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By Arup K. Maji, l Member, ASCE, and Ihosvany Negree

ABSTRACT: Shape-memory effect in nickel-titanium (nitinol) alloy was successfully utilized as a way of in-
ducing additional prestressing in concrete. Strands made with NiTi (nickeVtitanium) ~hape-memory alloy (SMA)
wires were elongated beyond their plastic limit and subsequently were emb~dded m model concrete (mo~)
beams. Upon electrical heating, a martensite-to-austenite phase transformation. t~es place and t~e maten~l
undergoes large shrinkage strains. This strain energy can be used to generate a slgruficant prestressmg force m
concrete. Potentially, this provides a means of creating a "smart bridge," where the amount of prestress can be
increased or decreased as needed. Such a structure could actively accommodate additional loading, or remedy
prestress losses over time. Properties of the SMA material and the micromech~cs of its b~nd with c?ncre~e
were investigated. Strands made with SMA wires were electrically actuated to mduce deflectlOn and fallure m
concrete (mortar) beams. Optical microscopy and the acoustic emission technique were used to understand the
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actuation mechanisms.

RELEVANT REVIEW OF SHAPE-MEMORY EFFECT this plastic strain disappears, with only a small unrecovered
strain in the end, €t. The strain versus temperature plot shows
Shape-memory effect in various alloys has been docu- a likewise strain to £, and £p at room temperature, followed by
mented since the early 1930s. The discovery of shape-memory a gradual strain recovery upon heating past the austenite start
effect in the Ni-50% Ti alloy in 1962 (Buehler et al. 1963) temperature AS' which ends at A/.
caused a surge of activity in this area, leading to a significant In the prestressing application of the present paper, the
number of commercial products available in the mechanical shape-memory material is constrained by the rest of the struc-
and aerospace industry since the early 1980s. The fundamental ture, and must induce large stresses that, in effect, oppose its
micromechanics of the shape-memory effect can be under- strain recovery. The consequent behavior (Duerig and Melton
stood from Fig. 1 (Wayman 1993; Shape 1997). The Ni-Ti 1989) is as depicted in Fig. 4. When heated from room tem-
alloy after some form of thermomechanical heat treatment perature Td , past AS' the phase transformation to austenite be-
(partially annealed) exists in the "martensitic" form at a low gins. Due to the constrain effect, the strain recovery from £p
(room) temperature. When the material is in this form and is to £, is gradual (depending on the amount of constraint). The
subject to plastic deformation, it undergoes a mechanical twin- actuation stress also increases gradually from zero at As to a
ning process where each adjacent layer of atoms moves by maximum value of IT, at Md' M d is the maximum temperature
one lattice parameter. However, when the material is heated, at which some transformation still occurs, or the maximum
it undergoes a phase transformation to the "austenite" phase, temperature at which martensite can still be stress induced. It
recovering most of the mechanically imposed deformation. In can be seen that as the temperature rises, larger actuation
real life, this phase transformation takes place over a range of stresses are generated up to a maximum of IT, at Md' This is
temperatures, leading to a hysteresis loop (Fig. 2). As and Af the situation that occurs when the nitinol strands are gradually
are the austenite start and finish temperatures, i.e., the tem- heated to activate prestressing in our model beams.
peratures at which the transformation to austenite starts and
finishes. M s and Mf are the martensite start and finish temper-
atures. M d will be defined later. EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAM
It is also possible to obtain two-way shape-memory effect
NiTi shape-memory alloys for our research (binary, straight
by an extensive thermomechanical cycling (White et al. 1993).
annealed, oxide finish) were obtained from Shape Memory
This involves heating the alloy above Af while it is constrained,
Applications (Santa Clara, Calif.). They had been partially heat
and subsequent cooling to below Mf , for several cycles. The
treated to obtain the shape-memory effect. Some of their prop-
resulting two-way shape-memory material can undergo large
erties are given in Table 1; others are available on the com-
and opposite deformations upon heating and cooling for sev-
pany's Web page (Shape 1997). Since our material was par-
eral cycles, and can serve as a two-way actuator. Using this
tially annealed, the properties were in between those of the
two-way effect, one can apply and remove stress in a structure
cold-worked and the fully annealed material, and no more spe-
on an as-needed basis, which can lead to a smart bridge, where
cific material-related information was/is available from the
the amount of prestress can be adjusted on an as-needed basis.
Constrained Recovery of Shape
Bond Test
When the alloy is free to deform, its behavior is as shown
in Fig. 3. It is first mechanically strained beyond its plastic The development of bond between the nitinol wires and
limit to £,. When the load is removed, it recovers a little and mortar is critical to its use as a bonded prestressing tendon.
retains the plastic strain £p, like a regular metal. Upon heating, Since no such data are available in the literature, bond tests
were first conducted. Specimens of 5.1 cm cube mortar were
'Assoc. Prof., Dept. of Civ. Engrg., Univ. of New Mexico, Albuquer- cast in steel molds with a 2: 1:0.5 weight ratio of sand (passing
que, NM 87131. E-mail: number sieve), cement (type I), and water. Some of these
2Mech. Engrg., Univ. of Puerto Rico, PRo cubes were used for uniaxial compressive tests. In the other
Note. Associate Editor: Stuart Swartz. Discussion open until March I, specimens, 0.64 mm diameter wires were embedded to depths
1999. To extend the closing date one month a written request must be of 12.7 mm, 25.4 mm, and 51 mm. Strands were made from
filed with the ASCE Manager of Journals. The manuscript for this paper
was submitted for review and possible publication on November 19, four single wires in a controlled manner, and were also em-
1997. This paper is part of the JOUT1Ul1 of Engineering Mechanics, Vol. bedded in other mortar cubes to the sar.le depths of 12.7 mm,
124, No. 10, October, 1998. ©ASCE, ISSN 0733-9399/98/0010-1121- 25.4 mm, and 51 mm. Moist curing was done at room tem-
1128/$8.00 + $.50 per page. Paper No. 17120. perature. Three samples of each type were tested at 28 days.

