Final RP 2 Draft BBA-Hons

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Effect of Managerial use of Competitive Intelligence system on Brand Performance 1




In this era of economic globalization, where rapid changes in technology and

information explosions have pushed industries, organizations and companies to

undergo severe pressure to stay competitive in the domestic as well as international

borders, organizations are using Competitive intelligence as competitive

benchmarking to identify risks and opportunities in the market. The job of Managers

and Marketers has become extremely difficult over the last decade because

Organizations want their managers to come up with ideas that are out of the box to

smooth up their process and look at the bigger picture that will enable them to make

effective and informed decisions by knowing their competitors and using the right

amount of information about the market and about their competitors.

In 1970s the concept of competitive intelligence arguably emerged from U.S into the

corporate world of Business and today, there is much emphasis on competitive

intelligence. Today organizations are giving much importance to Competitive

intelligence because it can be observed that with right amount of information

organizations can avoid unpleasant and unanticipated surprises of their competitors by

anticipating competitors’ moves and respond those unpleasant surprises in a short

span of time. The main purpose of the research being conducted is to figure out if the

managers of various organizations use competitive intelligence system and what

Effect of Managerial use of Competitive Intelligence system on Brand Performance 2

effect does it make on the performance of brand. Brand performance in the context

depicts that how the brand performs and how successful it is. We have divided the

brand performance into four aspects, through which performance of the brand is

figured out. One factor is brand sales, second is market share, third is brand extension

into the categories and forth and the last one is brand geographic expansion.

Today brand influence is going very big and strong in the course of widespread

research on the marketing strategies and the brands connected and linked with it.

1.2.1 Problem statement

To study the effect of managerial use of competitive intelligence system on

brand performance

1.2.2 Hypotheses

Ho: The managerial use of the competitive intelligence system has a positive

effect on brand performance.

1.2.3 Hypothesis 1.

H1: The managerial use of the competitive intelligence system has a positive

effect on brand Sale.

1.2.4 Hypothesis 2.

H2: The managerial use of the competitive intelligence system has a positive

effect on brand market share.

Effect of Managerial use of Competitive Intelligence system on Brand Performance 3

1.2.5 Hypothesis 3.

H3: The managerial use of the competitive intelligence system has a positive

effect on brand extension.

1.3.2 Hypothesis 4.

H4: The managerial use of the competitive intelligence system has a positive

effect on brand geographic expansion.

1.4 Outline of the study

The purpose of this study is that how competitive intelligence method

rundown by the management changes the product presentation. In organizations, to

understand in what manner the product carries out, we exhibit and separated the

product implementation in four features among which we struggle to discover act of

products. One issue is product vending, second is product marketplace, third is

product expansion interested in the classes and latest is environmental development of

product. We have stretched our aim to diverse businesses so that we might consider a

fine opinion that how the competitive intelligence possess the product operation. As it

is difficult to obtain the aggressive information so the investigator indicated that to

utilize the combined facts and figures that are simple to get hold of.
Effect of Managerial use of Competitive Intelligence system on Brand Performance 4

1.5 Definitions:

Competitive Intelligence.

The method in which the organizations’ accumulate knowledge from their

environment and by employing that managers make decisions for the organization to

get competent edge.

Brand Performance.

The operations of the brand within the market through which the overall

success of the brand is evaluated.

Effect of Managerial use of Competitive Intelligence system on Brand Performance 5


We are living in the age of striking environment that has led to, Economic

Globalization, where accelerating changes in technology and information explosions

have pushed industries, organizations and companies to undergo severe pressure to

stay competitive in the domestic and international borders. We can say that

globalization is inevitable, as the growing customer pressure and advancements in the

technology are the main sources of globalization and the researcher also said stated

that, during these years the brand influence and competitive intelligence have become

one of the most important concerns to the marketers and management. Competitive

intelligence has become precedent to the formulation of marketing strategies and

competitive intelligence system has also become an important concept to be combined

in the culture of pioneer companies to stay a step ahead in the competition

(Khezerloo, 2012).

