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HERGE THE ADVENTURES OF TINTIN THE SECRET THE SECRET THE UNICORN We must keep our NEWS IN BRIEF | |eyes opea, ana catch these crooks How about starting i the Old Street Market? Tintin gaid he was lgeing there this morr- ing. Perhaps we'll vice birt N alarming rise in thenumber of rob- beries has been reported in the past few weeks. Daring pickpockets are operating in. the larger stores, the cinemas and street markets. A well- organised gang is be- lieved 10 be at work. ‘The police are using their best men to put a stop to this public scandal. Why, there are Thomson Dea] | Hello! ... How are you and’ Thompson- { Look who's here! What are you doing here ? Looking For Mears 3 4 ‘9 Eight bob for gains? (SH! Highly confidential: the lot. ISpecial operation : pickpockets. But that didwet stop us From | Finding thie job-lot of walking sticke gm See? You've | My wallet's been stolen! But that's absurd!... You Back must have leit at home... or perhaps youve lost it? No, I'm sure someone's stolen it! wallet ! Here, you hold Just the sort of thing these sticks. 111 | | that would Kappan to you! ... Togo ana let Bomeone pinch your Here, let me pay for them | Thanks very much, Tintin. We'll pay you back tomorrow. Goodbye ! We're going to report this straight away f & bee 5 top thief! My suitcase! What's going on? They caught some thieves _red-handcd.| Special Bravch® Special Branch’ ‘You can tell that_, to the Inspector | By patra, Im coming... Tsay, Snowy, janie that a Fine ship ! Sarre cy) Ae IE really is a beaut: A good wink 0 01 Por Captain Haddock .. y. Ive uy it Aqua. 1 a unique| specimen. Its a Very old... er vers old type of galliard Done! Yours Por ceventen and Til buy it From you. Fin sorry, sic, but its not For’ sale Look here, young Fellow, Tm a collector... How much Aid you pay ? T'll give you double for it! Thanks, but Tw keeping it, Sorry, sir. [ just sold it to thie young” gent Tim sorry, sir, but Ehis ship is not For sale Took, Tit give youa fiver for || Twenty! | Thirty! Ms Ay Alenner! v | Took heres [want Fe give thie Now why ware Te really ie superb. Heh act tetenal of wae. Lim not | | they both’ | |e eae nde Nader atta Wt aldex wil selling it, ay soplease dow't keen bo buy my| P ship? be delighted. QRRING | [ Tapelogise : it's me again ! Forgive me if | am too insistent. ul ined, Fim a col We 1 expect that's | But as I explained, [ma col him... | } xX " lector - a collector ef model ships. And I would be s0 very grateful if you would agree to Bell me your ship. Exactly! Now I have Very well, Bat think ather ships just as good || it over. I'll give you as yours, and we could imy card, so that iF axchange them 0 Ehat youewratene you change your mind [ 1 shouldn't count omit ! is wo good ease don't goon. Tin keeping it. || \ ‘de What's happened ? Snowy !...What | ara have you don . a -_ sy [ Luckily it's wot | too bad. I can soon mend it Look, now it's broken | Helle, Captain. mee) Just the person T wanted to Come eninge I've got a sur- @ for you. here did you find | Ta the Oid Street Mark Tintin, what a mag - niFicent gy ship! [Tsehoont Ten thousand thundering | [ No! Come with me: then Remarkable! ,.. ite really | typhoons |... What are- | | you'll sce! remarkable { markable coincidence!... Y a Imagine! ... ey es ats You'll sees. Here we are! NOW « No, it's one of my | | But just take closer look | ancestors, Sir || at that ship in the back- | Francis Haddock. He lived in the reign of Charles | the Second [iv just like the one you | | There's a name here. Look oe my room, owe iE f there, in tiny letters UNICORN So there is: UNICORN. Vd never noticed it. Evactly!.., TEs the same ship! ... It's identical... Don't you think that's remarkable ? Tf mine hae the same name, that'll really be Funny. Maybe there's a fame on mine E90... We should have brought it along | Wait here: I'll go and Fetch it. rae Cy. at Kee’ fe h_ | Hello?...Yes...Ah, | | Yes, stolen Yes... it's you... Well, has | | L suspect a he's the your ship got the Noone atall... at || only pos- Same manic ?..