J. Eng. Mech. 1998.124:1121-1128.


~',,' Deformed Martensite

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FIG. 1. Phase Transformation of SMA

100 M.

FIG. 2. Hysteresis in Phase Transformation

Test were conducted on a 445 kN displacement rate con- An optical microscope (200x) was used to observe the wires
trolled Tinus Olson universal testing machine. The pullout after their pullout from the mortar. It was observed that the
tests were conducted on the same machine using a special surface of the individual wires was clean, implying relatively
device to grip the wires/strands, fabricated in the machine (compared to steel fibers) weak bond. Such a clean surface is
shop. Different load cells were used for the compression tests also observed in nylon or carbon fibers dispersed in concrete,
(89 kN load cell), strand pullout tests (4.5 kN), and wire pull- which also have poor bond with hydration products (Lange et
out tests (500 N) to get sufficient sensitivity in the measure- al. 1996). However, the four-wire strands show cement paste
ments. The pullout test results are summarized in Table 2. The adhering to the crevices in between the wires (Fig. 5). This
cube test compressive strength was 33.8 MPa, which corre- mechanical interlock is responsible for the good bond ob-
sponds to a cylinder compressive strength of 27.6 MPa, which served in the strands tested. It should be mentioned that the
will be the f; used in the analyses to follow. bond of carbon and glass fiber-reinforced plastics with con-

J. Eng. Mech. 1998.124:1121-1128.

TABLE 1. Properties of SMA Wires (Shape 1997)
Parameter Value
Vl (1 ) (2)
b Resistivity
Austenite 100 IJ.-ohm· cm
Martensite 80 IJ.-ohm·cm
Specific gravity 6.45
Coefficient of thermal expansion
Austenite 11 x 1O- 6rC
Martensite 6.7 x 1O- 6rC
Elastic modulus
Austenite 83 GPa
Martensite 27-41 GPa
Yield strength
Austenite 193-689 MPa
Martensite 69-138 MPa
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Ultimate strength
l'r l... Fully annealed 896 MPa
Work hardened 1,895 MPa
As Ar Elongation at failure
Temperature Fully annealed 25-50%
(b) Work hardened 5-10%
FIG. 3. Strain Recovery under Free Condition
TABLE 2. Wire Pullout Test Data
(j Embedment Load
t f----------..,. (mm) (N)
r f - - - - -.... (1 ) I
(a) Wire (0.64 mm)
12.7 40.5
25.4 64.5
50.8 I 81.4
(b) Strand (Four-Wire)
12.7 525
strain r p t
25.4 556
I 605

