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Does Fibroid Surgery Cause Infertility?

3 Reasons Not to
Fear Your Procedure
Kofinas Fertility Group
22 February, 2019

Although fibroids and surgical removal may seem like a scary topic, they are a common issue
that many women live with.

Research shows that between 20% and 80% of women will develop fibroids by the age of 50.
That's a wide statistical range--which shows us just how many women may live normal lives
with asymptomatic or undiagnosed fibroids.

However, some women with fibroids may experience several challenges, especially when trying
to conceive.

Despite the difficulties you may be facing, fibroids are entirely manageable with the right
guidance, and that often includes removing them through surgery. If you're worried about the
effects that fibroid surgery will have on your fertility--but you're considering the procedure to
increase your chances of getting pregnant and reduce any symptoms you face--here are 3 reasons
not to fear your fibroid procedure and keep a positive outlook:

1. Fibroid Surgery Does Not Cause Infertility

A common misconception is that fibroids cause infertility, but the truth is that their presence only
signifies potential roadblocks to your fertility.

Fibroids are categorized into three types:

1. Subserosal: a fibroid that spreads more than 50% outside of the uterus
2. Intramural: a fibroid mostly within the muscle of the uterus without breaching the
uterine cavity
3. Submucosal: a fibroid that extends into the uterine cavity

Submucosal fibroids are often associated with decreased pregnancy odds by nearly 50%. This is
especially the case with intramural fibroids, which can alter the size of the uterine cavity,
disrupting the success of pregnancy and fertility treatments.

Some additional problems that fibroids cause before and during pregnancy include:
 Blocked Fallopian tubes
 Decreased blood flow to the uterine cavity
 Placental abruption, decreasing oxygen to the fetus
 Preterm delivery
 Cesarean section
 Miscarriage

With these challenges in mind, removing fibroids can actually increase one's fertility, making
surgery a viable option to achieve a healthy pregnancy.

2. Fibroid Surgery is Minimally Invasive

Thankfully, removing or shrinking fibroids through surgery is most often minimally invasive and
perfectly safe. For women considering fibroid surgery to alleviate their symptoms, these types of
procedures are great options to consult with your doctor about:

 Myomectomy

This procedure is minimally invasive with the use of laparoscopy or hysteroscopy. Essentially,
fibroids are removed without affecting healthy tissue within the uterus. Women who choose this
route can still become pregnant afterward, although being a candidate for this surgery depends
on the category, placement, and size of the fibroid.

 Myolysis

This procedure is minimally invasive with the use of a needle placed directly into the fibroid,
navigated by laparoscopy. Once inserted into the fibroid, either an electric current or freezing
method is used to destroy the growth. Keep in mind, this operation is also subject to the
parameters of the fibroid.

 Anti-hormonal Medications

These medications are used to stunt the growth of fibroids, while alleviating symptoms, such as
pain and heavy bleeding. It's always a good idea to consult with your doctor about the effects of
the medication beforehand.

For serious cases, more advanced surgeries may be required to remove fibroids, but the above
are the most common minimally invasive procedure--and they have high success rates when it
comes to recovery and achieving pregnancy.

3. You Have Fertility Experts that Can Help

No one should have to face a procedure with any
doubts, and that's why working with a team of specialists (specifically in fibroid surgeries) will
provide more relief during a time of worry.

Working with a fertility expert also means that you can discuss any worries about your fibroids
or other concerns regarding fertility holistically to make sure you have the big picture on your
fertility outlook. Rather than thinking of your surgery as a stressful or fearful event, use the
opportunity to learn about your body and how you can set your new family off in the right

With the right mindset and a team of positive, patient-centered specialists, this can be a time to
learn about your fertility and help your body have a healthier future pregnancy.

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