EDS Universe Notes

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Monday, March 17, 2014

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EDS Notes for CSS-2015--UNIVERSE (complete)

I have collected these notes from different
sources, I hope they will help you a lot in solving
this portion Inshallah...
Questions asked in Past :
1. The world is shrinking and the
universe is expanding. Explain (CSS-

2. List the planet in the solar system, in

order of their distance from the sun?

3. Why is the color of the sky blue?


4. Define Earth, Venus, Mercury and

Mars? (CSS-1979)

5. How are the planets different from the

stars? (CSS-1981)

6. Write short note on Early Bird? (CSS-


7. Name any five planets which revolve

round the sun? (CSS-1986)
8. In space travel, the unit of distance is
‘light-year’ what does it mean? (CSS-

9. What are satellites? (CSS-1984)

10. What are planets? Name the known

planets? (CSS-1987)

11. What do you know about milky way?


12. Which is the smallest planet in the

solar system? (CSS-1989)

13. Lunar eclipse occurs only at about

the time of full moon while solar eclipse
never occurs on full moon days. Explain.
Why? (CSS-1990)

14. How is twinkling of stars explain?


15. Write short note on Solar System

16. Describe briefly the Lunar Eclipse?

17. Define the term Light Year? (CSS-


18. Explain the Solar System and the

unique charactersitics which the sun and
its planets have? (CSS1999)

19. How Solar and Lunar eclipse are

caused? (CSS-1999)

20. Differentiate between Lunar eclipse

and Solar eclipse? (CSS-1996)

21. Differentiate between star and

planet? (CSS-1996)

22. Briefly describe the Solar system.

Name its members, outline the main
characteristics of any two members?

23. Differentiate between Comet Meteor?

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The Branch of physical science, which deals with the
nature of the Universe, its overall structure and origin,
is called cosmology. Until the 17the century, the
Universe was thought to be state, infinite and
unchanging: this is called the Steady-State Theory.
However, Edwin Hubble (1889-1953), an American
astronomer showed in 1920s that the space between
the galaxies is increasing and the Universe is therefore
expanding like a balloon that is being inflated. The
known Universe is finite and its edge lies at a distance
of about 1024 km.


According to the Big Bang theory, the Universe came
into existence about 15 to 20 billions years ago when a
cataclysmic explosion took place. The Echo of this big
bang can still be heard in the form of microwave radio
signal from space. This is also called as the 3K
microwave background radiation first detected by Arno
Penzias and Robert Wilson for which they were awarded
the Nobel Prize. Before the birth of our Universe, there
was no time, no matter and no space. All the energy
and matter of the future cosmos were concentrated in a
single point of energy. All the forces were unified in this
single point and were in perfect harmony. By someway
this harmony was disturbed and this triggered a
catastrophic explosion, filling our space with every
particle of matter hurled away from every other particle.
Thus, this is how our universe exploded into life; and
matter, space and time came into being.
Galaxy is a fundamental unit of the Universe. It consist
of several hundred thousands of stars together which
interstellar gas and dust.

Origin of Galaxies:
The galaxies resulted from the accumulation of gas on
the proto-galaxies that were formed by density
fluctuations and gravity instabilities in the expanding
primordial fireball. It is thought that they originally
consisted only of those elements formed in the big bang
(mainly hydrogen and Helium).

Number of Galaxies:
The number of galaxies in the universe is estimated to
be between 100 billion and a trillion (1011 to 1012).
Each galaxy contains about 100 billion stars.

Hubble classified the galaxies in 1924. According to his
thesis, there are three types of galaxies, which are as

1-Elliptical galaxies: -
Elliptical galaxy (E) appear as luminous elliptical discs
with a smooth distribution of light. Their surface
brightness decreases outward from the center. Elliptical
galaxies are further divided into EO-7, according to their
aspect in the sky. For instance, EO types are seen faces
on as circular discs, which E-7 types, are seen almost
edge on.

2-Spiral Galaxies: -
Spiral Galaxies (S), in which spiral-shaped arms emerge
directly from the center. Spiral galaxies are further
divided into types a, a and c, depending on the extent of
the ‘unwinding’ of the arms and on the relative clarity of
the arms and the nucleus (center).

