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CHAPTER 8 | a fico; PROBLEM 8.1 Determine whether the block shown is in equilibrium and find the magnitude and 5° and P=150 Ib. direction of the friction force when 8 SOLUTION Assume equilibr NQER,=0: F+(240 Ibysin 25° (150 fb)eos 25°= 0 F= 434.518 Ib F=34.518 Ib\ SA SE, <0: N~ (240 thjoos 25° (150 Ih)sin 25°=0 N = 4280.91 Ib N= 280.91 Ib“ N Maximum friction force: 35(280.91 Ib) =98.319 Ib =34.5 Ib Since F< f, PROPRIETARY MATERIAL © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Compenis, Ine All sighs reserved. No part of this Manual may be dsplayed reproduced or dismbuted in any form or by any means, withou the por wtion permission ofthe publisher, or used beyond the Uiited Uspibution to teachers and educators perited by MeGrcaw-Hil for thei individual onrce prepara: Ifyow areca stenting ths Mana ot ave using i ld pertaszon 1207 "| ¥.=03) PROBLEM 8.2 = 05 Determine whether the block shown is in equilibrium and find the magnitude and 10° and P=30 Ib, 1 direction of the friction force when SOLUTION ime equilibrium: NER, =0: PF +(240 Ib)sin 30° ~ (30 Ib)cos 30° = 0 2A0 1 a F=-94019 F=94.019 1b, 30% : ae 1 =(240 th)cos 30° (30 Ib)sin 30°=0 Hy, _ = 4222.85 Ib N=222.85 1b./ Maximum friction force: P= HN 035(222.85 Ib) =77.98 Ib Since Fis \. and F> Fy, Block moves down Actual fition free: = pN = 0.25(222.85 1b) B=55.7 DN PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The MeGraw Hill Companies, tne Al rights cesrved, No par of thir Maral muy be displayed. ‘reproduced or dsibated in cw form or by any means, wilt the prior writen penmtesion of the publisher, on teed bey the Umated ‘Ueribuation to teachers and eustorsperitied by Menai for ther fndviual conreepocparation If yonearea student ig this Mua yom are sing i aithou permission, 208 PROBLEM 8.3 Determine whether the block shown is in equilibrium and find the ‘magnitude and direction of the friction force when @~ 40° and P=400N. N= (800 N)eos 25°4+-(400 N)sin 15° =0 N=+60215N N=6215N{ —F + (800 N)sin 25° (400 N)cos 15° =0 F = 448.28 F=48.28N\ Maximum frietion force: Ey = HN 0.20(621.5 Ny =1243N Block isin equilibrium Since F< K,, Fad4san\ 4 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The MeGraw-Hil Companies, Ine. All ights reserved. No purt ofthis Maal ray be diplayed. "eprodiced or distributed in any form By any sows, withont the Prien written permission ofthe publisher or toed beyond the Tinted dsribution to teachers end ecacators permite by eC Hl for thei indvida onrve preparation Ifyemarea stent wt ths Mana, po are sing wi persion. 1209 PROBLEM 8.4 Determine whether the block shown is in equilibrium and find the magnitude and direction of the friction force when =35° and P=200N. SOLUTION Assume equilibrium: yer rf, 4/ EP, =0: N~(8O0 N)cos 25° + (200 N)sin 10° =0 N=690.3N N=6003Nf s 4) 5 MER = 0: -F + (600 N)sin 25° (200 Neos 10°=0 we F143 Fe14t3 NX Maximum friction force: Fy =H,N (0.20)(690.3 N) = 138.06 N Since F > Fy, Block moves down Friction force: MN = (0.156903 N) (03.547 N F=1035N\ 4 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The MeGrsw Hill Companies, ne. AU vghis eesrved. No part of this Mama may be displayed, reproduced or diinibuted in any form or by cany means, widhot te prior writen permission of the publisher, or nse! beyond the limited tdisributin fo teachers ani edcaors permitted by MeGraye- Hil for ter ondvidual course preparaion Ison area stent sig is Mata, ow are using tous permission. m0 ne equilibrium is maintained : PROBLEM 8.5 s00 x ~ | Knowing that @=45°, determine the range of values of P for which SOLUTION art block up the incline: 0.20 tan“! 0.20=11,31° 008-2630" ih vis ao | /8 asp B31" daha Force triangle: eee 800N Sin 36319 ~ Sin 98.65" P=AW2N 4 ‘To prevent block from moving down: e 2 etn aR PY fase aor | Ip as. 2% Mgl = 139° he re Foree triangle: | P____800N sin 3.69" ~ sin 12131 P=22161N 4 jilibrium is maintained for 2INSPS47N PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The MeCeaw Hill Companies, Ine. All rights seseved. No port ofthis Manual may be display ‘epriduced or distributed in any form or by any mens, sion the prior writin permission ofthe publisher, or sed beyond the Tinted dzution to teachers anh educators permitad by MeGra-Hil for thine course puri. J you ance sent ws ths Man, yon are sing i with permission nn PROBLEM 8.6 Determine the range of values of P for which equilibrium of the block shown is maintained. SOLUTION EBD block: (Impending motion down): SON HE & é seo lb Na, OH SOA A stan, = tan 0.25 P=(300 tb) tan (30° tan" 0.25) = 143.03 Ib (Impending motion up): SON zg 7 & seo lb Xs ards BA 500 tb) tan (30°+ tan“!0.25) 483.46 Ib Equilibrium is maintained for 143.0 b= P= 483 bh PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2010 The MeGiws-Hill Companies, Ine. AD vghtsreseuyed. No pare of thi Manel may be displayed reproduced or detribited i any form or by any teas. wiht the prior writen perntsion of the publisher. owed beyond the lined lsirituaion to teachers ant eons ponte etirane-H for thet indvida corse preparation If on ave sade asin hs owe, yen are nin without posmsion nn PROBLEM 8.7 Knowing that the coefficient of friction between the 15-kg block and the oe incline is. 44, =0.25, determine (a) the smallest yalue of P required to fe maintain the block in equilibrium, (b) the corresponding vatue of f. SOLUTION FBD block (Impending motion downward): (6) Note: For minimum P, So and o We 15 kgy(981 mis?) 147.150 N mH 010.25) =14.036" PLR B = 90° (30° 414.036") sole = 45.9642 P= (147.150 N)sine = (147.150 N) sin (45.964°) P=1088N B= 460" € PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. 1 2010 The Mein Companies, Inc. Al rights wesxved. No part ofthis Manuel may be aiplaye reproduced or detrited tn any Jorm ar by any means, wubout the prioe written permision of the publicher. or used beyond te lined Fy. Package B would move if alr PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2010 The McGrawHill Companics, ne, All rights teserved, No part ofthis Manual maybe displays raprediced o Astrituted in any form oF by any means, hon the prior written permission ofthe publisher, or nd beyond the Titel stitution to teachers and educators permitd by MeGraw-Il fr thei inva course prepara Ifyem arr calen cing he Mensa yo are sing it without permission ny PROBLEM 8.13 (Continued) jer A and B together: Assume equilibrium Fy = Fy = 0.2598 Nj = Ny = 0.9660" Fey + Fy = 200.259) = 0.51817 (Pda Finn =O3N , +O.AN, = 0.3860" Thus, Fy th > a+ in and B move IN, = 0.2(0.966)(4X9.81) F,=758N7 4 By = 14 Np = 0.08(0.966)4}9.81) PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, € 2010 The MeGraw-18l Companies, Ine. AI ghts reserved. Mo part of this Mana nay be dioplavet apoctucd or arated in any fn or by eny mean. witha the prior ween permision ofthe publisher, axed tayund the landed ‘Thatbnnon to feachors on dacions permed by eC Hl for ther oudvidul course preparation. ify area stewing thie Manna spore sng without permission. mo PROBLEM 8.14 Solve Problem 8.13 assuming that package B is placed to the right of both packages A and C PROBLEM 8,13 Three 4-kg packages 4, B, and C are placed on a conveyor belt that is at rest. Between the belt and both packages 4 and C the coefficients of friction are 4, =0.30 and 44, =0.20; between wkage B and the belt the cocflicients are 41, =0.10 and yy = 0.08. ‘The packages are placed on the belt so that they are in contact cach other and at rest, Determine which, i any, of the packages will ‘move and the friction foree acting on each package. SOLUTION + package by itself: Assume equilibrium TN ER, <0: Ny —Weos 15°=0 aw Ny = c08 15° = 0.9661 6\ 2 4 hy -W sin 15°= WEF, =0: Ky -Wsin 1S°=0 We V sin 15° =0.2501 But Ne 10(0.96617) 09664 Thus, My > F,,. Package B would move ifalone. Consider all packages together: Assume equilibrium, In a manner similar to above, we find 0.966H" By Fy = Fe = 0.2500 30.2598") mw But (FO = Coda = HN 0.30(0.966 7) 0.29007 0.10(0.966)F) 0.09664" and PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The MoGra-16ll Compsniss, te. All sights reserved. No pur of this Manual mabe cpap, ‘eprndced or dsribted in any form or by any meas, ion the prior written permission ef the publisher, nme beyond the led \siribion to teachers and educations permitied by Means Hal for tice oui courne preparation. Ifyou are astadent i thin thal, You ave slg thot permission, ims Cy) + Fon + Fon PROBLEM 8.14 (Continued) 2(0.29017)+0.0966 1" orm Fc t Fy t Fe > Eg) + Fae t Fn and we note that Allpackages move .20(0.966)(4 kgy(9.81 mis?) S8N He = 0,08(0.966)(4 keX9.81 mis’) =3.03N PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The MeGeaw4ill Compan Ine. Al rights resorved, No part ofthis Maru may be dspaned. Nawoduced or dsiribuied in any form or by any means, withow the prior weit permission ofthe publisher, oF used beyond the listed Uibtritionto teachers and educators ported By MeGrove Hil for thelr lida cose preparation. fon area students his Manual, “youre sing thou permission a PROBLEM 8.15 A 120-Ib cabinet is mounted on casters that can be locked to prevent theit rotation. The coefficient of static friction between the floor and cach caster is 0.30. If h=32 in., determine the magnitude of the force P required to move the cabinet to the right (a) if all casters are locked, (b) if the casters at B are locked and the casters at 4 are fiee to rotate, (¢) if the casters at 4 are locked and the casters at B are free to rotate. SOLUTION FBD met: Note: for tipping, Ny=F,=0 (Mp =0: (12 inW -@2 inh, 66667 (@)__Alleasters locked. Impending slip: Fy= any WN 7 [zn =0: p+, -W=0 NytN, SW W =120 Ib So Fah =aw =03 TER, 20: P=Fy~Fy=0 PaFy +h, =n P=0.3(120 Ib) or P=36.0Ib— (P=03W (9a) Mas = Wrst, es lee PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2010 The MeGraw-Hill Companies, Ine All rights reserved. No part of this Maal may be displayed epriced or dbated in ony farm or by ny means. without the prior writin permision of the publisher, used beyond the Cmte Torsten to teachorsendedusavns permit by MeGraw-Hl for tice indsidal couse preparation Ifyou are stadent xing this Mane ou are using it wither pormision m6 PROBLEM 8.18 The cylinder shown is of weight and radius r. Express in terms Wand r the ‘magnitude of the largest couple M that can be applied to the eylinder if itis not to rotate, assuming