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NUMBER _____ GROUP_______ DATE_______ MARK:


1) Complete the text with Present Continuos tenses.

Today we_____________ (go) to the Science Museum with the school. Now I
________________ (buy) some things for lunch. I don´t have apples I
________________ (look) for some in the shop. My mum ___________________
(cook) my lunch. I think she __________________ (boil) eggs.
We are in the bus now and we __________________ (listen) to music, and some
students ____________________ (watch) a movie.
2) Complete using these verbs: READ / GO / PLAY / EAT / DRINK / VISIT

- We _________________________ the city with our parents.

- I __________________________ the book that you gave me.
- She____________________ a glass of coke.
- He_______________________ to the mountain.
- We ____________________ in a restaurant.
- You ___________________ videogames.

3) Write 7 sentences using Present Continuos tense.

NUMBER _____ GROUP_______ DATE_______ MARK:


1) Complete the text with PRESENT SIMPLE or PRESENT CONTINUOS

My name _________(to be) Lucia. I ______ (to be) 20 years old. This year
I________________ (study) more than the last year. I always __________ (go) to the
University by bus, but today I ________________ (walk).
My best friend __________ (is) Ana. She _____________(live) in my building. Today
she ____________________ (not go) to class because she is sick.
My mum ______________________ (cook) my lunch now, she ___________ (cook)
really well.

2) Complete the gaps with PRESENT SIMPLE or PRESENT CONTINUOS.

- She _____________ (get up) every day at 8:00 a.m.
- I _____________________ (play) football now.
- He __________________ (work) in a shop.
- We _____________________(read) in the library in this moment.
- I ____________________ (to be) a teacher.

3) Write a story using 5 PRESENT SIMPLE and 5 PRESENT CONTINUOS.

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