3-Irregular Galaxies: –
Irregular galaxies do not have a definite structure.
However, two types are distinguished i.e. IrrI & IrrII.

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The Milky Way galaxy is our own galaxy, which is
considered to be atypical spiral galaxy. It is about 75
thousand light years in diameter and is a member of the
ellipsoidal so-called ‘Local Group’ of about 20 galaxies.
Following are the main characteristics of the Milky Way

Characteristics of Milky Way Galaxy:

The Milky Way galaxy is a spiral galaxy.
It is about 30 thousand parsecs (about 9 lacks million
km) across.
There are more than 200 billion stars in the Milky Way
The region in space occupied by the Milky Way galaxy
is called the galactic plane.
The sun is not present at the center of Milky Way.
The Milky Way Galaxy has three spiral arms, which
1.Orion arm
2.Perseus arm
3.Sagittarius arm
The sun revolves around the nucleus of the galaxy
once in 225 million years. This duration is called the
cosmic year.
The sun is not the largest star of the galaxy. It is
medium sized star of the galaxy.
It is generally believed that the pearly band of Milky
Way stretching across the sky is milk split from the
breast of the goddess Juno.
The arms of the galaxy are known as galactic arms.

Stars are those heavily body which produce energy by
nuclear reactions. They are held in a stable state by
balancing the outward radiation pressure by the inward
gravitational force.

Characteristics of Stars:
Stars are self-luminous bodies, situated at great
distance from the solar system.
They do not revolve round the sun.
They have their own light.
The sun is our nearest star while the next nearest
star is Proximal Centauri, which is at a distance of
about 40 million km from the earth.
The size of the stars varies considerably from super-
giant stars, which are several hundred times larger
than the sun, to dwarf stars that are much smaller than
the earth.

Classification of Stars:
The popular method of classification of stars is stellar
classification. According to this classification, the color
of a star gives an indication of its temperature. So stars
are classed according to their spectra in sequence of
decreasing temperature. The types of stars according to
the Henry Draper Stellar classification are.
Type O, B, A, F, G, K, M.

Kinds of Stars:
There are four kinds of stars, which are as under: -

1. Fixed Star: - Fixed Stars are those stars, which

do not change their position in the sky. These are fixed
and are known as dog stars.

2. Binary Stars: - Binary stars are those stars,

which are in group of two stars. They revolve round a
common center under mutual gravitational attraction.
3. Temporary Stars: - Temporary stars are
those stars, which suddenly flare up with great
brightness and fade away after a short time. They are
also called Nova.

4. Variable Stars: - Variable stars are those stars

whose brightness varies from time to time.

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Monday, March 17, 2014

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The Solar system is a tiny part of a galaxy & consists of
the sun and all the objects that travel around it. It
includes the Earth and eight other planets, along the
satellites that travel around most of them. It further
includes Asteroids, Meteoroids, Comets, Interplanetary
dust & interplanetary plasma. The planets are described
in detail below: -

1. Mercury:
It is the rocky planet.

It is covered with holes called Craters.

It has no moon.

It has no atmosphere.

It is the nearest planet to the sun.

It is also the smallest planet of the solar system.

It is the fastest planet.

The temperature on mercury vary between 420 0C

(7900F) in the day and -180 0C (-2900F) at nights.

Its distance from Sun is 58 million kms.

Its revolution period is 88 days.

Its rotation period is 58 days, 15 hours and 30

Its radius is 2,433 kms and diameter is 4,878 kms.

2. Venus:
Apart from the moon, Venus is the brightest object in
the sky. Venus can be seen with naked eye in the
Morning or in the evening. Following are the main
characteristics of the Venus.

It is the rocky planet.

It is also called morning star.

It is the brightest planet.

It has no moon.

It is the slowest rotating planet.

It is also the hottest planet.

It is the nearest neighbor of the earth in the solar


It has longest daytime. (225 Earth days).

It rotates from east to west as opposite to most other


Its distance from the Sun is 108 million kms.

Its revolution period is 224.7/225 days.

Its rotation period is 243 days and 14 hours (longest


Its diameter is 12,102 kms.

It is wrapped in thick clouds of CO2 gas.