the coefficient of static friction to be (a) zero at A and 0.30 at B, (8) 0.25 at A and 0.30 at B SOLUTION EBD cylinder: For maximum M, motion impends at both A and & Fy =HiNg a= typ o MyNy Fy =HN a= Hg 0: N,+F-W=0 Ng Hatt) = or Ne=—+ 1 Malle Ms and iy, =H - T+ Malle Fp = MallyNy = Me Mable CEMe #0: M =r Fy + Fy M = Writy Ate Ve tally @ For x,=0 and ys, =030: M=0300Hr 4 (6) For #,=025 and ft, =0.3 3491 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Comps, Ine All rights teseved. No part of this Manual may be displayed, produced or datnibted in any form ov by any means, without the prior verte permission ofthe publisher, or nse beyond ihe lntted siibtion to teachers and edcciors permite by Metra Hlfor ther val course preparation If area sade ng is Bas, yon are using i without pormision, an 060 PROBLEM 8.19 je=0a0 ‘The hydraulic eylinder shown exerts a foree of 3 KN directed to the right on Point & and to the left on Point £. Determine the magnitude of the couple M required to rotate the drum clockwise at a constant speed, SOLUTION Free body: Drum W)EMe =O: M-(O25m\( KF, +%,)=0 M =(0.25 mF, + Fy) Ww Since drum is 10 Fy ¥)EM,=0: (3KN)O.15 m) + F, (0.15 m)—¥, (0.45 m)= 0.45 KN om + (0.3N, 0.15 m) —N, (0.45 m) = HLURN 2 F, =0.3N, 0.30.11 KN) Rae 3333 kN ® Free body: Right a p + )EM, =O: (KNY(O.15 m)~ Fy (0.15 m)—N_(0.45 m) = 045 EN-m ~ (0.3 p}(0.15m)— (0.45 m) =0 0.495, =0.45 oam 1, 208 OM Np = 0.9091 KN # Fy = HN y =0.3(0.9091 KN) a =0.2727 KN @) Substitute for F, and Fy into (1): M = (0.25 m)(0.333 KN + 0.2727 KN) M=0.1515 kN-m M=151SN-m 4 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2016 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine. All ahs resrwed. No part af this Manual may be cyplaved Iepradheed or diibured in any for or By any mos, withow the prior vite permission ofthe publisher, o” ued beyond the timite “isnt to tach eal ecco ponte By Me ane Hil forth individual corse preparation If yeu areca student ws this Manna, Som are using sour permission raw ,=040 not PROBLEM 8.20 I | Pr ("A couple M of magnitude 100 N - m is applied to the drum as shown. Determine the smallest force that must be exerted by the mm hydraulic cylinder on joints B and £ if the drum is not to rotate, 250 SOLUTION ‘we body: Drum 0: 100N-m~(0.25 mF, +, )=0 FL 4, =400N ao Since motion impends = 4,N, =04N, Fig = HN =O4Ny Pree body: Left anm ABL A 70.15 m)+ F,(0.15 m)~ i, (0.45 m)=0 isn | of oan 7 0.39N, =0.15?: NW, =0.384627 a a fi, =0AN, =0A0.384027) 153857 @ 0.157 + OAN, 10.15 m)—, (0.45 m) =0 Free body: Right arm DER mn) ~ Fy (0.15 mn) ~ Np (0.45 m)=0 +2 om ~ (AN g (0.15 m) ~ Ny (045 m)=0 ae OSIM, =O.157; Ny 0.294127" f fe Fy =04Ng =0.4(0.294127) 117657 @ Substitute for F, and F, into Eg. (1) 0.153857 +0,117657 = 400 T=1473.3.N T=1ATBKN PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The MeGiraw-1ti Companies, ie, All sights reserved. opr ofthis Manna muy he diplays reprodced or diserbued ty any Jorn or by any means, without the poe written parmssion ofthe pnbliher, oF used bond the Unie cdstibuton i eachers and educiors permite by AeGraw-Hl for their indvdal conte prepara Ifyou areas wg this Ma on are using i wirhon permission, mo PROBLEM 8.21 a A 6.5-m ladder AB leans against a wall as shown, Assuming that the coefficient of static friction 1, is zero at B, determine the smallest value of 44, at A for ‘which equilibrium is maintained. / 5m i | SOLUTION Erve body: Ladder Three-foree body. Line of action of A must pass through D, where W and B intersect ALA: 1H, = 0208 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The MeGraw-H8il Companies, Ine All ihis reserved. No pare af sh Maral may be displayed reproduced or dsrituted in any frm or by any means, without the prior wren persion of the publisher. or used beyond the lite (Ustibation to teachers and educators permite by Metanaw Hal for ther undid conse preparation if yosrarea sant wg ths Manual pou ave using it without permission nw PROBLEM 8.22 A 6.5-m ladder AB leans against a wall as shown, Assuming that the coefficient of static friction 4, is the same at A and B, determine the smallest value of 1, for ‘which equilibrium is maintained. on Leesw—a] SOLUTION Free body: Ladder Motion impending: Fue HN 4 Fu = HNy A)EM, =O: W(.25m)~Np(6m)—4,Np(2.5m)=0 1250 Np 1 oF 25H, oY THN, _ 1254 6+ 2.5u, ALER =O: 4,N4-M, Substitute for M7, and Ny trom qs. (1) and (2): 1.2542 1.250 64254, 6425), 64, + 2.5p2 1.25402 =1.25 1.25402 +644, -1.2: ra and PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2010 The MeGraw-till Compass, ne, All vights reserve. No par? of ths Mana may be dplaved. reproduced or dsribued in any form or by any means, without the prir writen permuston ofthe publisher or nse bevond the linge detebation (teachers and educators permed by MeGrave Mili thet individual course preparation lyons ws tis Mana pow are using withont permission nu PROBLEM 8.23 End A of a slender, uniform rod of length L and weight bears on a surface as shown, while end & is supported by a cord BC, Knowing that the coefficients of friction are 42, = 0.40 and 4, = 0.30, determine (a) the largest value of @ for which motion is impending, (b) the corresponding value of the tension in the cord SOLUTION Free-body diagram ‘Three-force body. Lit of action of R must pass through D, where T and R intersect Motion impends: (a) Since BG= GA, it follows that BD DC and AD bisects ZBAC a ye S49, =00 221,80 90° 2 @=1304° < {b) Force triangle (right tangle): w T=Weos 218° PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine. AIL Fights FeServed No part of sis Manual may be displayed, reproduces on ctribted in any form or by ay means, without the pros writen pormassion ofthe publisher. or wsed beyond the tiated CGsibution to teachers and educars rid hy Meal for thes andividal course preparation Ifyou avestudew ws is Manual Yoo are uring i thou peraassion. ne PROBLEM 8.24 End 4 of a slender, uniform rod of length 1 and weight W bears on a surface as shown, while end is supported by a cord BC. Knowing that the coefficients of friction are 4, =0.40 and fi, =0.30, determine (a) the largest value of 8 for \which motion is impending, (6) the corresponding value of the tension in the cord, SOLUTION rwe-body diagram Rod AB isa three-force body. Thus, line of aetion of R mast pass through D, where W and T intersect. Since AG = GB, CD = DB and the median AD of the isosceles triangle ABC bisects the angle @ (a) Thus, Since motion impends, @, =tan10.40= 21,80" 6=29, = 2(21.8°) 9-80 4 (6) Foree triangle: This is right wiangle. fe Tr 6, =Wsin 21.8" 7 r=037W 4 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The MeGravHil Companies, les AN rights reserved. No par ofthis Manual muy be displayed ‘reproduced or disinibued fy any form or by any meds, wilon the prior wren permission ofthe publisher, oF tse beyond the lined isvibuion to teachers and educators permite by MeGraw- HU for thelr budvidal course preparain, Ivo area student ig tis Manual, Jae are using le withou permision m3 PROBLEM 8.25 A window sash weighing 10 Ib is normally supported by two 5-Ib sash weights. Knowing that the window remains open after one sash cord has broken, determine the smallest possible value of the coefficient of static friction. (Assume that the sash is slightly smaller than the frame and will bind only at Points A and D.) SOLUTION FBD window: Impending motion: FEHNy Dp HNy F, (2M, <0: (8inW -Q7 nN, ~B6in)F, =0 Now ‘Then PROPRIETARY MATERIAL¥ © 2040 The McGraw-Hill Companies, he. Allright reserved. No part of this Manual maybe displayed ‘repraduced or disibared in any form or by ay means, thou the prior etten permision ofthe publisher. o” raed beyond te lintted isritation vo teachers and educators permite by MeGraw-Iil for detvindsndual couse preparation. Ifvon avea student using is Mara, om are using i thou permis ras aN PROBLEM 8.26 A SOO-N conerete block is to he fied by the pair of tongs shown. Detetmine the smallest allowable value of the coefficient of static mn friction between the block and the tongs at F and G. SOLUTION Free body: Members C4, AB, BD By symmetry: Since CA is a two-foree member, Free body: Tong DBF 4)EM, =0: (300 N)(105 mm) +(250 N}U35 mm) + (250 N)(157.5 mm) —#,(860 mm) =0 F, = 4290625 N By 250 Minimum value of 44,: 06S inimum value of 44, 390.635 1, =0860 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The McGraw Hill Companies, Ine All ight reserved. No part ofthis Manual may be diypayed, ‘reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, without the prier writen permission ofthe publisher, or ase beyond the lanted swibution to eachors ne ecucaars permed by MeGraw for thew indv ial conrse prpraion Ifyou arcastadent wg ths Mana, ‘po are ring ith permission. 135 PROBLEM 8.27 ‘The press shown is used to emboss a small seal at F. Knowing, that the coefficient of static friction between the vertical guide and the embossing die D is 0.30, determine the force exerted by the die on the seal SOLUTION Free body: Member ABC Le gos tS" 15-4548 im, 150 to SYM j= 05 yy 608 20°(8) Fg sin 20569282) (50 4 +15.4548)=0 Fu = 158.728 Ib Free body: Die D ‘a, “03 = 16,6992" Force triangle: D 158.728 tb in 53,301" sin 106.6992" 32.869 Ib der ereaan® obl€ On seal: PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The Meiew4hll Companies, Ine All ighis reserve. No part of this Sanaa! may be csplaved. ‘reproduced or dsnitated in amy form or by any men’, wibunt the prior writer permesion of the publisher oF nse bevand the fated ‘tersttion to foachers as eacators permite hy Mente forth indoihal conse preparano.ffyow area student ws hs Manuel, jou are ning wll porasion 1136 PROBLEM 8.28 ‘The 100-mm-radius cam shown is used to control the motion of the plate CD. Knowing that the coefficient of static friction between the cam and the plate is 0.45 and neglecting friction at the roller supports, determine (a) the force P required to maintain the motion of the plate, knowing that the plate is 20 mm thick, (4) the largest thickness of the plate for whieh the mechanism is self locking (i.e. for which the plate cannot be moved! however large the force P may be), SOLUTION we body: Cam impending motion: +)EM,=0: OR~NRsind + (4,N)Reosd=0 g n= 2 _ p Sind~ 1, cos a ree body: Plate ZR =<0 Pay @ Geometry in AABD with R=100:mm and d= 20mm ; ee Poa cos = ad at] Tey _ 80mm gL bp \2.e" 100 mm Ti =08 sind = Vi-cos’ = 0.6 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. «2 2010 The MeGraw-ill Companies, ne. AIL igh reserved. No part of thivAfannal may be disposed ‘reproduced o dstibled b» any form or by any means, witout the prior written parmision of the publisher, ows heyond the lined sdsibuton to teachers an eduions permite by Mera Hl for the invidual course preparation fy stent wing this Mat sow are using without pormiion aw PROBLEM 8.28 (Continued) @ Eq. (using O=60N and 4, =0.45 GON 06 (0450.8) 60. _a50N 024 Eq. (2) = (0.45)(250 N) (8) ForP.s0, N00, Denominator is zero in Eg, (1). sind 1, cos P=ll2sn d=88lmm PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Compavies, Inc. AIL ights reserved. No part of hy Manual may be displayed ‘yproduced or dstribued any form or by any means. without the prior writen permission of the publisher oF used beyond the linited ‘Usiibtion to teachers and educators pote hy McCraw for ther onvtdual course preparation. Ifo area sae wing te Manel, Sir ae ung 1 ion pov a3 PROBLEM 8.29 A slender rod of length L is lodged between peg C and the vertical wall and supports a load P at end A, Knowing that the coefficient of state frietion is 0.20 at both B and C, find the range of values of the ratio La for which equilibrium is ‘maintained. SOLUTION We shall first assume that the motion of end B is impending upward. The friction forces at B and C will have the values and ditcetions indicated in the FB diagram, em, <6: rusino~Ne(25)~0 Sind Ne = ed sin?