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Disability discrimination is when a person with

a disability is treated less favourably than a
person without the disability in the same or
similar circumstances.
Racial discrimination refers
Discrimination means treating a to discrimination against individuals on the
person unfairly because of who they are or basis of their skin colour, racial or ethnic origin.
Policies of racial segregation may formalize it,
because they possess certain characteristics. If
but it is also often exerted without being
you have been treated differently from other
legalised and also it means facing injustice.
people only because of who you are or because
you possess certain characteristics, you may
have been discriminated against.
Avoid those people- You have to understand
AGE DISCRIMINATION one thing: those people are scums. They are
losers of the society. They discriminate you only
Age Discrimination. Age
because they see something in you that remind
discrimination involves treating an applicant or
RELIGION DISCRIMINATION themselves of their pains. That is why they don’t
employee less favorably because of his or
want you to succeed. The truth is they are just
WEmployment Act (ADEA) forbids age Religious discrimination is treating individuals
jealous because they know they will never beat
discrimination against people who are age 40 differently in their employment because of you and they don’t want to see you do better
or older theirreligion, their religious beliefs and
than them
practices, and/or their request for
accommodation (a change in a workplace rule or Just ignore it- Truth of the matter is, you can’t
policy) of their religious beliefs and practices. completely avoid discrimination. Discrimination
has been happening since humanity existed. It is
very common for people to discriminate others.
It doesn’t just happen from races to races, it also
happens within the same races.

Describes the situation in which people are
treated differently simply because they are male
or female, rather than on the basis of their
individual skills or capabilities.

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