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Omila, Jetto L.

201510309 - BSECE 5-1

A Review of Related Literature in Combined Cryptographic Algorithms


Cryptography is a method of introducing and implementing different techniques and

algorithm to a readable and comprehensible message to make it chaotic or incomprehensible data.

This data can only be used by a receiver who has the key or a solution to decrypt or unscramble

the algorithm and recover the original data. The message or data that had undergone encryption is

called ciphertext while the original message is called plain text (Tamimi, 2006).

It is an integral part of network security, in which the data or information from the source

is preserved and protected from damage, alteration, or unauthorized access during the transmission

to a receiver. The encryption strength of the algorithm is dependent on how the key’s secrecy,

length, and initialization vector is utilized (Gurpreet Singh & Supriya, 2013).

As mentioned earlier, in a modern cryptographic system which utilizes computers for

computational algorithms, the term “key” refers to a numerical value to which the algorithm uses

to alter the original data, thus making it possible for the receiver to understand it by employing an

appropriate key. The term key management is a method of maintaining the availability of the keys

for the users who needs access for it (Idrizi, Dalipi, & Rustemi, 2013).

Originating from a Greek term for "secret writing", cryptography is employed by many

organizations and individuals to make their data confidential and provide immunity against third

party access or attacks (Gurpreet Singh & Supriya, 2013).

Common Modes of Attacks on a Wireless Network

Gurjeevan Singh, Singla, & Sandha enumerated a few commonly used methods or modes

of attacks that a third party can employ to breach the security of the encrypted data at a wireless

network. This includes network jamming, junk transmission, teardrop, POD (Ping of Death), DOS

(Denial of Service), and Man-in-the-Middle. They also conducted a study to better improve the

security of the data aside from employing cryptographic data. They proposed the use of a wireless

intrusion detection system. This method analyzes the optimal or normal behavior of a software or

system when there is no intrusion and compares it to its actual behavior.

Kinds of Commonly Used Cryptographic Algorithm

Cryptographic algorithms used today can be broadly classified into two groups, symmetric

algorithms (Secret key) and asymmetric algorithms (Public key). The symmetric algorithm uses

one key to be used in encryption and decryption while the asymmetric algorithm employs different

keys which is a public and a private key (Gurpreet Singh & Supriya, 2013). Popular types of

algorithms that use secret keys are DES, AES, Blowfish, IDEA, IC4, TEA, while algorithms that

use public key includes RSA, ElGamal, DSA (Idrizi et al., 2013).

Comparison of Popular Cryptographic Algorithms

Tamimi conducted a study that analyzes the individual performance of encryption

algorithms. He picked RSA, DES, AES, SHA, and MD5. He then compared the algorithms in

terms of block size, key size, and speed. Based on the results, he concluded that the AES algorithm

had the most potential to address the vulnerability of the data with its large key size, and by adding

larger block size, the security can be improved.

Patil, Narayankar, Narayan, & Meena also performed a comprehensive evaluation of the

performance of commonly used cryptographic algorithms. They studied RSA, DES, 3DES,

Blowfish and AES algorithms. The experiment was implemented using java crypto and java

security packages. For input, they used 25KB, 50KB, 2KB, 3KB, and 1KB of text and image data.

All algorithms were used on the same type of input plain text. To compare the algorithms, they

used the encryption time, decryption time, memory used, avalanche effect, entropy, and the

number of bits needed for optimal encoding as parameters for the evaluation.

For memory used, encryption time and decryption time, they found out that RSA takes the

largest and longest time while the Blowfish takes the least. This indicates that for applications that

need smaller data encryption, Blowfish is the better choice. It also showed that the Blowfish had

the highest amount of average entropy per byte of encryption. In the avalanche effect, AES has the

highest while the RSA have the lowest. The AES requires the highest number of bits to have

optimal encryption while DES has the least, which signifies the AES would require more

bandwidth for transmission.

Gurjeevan Singh et al. also compared various cryptographic algorithms, which is Blowfish,

DES, 3DES, and AES. He found out that Blowfish had the best performance in terms of processing

time, CPU load, and power consumption among the other algorithms tested.

Analyses and Developments Involving Combinations of Cryptographic Algorithms

Speed of Utilizing Multiple Cryptographic Algorithm

According to Idrizi et al., symmetric and asymmetric have characteristics that made them

suitable for specific applications. A method of combining symmetric and asymmetric can provide

better security while still maintaining the speed. It starts first by generating a secret key and the
public key of the receiver is then used to encrypt the secret key. Normally, public-key cryptography

is slower but since the secret key is small it wouldn't have much effect on the speed of encryption

and decryption.

He compared RSA, Blowfish, AES, DES, 3DES, ECDSA, and RC4, by using the method

of encryption mentioned earlier, which consists of using secret and public key, he found out that

secret key algorithms are generally faster than public keys, while the combined algorithms fit

somewhere in the middle.

Gurpreet Singh & Supriya also had a study on the different encryption algorithms for

information security. Specifically, the looked-on RSA, DES, 3DES, and AES algorithms.

Although each algorithm had its positive and negative aspects which made it suitable in different

applications, in general, they found out that the AES algorithm had the best speed, encryption time,

and the avalanche effect. They also suggest that the combination of these algorithms could further

improve its characteristics which is a subject for future studies.