@ a LER =0: NecosO+ Ne sinO~Ny =0 @Q) Af ER, =0: Nesind~pNe cosO-pN,—P=0 @) Multiply Eq. (2) by zz and subtract fiom Eq, (3): NeG 8 — 110088) ~ LN (cos + pssin 8) P- P= N {sin 00 ~ 27) -2;10088) Substitute for N,. from Eq, (1) and solve for all: sin? aU =p yin = 24.0080) ® Making @=35° and = 0.20in Eg. (4): $ sin? 35°f(I ~0,04)sin 35° 2(0.20)e0835°] = 0.07336 =13.63 Fat Fy a equilibrium HEM, 0: Ny (2 f)~ (50 1b) f+ (20 1by(S fe Ny =251b N,=251b : By + Fy ~S0Ib+ 2016 =0 By + Ry =301b Ey +E pd = 2010 FytFy> Fda t(Fo dy PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The MeGraw 4H Companies, Ine AN rights eesrve. No part of this Manes! may be displayed reproduced or disvited i cy for ar by ain meds, wlohe prior wt permission of the publisher or used beyond the lted distrust teachers ant ede wens porated by NeCiraveTEl fortes individual corse preperation. If on avec student ws this Manual, en are acing itn! permission raat PROBLEM 8.31 In Problem 8.30, determine the range of values of the magnitude P of the vertical force applied at £ for which the plate will move downward. PROBLEM 8.30 The 50-Ib plate ABCD is attached at A and P to collars that can slide on the vertical rod. Knowing that the coefficient of static friction is 0.40 between both collars and the rod, determine whether the plate is in equilibrium in the position shown when the magnitude of the vertical force applied at Eis (a) P=0, (6) P=201b. SOLUTION an We shall consider the following two cases: a () 0=P<301b 4 DEM, =0: NZD-GOGH+PEH=0 © N,=751b-2.5P (ote: NV, =0 and directed — for P= 30 Ib as assumed here) ZF,=0: N4=Np AfEF,=0: K+ hy +P-S0=0 Fy hy =50-P But: (Oa = Fol = HM 5 =040(75-2.5P) =30-P Plate moves! +B) > En +Fo dn or 30 P>(0-P)+G0~P) P2101 and directed — for P> 30 Ib as assumed) a N, Np AEF, <0: Ry, +P-50=0 Fy =90-P PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2010 The MeGraw1Wi Companies, Inc. AIL ighs teserved. No part of this Manual may be displayed, repriduced or died in any form or By eny means, show the prior wekton permission of tho publisher, or used beyond the fined tdisributon to ouchery ad ecucdtovs pert by McGraw Sl for thet individual ouese preparation Ifyou ore. stetet wing tht Mena, ‘jo are wang i wid perasson, nar PROBLEM 8.31 (Continued) But dn (Fado = MeN =0.40(2.5P-75) ~30 Ib Ft Fy > Dy tL 50-P> (P~30)+(P~30) paid ‘Thus, plate moves downward for: 10.00 th< P<36.7 h (Note: For P > 50 Tb, plate is in equilibrium) PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The MeGraw Hill Companies, ne. AIL gh eeserved, No part ofthis Manual muy be dptave ‘reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, thou the prior iriten permission ofthe publisher, or ase beyond the lined win A pipe of diameter 60 mm is gripped by the stillson wrench shown, Portions 4B 50m and DIE of the wrench are rigidly attached to each other, and portion CF is ‘connected by a pin at D. If the wrench is to grip the pipe and be self-locking, «letermine the required minimum coefficients of friction at A and C. SOLUTION . fe EDD ABD: th 2 (2M, =: 1S mW —C10 me, =0 10 eve tt 15 mm Impending motion: Fy= HN, apy “Then 15-1104, =0 ey or fy = 0.13636 120.1304 4 oER <0: F,)-D,=0 D,= En FBD pipe: Ste fr, <0: Ne-N,=0 Do Me=Ny FBD DF. per ee (650 mk, = (15 mm ~(500 mmpD, = 0 7 ep H Then 550p4- -15 = 500-24 seomm|'| 559mm Ne ; : I Bat Nea My and Ahoy, =0.13636 I Ny me 5501. =15 + 500(0.13636) Me =0.1512 4 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2010 The MoGrow-tHit Companies, Ie. Al rights resent, No pont of this Meal sna he dispeve ‘epreluced on disibuted in ey form or by any mens, wihon ts ter then persion ofthe plies, or ned bese the Lied ison te teachers en econ psritad yeaa for ta anv conse preprraton If pow area student i Hs Manu, om are ang i without persion PROBLEM 8.33 fc wm a Solve Problem 8.32 assuming that the diameter of the pipe is 30 mm. r PROBLEM 8.32 A pipe of diameter 60 mm is gripped by the stillson wrench shown, Portions AB and DE of the wrench are rigidly atiached to cach other, and portion CF is connected by a pin at D. if the wrench is to grip the pipe and nm be self-locking, determine the required minimum coefficients of friction at Aand C. SOLUTION Pep np (2M, =0: OS mm, ~80 mae, =0 Impending motion: HAN, Db Then 15 mm—(80 mms, =0 Hy = 0.1875 F,-D,=0 Nn So that =F, fi D pipe: DE, =0: Ny —Ny= FRD pip fam, =0: Me -Ny & Ne=Ny N Me EBD DI (550 mmyF. (15 mm), = (500 mmyD, =0 < a_k 2 I Impending motion: 350mm 500 ma But V, = Ne. (Hom pipe FED) so | I and me =0.1977 PROPRIETARY MATEREAL. © 2010 The MoGrws-thll Companies, Ine. Al sights resrve. No part ofthis Maal may be diplaye Depreduced o» cstribued is any frm or by cnn means, seo the prior writen permistion ofthe publisher used besond the limited lsbution to teachers and edcciars permed by 14 Hil for thee ida course preparation fare ast wing this Bk sow are urine i thon pormision ass PROBLEM 8.34 A 10-f beam, weighing 1200 Ib, is to be moved to the Jef onto the platform. A horizontal force P is applied to the dolly, which is mounted on frictionless wheels. The coefficients of friction between all surfaces are 41, =0.30 and 4h =0.25, and initially x=2 fe Knowing that the top surface of the dolly is slightly higher than the platform, determine the force P required to start moving the beam, (int: The beam is supported at A and D.) SOLUTION FBD beam: ae 8 FEM, =0: Np (8) ~ (1200 IbyS AH) =0- N,,~750 6! N,~1200+750=0 N,=450 101 (Fy = HN y= 0.450) =135.0 Ib (Ey = Be Nip = 0.3(750) = 225 Ib Since (Fy)qy < (Fp) Sliding fest impends at with FBD dolly: From FBD of dolly PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine All Fgh reserved. No part of this Manual may be dplayed, sproduced or distributed in any farm or by any means, who the prior writen permission ofthe publisher, or wsed beyond the limited (stribution to teachers on cuca permite by McCraw forthe vidual course preparation Wfyouavea student using ths Marva, om are ming whom permission nas PROBLEM 8.35, (a) Show that the beam of Problem 8.34 cannot be moved if the top surface of the dolly is slightly ower than the platform. (b) Show that the beam cant be moved if two 175-tb workers stand on the beam at J and determine how far to the eft the beam can be moved. PROBLEM 8.34 A 10-ft beam, weighing 1200 Ib, is to be moved to the left onto the platform. A horizontal force P is applied to the dolly, which is mounted on frictionless wheels. The coefficients of friction between all surfaces are j1,=0.30 and fy =0.25, and initially x-2f, Knowing that the’ top surface of the dolly is slightly higher than the platform, determine the force P required start moving the beam. (Hint: ‘The beam is supported at A and D.) SOLUTION (@) Beamaton FEMME =0: Np (8 8) —(1200 YG =O 222K gee 0018 N, =450 bf A No-+430~1200=0 fe ent a 7) Ne = 750 1bf Beam cannot be moved <€ S)EM, = 0: (1200)(6)~ Ne (10-2) =0 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ie. All ight eeserve. No part ofthis Mansel may be dpa, reprdced or dsriuied in any frm or by any means, without the prior writen permsnion of the publisher, or used Beyond the lnted distribution to teachers and educators permed by Metra for tenia course preparation Ifyou areata wing the Merah oware ung i ilhon permission, nar PROBLEM 8.35 (Continued) Cheek that beam starts moving for x= 2 fl: Fors=2 Nz 1,Ne = 0.750) = 225 Ib 1, Ny = 0.3(800) = 240 Ib Since (Fo) <(Fp)qs Sliding first impends at C, Beam moves How far does beam move? Beam will stop moving when Fo= (Esa But Fo= Ne =0.25-.900. _ 1500 l0-x W0-» and Ep = Ny = 0.30 2500=1550x _ 2850 465 10-x 10x Setting F =p ay 1500 2850~465x SES (ote: We have ined that, once started, motion is continuous and uniform (no acceleration).) PROPRIETARY MATERIAL © 2010 Tas MeGeaw Hill Companies, Ine. AI Fights reserved. No part of this Manual may be displayed, reprdiced or distributed nay form or by any means, shout the prior written permission ofthe publisher, or used beyond the Fanitecl (dsnibution to techers ae ecucatrs permite by Mera for tei individual conse preparation Yfyouarecastednt wn this Manual. Do are using i hu! permision nas » PROBLEM 8.36 Knowing that the coefficient of static fiction between the collar and the rod \ 18035, detemnine the range of values of P for which equilibrium is maintained & when @=50° and M =20N-m, T alan ‘SOLUTION Free body member 4B: AbyMezo nw 7 at - BC isa tworforee member lee fre FEM, =0: 20 Nem Fy 08 $0%0.1 m) = 3) fe 311.145 N Motion of C impending upward: 0: BI1.145 Nycos 50°—W =0 N=200N ¥ Gaye Bs 4] ER, =0: (11.145 N)sin 50° P-(0.35)(200 N)=0 7 P=168351N 4 Motion of C impending downward: EEF, =0: GILI45 N)cos 50°-W =0 if\ Far N= 200N Meg BusrS 0 Hf Ex, <0: G11.145 N)sin 50°~ P+(0.35)(200 N) P=30835N 0 OK ‘System slides: ?