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I Tejal Jaykumar Kharat hereby declared that the dissertation report entitled “HRM
Practices and Employee Satisfaction in Real Estate Business” under the guidance of
Prof.Miss. Sneha More submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award the
degree of Master of Business Administration to the university of Pune is my original work
carried out academic year 2018 - 2020and not submitted for the award of any other
degree/diploma to any other institute/organization of the university by the any other person.

Place: Pune

Date: (MBA IT)

Tejal Jaykumar Kharat


My first thanks to all those people who helped me during the training and completion of this
successful project report. This project draws inspiration and wisdom from the efforts and
support of many individuals.

I am thankful to Mrs. Shradha Katkar [HR Manager], for giving me an opportunity to

work in their
Esteemed Organization.

Mere thanks will not be enough for the immense love and blessing of our Beloved parents
who gave me moral support and self-confidence.

I take this opportunity to extent my gratitude for co-operation; also special thanks to Director
of the college Dr.Sunil Dhanawadeand Prof.Miss.Sneha More useful tips provided to me
without his help the project would not have been completed.

Finally, I am thankful to all who helped me, guided me, and the all the well-wishers of the
team of their support and for being with throughout the all the well-wishers of the team of
their support and for being with throughout the journey of past two months.

Place: Pune Signature of Student

Tejal Jaykumar Kharat

This Is To Certify That Mrs. Tejal Jaykumar Kharat Of MBA. Roll

No. ...... Has Completed His/her Industrial Training During The
Academic Year 2019-2020.



Internal sign External sign HOD sign

1.1 Executive Summary
2. Literature Review & Theory
3. Research Methodology

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Statement of problem

3.3 Objectives of study

3.4 Scope of study

Data collection method
3.6 Limitation of study

4. Organizational profile
5. Data analysis and interpretation

6. Finding, suggestion and conclusion

6.1 Finding
6.2 Suggestion
6.3 Learning of the student through
the project
6.4 Contribution to host organisation
6.5 Conclusion
Bibliography ( Harvard style)
Human resource management (HRM or HR) is the strategic approach to the effective
management of people in a company or organization such that they help their business gain
a competitive advantage. It is designed to maximize employee performance in service of an
employer's strategic objectives. Human resource management is primarily concerned with the
management of people within organizations, focusing on policies and systems. HR
departments are responsible for overseeing employee-benefits design,
employee recruitment, training and development, performance appraisal, and reward
management, such as managing pay and benefit systems. HR also concerns itself
with organizational change and industrial relations, or the balancing of organizational
practices with requirements arising from collective bargaining and governmental laws.
The overall purpose of human resources (HR) is to ensure that the organization
is able to achieve success through people. HR professionals manage the human capital of an
organization and focus on implementing policies and processes. They can specialize in
finding, recruiting, training, and developing employees, as well as maintaining employee
relations or benefits. Training and development professionals ensure that employees are
trained and have continuous development. This is done through training programs,
performance evaluations, and reward programs. Employee relations deal with the concerns of
employees when policies are broken, such as cases involving harassment or discrimination.
Managing employee benefits includes developing compensation structures, parental
leave programs, discounts, and other benefits for employees. On the other side of the field are
HR generalists or business partners. These HR professionals could work in all areas or
be labor relations representatives working with unionized employees.

Human resources are the most valuable and unique assets of an organization. The
successful management of an organization's human resources is an exciting, dynamic and
challenging task, especially at a time when the world has become a global village and
economies are in a state of flux. The scarcity of talented resources and the growing
expectations of the modern day worker have further increased the complexity of the human
resource function. Even though specific human resource functions/activities are the
responsibility of the human resource department, the actual management of human
resources is the responsibility of all the managers in an organization.

It is therefore necessary for all managers to understand and give due importance to the
different human resource policies and activities in the organization. Human Resource
Management outlines the importance of HRM and its different functions in an organization.
It examines the various HR processes that are concerned with attracting, managing,
motivating and developing employees for the benefit of the organization.
1.1Executive Summary
HR is a product of the human relations movement of the early 20th Century, when
researchers began documenting ways of creating business value through the strategic
management of the workforce.[citation needed] It was initially dominated by transactional
work, such as payroll and benefits administration, but due to globalization, company
consolidation, technological advances, and further research, HR as of 2015 focuses on
strategic initiatives like mergers and acquisitions, talent management, succession
planning, industrial and labor relations, and diversity and inclusion. In the current global
work environment, most companies focus on lowering employee turnover and on retaining
the talent and knowledge held by their workforce. New hiring not only entails a high cost but
also increases the risk of a new employee not being able to adequately replace the position of
the previous employee. HR departments strive to offer benefits that will appeal to workers,
thus reducing the risk of losing employee commitment and psychological ownership.
The human resources department of a business, also known as the HR department, is
responsible for anything that has to do with the employees of the business. The same holds
true for a real estate company. The real estate agents representing the agency and the
office assistants must have a department or group of HR workers where they can get
support and advice on how to handle employee matters and address personnel issue.

Hiring and Recruiting

The human resources department in a real estate company is responsible for recruiting,
interviewing and hiring new real estate employees and agents. Although most real estate
agents are paid on commission, they are still being represented by the real estate agency.
The employees working at the real estate office also must be recruited and hired to ensure
they meet the company’s professional standards. Each employee or agent that comes
through the real estate agency must understand the procedures and regulations that make
the agency credible and experts in the real estate industry.

Internal Operations

The human resources department also ensures that everything runs and operates as expected
internally between the employees of the real estate agency. This includes procedures for
handling harassment in the workplace, legal matters regarding sales of homes or apartments
and firing unproductive employees. The human resources department also is responsible for
creating and updating safety procedures for the real estate office, so all employees are safe
at all times.