E r
strain P
.......... ...
r ~

Td As Md

r f-----+-----r--I~

As Md

FIG. 4. Constrained Recovery Conditions

FIG. 5. Cement Paste in Crevices of Four-Wire Strand
crete can exceed that of steel, depending on the configuration
used (strands or rod wrapped with wires) (lyer and Sripathy transfonnation. Therefore, it was necessary to measure the
1996). plastic defonnation of the wires. Although some material prop-
erties were available from the manufacturer (Table 1), the
Tension Test of Wires properties specific to our wires were not available. The pullout
test device was once again used, along with a 500 N load cell
The objective of using the shape-memory alloy (SMA) to stretch 25.4 cm long, 0.064 mm diameter wires. Since dis-
wires was to recover plastic strain when they undergo phase placement was measured with a dial gauge [0.025 mm (0.001

J. Eng. Mech. 1998.124:1121-1128.

ter point. The shape-memory strands were activated by heating
1200 them with an applied voltage. This proved to be a bigger chal-
lenge than was anticipated earlier. While the necessary voltage
<is is low, the low resistance of the strands required that the volt-
a.. age source have a large current capacity (about 25 A). A two-
~ 800
channel, 25 A, 25 V variable capacity voltage source was ob-
'"'"~ 600 tained for this purpose. The resistivity of the nitinol is about
400 35 Il.-ohm· in., the resistance of each strand was 0.21 ohms.
200 .
Analysis of Test Results
C\l '"C>
C\l '"
0 '"C>
..... '"..... '" The results of the tests are shown in Figs. 8(a) and 8(b),
0 0 corresponding to the two-strand and one-strand specimens, re-
0 0
spectively. The acoustic emission (AE) monitoring will be dis-
cussed later. When the voltage (4.0 V) is first applied, the
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FIG. 6. Strain-Hardening Behavior of Wires thermal expansion of the strands precedes their phase trans-
formation. Hence, in the first minute, the deflection is down-
in.) accuracy] in between the loading platens, it was not ac- ward. Once phase transformation starts, the beams start to
curate enough to measure the elastic stress-strain behavior. The camber, eventually reaching a stable deflection after 8 min,
strain-hardening behavior is, however, obtained as shown in which was accompanied by extensive cracking of the beams
Fig. 6 for the three tests conducted. An ultimate tensile near the supports (Fig. 9). The cracks developed are charac-
strength of 1.28 GPa and an ultimate strain of 10-15% were teristic of bond cracks in reinforced concrete beams, running
obtained. Notice that these numbers are in between those re- parallel to the reinforcing nitinol strands.
ported by the manufacturer for the coldworked and the fully The specimens with only a single strand did not camber
annealed material (Table 1). On the basis of these elongation significantly under the 4.0 V [Fig. 8(b)]. When the applied
tests, it was decided that the four-wire strands would be voltage was increased to 6.0 V (at 10 min), the additional heat
stretched to a strain of 5% of their initial length so as to main- activated the phase transformation, and the eventual deflection
tain an adequate safety factor against failure and yet maximize was half of that obtained with the two-strand beams. This can
the prestressing force generated. be understood from our earlier discussions and Fig. 3. Phase
transformation is retarded or stopped if the strand has to over-
Tests on Model Prestressing Beams come larger stresses. However, at a higher temperature, larger
recovery stresses are obtained. The temperature T(t) in the
A mold for making the model prestressing beams was made
out of wood (Fig. 7). Two specimens measuring 30.5 cm X 1.4 45
2.5 cm X 1.3 cm could be cast. Holes for inserting the nitinol
prestressing strands were left 1.9 mm from the bottom of each 1.2 40
mold. Four-wire strands were pretensioned into the strain- 35
hardening regime prior to placement in the molds. A set of CD
wing nuts were attached to the end of the molds to apply a E 30 :sc
small amount of pretension to the wires as the mortar was cast.
.s 0.8
C 25 ;[
This was done to prevent the strands from sagging and moving CD
E 0.6 CD
out of location during compaction of the mortar on the vibra- CD
u 20 £
tion table. Beams were made with a single four-wire strand, '"
C. 0.4 C
and with two four-wire strands. They were moist cured for 24 a'" 1 5 >CD
h, removed from the molds, and moist cured up to the time of 0.2 10
0 5
A three-point bending test rig was used along with a dial
.0.2 -L- ..J. 0
gauge (0.025 mm accuracy) to measure deflections at the cen-
Time (minutes)