=62.8N (8) 4, =0.50: See part a. Bg. (1): P=0.5(2)( 78.48 N)= 78.48 N +)EM, =O: P(0.1m)+(N, ~1)(0.09326 m) + F,(0.2 m)=0 (78.48)(0.1) + (Ny — 78.48)(0.09326) + (0.5)N (0.2) =0 0.529 0.19326, N,=-2.73NThl for ther vidal cone prsparaion Ifyou area stent wing this Manu ‘ow are aig ie without povmission. 264 PROBLEM 8.47 Solve Problem 8.46 assuming that the wedge is to be moved to the right. PROBLEM 846 The machine part ABC is supporied by a frictionless hinge at B and a 10° wedge at C. Knowing that the coefficient of static friction is 0.20 at both surfaces of the wedge, determine (a) the force P required to move the wedge to the lef (8) the components of the corresponding reaction at B. SOLUTION n" 0,20=11,30993° Free body: AB 30993" 1.30aaa| vo 4s Force triangle: SEES ESE ot PROPRIETARY MATERIAL © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, le. All rights cessed. No part of this Manna may be dioplaved repraduced or distibuted in any for or By any means, withan the prior written perms ofthe publisher, or ase leon the lina 8 OK PROPRIRTARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The MeCiravHill Companies, Ie. All sights reserve. No part ofthis Manual may be dplaye ‘reproduced or disibted i cy fora by ay mais, wile the pron written permission ofthe publisher, av wed beyand te United ddsiibution to teachors ane edcatars ported by McCaw for tht india couse preparion Hou are stadt ut is Madu, Don are sing i ethow permission. 1268 PROBLEM 8.51 The elevation of the end of the steel beam supported by a concrete floor is adjusted by means of the steel wedges F and F, ‘The base plate CD has been welded to the lower flange of the beam, and the end reaction of the beam is known to be 100 KN, The coefficient of static friction is 0,30 between two steel surfaces and 0,60 between steel and concrete. If the horizontal motion of the beam is prevented by the force Q, determine (a) the force P required to raise the beam, (b) the ‘corresponding force Q. 9 SOLUTION body: Wedge F =tan'0.30=16.7° Re |Meat F7ook (a) P= (100 KN) tan 26.7° + (100 KN) t P=50.29KN-430kN P=80.29 KN, P=80.3kN~— LOOK) roa kn 08 26.7° Free body: Beam, plate, and wedge E oot rol g, R67" = ® = W tam 26,7" = (100 KN) tan 26.7° Q=50.29kN Q=503kN—> 4 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2010 The McGraw Bil Companies, In. All ightssesrved. No part of this Mannal may be disposed, ‘ypradued or dstibde In sy form oF by any ans, eon te ior writen permision ofthe publisher, or ase Beyond the Led ‘dsribaton to echers ans ecucators permite by Mera for ther individual conrse prepara. If yen arecastadent wing this Mana, Jom are sing iit permis 0 PROBLEM 8.52 A | hy A wedge 4 of negligible weight is to be driven between two 100elb nao? \if “wom e plates B and C. The coefficient of static friction between all surfaces fal , of contact is 0.35. Determine the magnitude of the force P required | to start moving the wedge (a) ifthe plates are equally free to move, (6) if plate Cis securely bolted to the surface, SOLUTION (@) With plates equally fiee to move 9.2900" Plate 8 Free bady: | Force triangle (00 We AO" 54 19.21% 124-74 (1 = 180 ~124,29° -19.29° = 36.42° R 100 tb sin 19.29" ~ sin 36.42° R, = 55.643 Ib Law of sines: Free body: Wedge A Force triangle: é E3, Pp B By symmetry, Ry = R= 55.643 Ib B=19.29° 415% = 34.29" ‘Then P=2RsinB or P= 2(55.643) sin 34.29° P0271 < (6) With plate C bolted The free body diagrams of plate B and wedge 4 (the only members fo move) are same as above, Answer is thus the same. P=62.71b PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The MeGiaw-Hil Companies, In, All igs reserved. No part ofthis Mana! may be displayed reprobed or dsrbied in any form or by ny means, withont the prior writin pormisrion of th publisher oF nsed beyond the lini ‘eto to Seachers an educators pried by Mena Hil for theirs conree preparation Ife are atk using ths Mee ow are unin on on PROBLEM 8.53 Block 4 supports a pipe column and rests as shown on wedge B. Knowing that the coefficient of static friction at all surfaces of eontact 10.25 and that 0 = 45°, determine the smallest forve P required to raise block 4. SOLUTION 14.036" FRD block 4 aun ro Sr a & a depose = ray Bans 3 & 3kN Sin 104.036" ~ Sin 16.928" R, =10.0000kN FBD wedge 2: as P 10,0000 kN T3072" — sin 715.964" P=98611KN P=9.86KN—— PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine. All ight reserved. No pars of this Manual may he asplayed reproduced om cursed any form or by any means, sth! the prior weit parmistion of te publisher oF wsed Beyond the limited ‘Betibuton to eachors ans edcors port by Mera for ther buivuua course preparation, ifyonare stent using tis Monn, Jue are sing it withou permission an aN PROBLEM 8.54 Block 4 supports a pipe column and rests as shown on wedge &. Knowing that the coefficient of static friction at all surfaces af contact is 0.25 and that @=45°, determine the smallest force P for which equilibrium is SE maintained, AC ° SOLUTION can“! , = tan! 0.25 = 14,036" FD broek 4: Ben Re fs Bhat hes crake ® ay, Oc 72-900 R 3kN sin(75.964°) — sin(73,072°) 0420 KN EBD wedge & PB 3.0420 kN sin 16.928° sin 104.036° P=0.91300 kN P=913N—~ PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The MeGraw-Hill Companies, Ine All rights cesrved. No part ofthis Mami! may he displayed, ‘epraduced or dissed ix en form ar by any means, without te prior varitien permission of the pubis oF used besenetelintted ‘dstribution to teachers and ede sors permite by Metre forth india cose preparation If yom area shudent tung hs Manual Doo ave nig i td permission ims aoe PROBLEM 8.55 Block 4 supports @ pipe column and rests as shown on wedge B. The coeflicient of static fiction at all surfaces of contact is 0.25. If P=0, determine (a) the angle @ for which sliding is impending, (b) the corresponding force exeried on the block by the vertical wall SOLUTION ‘Free body: Wedge B in”! 0,25 = 14.04? B=o, o ake 8-9 =o, O= 2g, =2(14.04°) body: Block R,=728N <2 14.08° (®) Force exerted by wall: PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2010 "re McGraw-Hill Companies, ne. All igh reserved. No part of this Manat may be displayed, eprtuced on distrted in any form oF hy any means, wow the prior written permsion ofthe publisher, or use beyond the Linited ‘snibuton fo teachers educators permed by MeGnaw- lor thei india course preparation, ifyeararea student using this Mal, dur ae nig i thou permission a PROBLEM 8.56 ‘A. 12° wedge is used to spread a split ring. The coefficient of static friction between the wedge and the ring is 0.30. Knowing that a fore P of magnitude 25 1b was required to insert the wedge, determine the magnitude of the forces exerted on the ring by the wedge after insertion SOLUTION Free body: Wedge % = tan "0.30 = 16.6992° P= 25 te Force triangle: a= 6+, 6°4+16.6992" = 22.6902 Q= Horizontal component of R 302510) tan 22.6992" =29.9Ib Free body: After wedge has been inserted 0-291 < (Wote: Since angles between force Q and normal to wedge is 6°< 9, wedge stays in place. PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2010 The MeGeas-tKll Companies, I. All rights reste, No part of thy Mana! may be display ‘reproduced or disibaed in any form or by any means, without the prior writen permission ofthe publisher. or wed besond the ted situation to teachers ankeducatars permite by Meras-1 fr tind corse preparaion. If youare student asin hs amv. Sow ave sing ition permission. nas PROBLEM 8.57 ‘A. 10° wedge is to be forced under end B of the 5-kg rod AB. Kno that the coefficient of static frietion is 0.40 between the wedge and the rod and 0.20 between the wedge and the floor, determine the smallest force P required to raise end B of the rod. SOLUTION FBD 4B: Weg W 2(5 kg\O8I ws") 9.050. N an "(yt,) = tan 0.40 = 21.801° Cem, 0: FR, cos(LO" + 21.801) —72, sin(10? +21.801°) ~2£(49,030.N)=0 7 R, =96.678N FED wedge: Zr.Ba" ee Re aura /£ ya.iut pes = tan "(ut,}, = tan '0.20 11.3099 P 96.678.N eons P=674N-~4 sin(3.111°) sin 78.690" PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. 1 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc, AIL Aights reserved. No pvt of this Monnal may be diphaed Ieprduced or disbue in any for orb anny means, when he poe wets persion ofthe publisher, or nse beyond the lined’ ‘dstibution to toachors and educators permit by Gr Hl for ie deta eee preparation Ifo area sade using hs Maal yom are ning i withon permission 12% PROBLEM 8.58 A 10° wedge is used to split a section of a log, The coefficient of static friction between the wedge and the log is 0.35. Knowing that a force P of magnitude 6600 Ib was requited to insert the wedge, determine the magnitude of the forces exerted on the wood by the wedge after insertion. SOLUTION FBD wedge (impending motion |): @ tan | H, tan! 0.35 9.297 By symmetry: RaR, O22 sin(S°+ 9.) 6001 =0 or 729.30 Ib When P is removed, the vertical components of &, and R, vanish, leaving the horizontal components Ray = Roy Rycosl5°+4,) (729.30 Ib)eos(5° +19,29°) (Note that ¢, > 5°, so wedge is self-locking) PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. & 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine All hs served, No purt ef thls Manual may be cplaye, ‘produced or dsyibuted in any form or by any means, without the prive written permision of the publisher. use bepond the Tinted dsribution to teachers anl educators permed By Metra ifort livid corse preparation If vou are student as ts Mo yon ave angi with! permission un PROBLEM 8.59 A conical wedge is placed between two horizontal plates that are then slowly moved toward each other. Indicate what will happen to the wedge @it 4, =0.20, (b) if 1, = SOLUTION As the plates are moved, the angle @ will decrease, @ & ‘As @ decrease, the minimum angle atthe contact approaches 125° 4, =1131°, so the wedge will slide up and out from the slot. wf, = tab 0.2 =11.31°, () 9, tan! w, = tan! 0.3= 16.70". ‘As 0 decreases, the angle at one contact reaches 16.7°. (At this 3°<@,). The wedge binds in the slot. time the angle at the other contact is 25°~16.7° = PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, 1 2010 The MeGraw-4il Companies, le. All rights eeserved, No pare of his Manual may be displayed Ieprodvced or disibuted in an form or By any moans, wile the prior written permission ofthe publisher, or sed beyond the imited isteitraon to toachers an ccars permite By MGI for tei ndonda eons prepavaton If youareastedent using hs Manual oware sig hou! permission. am