It is clearly shown that conforming for competitive intelligence is not just a routine

activity for the managers rather than an entrepreneurial activity. The researcher further

added that CI when scanned hand-on, enables the managers to draw a clear picture of

the advantages and disadvantages of their organizations and intense scanning for CI

enables managers to construct a definite picture about the supremacy or the lacking

factors of their organizations in a better manner. Thus proactive scanning of the

competitive intelligence system can help organization show their standing in this

competitive era and economic globalizations (Qiu, 2008).

Competitive intelligence can have more than these three groups so that competitive

intelligence can be extended to social-strategic intelligence. Social-strategic

Effect of Managerial use of Competitive Intelligence system on Brand Performance 6

intelligence is compiled of law, taxation, economic-political issue, finance and Human

resource issues as well (Khezerloo, 2012).

This paper effort to measure through experience the scanning cycle which is the

extended relationship among managerial business motivation, competitive intelligence

scanning and sense making. The researcher termed competitive intelligence system as

a legal and ethical business practice that is much greater than only understanding

competitors; it is to enable the organizations to be more competitive in relation to its

entire business environment and stakeholders. It is the Strategic guidance for the both

Academicians and practitioners for the achievement of a better know how of the

complex market through hands-on scanning techniques.

The best way to achieve competence in the global market is by upgrading the core

competencies and doing proactive planning. Proactive planning can best be explained

as changing of the strategies before they fail. This way you avoid being over-run by

the event. Proactive planning also defines that the key competitive factor relies on the

use of individual, organizations; industries and even countries of acquired Knowledge

Keeping proactive planning in view it can be beneficial for the organization to stay

one step ahead from the competitors and provides an insight of their competitors as to

what their next strategy would be. The knowledge management also plays a crucial

role to improve organizational or industrial competitiveness (Halawi, McCarthy &

Aronson, 2006).

In consumer markets brands often provide the primary points for differentiation

between competitive offering and your offerings, it is beautifully said that a “brand is

a corner of the consumer’s mind, they have demoted integrity, high quality, reliability,

innovation, customer focus and responsiveness, these areas of foci have led the
Effect of Managerial use of Competitive Intelligence system on Brand Performance 7

industries to grab customer attention affectively and have led to the continuous

improvement s in customer experience and responsiveness. So brand differentiation

plays a critical role in the success of the companies (wood & Hallam, 2000).

Competitive intelligence is a crucial aspect within business intelligence, which

focuses on gaining knowledge on the organization’s macro competitive environment.

Company’s external environment includes, the environment factors impacting on the

organizations transactions, considering them as an opportunity or threat. Furthermore

it estimates the intensity of the opportunity or threat and evaluates the magnitude of

the factors and their impact on the product or the market. Competitive intelligence

principles can be applied to pressure test the Organizations’, companies or industries

plans against market response, which will also help managers to make informed

Decisions through competitive intelligence tactics, The understanding of the external

competitive environment needs large data about their customers and about their

competitive firms, which is very hard to gather/acquire. But this problem can be

solved if worked on cleverly through collection of data from online firms from simple

“site centric” data that are commonly available augmented with aggregate data

summaries. About 87 percent of all big organizations use competitive intelligence as a

tool, whether they are in Africa or America and may be in developed or developing

region. Competitive intelligence is a very helpful tool for organizations to exist. It

may comprise of research, farseeing, optimism, market knowledge, competition or

knowing what your competitor has and what he is capable of. Competitive

intelligence is not a new technique it has been implemented since many years back.

The byzantine emperor Justinian (483-565) in sixth century had used monks for the

stealing of silk worms from china so they could know the ways of producing silk

(Fraumann, 1997).
Effect of Managerial use of Competitive Intelligence system on Brand Performance 8

Today business needs a good intelligence system to manage the risk. Business’ risk

calculation had never been such difficult as it is today. The findings of global

intelligence alliance (GIA), a group that contain independent companies and

individuals, present in various locations, has found out that companies need a better

understanding of complex external environment and to use it into their strategies.