- least... Look Captain| | sibility ... What did you say ? Tiling you again It's been stolen? later... re Just you wait, Mr. [van Here Ivanovitch Sakharine ! are. TERE AveNae. Tve ahunch that we're off on one of our adventures Something tells me he'e Ah, there you are!... Come in... going toget a surprise when | | [was expecting you. he opens the o deor! What ?.... Expecting me 7... Then you know why I've come You've come to tell me that yon'll sell your ship after all. Not 7... Then f don't ~ and that fm waiting For yeu to explain understand... how it comes to be here! Is this where you keep your collec- tiow?... [ve come to tell you, that my ship has been stolen. fe You are mistaken, young man. Ive had thie ship for ‘more than ten years! This wach’ pe Well, sir, wecan goon tell. Woe ths ona! Yours’ | | Saat afber yt gene my was,in fact, exactly the ship fell over and the main- same, but it wasn’t this mast was broken. I put it back, but you can see where it broke. So we'll look at your mainmast, iF you don’t mind ! Ten years? But you were Frying to buy it from me ess than two hours It’s not breken! T can understand your sur- ss This isn't prige. I myself was amazed to find an exact replica of my own vessel in the Old Street Market. And because it seamed #0 odd, { did all L could to persuade you fo part with ¢ do forgive me. sir... 1 am so very | | It’s extremely odd! pas Two ships exactly That's ail righ like t if you Find your, ship, let me kn phone the Captain at once: He'll Te really is un- believable how Jong people can chatter on the telephone! More than a quart er of aw hour! Ai, Dd at last! Noreply sthe Captain | [As for my burglar, if must have been ust have gone out. We'll go home... | |the second man y who Eried to buy tae ship The gangsters! What Iaave Ehey dowe to my Books? Burgled twice in one day... Not bad at all! This one is completely ruined | The vandale! Very queer They've onl: thitves: they searched ‘ihe haven't taken | | place... Lwen- a thing der what Ehey were, looking What have they taken this time 7 lage “bay - Welle, How are you! Good heavens! Whatever's happened 2 Na 9 Er... nothing really little spot of bother, Street = Market. alight mis welve come bo pay you the money For those sticks. We called last night gam but you were out. understanding. Anyway Tin afraid not. But L bought a new one this morning, and ve and Did you get your} wallet back Al right ? Tve Goadness gracious ! been robbed again! Great Scotland Yard §... Thal we met last night on tise st: on oum way bere! Lremember now: he bumped inta me! .. 5 Quite tall... coarse Peatures s-black hair... small Dlack moustache... blue suit... browu hat. That's hiv... the marl from the Old Street Market ! But he couldn't have stolen your wallet last might, when you only bought it this morning new wallet! Come along, Thomson, we musk report night away ! Miserable thieves! A brand He's right! ... We must report it at once Therd’s something im what you say. Hey, Thompson, wait Por we Where are you?... Pose old Thomson, they do have | | oy, well, let's tr What are you after, Suowy ! let's Evy and get thse you after, Snowy (allen luck!" There coms | | wel lett bry and gl tobe quite an epidemic of larceny and house- ppreaking. A cigarette, under there? Why, it's not a cigarette... That's a Funny place... it's'e little scroll of parch- ment... 2 Buk thie iewt mine ! Where aver did it come From. ls have a closer look at But ite all gibberish! And where oncarth did this parchment come From, anyway 7 Great snakes! 've got || And that explains something else! | | But why was he | | 1 wonder. .. it... This parchment Whoever stole my ship knew that | | so annious ko Bubin. oP course! tmust have been rolled up| | the parchment was hidden there. | | get hold of it 2 inside the mast of the | | When he discovercd the scroll had | | “(F ovly it wade ship. Ib fell out when || gone, iethought I mast have fund] | some sense the wack wae broken, || ib. That's why the thieF came back | | then at least and it rolled under the | | and searched my flat, never guess chest... ing He JI) parchment was under » S the chest... Tintin, yourrea real Sherlock Holmes! 2s IE (5 ATVB Di ae INDENT see the Captain Treasure, Showy". Come ‘an, bhis'is going to be 4 freasure.-hunt (9 Yes, Tm absolutely certain it must be brens ure Why ? What ig it wow? The old lazybones! | | Nefa,.then where | [Noone at home. Perhaps] [ Captain Haddock@ .. No,Tdidnit He's still im bed! caw he be? he’s gone out. I'll ask see him ge out. Hasn't he av his land- @ lady... he dell? That's funny. U2 He might be. His light's been ov all wight... Wait !... He wust bein. | can hear awoice... We must Find ‘our at once Coptain!...Captain! Open the deon!...t's me... Tintin... A yes, | [Aly here comes | he's talking to | | the locksmith. | { No... a locksmith} himself! This a nit ne eta is pal] | seriows!.. As ‘ Re [Come one pace nearer and Shall 1 go For the police #] [1 thinl LCM blast a to blazes! He | Nope... can't doit, guy We must force the door. I'll | The door’s bolted... sib 7 be responsible for the damage Avast, pirates! Avast there! [ Avast, you dogs! 5 San | | sherkivet “°Baisous Sz S Gar -S @ SO) -<§ Buccaneers'... Fili: bustene! Bagpipcre! +» Gallows- Fodder ! We've won! onthe run! Thats get thew caWithayo-ho~ | | play! pps votiic tram! | | Uintarsrand. [Play-acting ?..This isn’t a i Come in, and you'll Yes, he's ons of your ancestors. What about it ¢ suddenly the attic Well, last night, when I was thinking about this strange business of the ships, [ In the chest I found this hat and cutlass, and also... membered that up in Chad an old sea-chest ing to my ancestor. T know ! this te tbs Treasure ra Car No, wet treasure, but something like it!... Old manuscripts by Sir Francis Haddock... Look, J started reading them yes- evening , and read ail night... [ was still reading when you came in. That's why you found me a little... over-excited . But what a story! Just listen to it ! It is the year 1676. The UNICORN, J valiant ship of King Charles I's Fleet has left Barbados in the West Indies, and set sail For home. She carnics a cargo of... well, anyway, there's a good Atel of rum aboard... Now Two days at sea, a good stiF? breeze, UNICORN is reac the starboard t ly there’s ahail aloft... “Thundering Eyphoons!...Shes mighty | close-hauled® Ration my rum if she's Mot going ke cuk across ‘our’ bows ! lpfnciasrs walcng arepan eingipcal | ho! she's running up her colours. IN see The Jolly Rogen! Pirates! .. Turning on to the wind | with all sails set, risking her masts, the UNICORN tries Eo oubsail the dreaded Barbary buccancers +. [Ahoy there... Clear Ehe decks for action! ... Man the poop! tand by tohaul the wind ! Thundering typhoons! It's no use... | She's overhauling us Fast! They must outwit the pirates. Ready about! The Captain wakes a daring plan. | | Let go braces!... He'll wear ship, then pay offen the | | Beat gunners bo port tack. As the UNICORN comes | | guanters! abreast of the pirate he'll loose off a broadside... No sooner a Tht UNICORN hes gybed completely | eeripesdken by suroriee ene rates have we time to alter Eourse. The royal ship bears down tipow thm. Steady s+ Gok her, yer! But wok a crip pling blow. The pirate ship in Earn goes about and look! she's hoisted fresh colouns to the masthead ! The pirates take up the chase - they draw closer... and closer... Throats are dry aboard the UNICORN. The red penmant!... No quarter given... A Fight bo the death, ito prisoners taken! You under: stand? If we're beaten, then it's every man te Davy Joues'é locke Close hauled, the enemy Falls in line astern with UNICORM, avoiding the | Fire oP her guns... She draws closer... eee a Then suddenly, not more thaw haif a cable's length away, she slips from under the UNICORN's wheosh, | Rae Then, she resui urse. The two ships are now along side. The boarders prepare Por action... repel board All hands to rd UNICORN. h hideous yells the stream aboa rakes There! Take thak, You'd like to Kill me, 2 nz] | Saucy tramp! So, you'd fA ae »; centipede | ScofFing braggart ! kill me, weuld you?... Oh, 60 you'd abtack me Prom the rear, would 2 Well, that's wore or less what happened Eo my ancestor. As he hurled himself on the pirates, 4 Keavy block drop ood an hishead, and he Fell to the | DE deck, stunned. f | The pirates were masters | of the chip. They. had hoisted tne red pennant =and they gave no quarter. Every man jack walked the Sin Francis?...When he No, From thirst! Poor man, how he suéfered. came round he found him self securely lashed to hie own mast. He suffered terribly «. From that blow on the head , of course. a What's happening? Instead of pil- | |But there's a man approaching, He looked about him. Jaging ou chip. and waking oft with’ | |He wears a crimeon cloak, e The deck was scrubbed | | ie booty, they re doing just the opposite, | embroidered with a skull and no trace remained he's the pirate chief! He af the fearful combat comes near- his breath that had taken place peeks of rum. and he there. The pirates pasced to and Fro, cach with a different ‘lead... ha Pt Regard ma pega wall, dog 1 aw ReA Rack- | [ Doesn't my name freeze your bleod, ch? Went 4. | Right. Listen tome. You have killed Diego i $3) | the Dreadful, wy trusty mate. More chan | hallmy crew are dead or wounded. My ship | ig Faundering, damaged by your First attack, Bs holed below the waterline as we boarded 1S when some of your dastardly ‘gunners fired at point blank ange. She's cinking ... co my look ab these diamonds! ae wen are transferring to this ship the booty we captured fk Spaniard three days just to tell me their Folly ! Tomorrow morning | Tchall hand you over tomy crew. And that Flock of lambs know justagims Mlihiow to adminis: ¥ That's enough, Captain'| | Very well. Towards nightfall, Go on with your the UNICORN with hor pirate story... erew sighted a small island Soon she dropped anchor in ashelbered cove... Darkness Fell; the pirates found the UNICORN's cargo oF rum, broached the casks, and made themeeives abominably drunk L—>: ? ky Yes abominal that’s the These are worth more than six times a_| | No, that's net why { came. So saying, he laughed king's ran- (| | I came to teil you that these | | sardonically, pi Un Did you come here who aunoy me pay dcary For | his glass and drained it at agulp, like this.. p. fike this ...