PROBLEM 8.60 A 15° wedge is forced under a 50-kg pipe as shown, The coefficient of stati friction at all surfaces is 0.20, (a) Show that slipping will occur between the pipe and the vertical wall. (b) Determine the foree P required to move the wedge. SOLUTION Free body: Pipe FEM, =0: Wrsind + Fyr(1+sin@)—N yreosd=0 Assume slipping at 4 HMy N,cos0— 1,N,(1+sind)=W sind Wsino e050 4,(1+3ind) Wein 1S os 15° (0.20) + sin 15) =0236241W {A EF, =0: ~Fy-Wsind-F,sind+N,,c0s0=0 Fy =N ,c080~ U.N sinO-Wsind Fi, = 0.3624 1H cos 15° ~0,20(0,36241)sin 15° Hsin 15° Fy = 0.072482" #\EE,=0: Np —Weos0- F,c0s6—N, sind =0 Ny =Nqsin0 + UN, cosO+W cose Nj = (0.362417 )sin 15° +0.20(0.36241H Joos 15° +H cos 15° Ny =1.12974" Maximum available: Fy = HNg = 0.22595 @_— Wenote that Fy < Fray No slip at B- PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The MeGraw-Hill Compenies, Ine. Allright reseed, No part of this Manual may be displayed ‘rapradhced or cstibued in any farm or by any means, without the prior vit permission ofthe publisher oF nse beyond the linked distribution to teachers and educators permite by MeGraw-Hil for thei individual course preparation ifyow area stent wing tis Mal, {yo are wing withon permission ny ) Ny = My cosO~F, sind 1; =(1.12974H")cost5° —(0,07248W7 sin 15° Ny = 10724997 Fy cos0+Nysind + 1,N, -~P=0 P= Fig 0080+ Ny sind + HN, 0.072480" yous 15° (1.12974W" sin 15°4+0.2(1.0724997) P= 0.5769 We=mg: P=0576%S0 kg)9.81 mis") Pa23N— 4 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The MeGia-4ill Compares, Ine AI Hightseesrved. No part of this Marval may be displayed repriced or diuibued bx any farm or by any means, ito the poe written permsion of the publisher, or wed beyond the lnited (Esrtouion to teachers amd acators permite by McGraw Hil for herbal course proportion ifvearea student using is Mania Jn are ning i withon permission, 180 PROBLEM 8.61 15° wedge is forced under a 50-kg pipe as shown. Knowing that the coefficient of static friction at both surfaces of the wedge is 0.20, determine the largest coefficient of static friction between the pipe and the vertical wall for which slipping will occur at A SOLUTION Bree body: Pipe vyEM, N pr 080 ~ HyN gr —(lgNy sin Or — Wr =0 Ne EE e056 — fip(1+sin8) iy cost 0.20 sin 5) Ny =1.400207 N4—Npsin 0 jtyNq cos 0 =0 Ny = Ny (sin + f1, cos0) = (14002H sin 15° + 0.20815) N, 0.632939 Er, WN, COS ~ fyMy sin =O Nq(c080— ftp sin9)—W 4002 y(cost5°—0.2xsin9)—W F, =0.280007 For slipping at 4: HN, F,_ 028007 p= Fa = 028001" 1,-0482 MN C620 in PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, 89 2010 The Me Grow ll Companies, ine. All ights reserved. No part of thie Manual may be dspayed ‘reproduced or disibuted in any form or by any mes, withant the prior written permiston 2 the publisher, or ned beso the lint 0) wv Ie g 2 nts Rie ‘le 3 Q=W tan(9, -8) P="Wran(g,-0) 4 (©) Holding foad is serew is not self-locking (i.e, if ¢, <8) . @ a aN xe o-$s mK O=Wtan(6-9,) P= Wtan(O-6) 4 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2010 the MeGrow-Hlil Companies, ine All ighis reserved. No pur of this Manual oxy be displayed sprediced or ditritted in any form or by any meas, without the prior wvithen permission ofthe publisher, or ed beyond dhe ete distribution to teachers ans educators permited by McGraw-Hill fr dei indviae course preparation Ison ara staent soo ths Mae, Doo are using ito permission 187 PROBLEM 8.67 ‘The squarethreaded worm gear shown has @ mean radius of 1.5 in, and a lead of 0.375 in. The large gear is subjected to a constant clockwise ‘couple of 7.2 kip - in, Knowing that the coefficient of static frietion between the two gears is 0.12, determine the couple that must be applied t0 shaft AB in order to rotate the large gear counterclockwise. Neglect friction in the bearings at 4, Band C. SOLUTION FBD large gear: (2M, <0: (12injW 72 kip-in.=0 a hpis W =0.600 kips 600 1b sw 2 68428" Q=Wan(O+9,) = (600 Ib) tan 9.1213" =96.331b & 96 33516 EBD worm gear: ™ Sin. & ) (EM, #0: (.5in)(96.333tb)— Af =0 Ry M=1445Ib-in. PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, ® 2010 ‘The MeCias-Hil Companies, Ine. AI rights reserved. No pur of this Manual may be displayed, Tepreduced on dsiibued in ey former By any means, sithont the prior sete persion ofthe publisher, or used beyond the lint \Gantbnton wo ouchors and cdveoors parma by Meret foster mdivadua ese prepanaton If youre astadent ws hs Manel, ow are wt without pornssion 1288 PROBLEM 8.68 In Problem 8.67, determine the couple that must be applied to shalt AB in order to rotate the large gear clockwise. PROBLEM 8.67 The square-threaded worm gear shown hes a mean radius of 1.5 in. and a lead of 0.375 in. The large gear is subjected to a constant clockwise couple of 7.2 kip - in. Knowing that the coefiicient of statie friction between the two gears is 0.12, determine the couple that must be applied to shaft 4B in order to rotate the large gear counterclockwise. Neglect fiction in the beavings at 4, B, and C, SOLUTION FRD large gear: (2M, =0: (12 inj 7.2 kip-in.=0 22 bepoen W = 0,600 kips = 600 Ib Block on incline: w Wy et00 ib »y| £7 — snary———4 1 0.375 2a(1.5in) =2.2785° @, = tan yw, = tan! 0.12 =6.8428° O=W tan(g,~0) = (600 Ib tan 4.5643" = 47.898 lb M ~(1.5in.)(47.898 Ib) = 0 FBD worm gear: gna M=T1Slbin, PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, lc, AIL eghtsrxerve. Na part of this Manal may he diplaed, ‘reproduced on cstribuecd in any form or by a mes, witha the rar rien permisson ofthe publisher, oF na beyond the Tied dstribation to teachers and ductors permed by McCran-¥i forth ielividal conrseprepanatem Ifyowerecsinlent wing is one, Dow are using i without permission 1289 PROBLEM 8.69 High-strength bolts are used in the construction of many steel structures. For a 24-mm- nominal-diameter bolt the requited minimum bolt tension is 210 kN, Assuming the coefficient of friction to be 0.40, determine the required couple that should be applied to the bolt and nui. The mean diameter of the thread is 22,6 mm, and the lead is 3. mm, Neglect friction between the mut and washer, and assume the bolt to be square-threaded. SOLUTION FBD block on incline: tant Sm 226mmr =2.4195" 9, = tan", = tan 0.40 0, = 21.801" 2 210 KN)tan 21.801°+2.4195") \ wezokn tos ‘Vorque=1068 Nem PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, nc. AIL igs tesetved. Nb part of this Manual may be displayed. opnituced on citrated in any form oF by ony means, without the prior ween permission ofthe publisher, or axed beyond the Knted ‘ation to eushors ane ecuctors ported by Metra fort individual ones preparation Ifyowareaseatent ws this Mane, ‘yor ave ogi to permission. 1290 PROBLEM 8.70 ‘The ends of two fixed rods A and B are each made in the form of a single-threaded screw of mean radius 6mm and pitch 2 mm, Red A has a right-handed thread and rod B has a left-handed thread, The coefficient of static friction between the rods and the threaded sleeve is 0.12. Determine the magnitude of the couple that ‘mast be applied to the sleeve in order to draw the rods closer together. ae A B 2KN SOLUTION ‘To draw rods together: Screw at 6.843° = (2 kN)tan 9.88" =348.3N Torque at A= Or 848.3 NYG mm) ¢ =2.09N-m Same torque required at B PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine. All ight teseved. No part of this nual may be displayed ‘reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, witout the prior write permission ofthe publisher. or nsed beyond the lnted isiribution to teachers ant educators pert by MeGrave-fllfr thelr wdividual course preparation Ifvon area stealing hs ona Yon ae using Iwo permision nt PROBLEM 8.71 Assuming that in Problem 8.70 a right-handed thread is used on both tods 4 and B, determine the magnitude fof the couple that must be applied to the sleeve in order to rotate it PROBLEM 8.70 The ends of two fixed rods A and 8 are each made in the form of a single-threaded screw of mean radius 6 mm and pitch 2 mm, Rod has a right-handed thread and rod B has a left-handed thread. The coefficient of static friction between the rods and the threaded sleeve is 0.12. Determine the magnitude of the ‘couple that must be applied to the sleeve in order to draw the rods closer together SOLUTION From the solution to Problem 8.70, w Torque at A= 2.09N-m a 1 Serew at: Looseni o=303° ale | 6, = 6.843" irs Bilmod KN) tan 3.806" 33.1N Bee no =e01a' 507 Torque at B= Or Ebsco = (133.1 N)(6 mm) BY |weaan 798 N-m Total torque = 2.09 N-m-+0.798 N-m ‘Total torque=2.89 Nom PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2010 he McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine. AIL igh reserved. No port of this Monual muy he displayed epribiced on ditribtert in ay form oF Ex any meas, wuhou the prior ween permission of te pubis, oF eset beyond the finite tdibution fo echers ana ecco porta by Metin for thei conse ppran Isenarea talent wn this Mania Dove ig ie permission na PROBLEM 8.72 {In the machinist’s vise shown, the movable jaw D is rigidly attached to the tongue AB that fits loosely into the fixed body of the vise The screw is single-threaded into the fixed base and has a mean diameter of 0.75 in, and a pitch of 0.25 in. The coefficient of stat friction is 0.25 between the threads and also between the tongue and the body. Neglecting bearing friction between the screw and the movable head, determine the couple that must be applied (0 the handle in order to produce a clamping forve of 1 kip. SOLUTION ree body: Jaw D and tongue AB Pet kip P is due to clastic forces in clamped object. Paeraete W is force exerted by screw. w erin sf ata Ny =Ny=0 Ny =Ny=N 2p J 7s For final tightening, a 7 Fy = W~P-20.25N)=0 N=YW-P) wy H)EMy <0: PG7S)-W(2)—N@)+(025 NY.25) <0 3.75P -2 ~2.6875 N=0 @ Substitute Eq, (1) into Bq. (2): 3.75P—2W ~2.6875(2U¥ - P)]=0 7.37SW =9,125P =9.125(1 kip) W = 1.23729 kips Block-and-incline analysis of screw: tang, =, =0.25 w= L23029 eps ° g 4 =tamn02 - FJurreoasin 025i. tang = 025 0 @ (0.75 in) Rl 8 =6.0566° ne = Aw ROS in) 044, =20093° cei 25124 Kes Q-= (1.23729 kips) tan 20.093° i Te 45261 kip 3S P= 169.71b-in. sin ( 22) PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The MeGraw-1U Companies, Ine, All igh reserved. No part of this Manual may be displave produced or dsnbuted in any Jorm or by any means. sidhoud the prior writen permission of the publisher, ov used Resond the lnited