Primary Science

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Primary Science FPD -Year 3




Students are to write their own predictions as to Maths
what they think will happen when investigating their Students briefly discuss the concept of time
own shadows. They will also be answering
questions and making scientific explanations whilst
when talking about day and night, as well as
comparing their results (Lesson 4). how long it takes for the Earth to travel
The Arts around the Sun in 1 year and 1 year. This is
Students will be writing and answering questions Students use their creativity to create devices that will also mentioned when discussing shadows
that the teacher will asks and will be answering protect people from the Sun (Lesson 1). (Lessons 1, 3, 4 and 5)
them both orally and in written form.
Students draw the differences between the sizes of the Students compare the sizes and shape of the
Students will be writing their own scientific
explanations as to what happens when the Earth
Sun, Moon and Earth and their placement in space Earth, Moon and Sun. (Lesson 2)
rotates around the Sun (Lesson 3 and 5) (Lesson 2)
Students are taking part in a STEM activity
Throughout the lesson’s students will be presenting where students are constructing different
sharing their findings with the rest of the class. shapes from various materials (Lesson 1)
The teacher reads the book “What Makes a
Shadow?” which is a form of children’s literature.
Concept: Rotation of the Earth around
Students will be using the app ‘Book Creator’ to
write and explain how the Earth rotates around the the Sun Term: 2 Weeks: 5-7

©The University of Notre Dame 2010 developed by C McGunnigle

Society and Environment

Health & Physical Education
Discuss the Northern and Southern ICT
hemisphere and the differences Throughout the lesson’s students use
between the seasons. (Lesson 3). their iPads to conduct research and Students discuss some of the dangers of the sun and
answer questions. identify what we can do to protect ourselves from the sun.
Students use ‘Book creator’ to create a (Lesson 1)
book that includes information about the
earth’s rotation. 3

TERM/WEEKS: Term 2, Week 5 YEAR LEVEL: Year 3 LEARNING AREA/TOPIC: Earth and Space Science

General Capabilities:
Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and creative Ethical Behaviour Personal and social Intercultural Understanding
thinking Competence
Cross-curriculum priorities:
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and Cultures Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability


Lang Literacy (include learner diversity)
Week 5, Lesson 1 Earth’s rotation on its During this lesson students The teacher will use Extending: During the Save the town activity students can be extended
axis causes regular will be able to: diagnostic assessment by making annotations on their creations and explain what each part Google doc for
Engage changes, including for this lesson. For the represents and does. For the ‘Sun cycle’ activity students can be the questions
day and night Write one response for first activity which is extended by mentioning what time they are doing certain activities in
(ACSSU048) each of the three questions the questions on the the day, this way the concept of time is implemented into Science. Sun cycle activity
on a google doc about day google doc a checklist Enabling: For the ‘Save the town’ activity students who are struggling (See Appendix 1
and night. will be used to assess can be given ideas to help them make certain devices. For the ‘Sun on weebly)
how the students are cycle’ activity students can be assisted by perhaps only stating what
With guidance, plan Show the changes from able to answer each of they do during the day and night. Natural materials
and conduct scientific day to night by making a the 3 questions. Health and Safety regulations:
investigations to find cycle with paper and • The teacher will need to ensure that students on the Save the Hot glue gun
answers to questions, texters. For the Save the town Town activity are using the scissors and hot glue gun safely
considering the safe activity, the teacher (the teacher can create a separate station for these materials if Design activity
use of appropriate Construct a device out of will use anecdotal needed). Students are also not allowed to throw or move for save the town
materials and natural materials to protect notes to assess the around the class with sticks (See Appendix 2
equipment (ACSIS05 residents in a town that are students. Throughout on Weebly)
4) always in daylight. the lesson the teacher Introduction:
will be asking Introduce to the students that you will be learning about day and night 2 stars and a wish
prompting questions and how they happen.
Ways products, which the teacher will • Ask students to think, pair share what they learnt about
services and be taking notes on. changes in the sky in year one?
environments are (Formative • Get students to get their iPads out and write one response to
designed to meet Assessment) each question on the shared google doc.
community needs • After the google docs activity the students will be shown a
(ACTDEK010) Finally for the Sun PowerPoint that shows an explanation about the rotation of
Cycle activity, a the Earth around the sun. Here the teacher will also give a
checklist will also be visual demonstration of the effects of the sun on the earth and
used during or prior to show how the Moon reflects light.
the activity, to assess if

