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The Five Minute Dynamic Warm Up

This five minute dynamic warm up will serve to prepare and “fire up” the major muscle groups used in
the golf swing. Instead of easing yourself into the round by the 5th hole, the ability to unleash the full
potential of your swing will be there on the first tee.
Ideally, it should be performed with some form of extra clothing on both the upper and lower extremi-
ties. A warm changing room will serve as a suitable environment.

Exercise #1: The Reverse Woodchop – Repetitions = 12-15 each side

What better place to start than the reverse wood-
chop – an exercise devoted to stimulating the
neuromuscular patterns of the golf swing while
providing a suitable warm up to the rotator forces
of the trunk and the large muscle groups of the
shoulders, hips, knees and ankle joints. The anti-
rotational forces of the spine will provide a suitable
environment for even the eldest golfer to warm up
his/her trunk while exposing what is for some a
stressful area

Start Phase: Stand tall, feet shoulder width apart.

Flex forward at the hips and soften the knees to
approximately 20 degree knee bend. Imagine you
are addressing the golf ball. Raise your hand and
position it over the right knee.
Begin by tracing a diagonal line with the ball across your body simultaneously bracing your abdominals
and rotating the hips and knees allowing the opposite knee to fall in. Lower under control to the start
position and repeat.

Exercise #2: The Golfer’s Squat – Repetitions 12-15

Continuing on from the reverse woodchop, the
Golfer’s squat will allow the golfer to prepare his
body for the demands of the swing with a thorough
lower extremity dynamic stretch movement.

Start Phase: Stand feet shoulder width apart, toes

angled 30 degrees out from the body.
Begin the lowering phase by slowly flexing the
knees and hips. Keep the eye level horizontal and
the back in a flat position. Chest should be held
high and raised. Keeping the back flat extend up
through the legs and hips with the back held in flat
position. Maintain a strong braced position in your abdominal region throughout.
Exercise #3: The Side Lunge – Repetitions 5 each leg
This exercise provides a suitable stretch to the muscles of the hips and legs while providing a suitable
warm up to our balance and stability. Swinging a
club while playing out of the sand or even out of
the rough will place an awkward stress to the hip
and lower back musculature. Expose your body
gently to this position before injury sends you back
to the clubhouse.

Start Phase: Stand feet together, toes facing for-

ward with hands on hips.
With the left leg, step out to the side as shown in
the photo. Keep the toe slightly angled out.
Keep the abdominals braced with the torso re-
maining upright throughout. Your current level of
flexibility will determine the depth at which you
perform the exercise. Only go to depth that feels
comfortable and at which you can maintain excellent form. Return to the start position and repeat for
the opposite leg.

Exercise #4: Arm Circles – 10 each arm forward and back
The shoulder is instrumental in what Madalozzo calls the “chain reaction” of the “hips, shoulders,
arms and hands” in the golf swing. If there is tightness in the shoulder, the rotational force placed on
the joint will negatively effect this interaction by transferring the force to the hips and lower back.
A dynamic stretch of the shoulder joint will allow for more rotation in the swing. Rotating the shoul-
der much further away from the target will also force the club head to travel further. More force, more
speed, more distance.

Start Phase: Stand feet shoulder width apart, toes facing forward.
Rotate the left arm forwards beginning with small circles and finishing with
the hand brushing the ears and the thighs. Repeat with the same arm, this
time rotating the arm backward. Repeat with the opposite arm.

Exercise #5: Bent Over Single Arm Raises – 12-15 reps each arm
This is not only an excellent dynamic warm up for the largest joint in the
shoulder joint (the scapulothoracic joint), it also acts as a postural cue for
addressing the ball. It reminds our nervous system of the correct sequence of
nerves it has to fire for us to address the ball correctly.

Start Phase:
Assume the address posture with the hands held in front. At all times, the
left hand must remain fixed in the central position. With the right arm, and
keeping the left hand fixed, raise the arm to parallel with the shoulder. Hold
and return slowly. Repeat with the same arm.
Swap arms.

It is no surprise that all top level golfers en-

hance their performance through a regular
conditioning programme involving strength,
flexibility, power, endurance and recovery. This
dynamic warm up and rationale behind condi-
tioning for golf will serve the coach and golfers
of all levels with a necessary tool in ensuring
that quality of shot outweighs frequency of
shots! Best of luck.

Golfer’s World (2003) See July Edition
Rubenstein, I (2002) ‘More Power off the Tee’ in NSCA’s Performance Training Journal Vol (3)
Hogan, B and Wind, W (1957) The Modern Fundamentals of Golf New York
Theriault, G and Lachance, P (1998) ‘Golf Injuries: An Overview’ in Sports Medicine Vol.26(1) and
Grimshaw, P et al (2002) ‘Lower Back and Elbow Injuries in Golf’ in Sports Medicine Vol.32(10)
Spring, H (1991) Stretching and Strengthening Exercises Thieme Publishers
Westcott, W et al (1996) ‘Golf and Strength Training are Compatible Activities’ in NSCA’s Strength and
Conditioning Journal, August
Madalozzo, J (1987) ‘An Anatomical and Biomechanical Analysis of the Full Golf Swing’ in NSCA
Journal Vol.9 (4) p.7

Thanks for reading the Five Minute Dynamic Warm Up.

If I can be of any assistance to you, please don’t hesitate to call me. I’m happy to speak with you and
give you my recommendations without any sales pressure (I hate it when people try to “sell” me, so I
wouldn’t try that on you).
Please visit my web site at or call my office at 206-227-2309 to initiate your
subscription to my free health and fitness newsletter or to obtain any additional information you may
need. Thank you.
Yours in good health,
Dillon Kreider

NOTE: This publication is not intended for use as a source of medical advice. You should obtain medical advice from your private health-
care practitioner. Before beginning any exercise or dietary program, consult with your physician to ensure that you are in proper health
and that this or any exercise or dietary program will not put you at risk.

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