3. The Earth:
The earth is the largest and the densest of the four
terrestrial planets. It is the most wonderful planet of the
solar system. Following are the features of the Earth.

It is the rocky planet.

It is the densest planet.

It is also the watery and bios planet.

It has one moon.

Its two-thirds surface is covered with oceans.

The earth’s surface is rich in Oxygen, Silicon,

Aluminum, Iron, Calcium, Sodium etc.

It has atmosphere which contains 78% Nitrogen, and

21% Oxygen.
Its distance from the Sun is 150 million kms.

Its revolution period is 365 ¼ days.

Its rotation period is 23 hours, 56 minutes, 40


Its diameter is 12756 km (7927 miles equatorial and

7900 miles polar diameter)

4. Mars:
Mars is the 4th planet of the solar system which is
visible by a naked eye as abright red spot in the sky.

It is the rocky planet.

Mars is covered with red dust & is red planet.

It has two moons Phobos and Deimos.

Its average temperature is -53 0C.

Distance from the sun 228 million kms.

Revolution period 687 days.

Rotation period 24 h, 37 min and 22 sec.

Its diameter is 6794 kms.

It has an atmosphere composed almost entirely of


5. Jupiter:
It is the largest & heaviest planet of the solar system.

It is the fastest rotating planet.

It has 63 moons.

It has the largest number of satellites.

It has the shortest daytime. (10 hr).

It has a dense, cloudy atmosphere of hydrogen and


Its distance from sun is 778 million kms.

Revolution period 12 years.

Rotation period 9h, 50min, and 30 sec. (smallest day)

Its diameter is 1, 24,800 kms.

Its diameter is eleven times greater than the earth’s


It has a rock-iron-ice core about 15, 000 km (9,000

miles) thick.

Jupiter radiates 67% more heat than it receives from

the sun. This is mainly due to dissipation of the
primordial heat of the planet.

It has 16 satellites.

6. Saturn:
In 1610, Galileo became the first person to look at
Saturn through telescope.

It is the second largest planet.

It has brightest rings.

It has a magnificent system of rings.

It has 62 moons.

Distance from Sun 1427 million kms.

Revolution period 30 years.

Rotation period 10h, 14 mins.

The largest moon of Saturn is the Titan and it is the

second-largest moon in the solar system. Titan is larger
than the planet Mercury.

Its diameter is 1, 20, 000 km.

According to Guiness book of answers, Saturn has 18

known satellites.
7. Uranus:
When sky is very dark and very clear Uranus can be
seen with the naked eyes. William Herschel discovered
the planet in March 1787.

It is greenish planet.

It has 27 moons.

It has an atmosphere, which is dominated by

hydrogen and helium.

Its distance from Sun is 2869.9 million kms.

Revolution period is 84 years.

Rotation period is 16h, and 10 mins.

Titania is the largest moon of Uranus.

Its diameter is 52, 400 km.

It has 15 known satellites.

8. Neptune:
The German astronomer Johann Galle discovered

It is the coldest & blue planet.

It is the slowest to move around the sun.

It is known as the twin of Uranus due to their

similarity of size, mass and composition.

Neptune has 13 moons that we know of. The largest

moon is Triton.

Distance from Sun 4496, 6 million kms.

Revolution period 165 years (largest year)

Rotation period 18 hours.

Its diameter is 49,100 kms.

9. Pluto:
It is not considered as Planet now, but is classified as
dwarf planet.

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• Asteroids:
Asteroids are also known as planetoids. These are small,
irregularly shaped rocky objects which orbit the Sun
between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. Asteroids are
also known as the minor planets.
Basically the word Asteroid means “Starlike”. Ceres
asteroid was the first to be discovered.

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2014), Would be (Monday, May 19, 2014)

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• Meteorites:
Meteorites are small chunks of iron and rock thought to
be resulted from collisions between asteroids. They also
may be formed when comets disintegrate into
fragments. Meteorites enter the earth’s atmosphere and
become a meteor. A meteor is a “falling star” that is
usually seen in the sky at night. A meteor will burn up
from frictional heating as it enters the atmosphere. Most
of the meteors burn up before they reach the earth. If
they do not reach the ground they become meteorites.
Meteorites can be seen at a distance of 70 miles from
the earth. Meteorites are heavy objects, which weigh
about 60 tons.