students were able to Lesson Body/Steps:
draw and discuss the • The teacher will introduce the two different activities where
activities they do students will be split into groups. Each group will have a turn
during different times at each station and be able to rotate between stations.
of the day. Sun Cycle
• Students will discuss the times of the day i.e day time/night
time, what would happen if we did not have daytime/night
time, and activities that take place during these times.
• Students will draw pictures of what they do in their daily life
at each time of the day.
• Teacher will have an extension activity which involves time.
• Prompt questions:
o What sort of changes occur when we move from
day to night/night to day?
o What would you be doing during the day/night?
o What might happen if we didn’t have day
time/night time?
o What might the time be if the sun was rising in
o Why do you think we have day and night?
Save the Town!
• Students are required to save the town by creating devices that
would help residents as the town is always in daylight!
• Students will have to draw 3 different designs of 3 different
devices that they will create.
• Prompting questions:
o How would you improve the way people sleep
when it’s always daytime?
o Would we still have sunsets?
o What would happen to the Earth if we always had
o What are some of the dangers of being out in the
sun for too long? What are some things that can
be done to minimise these impacts?
• Students will share what they did in each activity and explain
the devices/objects they created in the save the town activity.
• The class will conduct a 2-stars and a wish about the different
things they learnt.

Week 5, Lesson 2 Earth’s rotation on its Students will be able to: Formative Assessment Extending: Students can be extended by having some groups imitating Science workbook
axis causes regular the rotation of the Earth and Moon around the Sun, which can be made
Explore changes, including Describe the spherical The teacher will be into a role-playing exercise where students have to explain what is Objects to
day and night shapes of the Sun, Earth monitoring student’s happening. represent the Sun,
(ACSSU048) and Moon through class developing Enabling: To assist students, they can be given objects that are more Earth and Moon
discussion understanding by representative of the Sun, Earth and Moon so that they are able to (eg, basketball,
Science involves in taking anecdotal notes identify them more easily. marble,
making predictions Compare the relative sizes and giving feedback Health and Safety regulations: Students are not to throw the objects peppercorn)
and describing that extends their around at others, and they must stay in an area where the teachers can
of the Sun, Earth and
patterns and Moon using 3D models. learning. (Formative see them. Students are also not allowed to run around on the concrete Role wristbands
relationships assessment). The with these objects. or badges for
(ACSHE050) teacher will be floating Director, Manager
Explain why the Sun around between groups Introduction:
observes to be the same and Speaker
With guidance, and will be making • As a class they will discuss what they did/learnt in the
size as the Moon when notes while students previous lesson, here the class will discuss the shape of the
identify questions in viewed from Earth. Tennis ball
are in groups and also Earth and students should realise form the previous lesson that
familiar contexts that
observe them the Earth is sphere.
can be investigated
individually. • Students will be asked to identify shapes that are similar to Basketball
scientifically and
predict what might Earth. The class will then discuss the shapes of the Moon and
happen based on Sun. iPads
prior knowledge o “What do you know about the differences
(ACSIS053) between the sizes of the Sun, Moon and Earth?” 2 stars and a wish
• The teacher will show the students three different spherical
objects of three different sizes. Students will then have to
match the objects to either the Sun, Moon and Earth and give
reasons for their partnership.
o What are some observations you can make about
the Moon and the Earth? What are some
• Here the teacher will explain that the Sun is 695 510 km
around, The Earth is 6 371 km around, and the Moon is
1737.1 km around.s

Lesson Body:
• Teacher will explain that students will be working in
collaborative teams to investigate the sizes of the Sun, Moon
and Earth.
o Students will need to allocate roles to each other. The
teacher will that students will wear role wristbands or
badges to help them know which role each team
member has. There will be an equipment table where
the managers will collect and return equipment.

• Each team gets a basketball (sun) and tennis ball (moon) and
will be taken to the playground.
• One person has the basketball, one has the tennis ball and the
third member will stand back so they can see both and look at
the objects as if they are the sun and moon.
• The student with the basketball will move back until the third
team member is able to notice that both spherical objects look
the same size. Students will then be able to swap sides, so
everyone gets to observe.
• In their groups they will discuss their observations and how it
relates to the sun and the moon.
• Prompting questions;
o “What would happen if the Moon was larger than
the sun?”
o “What changes would there be if Earth was
bigger than the sun?”