__| ced up ie bly... word Hey, what's the idea?... [ only Just as you like, Tintin..- Now wanted to where wae bs You don't have to, ibe under - The pirates were abominably drunk. That's funny! Now there are two glasses! In the meantime Sir Francis gled desperately to Free himself... strug: somethi hina by. Just you wait, my lamb- | kins!”Ration my ram if Sir Francis Haddock decent s00u give you to remember Done it ! That's one | hand free! Free! Now I'm Free! On your guard, Red Rackham : here | come! hunjed him Sele. And with these words he Wo, ona bottle oF ram rolling on the deck He opened it, pub it to his lips, and . On Ehe pirates? Like that? Unarmed? And then he steps. “This is mo time for drinking,” fhesays, I need all may wits about me” With that, he puts down the boctle.. Yes, ne puts down the vottlc.. and seizes a cublass. Then, laoking towards Ehe Fo'c'sle where the drunken roistering still goes om... You sing and carouse, litEle lambs". [nm off Eo che magazine | You know, of course, the wa3- azine in'a ship is where they store the gunpowder and chet There !... The party won't be complete Without some Fire works! Now must make haste ! There's just time For me to leave the ship before ‘she goss up! you'd blow us sky BA |W! you won't Bhat pleasure! live, ‘Aud I'l pluck thore Feathere, squaw icing a popinjay ! Fancy-dress freebocter ! Fresh! water \ picate! Pithecanthrapus! Tl rus you through, prattling porpoise ef that Puse, about to | | side. touch off the pow- der ak any mor Tid as he fought, Sir | | Suddevly, mimbly parrying Francis kept thinkiug || a thrust, he leapt to one With one ewiPt blow Frew his heel we extinguigned ———— tne Fuse | Wo ce. WoooaH | ci Wow, Red Rackhawmmy temper's rising! That's that! May heaven For- give your wicked seul ! Ewough delay! Now bo light another Fuse... No one has seen me: they're still Arinking. Quick, (ato the jolly haat ... Hurrah! Justice is done ! He made Friends with Ene wa- Fives onthe island, and lived among them For two years. Then he was picked up by a ship which carriad him back home. There his journal ends. But how comes the strangest tsi in the whole story ... Jag look at tine J-Jolly-boat sh... isl 0iKg Nowshensh ! Youre Seas. | ahaetogt sbtnges vou'sh drunk... [So periched the UNICORN, that | stout ship commanded by ‘Sir Francis Haddock. And of ail Lhe pirates aboard her, nat one es - caped with his life... [ What happened to Sir Francis after that 2 That'e it, Captain! Red Rackham's tre bequeaths to each oF his Ehrea eo will be ours ! 4 tnodel ~builb.and rigged by him self - 4 model of the very ship he ence blew up rather than leave hor to the pirates. There's one funny details hetells his sons to move the mainmast Wiak do you maan € Why do you euppoce ise Frencis tala nis sone be move the ainnact om exch oF the three. ships? How showld I know? He | must have been avery par- | ticular man, and wanted the ehips to be perFect! Tw that case, he would have moved the masts himselt. Why did ine tell his gone te do it? Because if his sons had obeyed him, thoy would have Found a tiny scroll of parchment inside cach mast ! What's that? How do you know ! ese Because I mysel? Found the parch ment hidden in the ship | bought im the Old Streak Narket. Here it Vs My wallet... Semeone's stolen my wallet... Stolen it? Youve probably eft it at home No, it's bean stolen, It wae taken in the bus on may way iene. | cesmen- ber being jostled .. broth wemust ~eP,.. yess Three "e joyned- that'e the three song. Three Vaicorns in company 3 aay Sunne will speak- tha means ling in the noon- ant the three ships todeliv- tn their arceet che tures pareh= bch Tee restate 40 Afi EG) a] Pes] For tis From light that light will dawn. And then shines Forth and then some numbers, and at the end, alittle cross follows the words the Laglet... that’s it what caw iE a ean? T don't know yok, but Vwi sure that | if we can collect the three scrolls Logethen, then we shall Pind Rod Rackham's diamonds. | already Know where the second one is Come on, Captain! You know, where the second scroll is Yes, { know who's got the second UNI~ CORN Yes, it belowge to Jacertain Mr What's the matter? | OOOH!... | | 000 Me. Sakhasinne. tmurdered Me. Be! & 55 No, he's alive: his heart's beating. He's heen chloroFermed Tintin, look there! The second Na, ay th the snact'c