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ISSN 0963-8288 print/ISSN 1464-5165 online

Disabil Rehabil, Early Online: 1–4

! 2015 Taylor & Francis. DOI: 10.3109/09638288.2015.1073373


Balance improvement after physical therapy training using specially

developed serious games for cerebral palsy children: preliminary results
Bruno Bonnechère1, Lubos Omelina2,3, Bart Jansen2,4, and Serge Van Sint Jan1
Laboratory of Anatomy, Biomechanics and Organogenesis, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium, 2Department of Electronics and
Informatics, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium, 3Institute of Computer Science and Mathematics, Slovak University of Technology,
Bratislava, Slovakia, and 4iMinds, Department of Medical IT, Ghent, Belgium
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Abstract Keywords
Purpose: Cerebral palsy (CP) leads to various clinical signs mainly induced by muscle spasticity Cerebral palsy, exercise, motor control, new
and muscle weakness. Among these ones impaired balance and posture are very common. technology, posture, rehabilitation
Traditional physical therapy exercise programs are focusing on this aspect, but it is difficult to
motivate patients to regularly perform these exercises, especially at home without therapist History
supervision. Specially developed serious games (SG) could therefore be an interesting option to
motivate children to perform specific exercise for balance improvement. Method: Ten CP Received 27 October 2014
children participated in this study. Patients received four sessions of SG included into Revised 18 May 2015
conventional therapy (1 session of 30 min a week during 4 weeks). Trunk control and balance Accepted 13 July 2015
For personal use only.

were assessed using Trunk Control Motor Scale (TCMS) before and after interventions. Results: Published online 3 August 2015
Children presented a significant improvement in TCMS global score after interventions [37.6
(8.7) and 39.6 (9.5) before and after interventions, respectively, p ¼ 0.04]. Conclusion: SG could
therefore be an interesting option to integrate in the conventional treatment of CP children.

ä Implication for Rehabilitation

 Cerebral palsy (CP) leads to balance issues.
 Rehabilitation exercises are not performed (enough) at home.
 Serious games (SG) could increase patients’ motivation.
 SG increase balance control of CP children.

Introduction their therapist or to increase the function in the best case

scenario). Unfortunately the compliance to treatment is known to
Balance and posture control are important for functional
be very low: indeed it is estimated that only 30% of the patients
activities. Cerebral palsy (CP) children have poor postural
perform home exercises regularly [4]. One of the most frequent
balance control compared to normal children due to slowed and
reasons reported for patient dropout is related to a lack of patient
impaired development of their neural motor control mechanisms
motivation [5]. Integration of rehabilitation schemes and exercises
combined with so-called secondary musculoskeletal abnormal-
into video game interfaces has been previously suggested to
ities (e.g. muscle spasticity, muscle weakness, low proprioception
increase patient compliance to planned exercises and to prevent
and bone deformations) [1]. Balance training is an important part
patients’ demotivation [6–8]. Commercial video games (e.g.
of rehabilitation of CP children because it has been shown that
Nintendo Wii FitÔ) have been recently tested as a supplementary
there is a relation between constraints on balance control and
treatment for CP children with encouraging results on balance and
functional limitations of CP children [2]. Specific balance training
motivation [9]. However, these games were primary designed for
exercises integrated into rehabilitation programs could therefore
fun and not for rehabilitation, therefore for some heavily disabled
modify postural balance by increasing postural muscle control
patients it is not obvious to integrate them into rehabilitation (e.g.
and increasing the range-of-motion of the trunk [2,3]. In order to
because of the speed required from the patient to play or the visual
maximize benefits of the rehabilitation session it is advised
complexity disturbing many CP patients suffering from visual
to patients to perform supplementary exercises at home (i.e. to
impairment). Therefore, specific patient games must be developed
maintain the gain obtained during rehabilitation performed with
from real clinical specifications including rehabilitation schemes
and therapists’ expectations; only such integration can answer the
practical rehabilitation field constraints [10]. The aim of this
study was to test if specially developed serious games (SG) for
Address for correspondence: Bruno Bonnechère, Laboratory of Anatomy,
Biomechanics and Organogenesis, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Lennik physical rehabilitation can be integrated in the treatment of CP
Street, 808, 1070 Brussels, Belgium. Tel: +32 25556262. E-mail: children, and an improvement of the patient balance can be obtained.
2 B. Bonnechère et al. Disabil Rehabil, Early Online: 1–4

Figure 1. Specially developed games. (A) Flight simulator (lateral translation of CoP), (B) hit the boxes (lateral translation of CoP), (C) follow me
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(oblique translation of CoP), (D) balls (lateral translation of CoP) and (E) wipe out (translation in all directions of CoP).