FIG. 8(a). Deformation of Beam (TWO Strands)

0.7 'l"'""-------------t------, 7
- Displacement (mm)
0.6 - . - Event Rate (/minute) 6

E •
0.5 5 CD
c CD
0.4 4 ;[
CD 16
~ 0.3' 3 a:
C. C
a 0.2 2 ~

0.1 ..

o. 0
o· N ~ ~ ~ 0 N ~ ~ ~ 0 N
C\l C\l

Time (minutes)

FIG. 7. Beam Mold, Cube Specimen, and SMA Strand FIG. 8(b). Deformation of Beam (One Strand)


J. Eng. Mech. 1998.124:1121-1128.

FIG. 9. Beam Cracking at Ends

wire rises with the difference between the heat input (l2R) and
the heat conducted away into the concrete beams, and finally
dissipates into the atmosphere by convection.
If T(t) is the average temperature of the beam (in reality,
there is a gradient from the strands to the surface), and initially
everything is at room temperature, the increase of T(t) is given
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p -- = ]2R - C[T(t) - To] - KT(t)4 (1)

FIG. 11. Test Setup with AE Instrumentation
where P accounts for the thermal mass of the beam; C = con-
stant related to convective loss of heat from the surface; To = tests with the AE instrumentation. The instrumentation in-
initial temperature; and K = constant accounting for radiative volved was a two-channel, 100 MHz Nicolet digital oscillo-
heat loss. Since the temperatures involved are close to room scope with adjustable trigger. Two acoustic emission transduc-
temperature and the surface of the concrete is white, the ra- ers (Physical Acoustics RI5I) were attached symmetrically at
diative part can be neglected and the solution to (1) takes the the two ends of the beam (11 in. apart). The transducers were
form coupled to the beams with vacuum grease, and held in place
by rubber bands. The signals were passed through a band-pass
(2) preamplifier (100-500 kHz, Physical Acoustics 1220B) prior
to digitization. The "first arrival time" was measured for each
The strain recovered by the strands is proportional to the event by examining the background noise level at each trans-
temperature of the strands (Fig. 4). Eq. (2) therefore explains ducer and determining statistically when the signal first ex-
the exponential form of the displacement versus time curve ceeds the noise level (Maji and Sahu 1994). This provides a
[Fig. 8(a)]. much more accurate first arrival time than does setting a pre-
The rise in the temperature of the strands is likely to be determined threshold and looking at the first threshold
much faster if the strands are unbonded, leading to faster ac- crossing.
tuation for unbonded tendons. Various alternate methods of The longitudinal (P) wave velocity was first determined by
resistive heating can be used and are beyond the scope of the breaking a pencil lead 2.5 cm from transducer A and measur-
present paper. ing the time separation of the event at the two transducers, A
Calculations pertaining to prestressed concrete beams are and B. The P-wave velocity was determined to be 2.17 mls.
shown in Appendix I. The prestressing stresses generated were Based on this known velocity of the wave, the sources of the
well above those corresponding to the cracking moment, and AE events were determined during the prestressing. Only two
above the yield strength of the strands. To maximize the mo- transducers were used in a linear source location scheme, and
ment generated and the eccentricity, the cover to the strands the transducers were centered on the 2.5 cm wide beams. The
was only 1.3 mm or equal to the strand diameter db (=1.3 mm accuracy of the source location was determined to be 1.3 cm,
for the four-wire strands). This inadequate cover; less than the by inducing AE events (pencil lead fracture) at known loca-
2db required by the American Concrete Institute code led to tions on the beam and comparing with the source location
the splitting bond cracks at the ends of the beams. determined using the one-dimensional source location proce-
Acoustic Emission Monitoring The rate of AE events is shown in Figs. 8(a) and 8(b). It
can be observed that the rate approximately corresponds to the
Acoustic emissions are caused by microcracking of mortar rate of displacement (slope of the displacement versus time
and phase transformation in the nitinol wires (Maji and Shah curve). This is because the AE events relate to the transfer of
1988). The objective of the present study was to (1) get a energy from the SMA to the mortar beam. Source locations
qualitative measure of the stress recovery in terms of the were done on only a few signals, due to the time needed to
acoustic emission activity; and (2) locate the source of some
of the AE events to identify the location of the activity. 25
Figs. 10 and 11 show the experimental setup for the beam
Q) 2 0 ~
igitizer / Disk Storage Cii

w 10 --- - ---

o 5 --
o I _I_
ro 7 7 ro

'""- '"a
N "-
C'l '"ro L{)
(J) 7
N L{) L{) "- 0 N "-
N N N C'l

Voltage Supply Distance from Left End (em)