sstribation wo teachers and educators ported by Metra Hi fo thet individ one preparations Ifyouearea ston asing hs Nah Pon a wing i thon permieion 193 PROBLEM 8.73 In Problem 8.72, @ clamping force of 1 kip was obtained by tightening the vise. Determine the couple that must be applied to the screw to loosen the vise. PROBLEM 8.72 In the machinist’s vise shown, the movable jaw D is rigidly attached to the tongue AB that fits loosely into the fixed body of the vise. The screw is single-threaded into the fixed base and has a mean diameter of 0.75 in, and a pitch of 0.25 in, The coefficient of static friction is 0.25 between the threads and also between the tongue and the body. Neglecting, bearing friction between the screw and the movable head, determine the couple that must be applied to the handle in order {o produce a clamping force of T kip. SOLUTION ree body: Jaw D and tongue 4B P is due to elastic forces in clamped object. Wis foree exerted by screw. afER,=0: Ny-N)=0 Ny) =Ny As vise is just about to loosen, MN =0.25N u ALER =O: W—P+20.25 N)=0 N=2P-W) a FEM, =O: PG.75)~W2)— NQ)~(0.25 NYL.25)=0 3.15P-2W -3.3125N=0 2) Substitute Eq. (1) into Bq. (2): 3.75P-2H ~3.31252P-)1=0 |W =621-02 We Jerereasin 4.6251 2875P=2875(kip) W =0.62162 kip Block-and-ineline analysis of se es tang, = 4, = 0.25 9 = 14.0362" tae ad = 110.75 0) 025i 9 6.0366" m0.75in) $0 a ies Fanner 621.62 Ib)tan 7.9796? =87.137 Ib 3 M=Ore(87 rm (%2 | M=327Ib-in. PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, uc. AIL igh reserved. No part of dis Manual may be displayed, ‘reproduced on dstibured in any form oF by any mews, without the prior written permission of the publisher, or ase beyond the Tite (dsvaon te acer and educators pert by MeCren-HIl for fei indivia conse preparation Ufyncare steer ura this Manna Du ar sing I wow! permission. 294 a PROBLEM 8.74 In the gear-pulling assembly shown the square-threaded serew AB has a mean radius of 15 mm and 4 lead of 4 mm, Knowing that the coefficient of static friction is 0.10, determine the couple that must be applied to the serew in order to produce a force of 3 kN on the gear, Neglect friction at end 4 of the serew. SOLUTION Block/In = tan! 22 1.8752 in, = 2.4302" Ee ae - @, = tan > [ee a Genet = tan (0.10) =5.7106° ee ee ple tiee = (3000 N) tan (8, 1408°) eral Ve = 429.14 N ¢ Couple =r (0.015 m)(429.14 N) =64371N-m M=644Nom PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine. All ights restved. No parr of tiv Manual may be displayed ‘reproduced or disibuted in any form or by any means, witout the prior writin permsson ofthe publishes, or ved beyond the lomted sributon to teachers and educators permite fay Gran fr de india conte preparation If au areastdent sng this Man, don ave sing ie permission 95, PROBLEM 8.75 A Gcin-radius pulley of weight 5 Ib is attached to a 1.S-in-radius shaft that fits loosely in a fixed bearing. I is observed that the pulley will just start rotating if a 0.5-Ib weight is added to block A. Determine the coetlicient of statie friction ad ® between the shat andthe bearing dom ° fos SOLUTION psn 101s inne I inte FYEMy =O: (10.5 1b)(6 in, 7) ~(10 1b) (6 in.+ 77) =0 (0.5 1bX6 in} = (20.5 tbr, ry = 0.146341 in. sing, 0.146341 in, 15in = 0.097561 S987? a 0980 4 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 20\0 The MeGraw-1ill Compunies, Ine. AML its reseve. No part of this Manval may be displayed, ‘reproduced on dissed in ey form or By ry means, son the prior writin permussion ofthe publisher, or wed Desond the tinted tssbuton to ecchers and edcntors porated by Metra HU for ths india ours preparaion. Ifyou area student wing this Mana pone using i eon permission. 1396 PROBLEM 8.76 0 um ‘The double pulley shown is attached to a 10-mm-radius shaft that fits loosely in a fixed bearing. Knowing that the cocflicient of static friction between the shaft and the poorly lubricated bearing is 0.40, determine the magnitude of the foree P required to start raising the load SOLUTION 0 “"s wh Stee = 196.2 ny 2020 4 mm 45mm—4 mm mrs P= 449.82 N P=450N| 4 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. 9 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. AIL ights reserved. No part of thir Manual may be displayed, reproduced or disnbited ix any form or by any means, without the prior writen yormstion of the publisher used bond the linked \dsorbation to teachers wad educators permed by McCraw for er individual course preparation yo area sladent wing tis Seta, ou are sing witht permission. 07 PROBLEM 8.77 ‘The double pulley shown is attached to a 10-mm-radis shaft that fits loosely in a fixed bearing, Knowing that the coefficient of static friction between the shafl and the poorly lubricated bearing is 0.40, determine the magnitude of the force P required to start raising the load, SOLUTION ind P requited to start raising load HEM) =O: PCAS~ry)- (90-17) =0 90: mm—4 mm 45 mm—4 mm P=41154N p=4l2n[@ = (196.2 N) PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 ‘The MeGias-1hl Companies, Ine. A nights reserved. No part of thie Manual may be ciplayed, reproduced or dred in any frm or by any means, without the prior wien permission of the publisher, or need boyond the lined ‘hsribuin to tcachers and eecators prvi by MeCraws10 fo ther inva course proparation, fo are widen sing this Maal, Dow are wing without permission. a0 PROBLEM 8.78 ‘The double pulley shown is attached to a 10-mm-radius shaft that fits loosely ina fixed bearing, Knowing that the coefficient of slatic friction between the shaft and the poorly lubricated bearing is 0.40, determine the magnitude ofthe smallest force P required to maintain equilibrium. SOLUTION Find smallest P to maintain equilibrium A)EMy <0: PS) 900-1 9-1, S41, 90: mm—4 mm 45mm+4mm P=344.35N = (196.2 N) PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, he, All rights reserved. No part of this Maral may be displayed ‘reprediced or disbate in any form or By any means. wan the prior svt permission ofthe pudlisher, or ned beyond the limited ‘dstibaton re teachers nnd educators permed by Metra fr the ina conse preeration. If yor stnt rng ie Mana ow are using 1 without permission. 1299 i PROBLEM 8.79 ‘The double pulley shown is attached (0 @ 10-mm-radius shaft that fits loosely in a fixed bearing. Knowing that the coefficient of static friction between the shaft and the poorly lubricated bearing is 0.40, determine the magnitude of the smallest force P required to maintain equilibrium, 90 do SOLUTION Find smallest P to maintain equifibrium JEM, =0: P(4S+1,)-W (0417, =0 90 sn 4 my a5mm+4mm = (196.2 N) 376.38 N PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, € 2030 ‘The MCra-H6ll Compasics, ie. All rights resrved. No por ofthis Manual maybe displayed reproduced or disribted in any fore ar by any means, witht the prior writin permission of the publisher, or nse beyond the finned ‘dsribution fo techors an educators permit hy MeGrave Til for thir individual conreepreparaion Ifyou area stunt using this Movie ‘yom are aang wlthout permission, 300 PROBLEM 8.80 A lever of negligible weight is loosely fitted onto a 75-mm- diameter fixed shafl. I is observed that the lever will just start rotating if a 3-kg mass is added at C, Determine the coefficient of static fiction between the shaft and the lever E- ate wn SOLUTION P)EMp =0: We (150) =H, (100)— Rr, =0 23 keX9.81 mvs?) 30 kg 9.81 mis?) R=We + Wy =(53 keV 9.81) But W ‘Thus, after dividing by 9.81, 231150) ~30(100)~53 7, =0 1 =8.49 mm But u,~0.226 € PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 Ue MeGrw- Lb Companis, Ine. All ighs tesrved. No port of thiv Muneal may be dsphyed ‘ypradhced er dtibued in any form or by any mans, walhont the prior written permission of the polisher, oF ved beyond the lite are located as shown, From free body: Lever ABC rM. 0: (45 NXO.48 m)=7,(0.12m)=0. 7, =180N Free body: Lever ABC Oem Olzm From free body: Cylinder Using Eq. (8.14) with 4, =0.25 and B= 270° Ba _ goes _ pris j L 180N 3.2482 SEM, =0: (85.415 NYX0.36 m)—(180NYO36 m+ SAISN M=449N-m )¢ PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine. All igs reserved. No part of this Soul may be dlsplyed, trepraduced or diated in ee form or by any means, witout the prior written permission of the publisher, or uve beyond the hinted ‘lssuation to teuchors al educators permite by MeGra- Hl for their ins conse preparation If yon area student using hs Manu aware using wid penmision is PROBLEM 8.113 ‘The speed of the brake drum shown is controlled by a belt attached to the control bar AD. force P of magnitude 25 Ib is applied to the control bat at A, Determine the magnitude of the couple being applied to the dram, knowing that the coefficient of kinetic friction between the belt and the drum is 0.25, that a = 4 in., and that the drum is rotating at a const speed (a) counterclockwise, (6) clockwise, SOLUTION (@)— Counterclockwise rot Free body: Drum r B= 180° = 7 radians P86 2.1033 T= 2.19331, Free body: Control bar +)EMp =O: T.2in.)—7,(4 in.) (25 1by(28 T,(12)-2.19837 (4) -700= 0 16.93 b .1933(216.93 Ib) = 475.80 Tb neers. Return to fee body of drum SEM, <0: M4748 in)—TyBin 0 M -+(216.96 IbY8 in.) ~ (475.80 Ib) in.) =O M = 2070.9 thin, M=2070Ib-in, b) r=8in, B= mrad Fre Wi 20 27,1933 Hh 7, = 2.19231, PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. £3 2010 Tee McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine. All rights reserved. No part ofthis Manual may be cioplaved, ‘reproduced or doibuted in any form or by any mean, witout the prior writin permission ofthe publisher, or wae beyond the Ginted ‘isibation to teachors ns eucatrsormited by MeGrcw- Hil forthe dividual conse preparation If ow are student wing this Manual, Som ane sing ind person 1335 PROBLEM 8.113 (Continued) Bive body: Control rod +JEMe =O: 7(12 in.) 7G in.) 2S tb28 in, we FL, 3% 7 2.19337,(12) (4) -700=0 s 31.363 Ib som [8 T, = 2.1933(31.363 Ib) a8 Teo, T, = 68.788 Ib Return to free body of drum A)EM, =0: M47 (Bin) -T,Rin)=0 ‘M+ (31.363 [b)@in) ~ (68.788 IbyBin) =0 M = 299.41b-in, M=2991b-in. PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2010 The MeGrav-46ill Companies, Ine. Al vihts reserved. No part of this Manual may be displayed reproduced or distibued in any form or by any means, wlan the prior writen permision of te publisher use Pevond the Tinted ‘Asiriuaion 1 teuchors aud educators permed by McGrath invdulconrse preparation Ifyou creature ws tis Mar, ‘one are wing without permission, 1336 PROBLEM 8.114 Knowing that a= 4 in., determine the maximum value of the coefficient of static friction for which the brake is not self-locking when the drum rotates counterclockwise, SOLUTION Dem, POBin) 2 in) +T,(4in) =0 28P—107; +e"*T(4)=0 For selllocking brake: p=0 Ri t= n3-=1,0986 y, = 1086 9 3407 4, =0350 4 7 PROPRIETARY MATEREAL. (© 2010 The MeGraw-HiN Companies, ie. All riphs reserved. No port of thc Mannal may be xpd ‘reproduced or distributed in any form or by ay means, wou the pier writin parmisson ofthe publisher, or wae beyond the lined sdsaributon to teachers and educators permed by McCraw Hil fer thei noua cores preparation Ison aveastadent wing ths Mana, Yom are ning i won perniston, 1337 peer. PROBLEM 8.115 Knowing that the coefficient of static friction is 0.30 and that the brake drum is rotating counterclockwise, determine the minimum value of a for which the brake is not self-locking. SOLUTION B= mradians £307 95663 56637, Free body: Control rod b=16in~a 4)EM, P(6in.