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• Comets:
Comets are those bodies, which revolve round the sun.
They are mainly composed of ice and dust. Most comets
have three parts, which are as under.

i) A solid centre.
ii) A head or round coma that surrounds the centre and
consists of dust particles mixed with frozen water,
frozen methane and frozen water, frozen methane and
frozen ammonia.

iii) A long tails of dust and gases that escape from the
head. Most comets stay near the solar system.

Other characteristics of comets are as under:

Comets are usually made up of ice and dust.
Millions of comets are present in the solar system.
Comet is usually about 10 km or 6 miles across.
Halley’s comet is the famous example.
Comets usually move around the sun in the elliptical

Hally’s Comet:- Halley’s Comet is named after the

British astronomer Edmund Haley who calculated its
orbit in 1705. The Halley’s Comet visits the sun every
76 years. It last visited the sun in 1986, but it passed
very far from the Earth. It is predicted that Hally’s
Comet will return in the year 2062.

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• The Sun:
pisceankhan (Saturday, July 05, 2014), SAMEYA
AROOJ (Monday, November 10, 2014)
ntroduction: #10
he sun is the star, Monday, March 17, 2014
which is nearest to
Join Date: Jul 2013
he earth. It is the exclusively Posts: 1,880
enter of our solar Thanks: 1,595
ystem. All planets Senior Member Thanked 1,286 Times in 782
evolve round it. Posts

ollowing are the

main features of the
omposition of the
he Sun composed • The Moon:
f: - Introduction:
Hydrogen 90% The moon is the only natural satellite of the earth. It
Helium 8% is 2nd largest satellite of the solar system. Its mass is
Other elements 1/81 that of the Earth. Following are the main
% features of the moon.

Features of the Moon:
of the Sun: Average diameter of the moon is 3475 km (2159
he Sun is a hot miles)
aseous mass whose Mass of the moon is 1.343x1019 tonnes.
urface temperature The moon has no atmosphere, so there is a wide
s very gigh. The variation in temperature between 117oC (243oF) at
emperature of the the equator at midday and –163oC (-261oF) after
un is divided into nightfall.
he following two The rotation period of the moon is 29 days, 7 hours
ypes: and 43 minutes.
The moon is 81 times lighter than the Earth, that is
Photosphere: why objects on the moon weight less.
The surface The moon is a poor reflector than the Earth.
emperature of the The most amazing features of the moon is the
un is called as the presence of craters which are the most conspicuous
hotosphere, that is and most plentiful.
000o C. The moon is rich in chromium, Tianium, Scandium,
Zironium and yetterbium.
The Average of density of the moon is 3.34 gm/cc.

The moon has different shapes at different times of
Chromosphere: the month which are known as the phases of the
The interior moon.
emperature of the
un is called
hromosphere, that
s about 15 million
egree C.

of the Sun:
The Mass of the
un is 2*1030 tons.
The diameter of
he Sun is 1.4 million
Its mean distance
rom the earth is 149
million kms.
The average
ensity of the sun is
.4 gm/cc.
The main source of
nergy in the sun is
Hydrogen, which is
oveted into Helium
y the process of
uclear fusion.
The Sun has 27
ays solar rotation
eriod and 11-years
unspot cycle.
The Sun is
lassified as a
yellow dwarf’ star of
pectral types G2V.
The minimum
istance between
un & the Earth is
nown as perihelion,
which is
47,098,200 kms &
he maximum
istance between the
un, & the Earth is
alled aphelion, that
s 152,097,900 kms.

ome Features of
he Sun:

Sun Spots:
un spots are a
umber of dark
atches on the
urface of the sun.
hey are seen
hrough a telescope
with colored glass.
hey are funnel-
haped vortex
hrough which
aseous matter
treams spiral
pwards and
utwards. The sun
pots vary greatly
oth in size and
uration. Some of
hem disappear in
he course of a few
ays, others survive
or one or two
evolutions of the
un. Large spots
may be more than
00,000 miles in

Solar Wind:
olar wind is
omposed of protons
nd electron, which
re streams of
lectricially charged
articles, which are
mitted by the Sun.

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