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See-Saw pumping system and Energy Generator with novel flywheel


A treadle pump is a human-powered suction pump that sits on top of a well and is
used for irrigation.[1] It is designed to lift water from a depth of seven metres or
less. The pumping is activated by stepping up and down on a treadle, which are
levers, which drive pistons, creating cylinder suction that draws groundwater to
the surface.


Treadle pumps free farmers from dependence on rain-fed irrigation and helps
farmers maximize return on their small plots of land. The treadle pump can do
most of the work of a motorized pump, but costs considerably less. Pump prices
including installation range between US$20 and $100. Because it needs no fossil
fuel (it is driven by the operator's body weight and leg muscles), it can also cost
less (50%) to operate than a motorized pump. It can lift five to seven cubic metres
of water per hour from wells and boreholes up to seven metres deep and can also
be used to draw water from lakes and rivers. Many treadle pumps are
manufactured locally, but they can be challenging to produce consistently without
highly skilled welders and production hardware.

Treadle pumps are most commonly used by farmers on small plots of land,
typically about the size of an acre. They are also used in poor countries and small
villages such as: villages in Africa, small farmers in Asia, and anywhere else where
money is an issue.

Compared to bucket irrigation, the treadle pump can greatly increase the income
that farmers generate from their land by increasing the number of growing
seasons, by expanding the types of crops that can be cultivated, and improving on
the quality of grown crops.
The See-saw pump is a dual pump system coupled to a see saw such that the up
down motion of the see-saw is converted to alternate reciprocation of the two
pumps mounted on either side of the see-saw and thus two outputs are
obtained at the same time.
In today's world of exponentially growing energy appetite there are so
many new advanced technologies & ideas that are being used in order to meet
the unending demands of energy in various fields .But many of them may not be
available to us in the near future. We may not be able to the use the existing
means although available in plenty today, if they depute at this fast rate. Hence for
the future . scientist & technicians are busy trying to find new methods or modify
existing ones for utilization of energy sources.
Foot steps are used to regulate the traffic on the main roads as well as cross
roads .whether we can use the foot step other than to regulate the traffic ?
Generation of electricity using a See-saw generator is a totally new
concept . The see- saw generator uses a very simple technique & can provide a
low cost solution. Here we have discussed how the foot step can be used to
generate electricity by very simple method which is easy to manufacture as well
as maintain.

A) Why Non- Conventional sources of energy ?
Today we not only see but every one understands that most of energy we use is
from non-renewable sources which are depleting at a very fast rate and are
unable to meet our ever-increasing demands.Also we see how environment
protection is a major aspect that resist new technology to be applied .
Environment has to be protected it . So the best alternative is to search for a
source that is renewable and also long lasting.For this purpose many non-
conventional sources have been put forward and also have been successfully
applied sources like wind energy , tidal energy solar energy etc are being used but
they have their over limitations.
We need to develop some more methods by which we can generate energy
there need not necessary depends on nature as a source.


This concept gives a innovative method to generate electricity & this

method by no means depends on nature as a source.

General principle
The force exerted by moving see- saw over can be used to motivate a
mechanical linkage which will further rotate an generator to generate electricity.
The concept is to provide an gearing mechanism that will rotate a dynamo
to generated electricity The oscillation motion thus obtained can be further
magnified by suitable can be further magnified by suitable means and utilized to
run a generator .

Literature Gap :

From the observation of the pump systems described in the literature there is
clear view that very few people have attempted the see-saw pumping device
although it is also clear that no researcher has studied the system of combination
of the see saw system for pumping and electricity generation simultaneously .
Thus this is literature gap and the project work will be based on the premise
of combination of the pumping system and the electricity generation in the same
set up.

Problem statement :

The use of the See- saw for pumping application has been done earlier but the set
up has being bulky requiring more space and less output. So also there is very
little evidence that the see-saw arrangement has been used for electricity
generation. Although there is great potential to combine both the operations
together there is no such arrangement in existence.

The solution to the problem is the development of a combined system that will
a) Carry out the pumping activity by means of two pumps simultaneously in
tadem such that one time one pump is operated in one side downward motion of
the see saw.

b) The two pumps are coupled in the input and output side where in the output is
obtained for both side movement of see-saw
c) The see-saw is coupled to an electricity generator mechanism which will
magnify the motion of the see -saw to generate electricity that canbe stored in
battery for further use
Methodology :
Proposed Methodology:
1. Literature review-
a)Study of various configuration see saw arrangement for pumping and electricity generation
using various Handbooks, United State Patent documents, Technical papers , etc.
b)Literature gap
c) Problem statement
d) Solution
2. Design and Development:
[a] System design as to and theoretical derivation of dimensions of the see saw mechanism
kinematic linkage using’ Kinematic overlay method’ using 2-D cad software
[b] System Design and theoretical derivation of dimensions of pump linkage for the above
derived pumping system
[c] System Design and theoretical derivations of linkage as for electricity generation
[d] Selection of dynamo for electricity generation
[e] Design Development and analysis for gear mechanism to amplify the see saw motion
generated to develop maximum generator speed.
[f] Design of pump guide mechanism\
[g] Design and selection of pumps
[h] Design and selection of NRV ( non return valve for pumping action)

Fabrication :
Suitable manufacturing methods will be employed to fabricate the components and then
assemble the test set –up

Experimental analysis :
Testing of the Single set up to determine
a) Volume of water Vs Speed of see-saw
b Voltage Vs Speed of see-saw
c )Current Vs Speed of see-saw
d) Power produced Vs Speed of see-saw

1. Simple energy generation ways that do not use up natural
resources or harm the environment, no pollution .

2. Energy derived from playing sources that uses an entirely

un-conventional energy conversion device ..with minimal
energy input.

3. Better effectiveness over conventional method utilizing

human effort or continuous supply of electric energy.

4. High on useful work done……….. low on power consumed

---while children play

5. Positive displacement pump ensures effective or high

delivery head..hence advantageous over velocity pumps.

6. Low installation cost.

7. Low running cost.

8. Low maintenance.

9. Two pumps work in tadem that give output on either side



1. Domestic pumping applications in homes.

2. Can be modified appropriately to suit rural areas by merely

modifying the excitation arrangement.

3. Pumping water from wells and bore wells

4. Lifting of underground water., etc.

5. Energy generation to charge battery for further use.

Future Scope :

1. Flywheel can be added to increase the effectiveness of

2. Number of pumps on either side can be increased to
increase the pumping output

3. Pumps can be arranged in series to increase the head of


Dual mass flywheel is represented in figure below:

From the above figure it is clear that in addition to the mass of the flywheel , the
couple owing to the centrifugal and centripetal forces keeps the flywheel into
motion for longer time …thereby increasing the work done by the system…hence
the output from the given system increases.

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