Figure 2. Different potential used of the WBB

during the games [configuration used in this
study in sited on the WBB (upper left
For personal use only.

Materials and methods

Bio-Ethical Committee/Human Research Brussels and informed
Ten CP children [10 ± 3 years old, Gross Motor Function consent was obtained from parents and children.
Classification System (GMFCS) 1.7 (0.8), 4 females] participated Five specific games have been developed (snapshots of the
in this study. Participants were included in this study if they were games are presented in Figure 1, movies of the games can be seen
diagnosed with spastic CP, aged between 5 and 15, GMFCS I–III from
and having sufficient cognitive level to understand how to play the Within this study, all games were controlled with a Nintendo
games. The GMFCS is a scale used to categorize CP patients in Wii Balance Board (WBB) linked to a computer via Bluetooth.
five different levels according to gross motor skills ranging from One game (Balls see Figure 1D) was controlled with a WBB and a
level I for patients that can walk and run without support to level Kinect sensor, simultaneously. Because some of the patients could
V for patients that cannot independently walk [11]. not stand alone and/or for a sufficiently long period of time, all
Exclusion criteria were (one of these or a combination of): patients were seated on the middle of the WBB when playing
having a trunk support, showing behavioral disorders, orthopedic (Figure 2). These games are based on relevant clinical schemes as
interventions or botulinum toxin injections in the last 6 months or performed in conventional rehabilitation and highly configurable.
intrathecal baclofen. This study was approved by the Academic It is thus therefore possible to adjust games’ setting in order that
every patient, regardless the severity of the disability, is able to
DOI: 10.3109/09638288.2015.1073373 Serious games for balance training 3
control and play the games [e.g. the center of pressure (CoP) the trunk. For the dynamic sitting we observed an increase of 8%
displacement required to control the game can be easily modified but this difference was not significant (p ¼ 0.156). Contrariwise
from almost 0 in case of highly disabled patients to an important the overall PT protocol, including the games, used in this study
displacement in case of light handicap] [12]. seems to have no effect on the dynamic reaching. This can be
Four sessions of games (once a week) were integrated into the explained by the fact that the CoP displacement that the patients
usual physical therapy (PT) program that these patients are have to reach during the games are less important that the
following on a regular basis for several years (5 ± 2 years). displacement reached during the TCMS for dynamic sitting. In
Children played each game for 3 min with 2 min of rest in- rehabilitation, especially in neurology, benefits are specific to the
between. The duration of the session, including installation, was training [15]. During the games CP children trained CoP
about 30 min what is the average duration of a conventional displacement is in a range more similar that those achieved
PT session. during the static sitting testing than the dynamic one. Results of
Two different approaches are available to assess balance (e.g. this study are difficult to compare with previous ones because
diagnosis and evaluation of a treatment): quantitative evaluation both methodology (i.e. number and duration of the sessions) and
using force plates [13] or qualitative evaluation using a clinical rehabilitation games were different. Indeed most of the previous
scale [14]. Balance assessment before and after interventions studies related to SG for balance training of CP children were
was performed using the qualitative Trunk Control Motor Scale about the use of commercial video games (e.g. Nintendo Wii with
(TCMS) [14]. the Balance Board). Although those games are designed for
This scale was chosen because it allows to study balance in balance training, they are also – and especially – designed for
sitting position which was interesting in this study since the gaming purposes of healthy players. Therefore, those games are
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training was performed in sitting position. TCMS is subdivided not adapted at all for disabled patients. Eight studies [16–22] were
into three categories: static sitting balance, dynamic sitting found in the literature based on the use of Nintendo Wii FitÔ in
balance and dynamic reaching. The total maximal score is 58 the treatment of CP children with a variable amount of sessions
points for healthy subjects, 20 points for static sitting, 28 points (between 1 and 24) making comparison difficult. The outcomes of
for dynamic sitting and 10 point for dynamic reaching. these studies (balance scale and score, GMFCS, initial physical
Wilcoxon signed-rank test was computed to compare scores. activity level, patient improvement) are very variable between
Statistical analysis was conducted using Matlab (MathWorks, these studies. However, there are fewer papers studying the use of
Natick, MA). specially developed games for CP children. To the best of the
authors’ knowledge, only one study has tested an intensive
Results program of specially developed games (5 consecutive days of
training, 90 min a day) with CP children classified GMFCS I. The
For personal use only.