• The class will then go back to the classroom and research and
view different images that demonstrate the shapes and sizes of
the Sun, Moon and Earth.
• Students will then be asked to draw their own illustrations of
the position and sizes of the Sun, Moon and Earth by using
their iPads to research images. This will be done in their
science workbooks.
• Everyone will be given a slip and will then complete 2 stars
and a wish activity about what they learnt in the lesson.
Week 6, Lesson 3 Earth’s rotation on its Students will be able to: The teacher will be Extending: Students can create an explain everything, or even create a iPad
axis causes regular able to use the KWL video which can explain the rotation of the Earth around the Sun.
Explain changes, including charts in the form as a Students can also look into and investigate how the Moon rotates YouTube clip
day and night Demonstrate their work sample to check around Earth while Earth rotates around the sun. https://www.yout
(ACSSU048) understanding of the Earth for students’ Enabling: Instead of using the iPads, students write down their books
rotation around the axis by understandings in the on paper if they are unsure of how to use or navigate the app. Students =l64YwNl1wr0
creating a book using the content that is being can also be given the information that they need to write about and do “Earth’s rotation
app ‘Book Creator’ taught. (Diagnostic it in their own words. & Revolution:
Represent and assessment) Health and Safety regulations: Students are to keep their hands and Crash Course
communicate Create a KWL chart which feet to themselves, students will also be asked to stay mainly at their Kids 8.1”
observations, ideas demonstrates their prior The student’s book desks while they are using their iPads. The teacher needs to also ensure
and findings using and current knowledge creator activity can also students are being careful with their iPads and not running around or KWL chart
formal and informal about the rotation of the be used to check for damaging their equipment.
representations (ACS Earth on its axis. students’
IS060) understanding. The
teacher can also give Introduction:
written feedback to the • At the beginning of the lesson students will individually
students. This will be conduct a KWL about the things they already know and learnt
assessed through the about the rotation of the Earth around the sun
use of a checklist to see • Prompt questions:
if students meet certain o How many days in a year?
criteria.(Summative o Do our seasons change, why?
assessment) o What is a rotation?
o What are the differences in sizes of the Earth, Sun
and Moon?
o What do you think is the reason for the Earth
being tilt on the axis? (Teaching point)
• When the students have completed their KWL charts they will
then watch a YouTube clip which goes into more detail about
the rotation of the Earth around the sun. the teacher will then
ask the students questions to test their knowledge.
• Questions for after the video:
o How many days does it take to rotate around the
o What is the Northern and Southern Hemisphere?
o Why are the seasons changing each year?
o Why do you think it looks like the sun is following
us when we are driving in a car? (Teaching point)
• The teacher can also explain to the students that the Moon
also rotates around Earth (can use a role play activity using
the 3 sphere objects from the last lesson to demonstrate).

Lesson Body:
• After the YouTube clip the teacher will explain that the
students are to use their iPads and the app ‘Book creator’ in
order to explain how the rotation of the Earth revolves around
the sun in their own words.
• Students will be able to use their own research to use in their
• Students can also take pictures with a partner and use props
for the Earth, Sun and Moon to assist them in their book
• The components that have to be mentioned in the book must
o The size of the Sun, Earth and Moon
o The reason why there is night and day

o Mention the Northern and Southern Hemisphere and
the reasons
o Mention the rotation of the Earth around the sun
o Mention the rotation of the moon around Earth
• Students will be able to share their books to the class and also
identify any extra information that they found.
• To finish the lesson students will also be able to complete the
KWL chart why filling in what they learnt during the lesson.

Week 6, Lesson 4 Earth’s rotation on its Students will be able to: Through the use of Extending: Students can be extended by being given more difficult Globe
axis causes regular Formative questions to answer that will extend their scientific explanations and
Elaborate changes, including Conduct a scientific assessment, the teacher investigations where they have to provide more scientific reasonings. Torch
day and night experiment which will use anecdotal Students can also look at how they can use shadows to tell the time
(ACSSU0480) investigates how shadows notes to assess each using a sun dial. Figurines
work. pair during the Enabling: Students be enabled by being given more basic lower order
Compare results with investigation. thinking questions. They can also be provided with a diagram on their YouTube clip
predictions, Provide scientific worksheet and use that to help them identify what they need to do for ‘Following the
suggesting possible explanations, predictions Through summative the task. sun: Crash course
reasons for findings and observations as to why assessment the teacher Health and Safety regulations: The teacher needs to ensure that Kids #8.2’
(ACSIS215) and how shadows work by will collect the students are not running around on the concreate to moving too far https://www.yout
answering questions on a observation worksheets away to where the teacher can not see them.
worksheet. to assess how well =1SN1BOpLZAs
students were able to Introduction:
answer the questions • To begin the lesson the teacher will begin by reading the book Observations
given to them. A “What Makes a Shadow” by Clyde Robert Bulla. worksheet for
checklist will be used • Before the teacher reads, they will explain that during the day investigating
to assist in assessing (especially during a sunny day) the light creates shadows. shadows (See
the worksheets. “What do you think shadows are? What do they look Appendix 3 on
like?” Weebly)
• The teacher will demonstrate to the students how the earth
moves around the sun to give us light.
o The teacher will use a globe, a torch and small Different coloured
figurines. lights and objects
o The teacher will ask a select few students to place the (e.g. balloons)
figurines on or around the globe.
o The teacher will spin the globe once and explain that Hard smooth
the one spin is one day. The teacher will then ask the surface
students what time of day they think the people are in
as the globe slowly spins.