broken uN cor’ Look! The Foot of the mast ic he parchwent has [gore ae Thundering typhoons! Maarew't the only avec hunting for, Rea Rackhams} | duty we caw have no Fricade! Ah, my old Friende! T T'm sorry, We're on duty. On) Quite right! We're here |f foclear “0 up thie buet First, here's the victim Cision Torepovcie BR erie Now iF there's a victim, there must be a culprit A brilliant deduc tion! Now we only have tofind bin... and he can't be far lanay, Tobe precise : he (swt faraway. Me, the ewlprit # You dare acca se ine! ., Miserable earth - worms! Si Artichokes! Phylloxera! Ver Py lave Eraders!,..Sea-lice! Black-bestles '..Baboons! wicaligt romArharsi tH es Crab- apples Gogglers!... Jelly-Fish! Captain! Capta Calin yourself ! Yes, please calvi yourself, Captain, We only said that by way ofan experiment. hanes You see, if you really had been guilty, youd have been upset. As it is, we are now quite convinced of your innocence: Now, to work! We must Took for Fingenprinte Aman came here last night, Co offer me some Pine old engravings. As T bent over to look at them £ felt a pad clamped over my D mose.. Very edd... To be precise... Can you smell something burning? No doubt it was chloroform, For T became uncon- as! Hal ing-gla Ha! ha! ha Your magnifying ha! your magni and the sun! Stop laughing iv that stupid way! Try to concentrate on the case. Can you describe the man who came to offer you those engravings? af Wait... F seem bo 4 bat { can't GR teil where. He was cather fat. Black hain, and alittle black moustache. He street [What wan in the Old Strect Market! Arman wha tried to buy the ship | found in the Old Streck Market. You know hivw boo: Who's the one you Wick on Ee | stairs on your way bo see we last wight. You suspac- ted him of stealing your wallek ... By the way, do you know mine has been stolen too ? Nol L¥s extraardinary how many people let their wallets be bolen! [t's go acy wok It’s on elastic ! re “Simple enough. 1 Childishly simple, in fact. But now we must leave you to your investigations. Goodbye ... IF things go on like this, Rea Rackiam's Eroasune will disappear fromunde Sarosts Yes. Um aPraid m $0: The Look, someone seems to be waiting for us outside my Old Streck Mart yan From the Yes, What do for you ? ] [Alright. We'll go up... TA Tie srt wi ee er g mind. Tt would be quieter i in your Flat... Captain! Captain! Help we! el is Ls Take care!.... They... they will Kill'you... too. Who?... Who ave they? ‘Sparrows 7... What da Tell ws --- Ege | you mean 2... Crambs, he's fainted | Poor devil. Noone will ever know what he meant when he pointed to these sparrows. SHOOTING DRAMA N_ unknown man was shot dead. in Labrador Road just be- fore midday yesterday. As he was about to enter-No. 26, three shots were fired from a passing car which had slowed dawn apposite him, The victim was struck by all three bullets in the region of the heart, He died without regaining consciousness Hello, Captain Come in... Cmjast telephon: ing the hospital For thewe of the wounded TeS no goods he's Acad. Hello !... Is that the House: Surgeon? This is Tintin Good- morning, Doctor. How's our injured want Just the Same? Still unconscious? ... [5 there any hope? A litkle. Sut Took Were: i ays iw the paper that he's dead wg [ Yee, the papers were told he'd died, The crooks will believe he didn't give them away, 20 they won't be on their guard And they'll get caught A, [see now. But I still wonder what that poor chap meant, pointing at those sparrows So do I, Captain. Ib’s all very mysterious. "To beprecige: very mys tori, as the Thown- sons would say. Awother day watching For pickpockets all over ‘the place. I'll be glad Eo | Here comes cur bus at lack! | you, you scoundrel | My wallct!... This bime L've got a uN || Wet ae RRRING aRRi wis Ah, Capkain! wrth we. hers a ie Come To cae the Thomsons: they've | | Ther! Found my. wallet ! my ow 2's yo mistake it's wine all He had seven in his pockets. The day's takings, no Here's the parchment From Ele UNICORN'S act: Look, Captain , Tell we how did you wanage to catch the thiet =| Wall, to {Catch him? >| be quite honest, we \ only managed to catch his were cont, 2 Yes, it's certainly a morning to wear a ching like this. coat. How odd fara pickpocket The trouble is that the coat docen't | give us any clue about its owners idenbity, [ Looic at these stitches + they make up a number, That tmeane the Coak has bean to the cleaners recently oe al pare riaht es $0. and addres trace the cleaners who mse Ehie mark. a list of cl telephone start huntin thief at once y to Find the thief 's name 6, we've only got to Quick, we'll make jeaners from the directory, and g for the g Ly dome days Latin... Uy