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Faculty : DA’WAH
Department : Islamic Psychology (PSI) / Islamic Communication and Broadcasting (KPI) /
Islamic Guidance and Counseling (BKI) / Da’wah Management (MD) /
Islamic Community Development (PMI)
Class / Room : as scheduled
Course : General English
Credit/Offered : 2 credits / Odd Semester (1), 2019
Schedule : as scheduled
Lecturer : Febrina Rizky Agustina, M.Pd.
Phone : 087859625387 (WA only) / 08523612439 (SMS Only)
Email :

Course Description :
Mempelajari bahasa inggris baik secara teoritis maupun praktis yang meliputi tata bahasa, teks bacaan dengan tema yang
kontekstual dan mutakhir seperti ekonomi, politik, sosial, budaya, teknologi, pertahanan dan keamanan untuk menghadapi
tantangan global pada abad 21, revolusi industri 4.0, dan MEA .

Meeting Material Sources

1 Introduction to the course Course Outline
2 Parts of Speech: Noun, Adjective, Adverb Lecturing, Azar, Teach-this
3 Parts of Speech: Pronoun, Conjunction, Preposition Lecturing, Azar, Teach-this
4 Parts of Speech: Verb and Interjection Lecturing, Teach-this
5 Simple Present Tense and Direction Lecturing, Pearson
6 Present Continuous Tense Lecturing, Pearson
7 Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continues Lecturing, Pearson, Teach-this
9 Simple Past Tense Lecturing, Azar, Teach-this
10 Future Tenses Lecturing, Azar, Teach-this
11 Passive Voice Lecturing, Teach-this
12 Reported Speech (Direct Speech) Lecturing, Pearson
13 Reported Speech (Indirect Speech) Lecturing, Pearson
14 Conditional Sentence Lecturing, Pearson, Teach-this
15 Job Application Lecturing and websites

- Mid term Test 20 %
- Final Test 30 %
- Attendance, daily tasks and activeness in class 50%
Total 100 %

- Azar. Betty Schrampfer . 2003. Fundamentals of English Grammar. United State of America.
- Cunningham, S., Moor, P. 2010. Real Life Pre-Intermediate. Edinburg Gate: Pearson Education.
- Cunningham, S., Moor, P. 2014. Real Life Intermediate. Edinburg Gate: Pearson Education.
- Lecturer’s documents.
- British councils

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