FIG. 10. Schematic of AE Test Setup FIG. 12. AE Event Location along Beam


J. Eng. Mech. 1998.124:1121-1128.



1st Event 2nd Event 3rd Event


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dIAI_·.. ··IM-581.".
FIG. 13(a).
B. •
Repetitive AE Event at Channel A


!:io 8.8


-581." 1.... 1.s..

• • 'W'•
FIG. 13(b). Same AE Event at Channel B

capture and download a digitized signal onto diskettes. It can events is a function of the source frequency and the trans-
be seen that almost all of the events captured originated from ducer's frequency response function. The R1SI transducer has
either end of the beam, where the bond cracks were developing a dominant peak at 150-170 kHz, and other less dominant
(Fig. 12). ones at 100 Hz and 240 Hz (Maji et al. 1997). Fig. 14(a) shows
While the initial events consisted only of a single AE event, the frequency content of the first of the three events shown in
>40% of the signals in the later stages were of the type shown Fig. 13(a), while Fig. 14(b) shows the frequency content of
in Figs. 13(a) and 13(b). Note that the three events in each the third of the three events. This first event is dominated by
channel are separated by the same time interval, implying that the high frequency at 220 kHz, while the third event contains
they originate at the same location. The signals originated near lower frequencies. This was typical for most of the multiple
channel A. Hence, their magnitude is larger at channel A and events recorded. Hence, the frequency content of the phase
each of the three events arrives about 130 j.Ls sooner. transformation may be higher than that caused by microcrack-
These three events (other such multiple events had two or ing.
four separate events with progressive amplification) are not
multiple AE events, since they are not close to any other event CONCLUSIONS
in the time domain. The time interval between these three
events and other such multiple events is random. During this The ability of shape-memory wires to transfer stresses to a
time interval of about 500 j.LS, the sound (P-wave) is expected concrete beam was demonstrated. The magnitudes of these
to travel more than 100 cm. Hence, this interval between the stresses are above the yield stress of the alloy and are well in
events does not correspond to any internal reflections in the excess of what is needed to crack the beam. Tensile tests were
30.5 cm long specimen. It is our supposition that the multiple conducted to obtain strain-hardening data. This was used to
events are caused by one or more phase transformations and determine the proper plastic strain to be applied to the strands
microcracking, which leads to macrocracking that causes a prior to placing them in concrete.
large amplitude wave. Strands were able to develop good bond with concrete (mor-
The frequency content of the AE events was analyzed using tar) by developing mechanical interlock in between the wires.
the VUPOINT software. The frequency content of the AE Inadequate concrete cover to the strands caused spalling at the

J. Eng. Mech. 1998.124:1121-1128.


!:ic 2.8E-6

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:" t 1 rrT \ If ~;t·t t tt 1 'fl 1 I .t,: til' II' " I" '1 ~1 '-11 II .