Snomy!... Snowy)... Be cavcful "You'll fall! The dog's gont crazy: look at him chasing Ehat van Mos, Finch!.., Mre. Tintin his room! Not in? Then where can he be? Te looks very ranch as iF Lm a pricouer ... aot morning am a Nobody there! But wasn't || Yes, someone | { wno wao are || Who aml? Cam he dreaming comeome epoke! ‘cpoke! yout. And ghost of the captain where are you? oF the UNICORN! Hatha! hat... That Frightened] | Come nearer. Good... Now, ous dida'e ib. Gome over | | cam you see tie cpeaking-babe othe door... Who are you, and what do I want to know where you have Come on now, let's be eeu sible! you want with we! hidden the tho parchments you stale Ta collected two of the three scrolls: you Look them From we. That night whew | had your Flat searched, only the third one was found... i your wal- fet. Where are the ober twot 1 am Lt... You wus aoe a ea ceeee Ott | |(Me? I stole ewe’ patches fom ima corcmain | |mentst... But I never did} have you kidvapped?| | WA4 more than one. You have guessed that, wo doubt. As you like, But I warn you: 1 know of several ways te lossen stubborn Eowaues... {'ll give you Ewo hours te kell me where you hid those scrolls, then iF you won't Ealk, you'll soon soe the sort of man Lam! But I tell you... OW he’s Cut OFF, the gangster ! { wonder if L could use this beam as a battering naw, against the door. Hopeless! I caw No good. But intwo hardly lift it. hours [must be First (A bottew block up this speak: ing tube. with, ny handler Then wo one will hear || Now to work! As Fast as any woise | may Tcan.. First I'll knot these shests Then tie them securely | | AMA pull! ... Heave-ho!... Heaverhol ... and blankets together.» Heave-ho!... Weave! ... to this bea... Fy al z ee Start again: I've simply gat Ee move A quick bath and I'll soon get rid oF this mud. Aa! Ite good to be nice ana cleaw again Now ['ll tie a ‘small stone bo the oud of this string, like this... There it ie again... Yoo, a muffled thad, 4 Tk shook the whale as if it came from the cellacs... { That’s o4d...Sounded 8y thunder! Li must be Tintin. I expoce he's calling us - to tell us where those Hello... Hello? funny: he’s not answering intin?... | [We muct get bo the bottom of this. Hello Lintin’ . | | come with me; we'll see what's happening. Ps coming from ‘allare all Hooray, there |i she goes ! Now, one last go: the wall's eracked already, It's a musical-box! It Fell over, and started to play! Over there... By thunder, he's rammed a bole trough Hae wall! There. are plenty of hid ing places here. Bus [ Careful! We must be | on our guard. There! That armour, it moved! | fei my Friend, you thonaht you'd || You wont ? That's Foo be'emart and hide ina suit oF || bad Por you! Sli count armour, Well, youre caught : up to three and then I come on out! fire, Ones.» twos Confound it! He wasn't inside the armour! Whew! What luck! They've gone pak. UN just slip ue Stupid ! That's not | Tiwtin: it’s acuckoo-| a a You"! mt in Glock striking. Come, let's got ow with it. On you 90, Tintin! Ves, it's nothing. A bul- let 'ricocheted off the armour and struck bh gong over there. don't let's waste time... @ And wow, tough guys, it's your turn Eo be locked in, to lose, | wnust have gangsters arrested ace. Quick, let's wing up the Captain... Now | seawhat he meant the man who was shot pointing to the birds. He was giving us the name of his attackers! = dust look at this letter Hello... yee... it’s me... yes... | | What am 1 doing here?...1... er. 1... wo, L hadn't heard, Who's speaking?” What ? I'm Mr. Bird's new secretary. Please excuse me, sit. Tibi aaa Whence Didn't you know that 1... you? Hello?... Hello? Hellot... Hello?... Are you there? Hello, Nestor... A young rut. Fiaw’s Broken into he house! Stop him telephoning his ac- complices! We're coming at | once. Don't let him get away, whateverer you do! Hello, Nestor!... Nestor!... Marlinspike, Captain ! What... Martin's Marlinspike Hall! th pike?... Hells... Hello? .. Thunder ing typhoons! What's going ow Hello, Captain | I'm at Maclin spike Hall... Bring the police! What?... Drop that tele- Starlings bite? ello? Hello# ... Starlings} No, mot im bite what? .. Greece - in you! Where's he gone? Quick foot, Eellus! Did he have Eiwe Tware he goes... He was hiding Uchind the door. The front door just slammed Get up, you bwo, He'll escape | Crumbs, they're | | Missed! He's disap - after we again! | | peared among the trois! [Fetch Brutwe, Nestor! Quickly ! What an enor mous park: it's like 4 Forest... Brutus ¢ Very well, sir! «Hore Brutus What shall [do?... Lf Len Yes, my mind's they'll let che dog 0 and made up. T Vi have them on my track. | | must risk every- But it thing! Whoops! That's itt Now aet up aud