+b)-Tb+Ta=0 For brake to be selflocking, —P 5 2.5663Ta=7)(16—a) PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. & 2010 The MeGruw-Hil Coxnpanics, Ine. AML rights reserve. No par of thie Mana say be displayed, reproduced or dried in coy for ar by any means, wou the prior writen permission of tke publisher, or need beyond the Lied (sittin ta toachers and dctrs ported by Meow Hill for thei india ono preparation If yon avec student ws this Mana how are ning without permission 8 PROBLEM 8.116 Bucket 4 and block C are connected by a cable that passes over drum B. Knowing that drum B rotates slowly counterclockwise and that the coefficients of friction at all surfaces are j4, = 0.35 and He= 0.25, detertine the smallest combined mass m of the bucket ‘and js contents for which block C will (a) remain at rest, () start moving up the incline, (c) continue moving up the incline at a constant speed SOLUTION body: Drum B=180" Er rads rae? % a Tem (@ Smallest m for block C:to remain at sest Cable stips on drum, Eq. (1) with 44 = 0.25; T, = mge*®2" = 1.688 img Block C: At rest, motion impending \. 1/EF=0: N=mege0s30" N= megeos 30” F 035megzcos 30° FEF =O: T+ P= megsin30°=C 1.688 ling +0.35ic-¢€08 30° mgsin 30° = 0 1,688 n= 0.19689, m= 0.11663mg = 0.1 1663(100 kg); m=1166ks () Smallest nto staxt block, UD No slipping at both drum and block: 4, =0.35 203s Eg. (): T= mye 0814 mg, PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. {3 2010 ‘The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine. All rights reserve, No port of this Maal ney be apy ‘reproduced or distiuted in any form or by any means, withon! th per writin permission ofthe publishes or used beset the lated dstibuton to teachers educa permined by McGraw freinds course preparation Iyer dents tis Mantel dow are unig thon! pormision 1339 PROBLEM 8.116 (Continued) Motion impending, h ime = 100g 4A ZR =0; N=mgcos30° N= megeos30° HN =0.35meg 00830" AEF 0: T-F meg sin30?=0 2.08 dng ~0.35me.¢.e0830° — megsin30° = 0 2.0814 = 0.8031 Iie 1m =0.38585m,. = 0.38585(100 kg} m=38.6ke (©) Smallest m to keep block moving up drum: No slipping: 4, =0.35 Bq. (1) with 4, =0.35 Tx mg’ = mage Le me: 84mg Block C: Moving up plane, thus = 0.25 we Motion up \_ % wel SEF <0: N-megeos30°=0 af N= meg cos 30° ” F= WN =0.25meg 008 30° FREFSO: T,—F—megsin 30°=0 2.0814mg — 0.25 me ge0s 30° megsin 30°=0 2.0814m= 0.7165 Ime m=034424ng = 134424 (100 kg) m=34.4ke € PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, #9 2010 The McGraw-H6ill Companies, Inc. AIL sighs reserved. No pat of this Manual may be doplayed repre or dsteibuted tv anv for or bye means, whit the ive wetten persion of the publisher, or ased beyond the linn dsb to teachers and educators permite by McGras- HM for ter indvtdual course preparation Ifyou area sdent wing this Mans are ning i wichon permission PROBLEM 8,117 Solve Problem 8.116 assuming that drum 2 is fiazen and cannot rotate. PROBLEM 8.116 Bucket 4 and block Care connected by a cable that passes over dram 8. Knowing that drum 8 rotates slowly counterclockwise and that the coefficients of friction at all surfaces are 42, =035 and £4 =0.25, determine the smallest combined mass m of the bucket and its contents for which block C will (a) remain at rest, (b) start moving up the incline, (6) continue moving up the incline at a constant speed, SOLUTION pertee= $a mello (@ Block C remains at rest: Motion impends. For “AE Dinu eB a 08200 2.0814mg Block C: Motion impends \. JEP =0: N= mcg cos3?=0 Weme9 R N= meg eos30° 36] F =p, =0.35m-g 00830" T,+ F~mexsin30°=0 2.08 14mg + 0.35meg¢¢0830° — meg sin30° =0 2.0814mg = 0.196891, 1m = 0,09459m,. = 0.09459(100 ke) m=9.46kg (6) Block farts moving up HU, =035 ex ltote BP mda Drum: Impendi feuble D pending motion of ¢ Se" Bua % 25024) J mg 2.0814 =0.48045mg PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine. AIL rights eeserved, No part of this Manual may be displayed, reproduced or diaibted i any form ar By any mens, wlhon te prior seit permission ofthe publisher or nse beyond the Tim dsrbution to wachers ent educators permite iby MersHUl fo ther sv cone preparation. In are aster sing this Mena, dn are using 1 wihoms pormusion ia PROBLEM 8.117 (Continued) Block C: Motion impends\, wens 4A EF 20: N—mex cos 3? Tu N=m4¢0830" FUN =035mg60830° T,-F—mcgsin30°=0 048045ng ~0.35m-g 60530" ~0.Smeg =0 0.48045n0 = 0.8031 lac m= 1.6T158me = L.67158(100 kg) m=167.2kg ()_ Smallest m to keep block moving, Drum: Motion of exble ( Gx /20% 80 milion My 0.25 Tsar Fa i = gasave z mg AE = 16881 meng, mg 1.6881 = 0,59238mg Block C: Block moves, EF =0: N-megeos30?=0 N= meg cos30° F = 1,N =0.25me 400830" FABF =O: TF megsin30?=0 0.39238mg ~0.25meg60830°-0.5m.g =0 0.59238 = 0.71651 m= 1.20984 =1.20954(100 ke) m=121.0kg PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. & 2010 The McGrew Companies, Ine. All rights tosevod. No part of this Monal may he displayed reprcdnced or dsrutel any form or by any means, withont the prior written permision ofthe publisher, or wsed beyond the Tonite sted ta teachers ad excatorspormited by McGrane Billfr the ndivihal corse preparation If ycuarcasdent ring his Manva, are uring i wie pormision 13a PROBLEM 8.118 A cable is placed around three parallel pipes. Knowing that the coefficients of friction are 4z,=0.25 and 44, =0.20, determine (a) the smallest weight 17 for which equilibrium is maintained, () the largest weight W7 that can be raised if pipe B is slowly rotated counterclockwise while pipes 4 and C remain fixed, SOLUTION (a) Smallest WV for equilibrium Boa, U=H, fa) TT Te Tae (fs) © T5060 TT Tee Taw @ $1055, W=4.7391b W=4741b () Largest” which can be raised by pipe B rotated) Bamuaw P=mu=my B=muaH, a pay A Cu ee Wad PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The Meira Companies, Ine. AI hs eesrved, No part af this Manual may be ciplaye reproduced or clsruted 0 any forms or by any means, woul the prior writen permission of the pblishe. used beyond the ited stint teachers ard edncators permit by MeCraw- il for their xvi cone prsparation, ys are a taent sing ds Mav, om are nsng i without permission 18 PROBLEM 8.119 A cable is placed around three paraliel pipes. Two of the pipes ate fixed and do not rotate; the third pipe is slowly rotated. Knowing that the coefficients of friction are f1,=0.25 and 4, =0.20, determine the largest weight #7 that can be raised (a) ifonly pipe A is rotated counterclockwise, () if only pipe C is rotated clockwise SOLUTION (a) Pipea rotates”) en MOMS). IH 4 67403 HE <062823, W=31.211b W=312Ib 4 x0 Tb eetiee Benue (b) Pipe Crotates,) Tale DF ose The _ yuan J18 goats _ SAN) _ atm 2” 1602 S01 stant w=3121 € 1.602 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2010 The McGrail Companies, Ie, AIL rights reseed. No part ofthis Maral may be dsployed ‘eprodued or distibted in ay form or By any meas, svhow the prior writen permission ofthe publisher, or used beyond the linited {stribution to teachers and educators permed By MeGrne Hil fr thet Indie course preperation Ifsow area stent wing hs Marva. Sow are ning i thon! ermine 14 PROBLEM 8.120 A cable is placed around three parallel pipes. Knowing that the coefficients of friction are 4, =0.25 and 44 =0.20, determine (a) the smallest weight IV for which equilibrium is maintained, (6) the largest weight W that can be raised if pipe B is slowly rolated counterclockwise while pipes 4 and C remain fixed, SOLUTION (@) f= 4, =0.25 atall pipes. 500 Tan Tae ott gh geiemtanarh Tn Tne : ae 8015; 1 =10.394 1b Ww =1039 € x ()) Pipe B rotted’) 6 Fi be SOID Tay Tre Ty Tao W aera =H — pas464 Olt a ss464 w S01b 0.85464 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, In. All igh reserved. No par’ of this Manual aay be dispaved reproduced o distributed in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission ofthe publisher, or acd Beyond the lioted tsaribaton to eachers and educators permite by MeGre- Hl for thet invihal coves preparation Ifyoweareasent ust hs Menno oware ng it when! permit, PROBLEM 8.121 A cable is placed around three parallel pipes. Two of the pipes are fixed and do not rotate; the third pipe is slowly rotated. Knowing that the coefficients of friction are 44, =0.25 and 44 =0.20, determine the largest weight 1 that can be raised (a) if only pipe A is totated counterclockwise, (b) if only pipe C is rotated clockwise. SOLUTION () Pipearo 501 Typ Toe suit W=2891b 4 (0) Pipe C rotates.) 0b Tay Ta gota 0 057108 Tu Tre W 201 9.57708 w W = 28.854 Ib PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. 43 2010 The MeGrsw-1ill Cospanics, Inc.All ights reserved. No part of this Manual may he displayed. reproduced or dbtitted in any for or by any means, withont he par written permision ofthe publisher, a used beyond the faded “Teribunon to euchers ne ecicators permed by MG Hl forte indiviha conse prepavation ify arccastaent using thi Manvel, ‘yo are ing i won person. 