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TPB 04

Name : Fajri Aditya

Nim : 119280004

Prodi : Teknik Kimia

Genre : Topics to be discuss

Topic : ITERA

Controliing Idea : Development Of Building ITERA

ITERA is one of institut at Sumatera . ITERA stood since 2012 and had only two buildings but at that time
ITERA had not been inaugurated by President RI as PTN . In 2014 itera was inaugurated by the President
of the republic of Indonesia as the only institute in Sumatra island. Once inauguration itera began doing
quite a remarkable construction.Currently in 2019 itera it has 19 finished buildings and 4 buildings are in
progress.The buildings to be built are among them:First ,F building in front of E. Second, Engineering
laboratorium is located in behind engineering laboratorium 1. Third,engineering laboratorium 3 is
located in back GKU. Finally , Gsg is located in near ITERA football field. So the conclusion is itera
continues to seek to build buildings every year.

Main idea : contruction in ITERA

Supporting idea :

First ,F building in front of E. Second, Engineering laboratorium is located in behind engineering

laboratorium 1. Third,engineering laboratorium 3 is located in back GKU. Finally , Gsg is located in near
ITERA football field.

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