Results of the TCMS and statistics before and after interventions authors observed significant improvement in mobility and func-
are presented in Table 1 (complete results for each items are tion and these results were maintained 1 month after the
presented in Supplementary material). intervention [23] (note only four subjects were included in this
Significant improvements were found for static sitting study, making generalization of the conclusions difficult).
[increase of 4.5% (0.9 points of 20) after intervention, This study included a limited amount of patients (10) and a
p ¼ 0.031] and for total score [increase of 3.5% (2 points of 58) relatively small amount of sessions (four sessions of 30 min).
after intervention, p ¼ 0.047]. Neither difference was found for Despite this, patients showed improvements in their TCMS score.
dynamic sitting (p ¼ 0.156) nor for dynamic reaching (p ¼ 1). It must be emphasized that it is difficult to state if the observed
changes are due to the games or due to the increase of training
Discussion (i.e. 2 h of supplementary training in this study). However, the
patients who took part to this study are following intensive PT
The first aim of this study was to see if it is possible to integrate
training for many years during their childhood like most CP
specially developed balance games into conventional PT treat-
children [24]. Therefore, one can conclude that the addition of
ment of CP children. All 10 children who participated in this
rehabilitation games within their usual PT program allowed to
study had 100% attendance for the 4-week period. Compared to
improve their TCMS score. Nevertheless we can estimate that due
conventional PT patients prefer doing games (increase of 1 point
to the fact that those patients are going through an intensive
of 10 of a Visual Analog Scale). This study indicates that these
rehabilitation program during their childhood the observed
games can be used in physical rehabilitation of CP children with
evolution is not only due to the increase of training during the
GMFCS levels I–III.
4 weeks.
We observed a statistical significant overall change of two
Future work is needed in order to evaluate the potential of this
points (3.5%) on the TCMS following the 4-week training period.
new approach. A lot of questions are yet to be answered: what
The TCMS is separated into three different subcategories: we
type of patients (e.g. hemiplegic and diplegic) will benefit most
observed significant changes (increase of 5%) only in the static
from this support? Are the games more effective when they are
sitting subsection although the games required dynamic control of
played standing or sitting? What is the best frequency and
duration of the session? What is the best use of the WBB (some
potential uses are presented in Figure 2)? Could the games be
Table 1. Mean (SD) TCMS before and after intervention for the three counter-productive if the exercises are not performed in the right
categories and the total score. way? Are there any adverse effects for those patients (e.g. risk of
fall, seizure, epilepsy)?, etc. Standardized protocols are needed to
TCMS Before After p Value explore this new field because currently it is impossible to
compare studies because the methodologies and the interventions
Static sitting (/20) 16.8 (3.4) 17.7 (3.4) 0.031
are totally different making any interpretation difficult [25]. These
Dynamic sitting (/28) 12 (6.2) 13 (6.9) 0.156
Dynamic reaching (/10) 8.8 (1.3) 8.9 (1.3) 1 further studies must focused on clinical evolution [16–22], the
Total (/58) 37.6 (8.7) 39.6 (9.6) 0.047 number and duration of session but also on short- and long-term
motivation [6–8] and on users’ (patients, physiotherapists, doc-
p Values are the results of Wilcoxon signed-rank test. tors) acceptance [26].
4 B. Bonnechère et al. Disabil Rehabil, Early Online: 1–4

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Supplementary material available online

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