Hybrid Cryptography Algorithms

According to Subasree, Sakthivel, & Nadu, current security attacks on confidential data is

a threat for security services like authentication, integrity, confidentiality, and availability and this

requires a new security protocol to further improve the capability of the algorithms used for

encryption. They proposed a hybrid security protocol on controlled networks that utilizes both the

symmetric and asymmetric algorithms.

To provide confidentiality, integrity, and authentication they used ECC (Elliptic Curve

Cryptography) for the data encryption, MD5 (Message Digest 5), and Dual-RSA. They

implemented the algorithms in VC++ and used different modes of operations which is sender,
receiver, and intruder. Using the protocol, when the sender sent the data along with the key to the

receiver the intruder also received the key for the message but not the message itself. This is

because the key and message are encrypted by different algorithms. Dual-RSA is used to encrypt

the key while ECC is used in the message, so even if the intruder received the key it would not be

able to decrypt the message.

Modular Multiplication Block Cipher and Playfair Cipher

Rahim & Ikhwan develop a cryptographic technique that utilizes the MMB (Modular

Multiplication Block) cipher and Playfair cipher. The method consists of first encrypting the

plaintext with Playfair cipher and encrypting again with MMB cipher to produce the ciphertext.

The decryption process is just the reversed way, the ciphertext is decrypted using MMB, then using

Playfair to reconstruct the plaintext. The main advantage of this method is the increased in the

complexity of the cipher which offers better protection against attacks, but due to the use of

multiple algorithms, the speed dropped down since it requires more time to process.

LZW compression, RSA encryption, and DCT Steganography

The challenges of providing secure encryption for mobile phones while still limiting the

size of the encrypted data as addressed by a technique proposed by L. Novamizanti, G. Budiman,

& I. Tritoasmoro. In this method, they use a combination of cryptography and steganography, as

well as a compression algorithm to limit the size. The size of the plaintext is compressed and

reduced using the LZW (Lempel Ziv Welch) compression method. Once it is done, the data is then

encrypted using the RSA algorithm. The DCT (Discrete Cosine Transform) technique will be

applied to the compressed and encrypted data to hide it. Using this technique, they encountered

synchronization problems as the data travels in each process blocks. To solve this, they suggest
that each block should be able to anticipate failure when at the inputs and adjust accordingly, also

there should be a set limit on the text length.

Hill Cipher Method, Morse Code, and Least Significant Bit Algorithm

D. Nofriansyah et al. developed a way to improve the strength of cryptographic and

steganographic algorithms commonly used in cybersecurity. The method starts by encrypting the

plaintext using the hill cipher method and then converted into Morse codes which will then be

converted into ASCII. The encrypted data is then embedded into image data and will be hidden

using the LSB algorithm. They found out that this method provided better data security compared

to individual methods.

Data Encryption Standard and Lempel-Ziv-Welch Algorithm

To obtain a quick data transmission and secure data encryption, Bagus Ary Indra Iswara

et al. combined DES algorithm with the LZW algorithm. To implement the process, they used

Embarcadero Delphi XE5 programming language in windows. By testing the method in various

file types including .txt, .xml, and .doc, they found out that it performs well but the compression

algorithm works best on text files.


Bagus Ary Indra Iswara, I., Ketut Sudarsana, I., Joice Simamora, N., Novalia Sitinjak, V., Purba,

N., Kurniawan, C., … Rahim, R. (2018). Application of Data Encryption Standard and

Lempel-Ziv-Welch Algorithm for File Security. International Journal of Engineering &

Technology, 7(3.2), 783.

Idrizi, F., Dalipi, F., & Rustemi, E. (2013). Analyzing the speed of combined cryptographic

algorithms with a secret and public key. International Journal of Engineering Research,

8(3), 45–51. Retrieved from

Nofriansyah, D., Defit, S., Nurcahyo, G. W., Ganefri, G., Ridwan, R., Ahmar, A. S., & Rahim,

R. (2018). A New Image Encryption Technique Combining Hill Cipher Method, Morse

Code, and Least Significant Bit Algorithm. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 954(1).

Novamizanti, L., Budiman, G., & Tritoasmoro, I. I. (2016). Designing secured data using a

combination of LZW compression, RSA encryption, and DCT steganography. Proceeding

of 2015 1st International Conference on Wireless and Telematics, ICWT 2015, (November).

Patil, P., Narayankar, P., Narayan, D. G., & Meena, S. M. (2016). A Comprehensive Evaluation

of Cryptographic Algorithms: DES, 3DES, AES, RSA, and Blowfish. Procedia Computer

Science, 78(December 2015), 617–624.

Rahim, R., & Ikhwan, A. (2016). Cryptography Technique with Modular Multiplication Block

Cipher and Playfair Cipher. International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and
Technology (IJSRST), 2(6), 71–78.

Singh, Gurjeevan, Singla, A., & Sandha, K. S. (2011). Cryptography Algorithm Comparison for

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1(4), 2231–5780. Retrieved from vol-1_issue-

Singh, Gurpreet, & Supriya, S. (2013). A Study of Encryption Algorithms (RSA, DES, 3DES,

and AES) for Information Security. International Journal of Computer Applications,

67(19), 33–38.

Subasree, S., Sakthivel, N. K., & Nadu, T. (2010). Design of a New Security Protocol Using

Hybrid Cryptography Algorithms. Compute, 2(February), 95–103.

Tamimi, A. Al. (2006). Performance Analysis of Data Encryption Algorithms. (December 2016),


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