They must have to cope up with those techniques and have to update themselves on

daily basis (The Global Intelligence Alliance, 2007).

There is a large debate among people because of large promotion of importance of

competitive intelligence by media and the concerned field. Business week magazine

(2001) published how companies that have better competitive intelligence or those

who use competitive intelligence can get much more earning per share (EPS) than

those who do not use it, stating: “In a recession, competitive intelligence can pay off

big”. Competitive intelligence is a system that keeps information of within

organization; what is their growth rate? Where do they lack behind? What measures

they must take in order to improve their products? It also keeps the information of

external environment; who are their competitors? How Competitive Intelligence is

used and implemented across them? What methodology their neighbors use? It also

keeps information of their customers, suppliers, technology and other environments;

who are their customers and what are their needs? What is consumer behavior of

targeted market? Who their suppliers are and how to keep relation with them? What

are new technologies and equipments available in market that can enhance their

marketing? (Gilad, 1996)

Effect of Managerial use of Competitive Intelligence system on Brand Performance 9

This explains that it is not only competition that CI covers but it focuses on entire

competitive environment. The competitive intelligence is a systematic scanning of

what is happening internal, external and competitive market and in customers and

suppliers and other business relations. This scanning helps in noticing the issue and to

get that stimuli interpreted that, finding the cause or reason and understand and

overcome it. It is very important for organizations to stay ahead from the changing

technology, methodology, customer expectation and customer need. Suppliers’

behavior, demand of certain product and to minimize their risk and avoiding mishaps

(Patton & McKenna, 2005; Anderson & Hoyer, 1991).

CI is providing orderly, organized, logical and efficient examination, investigation and

study of future dynamics of modern expertise, machinery, equipment and science,

about the economical conditions within or outside the state and explains about the

social needs of targeted segment to make the strategies much efficient that supports

their future requirements (Van Der Meulan, 2003).

This does not matter whether a firm is working locally or it is in international market.

The managers should have ability to receive the signals and must analyze them and

use them to assess the firm for future competitions and for giving the firm knowledge

for future planning to manage and balance the competitive advantage (Trim & Lee,


In the modern world where the competition has gone so high and it has become

necessary for managers to be CI users. None of the firms can stay here without having

knowledge of respective factors. Today in this global village competitive intelligence

provides the edge on others. CI plays a very important role and is very useful for
Effect of Managerial use of Competitive Intelligence system on Brand Performance 10

making and carrying out of business strategies in the modern world (Dishman &

Calof, 2008).

Consideration of Competitive intelligence at present requires an indulgent in the word

“public”. It means recognition of data by legal and ethical way that would be possible

to locate and accessed. This may be documentation from a competitor for any activity

in the region or the text of journalists released by marketing professional of the

competitor that describes the marketing approach projected by his client. It may be

from inside the organization, the information from sales force. Competitive

intelligence is using all this information analytically for the better managerial

decisions and for competitive advantage.

This competitive sagacity furnishes a preferable guideline to grasp the business in the

best and productive way. It likewise encourages group to get a preferable risk to

comprehend the outside environment (Calof & Wright, 2008).

Competitive intelligence Focused insights differs from business to business, intense

sagacity framework is utilized to make not just to settle on impeccable choices but

moreover utilize for viable and right determination setting aside a few minutes. These

Insights furnish conglomeration’s awareness and profits from the business sector,

which causes to upgrade the benefit. This intelligence provides organization’s

awareness and benefits from the market, which helps to improve the productivity.

Once scanning the environment and using competitive tool, managers can see a clear

picture of the market and can take any decision, which is in the favor of organization

at that time (Dr Ponam Kapoor, 2005).

Competitive intelligence system helps manager to study the environment and helps to

understand that what the outcome is in future, so they can take essential steps to cover
Effect of Managerial use of Competitive Intelligence system on Brand Performance 11

the risk, threads and fetch the opportunity from the external world. Focused

brainpower framework encourages director to contemplate the environment and

causes to grasp that what is the conclusion in fate, so they can take key steps to

blanket the peril, strings and bring the opportunity from the outside globe. Utilizing

this framework the organization can modify their feature to fulfill the consumer

requirement (Dr Ponam Kapoor, 2005).

