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Does God exist? Is there any proof of God’s existence? Has anyone
ever seen God? Where have we come from? Where do we go after
These are some questions which have definitely traversed our minds at
some stage whether we call ourselves a theist or an atheist. However, we
haven't been able to source a satisfactory answer to these questions to

All religious leaders, saints and priests have failed to provide substantial
evidence to support claims they make about God. Due to advancement
of science, some of these claims fall short of logic and raise more
questions. Moreover, there is large scale ambiguity in claims made by
saints and leaders emanating from the same theological background be
it Hinduism, Christianity, Islam etc. which undoubtedly pushes an
individual, at times, to doubt the authority of religious texts and also
raise questions about the existence of God, sometimes turning them

In this article most of the doubts about existence or non-existence of

god have be cleared, that too with cogent evidence.

What is the meaning and definition of Theism and

Before we delve in to explaining why people become atheists, let us
define what is theism and atheism.

“Theism” is the belief in the existence of, at least one God, and all his
relative attributes. “Atheism”, on the other hand, is the absence of belief
in the existence of God.
Does an Atheist have any belief?
There are a range of belief systems prevalent among people. At one end
of the spectrum there are people who rely on faith rather than reason,
which is termed as “fideism” whereas at the other end there are people
who reject all religious and moral principles in the belief that life is
meaningless, which is termed as “Nihilism”. Atheists certainly denounce
fideism as they consider the statements and stories mentioned in the
religious texts to be apocryphal. They happen to be anthropocentric as
they consider humans and their existence to be the most important and
central fact in the universe. The concept of heaven or hell is simply not to
their taste.

Facts & Figures about Atheism

Despite the fact that atheism is gaining popularity across the globe,
no amount of scientific calculations is able to put life into dead. All the
prevalent theories about beginning of creation including the Big Bang
Theory fail to answer the cardinal question about how life came into
existence? These are still theories and lack scientific evidence to back up
the claim.

Atheists, like most other rationalists can't explain their own

existence; and all the scientists of the world still don't have any answer
to this basic question, "what puts life into the cell in the mother’s
womb that leads to the formation of human body?" which is worth
keeping in mind.

History of Atheism and THEISM: why atheism came into

In earlier ages, everyone had faith in God. They worshipped God
according to the Holy Scriptures. Children were sent to
Gurukuls (schools) for attaining spiritual as well as social knowledge
about life. With gradual deterioration over thousands of years, spiritual
dilution occurred. Slowly the holy texts also got adulterated. Selfish
priests started propagating false and arbitrary knowledge as per their
own whims. People started doing pilgrimages, keeping fasts and
worshipping stones and as a result moved further away from God. All
these methods of worshipping God are forbidden in holy Bhavagad
Gita and Vedas. This caused a gradual decline in benefits achieved from
worship of God causing a further loss of faith in God. When people
stopped getting the benefits of worship, their belief loosened. They
thought when we have to get fruit of our karma (actions), then why is
there a need to worship God?

The advent of modern day science added fuel to fire by

encapsulating this concept in the bracket of "logic and evidence" which
they have been unable to explore and prove to date as their means of
experimenting is faulty.

The actual term atheism emerged in the 16th century. The non-believers
contented that atheism is a more parsimonious position than theism and
that everyone is born without a belief in deities.
सद् गु रुदे व की जय

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