Agents and Procedures

Even though real estate agents often work on the commission payments from the real estate
sales made, they must follow specific sales procedures to uphold the standards and
credibility of the real estate agency. It is the responsibility of the human resources
department to teach the agents about these procedures and ensure that they are being
followed and respected in each sale. This can include informing buyers about the
procedures, about lending options and about leasing the property, if the house does not sell
as desired.
Evaluations and Support

As any other company, a real estate agency also conducts employee and agent evaluations.
Any company does not want to keep employees who are not motivated to work and are a
liability for the agency. The agents who represent the business, along with the internal
office workers, are evaluated on an annual basis by the owner of the agency with support
from the human resources department. The evaluations ensure that the workers and agents
are performing as expected to benefit the real estate agency.
Literature Review & Theory
Literature Review & Theory
Human resources are the most valuable and unique assets of an organization. The successful
management of an organization's human resources is an exciting, dynamic and challenging
task, especially at a time when the world has become a global village and economies are in a
state of flux. The scarcity of talented resources and the growing expectations of the modern
day worker have further increased the complexity of the human resource function. Even
though specific human resource functions/activities are the responsibility of the human
resource department, the actual management of human resources is the responsibility of all
the managers in an organization.

It is therefore necessary for all managers to understand and give due importance to the
different human resource policies and activities in the organization. Human Resource
Management outlines the importance of HRM and its different functions in an organization. It
examines the various HR processes that are concerned with attracting, managing, motivating
and developing employees for the benefit of the organization.

Six Main Functions of a Human Resource Department

The human resources department handles a range of different functions within an

organization. The department is responsible for hiring and firing employees, training workers,
maintaining interoffice relationships and interpreting employment laws. The department
works diligently behind the scenes to ensure an organization runs efficiently. The HR
department's duties will vary between companies, but can generally be summed up in six
main functions.

Hiring and Recruiting

One of the primary functions of the human resources department is to oversee hiring and
recruiting within an organization. The department actively recruits, screens, interviews and
hires qualified candidates for open positions. The department administers skills assessment
and personality tests to match candidates with the right job within the company. The human
resources department also develops employee handbooks that explain company policies and
procedures to new hires.

Training and Development

The human resources department handles the training and development of staff within an
organization. It creates training programs and conducts training for new hires and existing
employees. The human resources department also works in conjunction with department
managers and supervisors to determine the training needs of employees. They are also
responsible for contracts with training providers and monitoring training budgets.

Handling Compensation
The human resources department is responsible for various aspects of employee
compensation. The department typically handles employee payroll and ensures employees are
paid accurately and on time, with the correct deductions made. Human resources departments
also manage compensation programs that include pensions and other fringe benefits offered
by the employer.

Employee Benefits
The human resources department manages all aspects of employee benefits, including health
and dental insurance, long-term care or disability programs as well as employee assistance
and wellness programs. The department keeps track of employee absences and job-protected
leave, such as family medical leave. Human resources department representatives ensure
employees receive the proper disclosures regarding benefit eligibility or if benefits are no
longer available because of a layoff or termination.

Employee Relations
The human resources department handles employee relations matters within an organization.
Employee relations involves employee participation in different aspects of organizational
activities. The department maintains the relationship between employees and management by
promoting communication and fairness within the company. The department also handles
disputes between employees and management, as well as disputes between the company and
labor unions or employee rights organizations.

Legal Responsibilities
The human resources department is responsible for interpreting and enforcing employment
and labor laws such as equal employment opportunity, fair labor standards, benefits and
wages, and work hour requirements. The department also investigates harassment and
discrimination complaints and ensures company officials remain compliant with United
States Department of Labor regulations.
Research Methodology
Research Methodology
Siddhesh Developers Pvt. Ltd. is a leading real estate company based in Pune. Established in
2006, our company has garnered a name for itself through a continuous pursuit of excellence
and a strong belief in the optimum deliverance. All the projects developed by Siddhesh are
strategic, aesthetic and resourceful. As a company we have always believed that steady
progress is the right progress. Hence, we focus on one project at a time and take it towards

We Pursue Excellence

We Believe in Perfection

We Thrive for Customer Satisfaction

Passion is to innovate and to create structures that strike the right cord with our customers.
Our projects, be it corporate or residential are founded with an acute understanding of our
customer’s needs and with an intent to realize their dreams.

Also, Siddhesh InfoTech Pvt. Ltd is an innovative venture under the umbrella of Siddhesh
Group. It provides IT related solutions, especially provides software solutions and
digitization. The first project of Siddhesh InfoTech was with the Thane Municipal
Corporation. We provided a software solution for them to make their functioning more
efficient and transparent. The current project undertaken by Siddhesh InfoTech is for the
Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM). It is a project of digitizing important
documents to make them easily available for the citizens of Mumbai and empower every
citizen through information and transparency. This project has garnered a huge importance in
the echoes of digital India across the world.

The human resources department of a company can impact the satisfaction of an

employee. HR should set strategic goals that align with the business' goals. For example, if
a company wants to see at least a 20 percent increase in sales, HR needs to strategize to
come up with goals to achieve that new revenue expectation.
3.1 Introduction
The human resources department of a business, also known as the HR department, is
responsible for anything that has to do with the employees of the business. The same holds
true for a real estate company. The real estate agents representing the agency and the
office assistants must have a department or group of HR workers where they can get
support and advice on how to handle employee matters and address personnel issue.

I was there in company as HR Trainee, Siddhesh Developers Pvt. Ltd. is a leading real estate
company based in Pune. Established in 2006, our company has garnered a name for itself
through a continuous pursuit of excellence and a strong belief in the optimum
deliverance. All the projects developed by Siddhesh are strategic, aesthetic and resourceful.
As a company we have always believed that steady progress is the right progress. Hence, we
focus on one project at a time and take it towards perfection.


 We are here to serve the construction industry and our customers with persistence and
perfection. We not only aim at constructing class-apart projects but also to strengthen
public and community life.
 Our team understands our customer’s needs and thrives to fulfill them by
providing optimum utilization of resources and world-class quality.


 We are committed to provide optimum deliverance to our customers

 We continue to build spaces that are creative, positive, technologically advancedand

achieve complete customer satisfaction.
3.2Statement of problem
Issues for HR Teams & How To Fix Them
Every HR team faces problems both in the running of their department and in the consistent
enforcement of policies across the company in general. Here are the top ten issues facing HR
teams in the UK and how they can be addressed.