Group who confronts diverse challenges and get impact affected by the offbeat

environment through outside powers can make a hole between the conglomerations

focus to achieved objectives and point. With the assistance of competitive insights

framework, one can restructure their conglomeration in adaptable way for the purpose

that they can effortlessly receive to any scenario made through outer environment

with getting a flat effect from outer drives. Aggressive procedure plays an imperative

function in the accomplishment of organizations goals and objective. This might be

expanded to the maximum level with the assistance of brainpower framework since it

helps to include your portfolio, mark & product/service with remarkable

attributes/features, which differentiate your product/service and also tackle a more

amazing piece of the overall industry in business sector. Utilizing this sagacity

conglomeration came to know that what are the action and things that are not doing

by different contestants in the same market or in same business. Using this one

organization can have a competitive edge. One of the major advantages is that you

become aware of other competitor’s practices and on that basis you take

decision/actions (Olsen, 2008).

Competitive intelligence in addition encourages HR administration rehearse to a

newfangled level which consequence in caused workers, effective utilize of recourses

available within groups and on the whole display of conglomerations to get preferred
Effect of Managerial use of Competitive Intelligence system on Brand Performance 12

consequences. Utilizing the aggressive insights framework, organization skill to make

an exceptional administration framework by realizing what others are doing and

securing a viable administration approach which let your co-ordinates to go with

unique creative thoughts and make a workforce which can accomplish targets. This

leads to the maximum utilization of resources available within organization. Using

this technique organization’s manager can reduce the cost and plan more effective and

efficiently management practices (Kim & Oh, 2004; Wang & Shyu, 2008).

This is sure that only one resource of any organization cannot create success to it, so it

is clear that by combining all the resources available to your organization, which

includes your human resource (HR dept), information technology factor i.e. (I.T dept),

Sales & Marketing, Supply chain etc. by using all of these intelligently and making

use of them to maximum level then the organization improves their performance and

come in competition (Enz, 2008).

The organization’s road to success much more depends on competitive intelligence

that creates a better understanding of where your product stands as compared to

others. This will encourage groups to comprehend the divergence in the considerable

way. By recognizing each one of these polishes of different area’s, A manager have a

clear way that in which way he or she can make an interesting procedures which is

effective and create a competitive edge, by overcoming all the proposed drills, your

conglomeration get an edge on others which advances you on top of the post.

Understanding these factors and implanting the most effective & efficient practices

will help the organization to get a competitive edge (Gilad, Gordon & Sudit, 1993;

Gilad, 1994; Gilad, 2004).

Effect of Managerial use of Competitive Intelligence system on Brand Performance 13

Looking for competitive intelligence is one of the important tools for any organization

for obtaining the information about activity of their competitor. It also helps to

understand the market flexibility through which an organization can easily adapt the

changing environment with less difficulty (Patton & McKenna, 2005; Sawyer , 2000).

The competitive edge is considered to be a factor, which can lead your organization

towards greater or more successful achievement of goals and target. In order to get

on the top of the list, you need some features, which differentiate your firm from

others. Competitive intelligence will let you know that what are the things your

competitor are doing and what they are not. Once knowing what is not other have,

using competitive intelligence you can create/add some unique features to your

product and service which can lead towards innovation. It helps your organization not

only to be productive and innovative but as the passage of time passes it will create

flexibility, which helps to adopt to any environment. This will help organization to

increase the performance of brand and productivity growth. It can also help to create a

better understanding regarding to marketing strategies that can lead a organization to

achieve its goals and objective (Carbonell & Rodriguez, 2006).

