

such as Jars and Mud Motors can be demagnetized when they are fully assembled, but
can take hours to ‘chase’ the field out.
For years, in both the Aircraft and Downhole Inspection Business, Demagnetization has
been considered more art than science. No matter the industry however, the operator
always has a Field Indicator in his hand to measure the field after each step of the way.
If he isn’t using one, he doesn’t know what he’s doing!

When magnetizing a Threaded Connection, the ‘rule of thumb’ is a surface field of 18 to
24 Gauss. Anything Stronger will cause the Particles to adhere to the surface, while
anything less will not provide enough field strength to hold the particles to the area of a
crack. Reference Specifications, such as API and ASTM, have formula to calculate the
necessary field to perform Magnetic Particle Inspection, however if the inspector is
using a field indicator, he can be assured he has the correct Field Strength.
Here again, the type of Coil used (AC or DC) by the inspector does matter. AC Coils
only induce a surface field, and are not strong enough to set-up a field in a Box End.
Some will insist that on a Box End below 3 ½” OD, an AC coil can be used, however AC
will only detect ‘surface’ defects. In many cases, ‘Metal Smear’ may be covering the
crack, so a DC Coil is normally used so ‘Sub-Surface’ Indications can be detected.
Finally, a Field Indicator should be used to test the Field Strength.
The picture on the right shows a DC End Area Coil,
placed over an assembly for Demagnetizing a “tool”,
both of which are supported by a fixture. We know
this illustrates demagnetization because the
effective area of the field produced by a coil, only
extends out approximately 1 ½ diameters from the
center of the coil.
Some refer to Florescent Magnetic Particle Inspection as “Black Light” inspection, and
they are correct in that a Long Wave Ultraviolet Lamp (Black Light) is used. These
relatively standard Lamps produce a tremendous intensity of Long Wave UV Light, and
appear only to glow, however the Fluorescent Particles are coated with a UV absorbing
material which glow when exposed to the correct wavelength of light. Outdoors or in a
Shop, the light produced is overwhelmed by Visible or White Light, so the operator must
shield this ambient light while inspecting the workpiece. Inspectors often use a Tarp or
Cape, to cover themselves and the workpiece, to block out visible light, while well-
equipped shops will have inspection areas (booths) curtained off with mounted UV Light
Long Wave UV Light is regularly measured for intensity, no matter if the light source is
fixed or portable, the light intensity can be measured with a Radiometer (Black Light
Meter). Reference Specifications call for UV Light Fixtures to be checked “Upon
Change of Location” or at the start and end of a shift. Furthermore, radiometers must
have a regular calibration frequency of 4, 6, or 12 months, depending on the reference

Demagnetization of Downhole Tools 3

specification. The long term affects from any type of UV Light, especially from High
Intensity lamps, is harmful to the eyes so proper UV absorbing eye protection must be
If, prior to or after inspection, the magnetic field in the workpiece is to strong, the
assembly must be demagnetized. Like any type of work, we have the right tool for the
job, and Fluorescent Magnetic Particle Inspection of Down Hole Assemblies is no
different. The job requires the correct type of Coil (Reversing and Decaying DC field),
UV Lamp, and the correct measuring tools (Gauss Meter and Radiometer).

Demagnetization of Downhole Tools 4

Est ab lish ed 1965

Box 72, Site 2, R R # 1 Phone: (780) 459-6720

St. Albert, Alberta Fax: (780) 459-7837
T8N 1M8 E-Mail:

Non-Destructive Test
ing on Threaded Connections
By: Mark Palynchuk
General Manager
NDT/NDE Equipment Division
Western Instruments Inc.
Since the introduction of Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) to industry in the late 1930’s
many different forms of NDT have been introduced and accepted in the Drilling and
Production industry.
Magnetic Particle inspection (MPI), accelerated by the War Effort, it did not
come into general industrial use until after the WWII was over, and then did not
become generally accepted until the late 1940’s when its “Smoke and Mirrors “
persona was overcome. Now MPI is the most trusted and accepted form of NDT
inspection for Threaded Connections.
Ultrasonic Testing (UT), did not come of age until the original Sperry Patents
ran out in the early 1960’s, and again did not overcome it’s Smoke and Mirrors
persona until the 1970’s, however it has been an ‘up-hill battle’ until the mid-
1980’s. UT is now readily accepted for general industrial inspection, due to the
low cost Ultrasonic Thickness Gauge (D-meter, T-Mike, etc.).
Electro-Magnetic Inspection (EMI), did not ‘come into it’s own’ until the early
1960’s, and because the ‘Oil Patch’ insisted on the cheapest form of inspection,
it did not have any real technology applied to it until an XT-Turbo could be
bought for $69.95. Due to the lack of innovative technology, applied to EMI (or a
more descriptive – Mechanized MPI), it has certainly fallen far behind UT in it’s
application to even the most basic workpeices. EMI can now only pay if a high
workpiece throughput can be applied, in such cases as Pipe Mills, New/Used
Tubing and Casing, or to a less profitable extent in Drill Pipe.
Liquid Penetrant Inspection (LPI), has advanced very little since a mechanic,
at the turn of the century, applied ‘White Wash’ to a cleaned Cast Iron part that
had been oil/grease soaked. – Low and Behold, the White Wash ‘beaded up’
and did not adhere to the area where a ‘light end’ was seeping out of a crack.
Rocket Science has transformed the light end into a Red or Fluorescent
‘Penetrating Dye’ (although still oil based), and White Wash has been replaced
by Talc suspended in high Flash Point Alcohol. Any repair facility that does not

have an aerosol can of Cleaner, Penetrant, and Remover on hand should have
gone out of business 40 years ago!
Eddy Current (ET) inspection is still Smoke and Mirrors unless a tremendous
amount of money is spent on Instrumentation and Probe (Sensor) development,
to take any guess work or interpretation out of the operator’s hands. Ever seen a
Hand Held Eddy Current tester, less a Gauss Meter, cost under $10.000? – you
won’t until aircraft sell for less than a Lada! Leave ET in the Primary Steel or Jet
Aircraft industry, until we all start producing 10,000 Mud Motors per year or Oil
Wells start falling out of the sky!
Now that we have described the most common forms of NDT, lets apply them to our
Treaded Connections. – No, I didn’t forget X-Ray Inspection, but until a 6 year old can
run down to the corner store, to get mom a 100 Curry Cobalt 60 Source and a quart of
milk – we’ll leave Radiography to Qualified Operators or your cousin the rich
Radiologist! I also haven’t mentioned ACFM (Alternating Current Field Measurement),
due to the high cost and the technique is still in its infancy. Furthermore, I have not
covered the ‘Art’ of Thread Gauging, as we’ll leave that topic up to other experts

The magnetic field required for MPI can be applied in two ways; by the Yoke Method; or
via an Encircling Coil. Using a Yoke, while acceptable, is far too time consuming,
therefore a coil is used to induce a Longitudinal Field, which is the most common and
desirable method. A longitudinal field is required as cracking, normally in the last
engaged thread, is caused by torque (simple rotation, bending, or tightening) applied to
the connection. Magnetic Particle Inspection Coils are avalible in two forms; a High
Amperage Mobile Power Pack (3-6000 Amps), with a few (3 to 5) wraps of heavy cable;
or a Multi-Turn Coil (1 to 2000 Wraps) with a Low Amperage Power Supply. The
accepted Rule of Thumb for coils is 1,200 Ampere Turns for every inch of Diameter,
with DC fields being the most common due to the need to detect cracking below metal
smear in the root of the thread. AC fields are used for surface defects, and will not
typically induce a strong enough field into a Box End Thread). Multi-Turn coils are far
more suitable due to their modest 115 Volt 15 Amp power requirements (as opposed to
230/460 Volt and over 100 Amps for Mobile Power Packs), as they can be used in the
‘Shop’ or out on the ‘Lease’.

