Giải Đề Thi Writing & SPEAKING NGÀY 20/07/2019 By Ngocbach

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SPEAKING NGÀY 20/07/2019

Nhận xét chung: Đề thi không có gì lạ và vẫn nằm gọn trong tài liệu ôn tập mình đã phác cho các bạn
học sinh lớp online package, offline. Kể cả với các bạn chưa từng học mình mà chịu khó theo dõi trên
group IELTS Ngoc Bach, page tuhocielts8.0 -> tất cả các bài này mình đều đã viết bài mẫu cho các bạn
hết, giống hệt 100%. Không có đề nào mới cả

Task 1: The chart below shows the annual pay (thousands of US dollars) for doctors and other
workers in seven countries in 2004.

Report Plan :

 Paraphrase: shows>compares; annual>yearly; pay>salary; seven countries> several

 Summary/Overview paragraph:(1) pay of US doctors higher than in the other countries (2)
doctors earned more than other workers
 Paragraph 3: doctors: contrast US (highest earnings) and Finland (lowest earnings). France
& Switzerland – same salary – higher than Italy, Czech Republic, Germany.

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 Paragraph 4: other workers: lower pay than doctors. Compare the US and Switzerland
(highest), next France and Finland, then Italy, Czech Republic and Germany with the same

The bar chart compares the yearly salary of doctors and other workers in several countries in the year
Overall, it is clear that the pay of US doctors was much higher than that of doctors in the other
countries. In each country, the annual salary of doctors was far higher than that of other workers.
The annual pay of doctors in the US was $120,000, whereas in Finland doctors received a comparatively
low yearly salary of $50,000. In France, and Switzerland doctors earned $70,000 per year, compared
with around $60,000 annually in Italy, Germany and the Czech Republic.
In contrast, the annual wages of other workers were much lower, at about $45,000 and $40,000 in the
US and Switzerland, respectively. Other workers in France earned $30,000, a little more than other
workers in Finland, who had an annual salary of $25,000. The lowest annual earnings were for other
workers in Italy, Germany and the Czech Republic, at exactly $20,000.

(TASK 2) The tendency of news reports in the media to focus more on problems and emergencies rather
than on positive developments is harmful to individuals and society. To what extent do you agree or

Essay Plan:
• Introduction: refer to the task statement. Own opinion – completely disagree that it is harmful.
• Paragraph 2: problems and emergencies are spectacular – examples: earthquake, a crash, an
assassination. Good news is not exciting – example: medical discoveries.
• Paragraph 3: bad news is distressing for individuals, but it is necessary to report it to the public in
order for action to be taken. Example: tsunami – public support for relief, air crash and safety
investigation, nuclear accident and environmental issues.
• Conclusion: disagree with the statement.

It is true that news coverage in the media is dominated by reports of tragedies, disasters and problems
of all kinds. While this may make individuals feel anxious and unhappy, I completely disagree that
this is harmful, and the social effects of ignoring such events would be extremely dangerous.
Firstly, breaking news is always about some spectacular event. This may be a natural disaster, for
example an earthquake, an air crash or a political event such as the assassination of a well-known
figure like US President Kennedy or Martin Luther King. Within seconds the news is transmitted
around the world. Occasionally, the spectacular event is good news, like the first moon landing.
However, most positive developments rarely make front page headlines or appear as leading articles
in news reports. Scientific discoveries, such as cures for various types of cancer, are the result of years
of methodical investigation and are not considered exciting enough for the sensational journalism of

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Secondly, when something spectacular happens and is instantly reported, this is a necessary step in
calling public attention to an issue. The news is distressing for those personally affected, and for
society as a whole, but it raises problems which demand public concern. If the media carry a story
about a tsunami in Indonesia, this triggers public support to donate money for relief efforts by
international organisations. No responsible editorial policy can avoid discussion of the impact of those
issues. For instance, a major air crash results in public calls for a safety investigation enquiry, or a
nuclear accident raises environmental issues.
In conclusion, I do not agree that there is too much media focus on problems and emergencies.
Ignoring these issues in favour of a ‘feel good’ approach to the world is dangerous escapism.
294 words

Vocabulary from media and advertising

• news coverage
Meaning: the reporting of news in newspapers, on tv, radio or other forms of media
Example: The US presidential election received global news coverage, so that the whole world
became interested in the result.

• breaking news
Meaning: newly-received information about an event that is currently taking place
Example: One disadvantage of newspapers is that they are unable to print the latest breaking news as
it happens.

• to make front page headlines

Meaning: to be an important item of news in the newspapers, on radio or television
Example: It seems that every trivial event in the lives of celebrities makes front page headlines

• a leading article
Meaning: a piece of writing which deals with the most important news item of the day
Example: Newspapers in my country often have a leading article on some sensational crime that has
been committed.

• sensational journalism
Meaning: reporting which tries to attract your interest by presenting facts or events as more shocking
than they really are

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Example: Unfortunately, sensational journalism has led many people to distrust the media.