Inadequate knowledge in regional business culture is many organizations overall

disadvantage. Corporate managers in different organizations should not take for

granted that experience and supportive of organizations systems can be shift from one

country to the other this decision could help managers in getting better result for

organization to achieve goals. For example: Western organizations wanted to

accomplish a time responsive research determination in Japan during the beginning

week of May. This research can provide a better idea for managers to implement

strategy. It abortive to distinguished the contract of collection of holidays known as

Golden week in Japan that primes to a nearly complete shutdown of Japanese

Effect of Managerial use of Competitive Intelligence system on Brand Performance 14

Corporate. Perhaps, the inadequate knowledge leads to a miscalculated result based

on assumptions of having perfect knowledge of the world outside the circumference.

A detailed and comprehensive study of the Japanese culture by the corporate

managers could have eliminated the chances of such blunders like that of “Golden

week” Elizondo and Glitman (2003).

A good number of organizations in Japan demanding to get success over severe race

in order assured supremacy of their company’s merchandise in a globalized market it

is not surprising because every organization needs to maximize their profit with the

success of their product and this move can provide a takeover the large number of

market share. In fresh years Japan has produced many different types of products that

can help them increase their productivity in different markets all over mainly the

electronic items like Cameras, computers and copying machines have certainly

reserved their dominance in the global market and captured them a value. On the

other hand their contrast with competitive intelligence doings of organizations of the

other nation shows that majority of the Japanese organizations have a diverse

consciousness arrangement and are enterprising different corporate deeds. All the

innovative and diversified range of products has made the Japan entry easier in the

gigantic field of competition and to take a predominant place in the global market

(Sugasawa, 2004; Sugawara, 1998).

In late 1960s and 1970s, Most of the American organizations tackled a small foreign

rivalry this rivalry helps America to increase or you can say improve their name all

over the globe which provide an establishment, because of this a large number of the

globe marketplace was inside the United States. Business plan merely comprised of

original or a fresh product enhancement to come across the effect of American

consumer. On the other hand this matter also raise that the world progress has reduced
Effect of Managerial use of Competitive Intelligence system on Brand Performance 15

and many organizations are discovering that the lone means of raise is by capturing

the market stake which always been important in any part of the world as of the

opposition does. Therefore, Market shares disinclined the fast rapidly inclining market

growth in the world as numerous firms invested their money in acquiring the market

share rather than directly producing the goods (Caudron, 1994).

An estimate line of attack contain in progress estimation of domestic concentrations

and weak point and exterior chances and pressure for management. Academic

researchers raise an very important point and have establish that many of the

organizations sufficiently review their inner conditions which can play a very vital

role for organization, but most of them be short of the organizing system to correctly

which can harm any organization and accurately measure the outside conditions

which is very important for corporation success. Scholars have indicated that through

SWOT analysis internal environment is scrutinized properly. However, the external

environment outside the organizational boundary is merely focused and looked into

cautiously. The ignorance of the external environment can lead to pay higher prices in

term of opportunities and threats faced by the business outside the business circle

(Herring, 1996).

Information related to competitive intelligence has sustained to underline the value of

guiding rivalry evaluation and gathering reasonable intelligence that is very important

for the use of planned organizations and this can also help corporate to maximize their

profit and achieve their target and specially for planned organization competitive

intelligence play a vital role in this field (Narayanan, Pinches, Kelm, & Lander)

concluded a surplus of mental and experimental research studies and they have

indicated hypothetical standards of competitive intelligence ways which is the

probably the most suitable way because hypothetical standards are very rare to
Effect of Managerial use of Competitive Intelligence system on Brand Performance 16

indicate by any research. Indeed, to create powerful strategies having complete

knowledge and acquiring all the basic and critical information about products and

customers is substantially necessary (Subramanian & Ishak, 1998).

Knowledge management is defined as a systematic procedure of outcome, choosing,

arranging, distilling and performing information in a such manner that advance an

employee’s understanding in a detailed attention with the help of this procedure

employee performance can also be evaluated and this boost the performance of

employee. Knowledge management support an organization to increase vision and

understanding from its own capability in such a manner that all the work related to an

organization could easily be done. Detail knowledge management actions helps center

of the organization on require, storing, using knowledge for such things as

problematic, self motivated, strategic planning and determination that can apply in

organization to accomplish the goals and to make strategies for useful purposes that

can have a huge impact on organization knowledge management is the most crucial

part for any organization plan or design it goals (Hameed, 2004).