start walking... The joke's over, you gang- steve! Hands apt Back bo the house ! We can have a nice comfortable chat there while me wait for the police to arrive. He'll have. What about bolted, the Nestor? Dont taik!..] and Keep | moving « woor! woor ! Get him, Brutus! A Hold your deg! Hold him... on it's you L'Il shoot... Mind you don’t let him go! L repeat, it's you I'll shoot! [ Brutus! Brutus! Be quiet, | for heaven's sake! J All right... get going! Back to the house! They're coming back But... oh dear! He's taken them prisoner ! Where are they going? ++. Oh, [sess Bhat little wretch is taking care to put Brabus back in his kennel That's that ! And now, gentle- men, we'll go tothe police Fy station | Theyre coming back this way: they'll pass under the ground-Floon win- dews. Perhaps there's Some Way... Here they come ! Careful, don't mice... AL, Oh, dean, 1 didw't hit Li him hard cmough Hee, Now then, once more... [Got you this time, my young Friend? ae Come out here, Nestor, and | bring some strong cord with you. cs You, walk in Prowt ! Pao have to tell you- ome False wove. | and L'il shoot you | Tike a dog! Snowy! Good old Snowy !... You man- aged 0 Find me! Great suakes!.. That sounds like the two Themsone! Awd there's Captain Haddock! ..” Hooray ! That thug had come round mhe was just going chook you... Ah, here come Thomson and Thompsan... Hells [Let me go!... I keep telling | yous it's all a mistakes I'v ot the owe to arrest... Detective... It's this little ruffian, | this litble wreteh who | broke into the house and terrorized my masters; he's a real gangster, Mr. Ite true, Nestor acted in good Faith. T heard his master say I was a crim- inal. Nestor be lieved it. en y [ Then your, masters are the criminals Look what's left of my battle of three-star bran- My wallets! My wal- let! E's inened ible! dy! lbs all [Ava what's more, their Fault! we have a warrant They're gang-_| for their arrest sters!. But your wallet's there.» That's just what's incredible: no one has stolen it! By the way, what about that pick pocket !... Have you managed Fo lay hands on hime We got his name From the Stellar Cleaners: he's called Aristides Silk, We were just about to pull hina ia whew we were ordered to arrest the Bird brothers, and | | here we are. Nok yet, but it won't be long @) © Gentlemen, thens hac boon a miscarriage of justice!’ This man is innocent, as Tintin said. Won't you Eake off these handcuffs. and let him goand Fetch me another bottle [of brandy? There, my man, wow youre And we'll use these havdcufPs for free, your masters! We'll Follow you, Nester. | Don't forget it's to be @ three-star! Now, Captain, Fell me how you came to be Just after your telephone call - and I didn't undp word of that - ing pp Fron the erstand a | swhataisheyailhad etal] idtle-binds-man. After hovering between life and death, he'd just come reund and identified bie attackere the Bird bobs, antique dealers of Marlinspike Hall, Te wat only when I + that [understood what you meant on the telephone. There was no time to lace L warmed the police at once, and we rushed here We shouldw't have let the Police with those two gangsters ! F] | Look !... one's escaping !. there! He's just turned the corner | He's the most dangerous of the twos he mustn't get away | 10g!... Cyclone... Bashi- bazoub!... Steamroller | Too late! He's gowe! We'll glater let's ao and help take care of the other ove | | Walk: f'llgive you a hand explanation Now, my friend, {'m waiting for an Perhaps you don't know that your victim recovered yisterday, ———— and divutgedl Our vicki? Len Barnaby waen't deaie. Very weil: Ud betten tell yuu everything. When we bowoht this house, two years aaa, we Found a little wodel snip iM the atbic, in very poer con dition The UNI CORNY Yes, anid when we wore trying tores- tore the model we came across the parchment: iks message intrigued us. My brother Max goon decided ik referred bo A treasure. But it spoke of tree unicorns 50 the First thing was to find the other two... You know we ore antique dealerc. We cet to Work... We sssd allour contacts : the people who comb the markets For interesting antiques; the people who hunt through attics; we told them tofind the Eno ships. After some weeks one of our epias, a man called Barnaby, came and Said We'd seen a civ lar ship in the Old Street Mar- ket. Unfortunately, this ship had just been sold toa young man; Barn aby tried in vain to buy it From him. Yes, we know the rest. [twas Barnaby whoin you ordered to steal my UNICORN. But because! the parchment wasn't there, he cawe back aud ransacked the place= again unsuccessfully. And thend | Then? Oh wall, |. i eh you the lob.» 58, Barnaby came back empty-handed