1. Retention
Many people think that the main task of Human Resources is to source and employ new
talent. However, the truth is that most HR activities revolve around retaining existing talent.

Employees are the lifeblood of every company, providing the skills and experience required
to keep productivity levels up. Your business will also have invested significant time and
money into ensuring maximum productivity wherever possible. And the key HR
responsibility is to protect this valuable asset.

Employee retention is a fine balancing act between company culture, remuneration and
incentives. The HR department needs to provide each employee with the right combination of
all three to satisfy the employee without compromising company interests in the process.
They also need to keep accurate records of these combinations to ensure that the agreed
packages are being delivered to employees.

2. Recruitment
Whether to complement the existing workforce or to replace staff lost through natural
attrition, the second major challenge facing the Human Resources’ department is recruitment
of talent. Finding staff with the correct blend of skills, personality and motivation is difficult,
even when the pool of available candidates is relatively large.

Whether recruitment is handled solely by the internal HR department, or with the assistance
of a third party, it is essential that the process is managed centrally and effectively. Where
there are dozens of applications, the details of each will need to be recorded for review and
comparison. An HR software platform allows for storage of applications, CVs and contact
details for easy analysis and comparison. Depending on company data retention policies,
applications can be stored for months or years in anticipation of new roles becoming
available in that period.

As an added benefit, having the details of a selection of suitable candidates available for easy
consideration cuts future recruitment costs and shortens the time taken to plug a skills gap.
Speeding the recruitment process in this way prevents drops in productivity and morale.

3. Productivity
With the workforce headcount issues sorted, the Human Resources team must next look at
productivity levels to ensure that the business is operating efficiently. Where productivity is
low, HR needs to know whether the problem is caused by poor working practices or lack of

This determination is often made by carrying out a Time and Motion (T&M) study to define
who does what and how. This study can then be used to identify potential efficiency gains
and pave the way for future capital investment to improve productivity and conditions.

Using an integrated HR software platform, senior management and the HR team can store
and analyse the T&M data collaboratively. The HR system can also retain this data to provide
historical context for later studies to provide a benchmark and to accurately measure
improvements made.

4. Training and Compliance

Training is an essential aspect of employee development, both for their own education but
also to ensure you continue to get the best from your workforce. Certain roles demand official
training and certification, such as CORGI registration for gas installers, many of which also
have a lifespan for renewal.

Although the employee bears some responsibility for keeping a track of their own
professional registrations, if your business relies on their certified skills, it makes sense to
track this information for your own records. If your business has agreed to pay for exams or
registration fees, you can keep track of when these payments are due. You can also alert the
employee involved, schedule cover for absence during exams, and arrange payments to
prevent lapses. Even where training takes place in-house, recording course attendance in a
central HR system allows for at-a-glance assessment of workforce skills and regulatory
compliance. Has every member of staff received their full induction training? Has anyone
missed the annual fire alarm training and needs a refresher? Have internal promotion
candidates completed all the relevant courses for the new role? Keeping details of training
can help answer all these questions and more.

5. Health and Safety

Your company is required to record details of health and safety information for legal reasons,
similar to maintaining records about professional qualifications and membership of trade
bodies. Health and safety records help keep your employees safe at work and ensure that the
company is meeting its legal obligations towards both them and the public.

Whenever a health and safety issue arises, HR is called upon to demonstrate that the business
has done all that is expected of it. Where proof cannot be shown, the business is at risk of
legal ramifications and fines.

Once again, the way to mitigate such problems is through the use of accurate records of
courses attended, documents issued, and anything else specific to health and safety legislation
that your business does as a matter of course. If an employee attends any course aimed at
increasing their personal safety and that of the people around them, the details need to be
recorded in case of query or dispute in future.

Because course attendance and training is closely linked to general employee records, the HR
department is the best equipped to record this information. And the HR software used
throughout your business unifies health and safety data with employee records for quick and
easy retrieval and analysis.

6. Discrimination and Diversity

If your business has any involvement with public sectors, or has a company policy regarding
diversity, you will need to be able to demonstrate your commitments with hard facts from
time to time. Where a company advertises commitments to diversity and a desire to reduce
discrimination, they will be required to demonstrate their progress towards these goals.

To avoid these requests turning into a rushed census of the workforce, it makes sense to
record demographics data when a new recruit is hired. As part of the employment contract, a
simple set of tick-boxes can be added to record demographic and diversity data, which should
be stored with employee records in the HR system.

It is also important to record any workplace incidents that appear to involve any form of
discrimination. Your business can then carry out disciplinary actions based on company
policies and further demonstrate a commitment to these core principles. Your HR software
should also help quickly verify whether any staff suspected of participating in discriminatory
activities have agreed to act in accordance with company policies as part of their employment

7. Discipline
Discipline is always one of the least popular issues to tackle in the workplace, and also the
point at which the HR department can help resolve incidents satisfactorily for employer and
employees. The disciplinary process requires plenty of evidence, and the HR department will
often need to obtain statements, records and other supporting data to resolve issues legally
and ethically, all of which is time consuming.

It is therefore important to keep accurate records of any disciplinary issue, to ensure that the
issue is dealt with properly. This includes minutes of meetings, letters between employer,
employee and trade union representatives, and any follow-up activities that need to be
undertaken. These records also provide a point of reference to ensure that all parties are
meeting their agreed obligations in the event of further disputes.

As before, these records need to be easily stored and retrieved, along with any relevant
contract details. By using an integrated HR system that supports your process, much of the
evidence gathering is simplified, helping to reduce much of the legwork and time associated
with resolving discipline issues.

8. Outsourcing
Freelancers and contracts provide an attractive way to augment your company workforce
skills and abilities, without the need to permanently hire new staff. This is particularly
relevant to projects and contracts that require specialist knowledge, but which are unlikely to
become a routine part of your company requirements.