Knowledge management encourages and combine approach to identify, apprehension,

recover, allocation and to value enterprise intelligence assets. Knowledge

management also helps organization to work intelligently in a specific manner to

identifying the information related to organization assets and also capture and share.

These information belonging contain very important factors like database, documents,

contracts, technique, as well as the indentation tacit skills and occurrences stored in

particularized minds. Knowledge management has lead managers to handle different

situations in a more logical and prudent way. These tactics enables a firm to stand

vitally and perform better with intuitive and rational abilities in the market to achieve

a superior position. Knowledge management has provided managers a fruitful way of

Effect of Managerial use of Competitive Intelligence system on Brand Performance 17

tackling different situations through past experiences, it enables them to perform in a

better and assertive way (Oracle Magazine, 1998).

Effect of Managerial use of Competitive Intelligence system on Brand Performance 18


3.1 Method of Data Collection & Procedure:

Personal survey is the method of data collection that we have used. We

personally met the relevant targeted managers and in addition we also advised

them the value of our research. The target audiences for this research are the

managers of several organizations from the product/service industries. We have

visited different organizations, met managers and requested them to help us in our

research by filling the questionnaire.

3.2 Sampling technique:

Convenience based sampling technique has been used in this research for

sample technique.

3.3 Sample Size:

Samples of 105 respondents have been collected.

3.4Instrument of Data Collection:

We have focused on presentation and politeness as it is very essential.

Questionnaire has been made in such a way and keeping in view that our topic and

our target audience. Our target audience is the marketing managers of several

organizations. We have visited different organizations where we requested

marketing and sales managers to fill our questionnaire.

Questionnaire is designed with multiple-choice & rating questions. Questionnaire

is designed with the most relevant questions in the sequence. It is designed in a

way that the answers to the questions will be able to acquire insight about how

organizations use competitive intelligence. It also asks questions about how

Effect of Managerial use of Competitive Intelligence system on Brand Performance 19

organizations assemble information about competitor’s brand and how it

influences brands performance.

3.4.1 Validity and reliability test:

The questionnaire used is designed in a way that the validity and reliability

remains intact. And it is valid and reliable.

3.5 Research Model Developed

Figure 3.5

3.6 Statistical Technique

To check the impact of competitive intelligence on brand performance

Linear Regression Model is used and also to check that if there is association

and that the relation is either weak or strong.

Effect of Managerial use of Competitive Intelligence system on Brand Performance 20


4.1 Findings and Interpretation of the results

Model Summary

Adjusted R Std. Error of the

Model R R Square Square Estimate

1 .100a .010 -.003 .610

a. Predictors: (Constant), Competitive_Intelligence

Effect of Managerial use of Competitive Intelligence system on Brand Performance 21


Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Regression .290 1 .290 .779 .380a

1 Residual 28.647 77 .372

Total 28.937 78

a. Predictors: (Constant), Competitive_Intelligence

b. Dependent Variable: Brand Sales


Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients

Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.

(Constant) 2.910 .198 14.730 .000

Competitive_Intelligence -.042 .048 -.100 -.883 .380

a. Dependent Variable: Brand Sales

The purpose of this test is to see the impact of CI on brand sales, where Competitive

intelligence is independent variable and Brand Sales is dependent variable. The

standard sig value is 0.05 but this table depicts the sig value to be 0.380 which is

greater than standard sig value. This shows that the model is insignificant. In this case

we do not need to check the Beta value.


Model Summary

Adjusted R Std. Error of the

Model R R Square Square Estimate

1 .174a .030 .018 .686

a. Predictors: (Constant), Competitive_Intelligence

Effect of Managerial use of Competitive Intelligence system on Brand Performance 22


Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Regression 1.149 1 1.149 2.440 .122a

1 Residual 36.738 78 .471

Total 37.887 79

a. Predictors: (Constant), Competitive_Intelligence

b. Dependent Variable: Market Share

Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients

Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.