FIG. 14(a). Frequency Content of First Event at Channel A



::> 5.8E-6

FIG. 14(b). Frequency Content of Third Event at Channel A

end of the beams. Cracking observed at the end of the beams where P, L (=29.2 cm), Ee• and Is = prestressing force. span
was collaborated with acoustic emission source locations. length. elastic modulus of concrete, and gross moment of in-
These experiments demonstrate the possibility of using this ertia, respectively. E e and the cracking strength of concrete fer
"smart material" in addition to regular prestressing steel to are given as (in psi units only) E e = 57.000"V1c = 24.8 GPa
offset prestress losses after prolonged use or to increase the (3.6 msi); f,. = 6\..11c = 2.6 MPa (379 psi); and Is = bh 3/12 =
capacity of an existing bridge on an as-needed basis, using the 0.433 cm4 •
two-way shape-memory effect. Cracking moment is given as
Acoustic emission event rate and source locations match the
observed cracking and deformation rate of the prestressing Mer =fy, Is = 178 N'cm
tests. Mechanisms responsible for AE events were discussed.
where y, = distance from the neutral axis to the top fiber.
APPENDIX I. This corresponds to a deflection of the initiation of cracking,
given by
The terminology used here is standard in any reinforced 2
M er L
concrete textbook (MacGregor 1996), where As = area of re- 8cr =-
- = 0.18 mm
inforcement (two four-wire strands) = 2.53 mm 2 ; and p = As! s
bd = 0.0092 (b = width = 2.5 cm and d = depth = 10.8 mm). Since 8er is much smaller than the maximum deflection
Hence, the amount of reinforcement is realistic, and the sec- (=1.22 mm) in our experiments, cracking occurs very early on
tion is within the American Concrete Institute limits of mini- in the test. So the final deflections should be calculated based
mum and maximum allowable reinforcement. The span/depth on the cracked section's moment of inertia. I er• This cannot be
ratio of 24 is also representative of reinforced concrete beams. done in the conventional way. since the modulus of the alloy
Deflection of the beam with constant eccentricity of reinforce- changes as it undergoes phase transformation. An examination
ment (e = 4.4 mm) is given by of the beams showed most of the cracking to be occurring at
the ends of the beams due to inadequate cover to develop
PeL 2 adequate bond (Fig. 9). Visible bond cracks at the ends were
8=-- (3)
8EJs observed at a displacement of 0.76 mm. To initially prestrain

J. Eng. Mech. 1998.124:1121-1128.

the strands to 5%, it was necessary to apply a force of 178 N ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
per wire (Fig. 6), which is equivalent to 0.56 GPa. If that 0.56 Ihosvany Negret was supported by a NSFIREU grant. The high current
GPa stress is recovered during heating, from (3), using 19, one voltage source was provided by the Air Force Phillips Laboratory.
would expect a final deformation of 0.64 mm. The actual ob-
served final deformation in the tests [Fig. 8(a)] was almost APPENDIX II. REFERENCES
twice that much (1.22 mm), which can be attributed to the
extensive bond cracks. Buehler, W. J., Gilfrich, J. V., and Wiley, R. C. (1963). J. Appl. Phys.,
34, 1475.
Prior to cracking (8 < 8er ), the strain in the SMA strand and Duerig, K. w., and Melton, K. N. (1989). "Designing with the shape-
the concrete at that level can be calculated from the measured memory effect." MRS Int. Meeting on Advanced Mat., 9, 581.
displacements (8) as Iyer, S. L., and Sripathy, G. (1996). "First posttensioned deck bridge with
composite cables." Proc.• 4th Mat. Engrg. Con!, ASCE, Reston, Va.,
8Be 375-385.
e=[f Lange, D. A., Ouyang, C., and Shah, S. P. (1996). "Behavior of cement
based matrices reinforced by randomly dispersed microfibers." Ad-
vanced Cement Based Mat. J., 3(1).
The initial prestress that can be achieved depends on the MacGregory, J. G. (1996). Reinforced concrete, 3rd Ed., Prentice-Hall,
Downloaded from by Carleton University on 03/16/15. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

initial elongation of the strands prior to casting. From Fig. 6, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N.J.
Maji, A. K., and Sahu, R. (1994). "Acoustic emissions from reinforced
it can be seen that one can apply a prestrain of up to 10%
concrete." Experimental Mech. J., 34(4), 379-388.
(350 N/wire) before the wires break. The prestress losses will Maji, A. K., Satpathi, D., and Kratochvil, T. (1997). "Acoustic emission
be primarily due to relaxation of the SMA, and creep and source location using lamb wave modes." J. Engrg. Mech., ASCE,
shrinkage of concrete. Since there is no jacking or strand cut- 123(2), 154-161.
ting involved, there is no elastic shortening, friction, and an- Shape Memory Applications, Inc. (1997). Web page
chorage loss. This could be an added benefit of this form of NiTiTechmenu.html or
Wayman, C. M. (1993). "Shape memory alloys." MRS Bull., 49.
prestressing, since these losses add up to 10-20% prestress White, S. R., Whitlock, M. E., Ditrnan, J. B., and Hebda, D. A. (1993).
loss in steel strands. Some loss is expected at the ends if ade- "Manufacturing of adaptive graphite-epoxy structures with embedded
quate bond does not exist to withstand the strains due to phase nitinol wires." Adaptive structures and materials systems-AD V 35,
transformation. ASME, New York, 71.


J. Eng. Mech. 1998.124:1121-1128.

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