However, outsourced employees present new challenges when trying to ensure they meet
internal standards and requirements. Do they hold qualifications or industry body
memberships? Have they undergone standard company induction training? You may need to
know this kind of information at some point in the future, even if it does not seem particularly
relevant at the start of their contract. In the same way that you record the employment details
of permanent staff, it is essential to keep the same information about contractors, consultants
and outsourced employees. Your ideal HR system should let you maintain clearly labelled
records of temporary staff for easy retrieval in the event of a future dispute. Or even just to
make it easier to re-hire the same people in future.

9. Payroll
Responsibility for payroll falls between the remits of the accounts and HR departments, often
leading to problems with accurate payments to staff. HR maintains records about salary,
benefits, bonuses and attachments of earnings, whilst accounts are tasked with actually
making the payments. This creates a potential disconnect that can lead to the payroll being
run late or employees receiving the wrong sums in their wage packet.

To maintain morale and prevent future pay problems, your business should investigate the
potential of using a dedicated payroll solution that interfaces directly with your HR software
and account system. By uniting both departments electronically, most of the manual
headaches associated with pay can be resolved automatically. Dedicated payroll software
helps ensure staff get paid what they are entitled to, when they expect it. Your HR department
will also benefit from a reduction in queries, helping to better spread the workload throughout
the rest of the month.

10. Employee queries

The HR department provides the interface between “the company” and the staff. This means
that when it comes to employment issues, disputes or queries relating to work, the HP
department is the point of first enquiry.

Dealing with queries on pay, perks and performance management reviews on a reasonably
regular basis is routine, but also extremely time consuming, particularly where data is not
readily available. Every time a member of the HR department needs to chase down a payment
detail, or the specifics of a contract variation, they are unable to focus on any of their other

A dedicated HR system keeps employment data centralised ready for easy retrieval and
significantly reducing the time taken to answer each query. More advanced system allow
“self-service” style access to some data, allowing staff to answer many of their own more
basic questions themselves.

Easy data access is key to resolutions

The HR team deals with all manner of issues, but the key to resolving them quickly is the
same in most cases – easy access to relevant data. In almost all cases, a fully-featured HR and
payroll system will provide the storage, retrieval and analysis tools required to answer
employment issues and improve departmental efficiency in general.
3.3Objectives of study

Objectives of the Real Estate Business in PUNE:

a) To offer finest apartments in excellent locations to the clients;
b) To provide sound construction with aesthetic design to the clients;
c) To install best possible fittings and fixtures;
d) To satisfy clients by expert-oriented service;
e) To help solving the residential problem of Dehu road, chakan side;
f) To perform social responsibility for a happy future.
Market of the Real Estate Business:
Siddhesh Developers Pvt. Ltd. is a leading real estate company based in Pune. Established
in 2006, our company has garnered a name for itself through a continuous pursuit of
excellence and a strong belief in the optimum deliverance. All the projects developed by
Siddhesh are strategic, aesthetic and resourceful. As a company we have always believed
that steady progress is the right progress. Hence, we focus on one project at a time and take
it towards perfection.
Reasons for development of the industry:
The main reasons why real estate business developed in Dehu road, chakan side are as
a) Scarcity of open space in the important areas of the city
b) Hazards of purchasing land
c) Hazards of construction of building
d) Rapid increase in population of Dehu road, chakan side
e) Decrease in the rate of bank interest
f) Price of land and apartments is increasing day by day
g) Rent of the apartments is comparatively higher than the rent of privately constructed
h) Open Market Economy. Remittance of foreign currency is very easy
i) Security
j) Service facilities such as garbage disposal, central satellite TV connection, apartments
services saves time, roof top facilities, lift and so on
Statement of the Research Problem
The main focus of this report is to analyze the HR practices in the building technology and
ideas ltd and determine the employee satisfaction level of the organization. It also helps to
bring the idea of the overall functions and situation of the real estate organization. Real
Estate sectors now a first growing sector and for the economic development and
improvement of the country it needs to emphasis the overall condition. Human Resources
and their thinking are the main equipment for the development of this sector.

Objective of the Study

Broader objective
This term paper is undertaken as an assignment for fulfillment of the requirement for
completion of the MBA major in HRM. This paper aims to find out the actual work
environment where employees feel organization of their own. They feel home in work
place and they feel work as worship.
Specific Objective
To analyse and evaluate HR practices in SIDDHESH Pvt. Ltd., some objectives are
identified and these may include:
 How employees treat their pay package
 How employees treat their management
 What employees think about switch over
 How employees treat their work environment
 How employees work with high dissatisfaction
 How employees consider their organization as own
 How employees feel their future with the organization
 How employees think of development of their organization
 How employees treat every minor details of the organization
 How employees receive sudden change of their management
 How employees put emphasis on their condition of uncertainty
 What happens when employees do their job with ultimate satisfaction.
 What expectation employees do from the management as ordinary employees
 Which condition do the employees prefer – salary based or supportive management
 Actually which work-environment is the most wanted and accepted by the employees
 What happens when employees feel like the fish out of water
 Result of combination of employee-performance and management suppor
3.4Scope of study
Benefits Of Having A Career In The Real Estate Sector
The real estate sector opens up a plethora of employment opportunities. Not only do you
make good money, but you also have the liberty to work on your own. The following post
explores employment options in the real estate sector. The real estate sector has the potential
to offer a great career opportunity. Though there are ample challenges, a career in real estate
is highly rewarding. A career in this sector requires one to float on independent business.
Alternatively, you are expected to have several contacts – a solid ground for networking. This
is because you are expected to build strong relationships – get business, purchasing plots,
houses, and all kinds of properties, right from residential to commercial and retail. There are
several reasons you should consider a career in real estate. The following paragraphs explain
some of the benefits of making a career in real estate:

1. Business Growth Is Up To You

There are no particular limits for the growth of your business. No matter how you do things,
if you have a good and presentable attitude and excellent marketing skills, you can ensure a
sustainable income through the real estate business.

2. Good Client Service Can Yield Future Rewards

A recent survey found that end users of the real estate market banked heavily upon the real
estate agents for most of the activities surrounding home buying. This is one of the major
benefits of this business so that it ensures proper returns on investments.