MPI Yoke MPI Coil

Portable DC Coils are typically equipped with adjustable amperage, which is displayed
on a digital meter, to ensure enough magnetism is induced into the work piece.
Furthermore, the meter should indicate positive or negative polarity. The +/- Polarity
switch allows the operator to Demagnetize the work piece, or to add the correct polarity
to a tool that has a small amount or Residual Magnetism. There are many accessories
available to the inspector to measure Field Strength (Gauss Meters), and to ensure his
selected Field will detect defects (Magnetic Pentrameter or Pie Gauge, Castrol Strips,
and QQI’s). The rule of thumb for the field intensity, using Wet Fluorescent MPI, is 18
to 24 Gauss.
Either During (Active Field) or After Magnetization (Residual Field), a Fluid Suspension
of Fluorescent Magnetic Particles (Iron Oxide) is applied to the work piece. These Wet
Method particles migrate to interruptions in the Magnetic Field (Cracks), and the entire
threaded area is inspected under Ultraviolet Light (Black Light) which cause the
Fluorescent Particles to Glow. Here again, accessories are available to the inspector to
measure the Black Light Intensity, and White Light Interference (Radiometers or Light
Meters). Radiometers ensure there is enough Black Light to cause the particles to
glow, and not too much White Light to ‘Mask’ Cracks.
Demagnetization after MPI is very important, and is not limited to Mud Motors and
BHA’s in close proximity to MWD tools. Residual Fields and those induced with a DC
Coil require the application of a Reversing and Decaying DC Demagnetization Field.
Simply ‘waving’ a Standard AC Coil over a tool joint will never remove the more intense
DC induced field.
MPI can also be performed with Dry Method Magnetic Particles, however, these
particles are far too large to do meaningful inspection on Threads. However, Dry
Method Magnetic Particle Inspection is highly accepted for inspection on other work
pieces. Dry Method is commonly used to Prove-Up indications found with EMI on Drill
Pipe and Tubing/Casing.

Ultrasonic Testing is the most accepted NDT method employed during the manufacture
of any type of OCTG (Oil Country Tubular Goods), which encompasses Large or Small,
Welded or Seamless Tube and Pipe. Over the years there has been a great continuing
debate about the use of Compression Wave Ultrasonic Testing on the threads of used
Down Hole Assemblies. It is possible to find thread cracks with an Ultrasonic Flaw
Detector, and a special probe (10 MHz, Focused, 4° Compression Wave) however it
takes far greater care and operator training than Fluorescent MPI. However, 0°
Compression Wave UT is a fast and relatively easy method, to reliably find large/deep
Thread cracks in a tool joint before any cleaning, inspection, or repairs take place.
Furthermore, this same method, with a little more care and training, can be used to find
cracking in the Hard Band area of Drill Collars. The following illustration shows the
Sound Paths of the two techniques discussed above.

Highlighted area shows crack testing Highlighted area shows thread
with 0° Compression Wave. testing with 4° focused probe.

Note: This coupling, from a BHA, twisted off due to a fatigue crack. It was
determined that the crack had been present for some time, before failure and
could have been detected with a simple 0° Compression Wave test.

Probe Assemblies have been introduced, for testing the Upset Area of BHA’s, which
help overcome alignment difficulties caused by operators handling (and misaligning) the
probes. The most common, least expensive, and less sensitive of these End Area
Scanners utilize a Wheel Probe with a single fixed angle transducer (70°), while more
sensitive (and more expensive) units utilize multiple fixed angle transducers (45°, 60°,
and 70°). No matter the type of End Area Scanner, many still employ Paper Chart
Recorders, while the advanced units, display a Digital Chart Record, that is easily
stored, printed, or erased.

The most common type of Ultrasonic Testing however, is the Ultrasonic Thickness
Gauge. While limited in use on BHA’s to wall thickness tests, these units are an
excellent and simple way to confirm Wall Thickness. Furthermore, Thickness Gauges
are used to find and measure pit depth, and can easily find Washouts on the ID of

Electro Magnetic Inspection is without question the most cost effective way to inspect
the body of Tubing/Casing, and Drill Pipe. The work piece is magnetized by an
encircling coil, or rotating magnets. Search units (Shoes) detect interruptions in the
magnetic field, and through signal processing, the operator is alerted. While this article
focuses on Threaded Connections, there won’t be any further discussion of this topic,
but the wide spread use of EMI merits its mention.