Than he suddenly remembered thi other man who'd been trying ti buy the ship From you por} ANA next day he visit [re y he vis formed him, and, erolu the third fi parchment... f° Me. Sakharine, chloro- That's right. But «Pei hed given it tous, he and Max quarrciled violently about the money we'd agreed he should have. Barnaby demanded more, but May stuck fo the original sum. Finally Barnaby went, furionsly angry 2 od tees. When he'd gone, Max got cold Peck: supposing the wretch yam butrayed us? Me jumped So.) ito the car and frailed WSS hin: our Pears were justified. We saw hin ‘speaking and saying wed regret our mean-| to you. fanicking in case he'd given the whole game away, Max caught up with you in a few seconds, and shot Barnaby as he étepped into your doorwas I understand se far: but tell we, why did you kidmap wet We told yous to make you give up the two parchments yon hhad stolen From us a Pew days ab tar the shootin [ see. But I comldn' have stolen them as ba Liam's know you | existed! Bur al wonder, .. Perhaps AE aie ag er) | Yes, perhaps it was Me Sakharine who Eook tie two scrolls 4 He's managed to Come on, Captain, we'd bettor hulp this poor chap «. santie ES ! Steady! He-e-cave ! scrolls [one! Great Captain, as soon as snakes! we we retucn we'll 3ce Mr Sakharine. [wt eure he took the two {Ys weve gee brothers tool haven't even got nat ! The Bird itt But we can Give me back the parchment you stole From ity room! Kk Give it back 2... That's im- possible... Max has it in Ring up the police- station at once, give them a description of Max ‘ied, and his car number - bxiss Then we'll go straight back ro towns Wax morning [Now or Mir Sakharine... night Mr. Sakharine? He's gone away, young man. won't be back for a fort Tat docen't make things any easier! ‘he | He would be away! they've Found Max Bird... Tw the meantime Til go and see the Thomsons. Perhaps they'll be able to tell me iF ooh, morning. Aro you ging VI just came Eo ask {Shi Mum's the word * | Come with ust caer IN s00n see. i ¢@ We Aristides Silk ? [i aneeat von inthe mama of | [Yes, you!) Yo are ahi, aint... thelaw Arrest me 4. Um sorry to interrupt you, Me Silk, but could you es- plain the meaning of all his too. ° Jeptomaniac, it's comathing ctrouger Ehan Tam: Ladore wallets, So ws Loe. just Find one from time to time. { puta SLD label on it, with the awner's ga Mame z 2 Lu ZANE a STK I venture to cay, gentlemen, that this is a unique collection of ite kind. Bnd when | tell you that it only cook me three imionths 2 assemble you'll agree that it’s a remarkable achievement in Aud here are the two | pieces of parchment |... Rackkam's I wonder if by seme extraordinary co~ incidence ... Captain, Red treasure ie raion tes Under letter Tt @ have a look under Look under T2 Why under TT “Property oF Thompson" ! This is youre!.. Good gracious| r Froperty of Thomson... property af Thompson... Thomson... Thompsan Thompson... Thawpson. SOU eA haven't got Rod Rackhaw's treasure is ours: it's easy enough ko say. We've Found two of tie scrolls, know, but we still the third . Not exactly, but thanks to the clues we gave, Hey managed to catch him Erying bo leave the country 9... What about the third parchment? sx Did you Find Yes, he had it. We're bringing italong to you. But First we've got alittle account to settle with this troublesome antique dealer... Here, Thompson, hold my stick wile Ljast deal’ with this gentleman... dawa'” Look, together. The message is right when Wksays that it is “From the light that light will . Tput thew No! No! and No! You can go om hunting iF you want to, But S've had enough: | give up. Blistering barnacles to that pirate Red Rackham, and his treasure | I'd sooner do with- out iti I'm not racking my brains any more trying fe make sewse out of that gib- terish! Thundering typhoons ! What a thirct it's given mo! 4 eld he, “sailing in com in Front of the light. Look How! Ree’ ‘what comes Ehrought... Thundering typhoons! The numbcre and letters are completed, ana it latitude and a longitude! Obviously telling 4s where the UNICORN Now, Captain... When do we leave on oun treasure: haunt # When do we leave" Era Let's gee... inst we mead aship... We lean charter the SIRIUS, « trawler be: longing tomy Friend, Captain Chester, and all the right equipment for hi sort of expedition... That will take saya month. Yes, we could be realy ina Then me need a crew, some diving suits tus a little time to arrange. Wed bet- @) Red Rackham's treasure will be ours! [Bat of course it won't be easy, and we shall certainly have plenty of adventures on our treasure-hunk... You can read about them in RED RACKHAMS ‘TREASURI

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