3. Your Time Is Your Time, So Enjoy!

Develop and nurture relationships with multiple agents within your circle. Once you succeed
in finding someone with similar work ethics and style, striking up a business deal would
become much easier.

4. Your Business Can Grow As Much As You Want

It goes without saying that there is tremendous scope of growth for business in the real estate
sector. Though the beginnings can be about one person show, things can speed up later. If
you are working as a real estate agent, your income is generally controlled by the process of
investment. It depends heavily on the time of investment.

5. There's No Cap On Earnings

If you are working for yourself, as real estate agents usually do, or if you are working for a
bigger organization, you will be treated like a contractor who works independently. This
implies that there is no upper limit as to how much you can earn in a year. However, you
must also understand that success does not come overnight and there is no short cut to
success. You have to work hard in order to ensure that you are successful.

6. The Real Estate Market Never Dies

While the economy has its own impact on the buying and selling process of any sector,
overall real estate as a sector does not cease to exist completely. You may not end up selling
homes as much as you were earlier, but this does not imply that you simply stop selling
properties completely. Even when the economy is not favorable, real estate agents do end up
making good business.

7. You're Your Own Boss

Real estate agents usually work independently. They prepare their own schedules, grow their
own clients, and decide on their own marketing strategies. Though a little offbeat from the
regular job profiles, a career in the real estate sector can be quite lucrative. What is more
exciting is the money that you end up making. So, if you have the courage and want to make
something different, then look into a career in real estate.

Real estate traditionally has always had the perception of being a sector where ‘land &
buildings’ was the language required and ‘people skills’ were of no great relevance. But,
now, even big Real estate players are soon beginning to understand the importance of
effective ‘client servicing’, enhanced ‘team productivity’ and professional ‘managerial
skills’. All of this are people skills revolving around the most important asset of any

The effectiveness of an HR department can be gauged by the fact how it contributes to the
organization as a channel of Help, as an OD interventionist and as a Controller.

There was a time when one considered HR to be just a support function, because it did not
contribute to the bottom line. However, with the boom in the economy and growth of the
knowledge economy, HR has taken on a new role. As the focus moves from traditional brick
and mortar organizations to more people oriented business like IT-ITeS, media etc.

HR has become significant in nature and magnitude of its role in an organization. The
competitive advantage of organizations has moved from machines and production to the
expertise and creativity of its people, HR has a large role to play in attracting, motivating and
finally retaining these very people.

In spite of this so called increases in power, one of the biggest fears that HR faces today,
according to experts is that of striking a balance between the employer and the employee.
Experts say that HR seems to be facing the brunt of the employer and the employees as it still
does not seem to have the authority to take a stand regarding issues dealing with the
organization. This trend is typically seen in sectors like Real-estate in India, which is still
highly promoter driven.

HR will only find success in dealing with these issues if they are given the freedom to
incorporate the necessary changes through an HR perspective. I personally believe that
comprehending an organization right from its culture, ethos, policies, practices, values, is
more important, to find a right candidate, rather than just rely on a well drafted Job

With immense opportunities, organizations are chasing very limited resources especially in
terms of talent availability, spiraling compensation and benefit costs. The challenge for HR is
therefore huge in the Real estate sector,and spread across various sectors including talent
management i.e. talent acquisition, development and retention, building organizational
capability, HR effectiveness measurement and organizational effectiveness.

So the question here arises is that does HR have a say in this or all they do is bring in random
people with a few years of experience and place them in front of a line manager? While
everyone complains that HR does not really care about what kind of people are bought in,
experts have a different point of view. The feel that HR needs time to find the people with the
right skills sets to complement not just the job but also the organization.
3.5Data collection method
 Primary sources: Face to face interview of companies AGM or Information center.
 Secondary sources:

Ø Internet

Data analysis:

For the data analysis, computer software (e.g. Microsoft word) is used, which helped to make
the analysis in a well-arranged manner for the research easier, more efficient, and more

Limitations of the report:

Several drawbacks that appeared at the time of preparing the report and hindered the total
work process are as under:

It was difficult to make information based rich report in a short time period.

Address of the selected real estate companies was not match.

The selected real estate companies avoided us and did not provide enough information.

It was very difficult to identify the present situation of the real estate companies in such a
small period of time.

One of the main barriers of the report was the confidentiality of the data.
3.6Limitation of study
There are certainly some limitations of study. Only one subject field was selected for the
entire works. The subject matter was a real estate firm, which is not enough. Number of
interviewee was also limited with the company. There was a high probability that the
employees would be tuned with the management. Different types of employees were over
there as interviewees. There was a probability that different educational and family
backgrounds might affect the study. There was a limitation of time frame.

Top management was not included in the study. There was a great probability how the truth
came to light. The main limitation of the study was the question of proper mental and
physical condition of the interviewees. In spite of above-mentioned limitation there are some
strong considerations for the work or study.

In PUNE City, all the real estate companies are more or less same in nature and procedures. It
may be mirror image to take several subjects, which is huge time consuming. For this reason
a well reputed, established and client supported company namely, Area 21 Design &
Developments , Baner. was selected for the study. The number of interviewees was 40. And
this number of interviewees is considered more than enough for this type of study. As there
was an excellent combination of different employees it might expect that the outcome of the
study is true and genuine. All the interviewees were tuned to be honest and frankly to the
interviewer. Moreover, it was done in different alternative ways for genuinely.
Organizational profile
Organizational profile
Siddhesh Developers Pvt. Ltd. is a leading real estate company based in Pune. Established in
2006, our company has garnered a name for itself through a continuous pursuit of excellence
and a strong belief in the optimum deliverance. All the projects developed by Siddhesh are
strategic, aesthetic and resourceful. As a company we have always believed that steady
progress is the right progress. Hence, we focus on one project at a time and take it towards

 We Pursue Excellence
 We Believe in Perfection
 We Thrive for Customer Satisfaction

Our passion is to innovate and to create structures that strike the right cord with our
customers. Our projects, be it corporate or residential are founded with an acute
understanding of our customer’s needs and with an intent to realise their dreams.

We not only build structures but also landmarks in people’s life.