Liquid Penetrant Inspection (Dye Penetrant, Dye-Check, etc.) is widely used in industry,
however on Threaded Connections it is typically limited to the inspection of Non-
Magnetic Bottom Hole Assemblies, such as Monel Drill Collars. As MPI can only be
used on materials with a reasonable level of magnetic permeability, LPI methods are

used. As mentioned in the introduction, Dye Penetrant can either be Visible or
Fluorescent, with Fluorescent being the more sensitive of the two types.
The benefit of LPI is that it is so simple to use, but several precautions must be
Materials - The operator requires Cleaner, Penetrant, and Developer.
Do not mix these between manufacturers.
Pre-Cleaning - The threads must be thoroughly cleaned with a petroleum
based cleaner to remove excess oil and dope.
Cleaning - Prior to applying Dye Penetrant, any petroleum products,
must be removed with an alcohol based cleaner, often
referred to in the operating instructions as Cleaner/Remover.
Application - Where large number of work pieces are to be inspected,
Dye Penetrants can be applied with a paint brush, however
aerosol cans are used for only a few joints.
Dwell Time - Like any other type of penetrating oil, Dye Penetrants are
temperature sensitive and require a Dwell Time, which is
typically 5 to 10 minutes at 20° Celsius (70° F). As the
ambient temperature falls, the Dwell Time must be
increased, with an example of 24 hours at -40° C.
Excess Removal - After the Dye has been allowed to penetrate into any
potential cracks, the excess must be removed prior to
Developer being applied. Two Types of Dye Penetrants
exist and support removal by; Solvents; or Water. The only
basic difference between the two Types is that Water
Washable Penetrants are formulated with an Emulsifier, so it
is removed with a Low Volume of Air Charged Water, if you
see an inspector using a garden hose and spray nozzle –
run him off! If too much volume and/or pressure of water is
used, you run a risk of washing the penetrant out of cracks.
Furthermore Water Washable Dye Penetrants are not
biodegradable, so letting the wash water run into the floor
drain is simply not acceptable today.
Solvent Removable Dye Penetrants are first wiped off with a
clean rag or towel. Cleaner/Remover is then applied to a
rag or towel and the work piece is again wiped down for
Final Removal. Where large volumes of tools are being
inspected, I like to see the use of 'Saw Dust’ rubbed onto the
surface, followed by final removal of the Dye. Saw Dust
tends to be less wasteful than rags or paper towels and is
safely thrown in a landfill.

Drying - After the Final Removal of excess Dye Penetrant, it is
extremely important that the work piece is dry. The aircraft
industry typically uses warming to ensure dryness and to
promote liquidity of Dye contained in cracks.
Developer - In any field application, only Aerosol cans of Developer
should be employed, as even application is the most
important step in LPI. In high volume applications only
Pneumatic Spraying Systems should be used, unless Airless
Sprayers have come along way in the last few years, and
are used by the body shop on your ‘46 pick-up! The Aircraft
industry again use large ‘Air Pots’ and powder developers,
but that’s not practical on even the shortest Collar.

Dye Penetrants can only detect ‘Surface Breaking Defects’, so threads need to be
thoroughly cleaned prior to testing. When inspecting with LPI, Ultrasonic Testing would
be highly recommended, to complement it, for finding “large/deep cracks”, and it also
may merit the use of a 10 MHz, Focused, 4° Compression Wave Probe for Thread

Due to the irregularity and many different types of threads used in our industry, Eddy
Current Testing is simply not practical, due to operating training, and the need for
detailed procedures and sensor (probe) development. Eddy Current testing is very
sensitive to misalignment and elevation (Lift-Off) of the Probe, therefore most
industrial applications are mechanized to minimize operator error in aligning the probe
to the target area.

All too often we, as an industry, get wound-up in the latest technology but most often
the true and trusted technology offers the most effective tests. However, at one point in
time the NDT methods that I have called “accepted” were themselves new technology,
but pioneers endured the obstacles until the technology became accepted. In the
years to come, the methods I have poked fun at, may themselves become accepted,
and there will be other technologies to ridicule.
 October 2000, Western Instruments Inc.

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