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Someone speaks but don,t follow it in reality.

Society accepts people with action,

not on basis of spoken words

It’s easy to say but hard to do. Society today is flashier than what it actually is.
Nobody is really going to help you even if they say it how many times. In your good
time’s people will stay with you, praise you, and tell you to call them whenever
needed but when actually the crisis hits no one is there.

Society accepts people with action not on words because actions speak louder than
words. One should always be careful before speaking anything or making any
promises because you can never take your words back. As we know it is said that
“Uttering the words are like arrows out of command.”

Many a time’s people are forgotten but their words aren’t. There is a reason why
society doesn’t accept people with just words because “No rain that roared”. You will
find many people who do big promises and when the time arrives to fulfill them they
are always lost. Always trust your instincts and other’s actions, not their words.

We study about our legends and ancestors not only because of what they said but also
they did what they said. The great Mahatma Gandhi said that “The difference between
what we do and what we are capable of doing would suffice to solve most of the
world’s problems” which always reflected in his actions. He fought till the end for the
freedom but with peace. He did what he always spoke about. Always think before
speaking because a single word spoken adequately or inadequately can make a lot of

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