Mr. Mukesh Yeole is a first generation entrepreneur and an able leader of Siddhesh
Developers Pvt. Ltd. Under his leadership, our company has scaled new heights and
emerged as a force to reckon with in the closely-knit real estate fabric of Pune.

He has been a successful businessman for over two decades. In 2006, he got his first
opportunity in the real estate sector and since then he has never looked back. His
personal attention to details, his bond of trust with the entire team and his skill of
relationship management has made him a successful businessman and Siddhesh
Developers a class-apart organisation.
A Developer with a Responsibility

Mr Mukesh Yeole’s qualities as a leader and his insights as a developer are also
extended to various organisations such as Marathi Bandhkam Vyavsaik Association
(MBVA). It is an organisation formed to unite all the prominent Marathi builders in
Pune and share advanced knowledge about the field.
He is also a member of National Real Estate Development Council (NREDC); it is a
self-regulatory apex national body under the aegis of Ministry of Housing & Urban
Poverty Alleviation. NAREDCO stands as a leading advocate for efficient and ethical
real estate practices.

Core Values

 Proficiency:
We function, initiate and create with complete knowledge, expert guidance and with
situational awareness. It is in our nature to be proficient at every task.

 Contemporary:
We live in the present and we work with innovative ideas and modern outlook. Our
creations are contemporary and so is our attitude.

 Adaptability:
We keep ourselves updated with latest technologies and knowledge and always ready
to adapt to changing scenarios. Adaptability is a core part of who we are.

 Optimum Utilization:
We believe in giving the maximum output to our customers. All our project reflect the
core value of making an optimum utilization of all the resources and advanced
technology. Optimum Utilization is our biggest strength.
Awards & Recognition

Siddhesh Developers Pvt. Ltd. received an award for ‘Aesthetic Excellence’ at the ‘H&R
Johnson Artists in Concrete Awards Asia 2012’ (AICA Awards). This award was given for
our first ever commercial project Siddh Icon. The AICA awards are given at the PAN-Asia
level and are highly regarded in the real estate sector.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

We have always considered ourselves as a developer with a responsibility to deliver the best. But this
responsibility doesn’t end at construction projects; it actually begins from there and extends it towards
the society as well. We at Siddhesh, take Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) very seriously.

Jalashivar Yojana
We have sponsored the project of rainwater harvesting under the Jalshivar Yojana at
Pingori village in Junnar Taluka, Pune District. This initiative will enable the villagers
of Pingori to face the drought situation better in the near future. We intend to keep
working in this field as ‘water crisis’ is the major challenge before us.
Data analysis and interpretation
Data analysis and interpretation
In conducting this study-work, interviewing method will be used for data collection, while a
checklist would enable to record direct observation. A combination of structured and
unstructured interview schedules would help to generate information for this study. Along
with interviewing techniques Focus Group Discussion technique will also be used to
approach the various issues to assess and to generalize information within a very short period
of time. The following Table gives a preliminary description of type of data needed, sources
of data and instruments to be used for collecting data.

Type/Class of Data Sources Data Collection Data Collection

Techniques Tools

Application Of Sample Respondents Interviewing, Checklist,

Knowledge Administering Questionnaire,
Written Guideline for FGD
Questionnaire, Focus
Group Discussion
Impediment Related Sample Respondents Focus Group Guideline for FGD
to Application of Discussion

Figure 5.1: Data collection

Work Plan
The proposed work plan is presented in next table. The plan shows detail tasks, their inter-
relationship and time requirement to complete the task.
Data Collection and Analysis
In the light of variables, data collection tools and techniques discussed above, a general
format will be prepared for gathering data, related to effectiveness of the study work, a
special format will be devised for assessment of all required information.
Finding, suggestion and conclusion

Findings from the Study

From observation, face-to-face interview and multiple choice option based questionnaire
some general findings came up with which are as follows:

• In short time Vision 21 Design & Developments Ltd. is going to be a group of companies.

• Out of total 60 employees, 40 persons were selected for the purpose of study.

• Employees are found devoted to the company with very minor negativity.

• Employees receive different salary based on performance and designations.

• Employees are found regular, systematic and work-lover.

• Employees have full and whole-hearted respect and support for the management.

• Management seems to be resourceful and matured enough.

• Management helps/ greets/ pays and supports its employees.

• Management allows extra leave for the employees.

• Employees seem to be satisfied with the company with very minor negativity.

• Employees seem to be honored for working in this company.

• Employees are found self-respected and confident of their respective works.

• Employees are trained up to do all activities of the departments.

• Employees are found very much aware of company’s image and goodwill.

• Employees are department based. Very minor scope of transfer in other departments.

• Top management tries to be informed about all the employees through department

heads regularly.

• Salary, bonus, incentives are found very regular and in time.

• Employees are found feeling for the company.

• Employees are found appreciating of the work environment.

• Most of the employees want to continue with the company.

• Employees feel that work volume is not high in this company.

• Employees feel accountability is high but it is not felt necessary.

• Employees highly appreciate tea, lunch and other facilities, provided by the


• Employees are found to believe that management would help them when it is


• Employees are found very participative in the study work.

• Management put emphasis on employee’s family background in selection.

• Management wants all employees as good human being.

• Management is found interested in much advertisement.

• Employees praise management, work-environment and colleagues.

• Maximum employees feel a sense of security in this company.

• This basically is a one-man based company.

• Employees have the option to place opinion.

• Generally there is no recruitment in the senior positions.

• Promotion is absolutely performance basis, like salary.

• Top management interferes in all details usually.

• Department heads have authority mostly on all the issues in department.

• Company takes place in various events management in home and abroad.

• It is a technologically advanced company.

• Supervision level of all activities is very prominent.

• Generally top management shares with employees, when necessary.

• Management provides general gifts to employees occasionally and even


• This management never becomes hot and angry instantly. It finds the reality.

• This is an employee-supported management.

Analysis of These Findings
Out of total 60 employees 40 persons were selected for the research of different

educational and family background, different designations, different salaries and of course of
different ages.

• Most of the employees are found as good human beings as efficient.

