Should America Continue To Be A World Leader?

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Should America continue to

be a world leader?
Learn and Talk III – Lesson 13

Words Expressions

lifting of sanctions
1. mantra /ˈmæ n.trə/ [noun]
a word or sound that is believed to have a special spiritual power
pose a threat to
2. dismissive /dɪˈsmɪs.ɪv/ [adjective]
showing that you do not think something is worth considering multi-layered conflicts

3. entrust /ɪnˈtrʌst/ [verb] election campaign

to give someone a thing or a duty for which they are responsible
be front and centre
4. sanction /ˈsæŋk.ʃən/ [noun]
an official order, such as the stopping of trade, that is taken against a country in order to
make it obey international law

5. nuance /ˈnjuː.ɑːns/ [noun]

a very slight difference in appearance, meaning, sound, etc.

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Learn and Talk III – Lesson 13


Should America continue to be a world leader?

It is often said that President Obama inherited two wars
and an economic crisis when he took office in January
At the time, he made it plain that he wanted to depart
from the hyper-activity of the Bush years and take a
different approach to US foreign policy. In a recent
interview, his mantra was said to be, 'Don't do stupid
sh*t'. Jane Harman is dismissive: "Don't do stupid stuff
isn't a foreign policy strategy.”
An expert in military hints broadly at who she wants to
see in the White House,"The next president, whoever
SHE may be... needs to articulate a strategic narrative...
we don't explain ourselves well... a foreign policy has to
articulate America's values and interests."
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Ambassador Burns was also the diplomat President Obama entrusted

to open up secret negotiations with Tehran in 2013. Those talks
paved the way to the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, restricting the country's
nuclear activities, in return for a lifting of sanctions. But the
agreement remains controversial among US Republicans (Israel and
the Gulf States are critics too) who don't believe Iran should be
trusted and point to Tehran's support for militant groups like
Bill Burns believes Iran can now be prevented from acquiring a
nuclear weapon. But his message to the next president, is to be
wary. "I never anticipated, at the start of those secret talks, that
there was going to be an overnight transformation of Iranian
behaviour in the region or in US/Iranian relations. Iran and its actions
are going to pose a threat to our friends and our interests for some
time to come."
Iran, along with Russia, is one of the key players in the Syrian
conflict and a key ally of President Assad. Iranian backed
militias are fighting to defeat so-called Islamic State (Isis) in
Iraq. It is now just one of many countries taking part in the
multi-layered conflicts that are playing out in both Iraq and
Syria. 3 © 2016 Acadsoc Limited
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Stephen Hadley believes the next president will come to power

in difficult times. He argues there was an assumption, after the
collapse of the Soviet Union, that the liberal international order
that was established after World War II had triumphed. Instead
he says it is now being undermined by "the authoritarian state
capitalists in Russia and China... from the disorder in the
Middle East and from what North Korea is doing in terms of
But does the US still want to be the leader of the international
world order? Stephen Hadley says that should be discussed
during the election campaign. Jane Harman counters by saying
the question deserves a nuanced answer. "Being front and
centre in all the controversies in the world... no thank you. (The
US is) happy to be a partner with others.“ That is an approach
that may be welcomed by some but after decades of looking to
America for leadership, is the rest of the world actually
prepared for what that might mean?

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Learn and Talk III – Lesson 13


1. Do you think that America will continue to be a world

2. When people judge the policy of their government, what
do they most care about?
3. What do you think of the future world after reading the

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Learn and Talk III – Lesson 13

Further Reading

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