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The ethics surrounding teach us that certain things are wrong if done to the animals, so

avoid doing respective things. For instance, many experiments on animals were done
by scientists and doctors. Non-human rights extend to not allowing animals to be used
for hard work like donkeys. Animal beings are not supposed to be hunted for food at
any cost because they also have the right to live. Animals should not be used for
entertainment purposes also like for zoos where they tied up and lost their freedom.

Government and NGO’s came forward to spread the awareness of animal rights. Major
religions like Hindu, Sikh, Islam, Christianity, and Buddhism teach us about the rights
of the animals. Teaching is very important and individual role also plays a significant
role to protect animal rights. For instance, Animal law is taught in 119 out of 180 law
schools in the United States and in 8 law schools of Canada. But we are far behind in
understanding animal rights.

In conclusion, I believe that animals give many benefits to humans. They can help
improving human life, especially provide food. However, for animal rights, people
should treat them in good ways. I agree that animals deserve to be treated well but it
does not mean that they must be treated as equal as humans.

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