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Ian Gillan A. Radislao

Activity 8: REASON OUT

1.) How do you determine if a situation or problem involves

- It would be determined or identified if a question is asked for a
certain arrangement of a set into another particular order of
2.) Differentiate between permutation in general (n objects taken r at
a time), circular permutations, and distinguishable permutation
(when some objects are alike)
- We often use the words distinguishable permutation to either
refer to a different permutation of n objects when some of them are
alike. It is calculated with a formula =𝑃 = , where n is the
total number of objects, p objects are alike, q objects are alike and
so as r.
3.) a. Find the number of permutations of n objects when arranged
( n- 1) at a time for any positive integer n.
𝑃(𝑛, 𝑛 − 1) =
(𝑛 − (𝑛 − 1))!
= (𝑛−𝑛+1)
= 1!

= 𝑛!
b. Find the number of permutations of n objects when taken all at a time.
- P=(n,n) = n! determined by its meaning
c. Compare the two ( an and b ). Explain why the answers still makes
- Accordingly to the answers they are both equal. This makes sense
because by arranging n-1 objects out of n objects. There is only 1 object or
element that is left in every part or time. And there’ll only be 1 object left.
4. Going Back to the “combination” lock problems on page 285, suppose
that the lock contained the 4 digits 1,4,7,9 but you totally forgot the order in
which they come. What are you going to do? How can you apply your
knowledge or permutations here? Elaborate.
- Going back to the lesson about permutations it will help me and my
knowledge that there’ll be 24 arrangements of numbers in the code. If I was
given enough time to even try all of it while making a systematic list while I
eliminate the wrong code.Or would even leave my bike with a security to
find my way home.
How much have I learned? Well the thing is that the first thing that needs to

be understood about permutations and combinations I have learned a lot

that these are primarily methods of counting ways of doing a certain activity

( in a such a structured manner ) However I got confused at the very

beginning where we should know how to get the number of ways? And

what are permutations? I have so many things inside my mind that really

needs answers, as we go over the lessons about permutations it is easy for

us to use this in our daily lives. That we may consider this lesson provided

to have oppurtunities to identify situations that describes permutations, I

was also given the chance to perform practical activities for me to

understand further about the upcoming lessons which involves

permutations, it’s types, combinations and so on. I realized that there are

still parts of the lesson or other things that I may not understand. But then

as time goes on my knowledge became my strength in order for me to

identify and solve situations. Like for example for counting, the basics at

the end of the day is to understand when to add and when to multiply

cases. Let's say a husband and a wife goes to a certain party. The

husband has 5 shirts and 6 trousers to select from. The wife has 5 sarees

and 6 salwars to select from.

How many ways can they dress up? The husband has to wear both a shirt

and a trouser. The wife, however, will choose from wearing either a saree

or a salwar. Now to understand this logically, If the man needs to wear

both, then they are corresponding events. Let us understand what happens

in corresponding events. For each shirt, there are 6 choices for trousers.

So, in this case we should multiply 5 and 6. Now, for the lady, we have an

option of either a saree or a salwar. So, they are different cases. If they are

different cases, we should add 5 and 6.Thus, if all events have to happen

(and types), then they are corresponding events and the cases for the

events need to be multiplied. In identifying combination? I can apply it to

real life by cooking. Examples are I'll combine water and egg to create

some boiled egg. There are other things that combination can be applied.

Like you need to combine letters to create some words and combine some

words to create sentences and to paragraph and essay and other.

And there I really think that this lesson puts a big impact to all over the

world not just during classes but we can solve situations using

permutations and its application.

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