o “What do you think would happen if the weather Children’s
changed? How do you think that would impact a literature “What
shadow?” Makes a Shadow”
• The teacher will then show a YouTube clip which explains by Clyde Robert
how shadows work, this is done by “Following the sun” Bulla

Lesson Body:
• The students will be conducting an experiment outside of the
classroom where they investigate their own shadows by
observing and measuring different components.
• Students are to get into pairs and will be given an observation
worksheet each where they have to move around and use their
bodies to answer the questions.
• Before conducting the investigation, students will need to
discuss their predictions and write their predictions on their
worksheet. After they have made their predictions, they can
move on to investigating their own shadows.
• When students have been given enough time to answer the
questions, they will conduct a whole class experiment where
they will use different coloured objects and lights to see if
they cast a different coloured shadow.
• Prompting Questions:
o Why do you think that you can many different
shadows in a classroom but only one outside?
o What would happen if there was no light? What
would happen to our shadow?
o Why might some shadows look a bit blurrier than
o Why do shadows look like they are following us
but are always changing direction?

• Each group will be able to share their investigations and
findings with the class.
• Students will also share their predictions that they made prior
to the investigation and discuss if their predictions were
• “What other components could we look at to investigate
our shadows?”
• “Do you think people will be able to tell time with their
shadow, how if so?”

*After this lesson is when you would conduct the ‘Times out’
design brief. See design brief for more details*

Week 7, Lesson 5 Earth’s rotation on its Students will be able to: Formative assessment Extending: Students can be extended by allowing time to give a class
axis causes regular will be used to assess presentation using their poster to give the class a summary of what they Google doc for
Evaluate changes, including Reflect on the previous the questions that the have learnt in class. Students can also do further research to add more questions
day and night content that has been students have information in their posters.
(ACSSU0480) taught, students will answered. The teacher Enabling: Students who need enabling can be given specific Student’s iPads
answer three questions and will be able to observe information that they need to include in their poster, if it makes it
compare their answers to what the students learnt easier for them they can also use their iPads to create their poster on. A3 paper
the beginning of the unit of throughout the unit of Health and Safety regulations: If students are using other crafting
Represent and work. work. This will be objects such as scissors, the teacher needs to be aware of who is using Coloured pencils
communicate ideas assessed through the them and ensure they are using them safely. Students also need to and texters
and findings in a Create an informative use of a checklist. ensure if they are using their iPads that they are not moving or running
variety of ways such poster that includes the Along with the around with them in case of breaking or damaging them. Exit slip
as diagrams, physical information and content checklist, the teacher
representations and that has been taught will also use the google
simple reports throughout the unit. doc that students used Introduction:
(ACSIS060) to answer questions. • Students will be asked to get out their iPads and answer the
questions on the google doc. The teacher will explain that at
Summative the start the students already answered these questions in their
assessment will be first lesson but would like to see if their answers have changed
used to assess the after conducting various activities.
posters that the • Once students have answered the questions the teacher will
students created. This ask some students to share their answers. Students will then be
will be used as the final able to look at the previous google doc from the first lesson
grade and assessment and compare their answers and share this with the class.
for this unit of work as
it will analyse the Lesson Body:
information that the • The teacher will explain that for this lesson students will be
students utilise. This creating an informative poster. The informative poster needs
will be done through to include the content that has been taught to the students over
the use of a rubric. the past few lessons.
• The teacher will explain that the information that the posters
need to include are:
o How the Earth rotates around the sun
o The different sizes of the Sun, Moon and Earth
o What shadows are and how they work
o The differences between day and night
• The teacher will ensure the students understand that they are
taking on the roles of scientists when making these posters, so
they need to use their scientific knowledge to their full

potential. Students will also be able to use their iPads to assist
them in the creation of their poster,

• Students will be able to share what they have done on their
posters so far.
• Before students leave, they will also be given an exit slip
which will ask them what their favourite activity was during
this unit of work and explain why.


Palms. (2019). Year 3 – Earth’s rotation. Retrieved form

Primary Connections. (2019). Curriculum Resources. Retrieved form



School Curriculum and Standards Authority. (2014). Science V8.1. Retrieved from


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