• Management is so far realized very cooperative, supportive and logical.

• More than 71% employees (43 persons) are not happy with the salary.

• More than 98% employees (59 persons) are happy with the work environment

• 100% employees appreciate office time and leave arrangement.

• 100 % employees are very much optimistic regarding the bright future of the


• 100% employees think management as real and fit and dynamic and logical.

• 100% employees believe this is an exceptionally good management of the


• 100% employees believe them secured both in financially and in support from

management (though they are not satisfied with the salary).

• 100% employees believe they are in the best real estate company of the country.

• 100% employees believe their colleagues are better than him / her.

• 100% employees are found aware of goodwill of the company.

Measurement of Employee Satisfaction

From the analysis of the problems and data and also analysis from the finding of the study it
is clear that employee satisfaction of Vision 21 Design & Developments Ltd. Is satisfactory
and it depends on various elements like salary, working environment and activities etc. It is
important to determine the employee satisfaction for the improvement of task and workings
because better the employee satisfaction the greater the outcomes of the organization.

• Management of organization should select good human being for employment. In

this context, educational, family and social background should be considered.

• Management should pay a competitive salary, bonus, and increment in time.

• Management should provide effective training to all its employees.

• Management should evaluate employees on merit, experience & efficiency basis.

• Management should be friendly, supportive & cooperative to its employees.

• Management should consider its employees as soul of the organization.

• Management should extend all its possible facilities to its employees.

• Management should follow chain of command strictly.

• Management should take action after full and through investigation.

• Management should not accept any unethical events.

• Management should organize events for interaction among the employees.

• Management should look after always the work environment for its betterment

• Management should provide congenial and soothing work environment.

6.3Learning of the student through the project

Training is a learning process through which people get skills, concepts, attitudes and knowledge to
aid in the achievement of goals. There are many objective works behind the training and development.
In Vision 21 Design & Developments Ltd. there is a huge opportunity to get the training and nice
accommodation is established for the training process. The schedule of training and performance is
excellent. Assistant General 25 Manager, Human Resources look after the whole process where the
training and development needed. Some of the objectives for conducting training and development are
given below:

• Instruction of new employees.

• Knowledge on new method.

• Knowledge on company policy.

• Knowledge on company customer relation.

• Change of attitude.

• Personal growth.

• Ensuring loyalty.

• Reduction of labor turnover.

• To increase productivity.

• To improve quality.

• To help the company to fulfill its future growth.

• To improve organizational climate.

• Behavior change.
The human resources department of a business, also known as the HR department, is
responsible for anything that has to do with the employees of the business. The same holds
true for a real estate company. The real estate agents representing the agency and the
office assistants must have a department or group of HR workers where they can get
support and advice on how to handle employee matters and address personnel issue.

Hiring and Recruiting

The human resources department in a real estate company is responsible for recruiting,
interviewing and hiring new real estate employees and agents. Although most real estate
agents are paid on commission, they are still being represented by the real estate agency.
The employees working at the real estate office also must be recruited and hired to ensure
they meet the company’s professional standards. Each employee or agent that comes
through the real estate agency must understand the procedures and regulations that make
the agency credible and experts in the real estate industry.

Internal Operations

The human resources department also ensures that everything runs and operates as expected
internally between the employees of the real estate agency. This includes procedures for
handling harassment in the workplace, legal matters regarding sales of homes or apartments
and firing unproductive employees. The human resources department also is responsible for
creating and updating safety procedures for the real estate office, so all employees are safe
at all times.

Agents and Procedures

Even though real estate agents often work on the commission payments from the real estate
sales made, they must follow specific sales procedures to uphold the standards and
credibility of the real estate agency. It is the responsibility of the human resources
department to teach the agents about these procedures and ensure that they are being
followed and respected in each sale. This can include informing buyers about the
procedures, about lending options and about leasing the property, if the house does not sell
as desired.

Evaluations and Support

As any other company, a real estate agency also conducts employee and agent evaluations.
Any company does not want to keep employees who are not motivated to work and are a
liability for the agency. The agents who represent the business, along with the internal
office workers, are evaluated on an annual basis by the owner of the agency with support
from the human resources department. The evaluations ensure that the workers and agents
are performing as expected to benefit the real estate agency.
6.4 Contribution to host organisation
Mr. Mukesh Yeole is a first generation entrepreneur and an able leader of Siddhesh
Developers Pvt. Ltd. Under his leadership, our company has scaled new heights and emerged
as a force to reckon with in the closely-knit real estate fabric of Pune.

He has been a successful businessman for over two decades. In 2006, he got his first
opportunity in the real estate sector and since then he has never looked back. His personal
attention to details, his bond of trust with the entire team and his skill of relationship
management has made him a successful businessman and Siddhesh Developers a class-apart

A Developer with a Responsibility

Mr Mukesh Yeole’s qualities as a leader and his insights as a developer are also extended to
various organizations such as Marathi Bandhkam Vyavsaik Association (MBVA). It is an
organization formed to unite all the prominent Marathi builders in Pune and share advanced
knowledge about the field.
He is also a member of National Real Estate Development Council (NREDC); it is a self-
regulatory apex national body under the aegis of Ministry of Housing & Urban Poverty
Alleviation. NAREDCO stands as a leading advocate for efficient and ethical real estate
The aim of the study was to observe different condition related to employees of the

organization. The key factors of the condition were salary, work-environment, dealings

with colleagues, boss, management tone, organizational culture, organizational nature

and some hidden matters or issues related to employees and management of the


There were four edges of the conditions for evaluating:

• Better salary and better work-environment

• Better salary but bad work-environment

• Less salary but better work-environment

• Less salary and bad work-environment

The study discloses that employees want competitive salary, pleasant work environment,
good management with top management’s support & inter-action, scope of presenting own
views, cooperative colleagues, future safety, company in right path, regular merit based
promotion, increment & bonuses, expansion of company, increasing of goodwill of the
company, management’s support and services, management’s values for the employees and
management’s sharing in personal or social occasions. On the other hand management wants
good human being as employees who want to learn always. Management wants employees to
be efficient, polite, obedient, loyal, truthful, devoted to work, honest, sincere and satisfied.