(Constant) 2.986 .221 13.524 .000

Competitive_Intelligence -.083 .053 -.174 -1.562 .122

a. Dependent Variable: Market Share

The purpose of this test is to see the impact of CI on Market share, where

Competitive intelligence is independent variable and Market share is dependent

variable. The standard sig value is 0.05 but this table depicts the sig value to be 0.122

which is greater than standard sig value. This shows that the model is insignificant. In

this case we do not need to check the Beta value.


Model Summary

Adjusted R Std. Error of the

Model R R Square Square Estimate

1 .045a .002 -.011 .495

a. Predictors: (Constant), Competitive_Intelligence

Effect of Managerial use of Competitive Intelligence system on Brand Performance 23


Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Regression .039 1 .039 .158 .692a

1 Residual 19.149 78 .245

Total 19.188 79

a. Predictors: (Constant), Competitive_Intelligence

b. Dependent Variable: Brand Extension


Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients

Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.

(Constant) 2.628 .159 16.488 .000

Competitive_Intelligence .015 .039 .045 .398 .692

a. Dependent Variable: Brand Extension

The purpose of this test is to see impact of CI on Brand Extension, where

Competitive intelligence is independent variable and Brand extension is dependent

variable. The standard sig value is 0.05 but this table depicts the sig value to be 0.692

which is greater than standard sig value. This shows that the model is insignificant. In

this case we do not need to check the Beta value.


Model Summary

Adjusted R Std. Error of the

Model R R Square Square Estimate

1 .088a .008 -.005 .504

a. Predictors: (Constant), Competitive_Intelligence

Effect of Managerial use of Competitive Intelligence system on Brand Performance 24


Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Regression .153 1 .153 .602 .440a

1 Residual 19.797 78 .254

Total 19.950 79

a. Predictors: (Constant), Competitive_Intelligence

b. Dependent Variable: Geographic Extension


Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients

Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.

(Constant) 2.843 .162 17.541 .000

Competitive_Intelligence -.030 .039 -.088 -.776 .440

a. Dependent Variable: Geographic Extension

The purpose of this test is to see the impact of CI on Geographic Extension, where

Competitive intelligence is independent variable and Geographic Extension is

dependent variable. The standard sig value is 0.05 but this table depicts the sig value

to be 0.440 which is greater than standard sig value. This shows that the model is

insignificant. In this case we do not need to check the Beta value.

4.2 Hypotheses Assessment Summary

Effect of Managerial use of Competitive Intelligence system on Brand Performance 25

Ho: There is no impact of competitive intelligence system on brand performance

therefore hypotheses rejected.

H1: : There is no impact of competitive intelligence system on Brand sales therefore

hypotheses rejected.

H2: There is no impact of competitive intelligence system on Brand Market share

therefore hypotheses rejected.

H3: There is no impact of competitive intelligence system on Brand Extension

therefore hypotheses rejected.

H4: There is no impact of competitive intelligence system on Brand Geographic

Expansion therefore hypotheses rejected.


Effect of Managerial use of Competitive Intelligence system on Brand Performance 26


5.1 Conclusion & Discussion:

After the analysis of research we concluded that there is no impact of

competitive intelligence system on brand performance. When the components of

brand performance was judged with CI we found that CI had no impact on Brand

sales, Brand market share, Brand extension and brand Geographic extension.

5.2 Implication:

There is no such implication of Competitive intelligence system on brand

performance because this research shows that it has no direct impact on brand sales,

brand market share, brand market extensions and brand geographic extension. There

association is very weak as it is show by “R”.

5.3 Future research:

We conducted the research in the organizations of Karachi and found no

impact, but the future research can lead to new results if it will be conducted on large

scale and on some other geographical locations.

Effect of Managerial use of Competitive Intelligence system on Brand Performance 27

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