1346 PROBLEM 8.122 A recording tape passes over the 20-mm-radius drive drum B and under the idler drum C, Knowing that the coefficients of friction between the tape and the drums are ft, =0.40 and 41, =0.30 and that drum C is free to rotate, determine the smallest allowable value of P if slipping of the tape on drum B is not to occu SOLUTION FBD drive drum: M= oS Nem § 8B.) r= iS mm \ Ta L (CEM, =0: (7, -T)-M=0 Impending slipping: Ty = Tell Te" So T(e"* —1)=15,0000 N or T=5.9676N If Cis free to rotate, P= 7 P=S9TN 4 7 iH ea —_ PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. % 2010 The MeGrsw Hil Compass, In, All ightsseserved. No part ef thi Manual may be eiplayed, reproduced or distibued in ay form or by amy means, without the prior written permission ofthe publisher or nat Devin the ltd distribution to teachers and educators permit by MeCraw-Iil for tet invial course preparation [fyoucaeca sent wring tht Mora, Donating i withou permision 1347 PROBLEM 8.123 Solve Problem 8.122 assuming that the idler drum C is frozen and ‘eannot rotate. PROBLEM 8.122 A recording tape passes over the 20-mm-radius drive drum Band under the idler drum C. Knowing that the coefficients of friction between the tape and the drums are #1, = 0.40 and £4; = 0.30 and that drum Cis free 10 rotate, determine the smallest allowable value of P if slipping of the tape on drum B is not to oe: SOLUTION PBD drive drum: Sys 0.380 Pe 1Svam =300 N-mm=15,0000 N Impending slipping: 7, Te = Te So ("= =15.000 N or T=5.9670N If Cis fixed, the tape must slip ( So P=Tesl = (5.9676 N)e™*? =9,5600 N P=956N 4 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. & 2010 Ts McGraw-Hill Companies ne. ADL hts reserved. No part of his Manual muy be dplayed, epeuduced or disteuted tay form oF by any mane, widow the rien. writen permtsion of the publisher, or ved beyond the tinited \iurianion te teochors nc cbcoors permite by afeGra HL or indivi course preparation. I yo areca student wing this Manva, pow arcing tho persion 1 PROBLEM 8.124 The 10-Ib bar AE is suspended by a cable that passes over a S-in.radius drum, Vertical motion of end £ of the bar is prevented by the two stops shown. Knowing that £2, = 0.30 between the cable and the drum, determine (a) the largest counterclockwise couple Mg that can be applied to the drum if slipping is not to accur, (b) the corresponding force exerted on end E of the bar SOLUTION D : Slipping impends. H,=0.30 (@) Free-body: Drum and bar zm, =0: 78649 1b)(8 in.) 27 Ib-in, My = 30.31b- in.) ® ALEK, =0: Ty +1 -E-101b=0 Ty + 2.56637), ~E—10 Ib =0 3.56037, ~ E10 1b=0 £=3.56637, ~10Ib o HEM, = 0: E(3 in.) ~ (10 1by(5 in.) +7, (10 in.) =0 (8.56637, ~10 1b)G in.) ~50 ibn. +7, (10 in.) =0 20.6997 =80. Ty, = 3.8649 Ib Eq. (1): E =3,5663(3.8649 Ib)—10 Ib E=43,78347 Ib 7810) 4 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. &% 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies Ine, All rights reserved, No part of this Manual moy’be clyplaed reproduced ov disibuted in eny form or by any means, svthout the prior wvttes permission ofthe plier, or used beyond the nite and Vy =0,) PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies ne. All Fights weserved. No part of this Manual may be daplaed, epreduced or diteabued in any form cB ony mons, tho the prior eviten permission ofthe publisher, or ase beyond the lint ‘dsoibtion Yo ouchors ned euctors permed by McCrae Hil fr ev india conve preavation Wf yow areas wth his Mana, ‘yr are ing twit permission, PROBLEM 8.136 (Continued) From Eq. (4): Np shen = eee ne 2 9375P 2y, 240.0533) From fiee body of eam and sleeve: 4)EMy=0: N4(8 in)—Np(4 in) PO in.) =0 BN, =(0.375P\(A)-9P N,=S8125P>0 OK From Bg. 2): Nato S812SP+Ny PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2010 The MeGrav-Hil Companies, ne. Al rights reserved, No part of thir Manual may be displayed ‘eprocced cv distin on any for or By ay mens, who the prior writen permasson ofthe publisher, oF sed Deyn the ane dtrtbnon ta teachers a ecucors permed by MeCraw- Hl fore lida conve preparation Ifyouareastudent ws his Marva, ow ave nang withowt permission 1366 ® PROBLEM 8.137 ‘To be of practical use, the safety sleeve deseribed in the preceding problem must be free to slide along the rail when pulled upward, Determine the largest allowable value of the coefficient of static friction bebween the flange of the rail and the pins at 4 and B if the sleeve is to be free to slide when pulled as shown in the figure, assuming (a) @= 60°, (b) @=50°, (c) B= 40", SOLUTION Note the cam is @ two-force member. Free body: Sleeve We assume contaet between rail and pins as shown. FEM, =0: FQ in.) + Fy@Bin.) ~N4(4 in) — Ny (4 in, a Bat ry Hin Fa =HyNy We find Bui (Ng #Ng)—AW, + Ng) =O 42139333 We now verify that our assumption was correct FLER,=0: Ny—Ny + Peosd= Ny—Ny=Peosd wo Fy Fy + Pain, HN AHN = Q) ‘Add Eqs. (1) and (2): PROPRIETARY MATERIAL © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine. All rghs reserved. No part of this Monn may be displayed reproduced or dishibuted tn any form or by any means, tho the prior writen permission ofthe publisher or ane beyond the limited Astributon wo teachors and educators permed by Stir. fos i andividua course preparation. Ifyou area student wing hs Maru Jou are ung I without permisiom PROBLEM 8.137 (Continued) Subtract Eg. (1) from Bq. 2) > Oonly if tan > 1, =1.33333 3.130" (@ _ For case (a): Condition is satisfied, contact takes place as shown, Answer is correct 413334 But for (6) and (c): 953.130? and our assumption is wrong, Nis decd (0 le) LIER, =0: -N,—Ny + Poos=0 Mis |y+Nq = Peos i) Min. Py~ P+ Psind=0 He (Ng #Ny)= Psin @ Divide Fg.) by Ba, 3) and o © 2 9=50°in Eg, (5): = tan50° w=1in 4 © 10? in Eq. (5) = tan 40? 1, = 0.839 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. £2 2010 The Mest Companis, fn, All ighis weserved. No pro of thie Menaul may be dispaved, roped or dsrited in ay form or by any eas, withont the prior written permission ofthe publisher, oF used beyond the liited ‘sr bion to tachors cand echcatrs parted by MeGrew-Hil for Petrino eos preparation Ij you area student asi this Manel, omar using i thot persion 1368 PROBLEM 8.138 Bar AB is attached to collars that can slide on the inclined rods shown, A force P is applied at Point D located at a distance a from end A. Knowing that the coefficient of stati friction 14, between each collar and the rod upon which it slides is 0.30 and neglecting the weights of the bar and of the collars, determine the smallest value of the ratio ai, for which equilibrium is maintained. SOLUTION FBD bar and collars: Impending motion: 4, = to", = tan" 0.3 6.6992° Neglect weights: Moree FAD and < ACB =90° ot cos (45° 9,) =Isin(45°—9,) in (45° ~16,6992) 05 (45° + 16.6992") 450.225 4 7 0 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The MeGraw-Hil Companies, Inc.All ights reserved. No par of thie Maral may be dsplayed reprntaced or lsribaed tx any form ar by any means, wthut the prior wien permsion af te publisher. or used Beyond the nted dsributon to teachers era educators permite by MeGraw-1 or hel individual course preparation If areas wing ths Mam amare uring i without perms, a by PROBLEM 8.139 “The machine part ABC is supported by a fritionless hinge at B and @ 10° wedge at C. Knowing that the coefficient of static friction at both surfaces of the wedge is 0.20, determine (a) the force P requited to move the wedge, (A) the components of the corresponding reaction at B. SOLUTION Free body: Part ABC AEM, =0 (1800 N)(0.35 m) —Reos21.31°%(0.6 m}=0 Re =11Q7.1N Force triangle: m3 P 1127.1 N sin(I 31421319) sin 78.69" P=619.6N P=620N-~4 (6) Return to part ABC: ALF, =0: B,+1800N~R,sin21.31°=0 2B, +1800 N— (1127.1 N)sin21.31° B,=-13004N B. HER, <0: B, + Re cos2131°=0 B, +(1127.1 N)cos 21.31°=0 B, =~1050 N PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The Meat Companies, ie. AN rights reserved. No part of this Maual may be displayed ‘reproduced on eibuted in ey form or by amy mers, wilhon the prior written persion ofthe publisher, or ane best the Tinted Liston te teachers and dc oers ported By Meira for this indie omrse preparation If yaar stent wing xs Aan, bom are ning without permission 10 OF in, Om PROBLEM 8.140 A wedge A of negligible weight is to be driven between two 100-Ib blocks B and C resting on 2 horizontal surface. Knowing that the coefficient of static friction at all surfaces of contact is 0.35, dotermine the smallest force P required to start moving the wedge (a) if the blocks are equally free to move, (6) if block Cis securely bolted to the horizontal surface. SOLUTION Ope GOT Wedge angle 0: B= tant 225i. \el/ in 7 fim = 10.462 (@) Free body: Block & tan" 0.35=19.29° R100 16 sin 19.29" ~ sin 40,80° 50.56 Ib Free body; Wedge By symmetry: R, sin (+ g,) =2(50.56)sin29.91° P=50.42 Ib P=504 Ib] 4 (0) Free bodies unchanged: Same result, P=504 tb] 4 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2610 The MeGrew-Hill Companies, Inc.All ights reserved No part of this Manta! may be displayed reproduced or disiibuted in any form or by any ter, thon the par iriten permission ofthe publisher o” wae beyond the ited distribution to teachers ant educators permed by Meron for tht ndsidal corse preparation Ifyou arecastudent using his Manual Yow are using i echo permission un PROBLEM 8.141 soo | ‘The position of the automobile jack shown is controlled by a sorew ABC that is single-threaded at each end (right-handed thread at 4, left-handed thread at C), Bach thread has @ pitch of 0.1 in, and mean diameter of 0.375 in. Ifthe coefficient of'static friction is 0.15, determine the magnitude of the couple M that ‘must be applied to raise the automobile, SOLUTION Free body: Parts 4, D, CE Two-foree members. joint D Symmetry Fy = Feo {2x =O: 2F;psin25°-800 tb =0 Foy = 946.5 Ib Joint C fo Fee Symmetry: ae Ry 00825" Fy =0 F gg =200465 Ib) 00525" Rye =1718.6 Ib cicand-incline analysis of ane sere: Fer 688 ois OL ib (0.375 in) ees 024.852 faeeeete 9, tan "0.15 See 28531" ovis nese ae = /aats 1715.6 tb) tan 13.383° ieee | \@ 108.2 Th ‘2 0.375 i Torque =153.1 Ib-in. But, we have vo screws: ‘Torque = 20r = 2(408.2 wf PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2010 The MeGeww il Companies, Ine. All righis reserved. No port of this Manual may be diployed, ‘spvoduced or disibuted i ey form or by amy mers, toe the prior writen permission ofthe publisher, or ased beyond the Tinted ‘sribton to exacer eal edicuors pert by McGrail for thei indivi conrve preparation. youre studenasing his Mnech som are using W wien! permission, i ray PROBLEM 8.142 20 em A lever of negligible weight is loosely fitted onto a 30-mm- radius fixed shaft as shown, Knowing that a force P of

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