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ETHICS Section A
1. Define following terms with respect to public life: (Marks 10)
Cognitive Dissonance
Dereliction of duty
Bureaucratic Anonymity
Moral Conviction
2. Write the difference between following terms by giving their example: (Marks 10)
Bliss and Pleasure
Accountability and Responsibility
3. (a) In daily life , you encounter the situations where you have to choose between personal and
professional ethics. How can one resolve the dichotomy between the two? (Marks 10)
3.(b) Do you think the celebrities who work in commercial advertisements need to be ethical? Write in
light of recently passed of recently passed 2019.(Marks 10)
4.(a) In the changed scenarios of warfare, do you think war ethics exist? Elucidate.(Marks 10)
4(b) Ecological crisis is at the door step. In the light of present challenges faced by the world, discuss the
significance of environmental ethics.(Marks 10)
4.(c) What do you mean by Laws, Rules and Regulations? What are the limitations of laws, explain with
examples?(Marks 10)
5.(a) “I feel that our progress toward the goal will be in exact proportion to the purity of means” says
Gandhi. Do you agree? Substantiate your opinion.(Marks 10)
5.(b) ” Accountability without transparency is empty commitment”. How both can be achieved in case
of administration?(Marks 10)
5.(c) )” Democracy leads to anarchy, which is mob rule”. In light of the above statement, explain the
Plato’s thoughts on democracy.(Marks 10)
6. What do you mean emotional intelligence ? How emotional intelligence can improve organizational
efficiency?(Marks 10)
7.(a) The Vedic ethics is more God oriented while Upanishadic ethics is primarily intellectualistic, ,
having its own distinct flavor. Comment.(Marks 10)
7.(b) What do you mean by Conscience? How far conscience help in decision making and can it guide us
to take ideal path?(Marks 10)
ETHICS Section B
8. You are one of the player of your cricket team. . One day, before the match you got to know that,
Captain along with few senior players will be using unethical means like sand paper to win the game.
You asked them not to do so, but in vain. They threatened you to get substituted with someone else. In
such a scenario, write about the dilemmas you are facing? What would be your future course of action?
Recall the teachings from your childhood and course of life which will guide you in such case.(Marks 20)

9. You are working as SDM in rural area. Recently government launched social welfare scheme under
which financial grant will be extended to the intended beneficiaries. You encounter some cases in which
people from weaker section are unable to take advantage of the programme because of faulty or
insufficient documents. On the other hand, there are some cases where people trying to forge
documents are taking benefit of the programme. What will be your approach towards cases wherein
those from weaker section are not able to take benefit because of insufficient documents. Will you
restrict yourself to rule book or exercise discretion based on your observation. Discuss and evaluate
both options.( Marks 20)
10. One of the district, where you are posted as DM is about to hit by a dangerous cyclone in the
decades. There have been multiple warnings from the government asking the locals to evacuate the
home and move to shelter homes. However, due to affection towards the belongings and fearing the
loss they don’t want to move. They also have a superstitious believe that god will come to save them.
What are the options available to you in such a situation? How will you ensure the villagers regarding
their safety? How to ensure that their religious sentiments didn’t get hurt? Write the long term solutions
to such issues arising in the wake of disaster.(Marks 20)
11. You are Superintendent of Police of a district which has famous holy temple. In that temple, entry
for women is denied. Suddenly tensions aroused because of attempt by group of women to enter the
temple. Barring women from entering inner sanctum in the temple is an age old tradition. This led to
scuffle where group of women was manhandled. Local politicians are forcing you to restrain women
from entering the temple, as elections are nearby.(Marks 20)

a) How will you manage the situation to maintain peace?

b) Do you think there is contradiction between progressive values of Constitution and age old traditions?
How can this be resolved?
12. You are a Post-graduate student at acknowledged university and working for last phase of research
project having potential revolutionary technology. You have applied for P.hd- research cum teaching
position at various institutions. You got call from an undergraduate institute, a prestigious research
institution in the city offering best deal you ever got. In the interview, panel chair asks for detailed
information about research. Your team is working on patent application and there is agreement that
details will not be disclosed until submission of paper. . You explain the situation to panel and ask for
allowing the early preprint of paper when it will be available and can’t provide it now. However, looking
at your family conditions, you desperately need the job. But panel pushes harder saying ’take it or leave
it’ offer.(Marks 20)

a) Enumerate the ethical issues.

b) What stand will you take in this situation? Give reasonable justification.
13. You are a District Magistrate in a border state where a refugee camp is organized on a temporary
basis to assist war victims of neighboring country. The huge influx has caused resource crisis in your
state. Locals are getting adverse against these migrants. They refused to cooperate. Law and order
situation is getting out of hand. Opportunistic local politicians are fueling the issue. Highlight the major
challenges before District Magistrate and due course of action to resolve them.(Marks 20)

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