The research says finally that, employees are dissatisfied with low salary and want to switch
over for bad work environment and satisfied with high salary with better work environment.
But employees of this organization still getting average salary but very much happy and
highly satisfied due to only having better work-environment. This is the bottom line of the
entire study work.

Human Resource Management focuses on matching the needs of the business with the needs
and development of employees. Tarmac depends on its people because their skills contribute
to achieving its business objectives.
Within Tarmac, every employee has a valuable role to play. The emphasis is on helping
individuals to work together. Workforce planning is part of this strategic process, which
looks at the long-term needs across the organisation.

Personal development plans enable every individual to grow both professionally and
personally within the business. They also help Tarmac to create a distinct and important
competitive advantage through selecting and developing highly motivated and skilled staff
who are able to perform at high levels.

DeCenzo, David A. and Robbins, Stephen P.(2007) Fundamentals of Human Resource

Management. London: Printhall Publication

Dessler, Gary (2008). Human Resources Management. Essex: Prentice Hall.

Embose Thomas J. (2001). Supervision (Managerial Skill for a New Era). New York:

Jacobs, C. A. (2005). Operation Management. Essex: Pearson Prentice Hall

Koontz, W.(2002). Management. Essex: Pearson Prentice Hall

Kotler, Philip (2004). Marketing Management. Essex: Pearson Prentice Hall

Newstrom, John W. and Davis, Keith (2007). Organizational Behavior. Columbus: McGraw-

Sullivan, William R. (2007). Entrepreneur (Human Recourses For Small Business) New
York : Wiley

Shawn, S. and Rebecca M. (2006). The HR Answer Book. New York: American Management

Szilagyi, (2002). Management & Performance. London: Oxford University Press.

Website Link

Sidhhesh Real Estate

Local Web › Pune › Viman Nagar

HR Website


1. Interview questionnaire of HR/ Training

2. Questionnaire Employee

3. Suggested format for TNI

4. Train the trainer Module

5. Flow chart for training

Annexure 1:


Human Resource Department / Training/ General Manager

Name of the organisation:__________________________________________

Address: _______________________________________________

Year of Establishment: ______________________________________

No. of Branches: _________________________________________

Turnover of the organisation : _____________________________________

Achievements of the organisation: ___________________________________

Future Plans: _____________________________________________

Organisation Structure: (if possible provide structure)______________

No of Managers : ________________________________

Supervisors : ________________________________

Other Staff : ________________________________

Contractual staff : ________________________________

Female employees ________________________________

Internship Trainees ______________________________

No of Shifts : _______________________________________

Average Age of the staff: ____________________________________

Staff in HR Department: ______________________________________

HR Department structure : ____________________________________

Functions handled by HR Department: 1) _________________________

2) _______________________ 3) __________________________

4) ________________________ 5) ___________________________

6) ________________________ 7) ___________________________

About Training & Development

12. Total No of New hires 2009-10?

Managerial Non Managerial

13.Induction training given : Yes No (details required)

14. Do you have training policy? ( provide details)


15. What is the training Budget for year 2009-10. ___________________

16. What has been the change in the budget since previous year: % required.

Increase Decrease No change

17.No. Staff in training Department : ____________________________

18. Is the training in your organization done:

□ Internally □ Externally

19. Do you have a separate training / development center?

□ Yes □ No

20. If yes, is there a tie-up with universities or external agencies? ( Please mention the names)

21. Number of In house Trainers :________________________________

22. How many man hours training is given to each employee?

23. Total Man-hours of training for year 2009-10. _________________

24.Training process followed (Details required) Various formats used and training calendar

25.Whether process is well documented and had been defined in HR manual.

Annexure II :


Information required here is only for research purpose. Please try to fill all the information
appropriately, select the suitable alternative wherever applicable and provide details if necessary.

Name ( Optional) ________________________________________________________

Designation : ______________________________


Age :

below 20, 20 to 25 25 to 30 30 to 40 40 to 50 50 & above

5. Qualifications: Under graduate Graduate or diploma in hotel mgmt Post Graduate Others

6. No. of Years of Experience:

Less than 1 year 1 to 2 years 2 to 5 years 5 to 10 years more than 10

7. No of Years in present Organization:

Less than 1 year 1 to 2 years 2 to 5 years 5 to 10 years more than 10

8. Induction training you attended was helpful to you?

Yes No Not attended

9. Number and Details Training Programmes attended till Now :

10. You have participated in Training Need Identification Process: Yes No


Train the Trainer

To train the trainer objective is to enable delegates to design, train, evaluate

and follow up effective training programmes. They will also learn how to

design training of any length for groups of varying sizes, learning styles and

experience. One can focus on delivery skills (effective body language and

voice projection) and also teach classic techniques about handling difficult

trainees and controlling the group.

Trainers are not just trained on training delivery skills but also the entire

approach towards training. Trainers should be made aware and educated

about Systematic approach towards training. Then they will be able to relate

the efforts put in by them and trainees and foresee the impact that training

can have on organizational and personal goals achievement.

Following modules are suggested to be part of TTT programs, an Overview of

key competencies in implementing effective training events

Planning a training event

• Module 1 : Providing Logistical Support

1.1 Define the training framework

1.2 Define role of the training administrator

1.3 Manage the budgeting process

1.4 Manage the invitation process

1.5 Determine and select training venue

1.6 Manage travel and accommodation requirements

1.7 Determine and select Subject Matter Specialist

1.8 Manage technical and human resources

1.9 Review and evaluate the training logistics and support

• Module 2: Developing training programmes

2.1 Identify participants

2.2 Understand adult learning principles

2.3 Design needs assessments: strategies and tools

2.4 Conduct and analyze needs assessments

2.5 Develop learning objectives - workshop/session

2.6 Develop content outline

2.7 Identify appropriate training and facilitation techniques

2.8 Develop training programmes Training Content

• Module 3: Adapting and Developing Content

3.1 Identify and assess existing materials

3.2 Adapt materials

3.3. Validate the training design

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