• to carry a story
Meaning: to include an item in a news report
Example: The media nowadays carries too many stories about celebrities and not enough serious

• editorial policy
Meaning: the policy of the newspaper or news programme, as decided by the person in charge of
producing the newspaper or programme
Example: The editorial policy of a newspaper determines whether serious news items are reported in a
responsible way.

Other vocabulary:

• to transmit [verb]:
Meaning: to send an electronic signal, radio or television broadcast
Example: The match was transmitted live by satellite to over 50 countries.

• methodical [adjective]:
Meaning: done in a careful and logical way
Example: The results of the experiments were checked in a methodical way by the members of the
research team.

• to call attention to [expression]:

Meaning: to make somebody notice and think about a person or thing
Example: The documentary called attention to the declining number of tigers in India.

• distressing [adjective]:
Meaning: making you feel very upset, sad and anxious
Example: The documentary of the refugees from the war zone was very distressing.

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• to raise issues [expression]:
Meaning: to mention problems for people to discuss and to deal with
Example: The report on global warming raised issues about the possible extinction of all human life
on the planet.

• to trigger [verb]:
Meaning: to make something happen suddenly
Example: The murder of the church leader triggered public protests when the news was announced.

• a feel-good approach [expression]:

Meaning: making you feel happy and pleased with life
Example: Advertisers usually adopt a feel-good approach when marketing their products.

• escapism [noun]:
Meaning: an activity or form of entertainment that helps you to forget unpleasant things
Example: John enjoys playing video games as a form of escapism from the pressures of his job.

Part 1
1. Do you like to watch the sky?
(Answer) Yes, I have to say I am a fan of watching the sky.
(Give a reason for your answer) To me, the sky is a magnificent work of art and I really
appreciate the aesthetic qualities of it. The color, the clouds… are just so beautiful.
2. What is the sky like at night in your hometown?
(Answer) The night sky where I live is simply a breathtaking view.
(Give a reason for your answer) As I live in the countryside, the sky is not affected by light
pollution, so there are numerous shining stars in a broad blackish background. Therefore, the
view is perfect for anyone who has a thirst for freedom.
3. Do you like to watch stars?
(Answer) I find star-watching extremely interesting.

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(Give a reason for your answer) I believe that every star in the cosmos has its own function
and holds a unique mystery to be discovered. This is a great inspiration to me.
4. Have you ever taken a course about stars?
(Answer) I haven’t ever enrolled in such courses, but I would love to in the future.
(Give a reason for your answer) I have always wanted to know how constellations retain their
shape in zero gravity without floating through space.
5. What’s your favorite star?
(Answer) The Sun is my favorite star, I would say.
(Give a reason for your answer) This is because of its power and importance to life. If we could
find a star similar to the Sun out there in space, we would be able to discover alien life forms
and complete our quest for a new homeland.

Từ vựng trong chủ đề Arts:
1. a work of art/a work of music/a work of literature (expression): a painting, sculpture,
book, play, piece of music etc
Nghĩa: một bức họa, tác phẩm điêu khắc, cuốn sách, vở kịch, đoạn nhạc…
Example: Shakespeare’s plays are considered as one of the greatest works of literature in the
English language.
2. the aesthetic qualities of something (expression): The qualities related to beauty and
understanding the beauty of something.
Nghĩa: Những đặc trưng liên quan đến vẻ đẹp và sự thấu hiểu vẻ đẹp của cái gì
Example: One advantage of studying the arts is that students learn to appreciate the aesthetic
qualities of paintings, literature and music.
Từ vựng trong chủ để Tourism:
1. a breathtaking view (expression): an extremely beautiful view
Example: From the top of the mountain, there is a breathtaking view of the coast.
Nghĩa: cảnh đẹp vô cùng
2. to have a thirst for something (expression): to have a strong desire for something
Example: He has been all over the world, but he still has a thirst for seeing new places and
enjoying new experiences.
Nghĩa: khao khát mãnh liệt được làm gì

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Từ vựng chủ đề Space Exploration:
1. The cosmos (noun): the universe, especially when it is thought of as an ordered system
Example: Although the challenge of exploring and understanding the cosmos is exciting, it is
also very expensive
Nghĩa: Vũ trụ, đặc biệt khi chỉ vũ trụ là một hệ thống có trật tự
2. To be an inspiration to (expression): to make somebody excited about something,
especially thinking of the future
Example: The images of the first men on the moon were an inspiration to people, and made
them more hopeful about the future.
Nghĩa: khiến ai đó hưng phấn vì điều gì, đặc biệt là khi nghĩ về tương lai
3. Zero gravity (expression): having no force to pull objects to the ground, so that they float.
Example: Living in conditions of zero gravity in space must be extremely tiring and
Nghĩa: không có lực tác động kéo vật xuống mặt đất nên chúng trôi nổi
4. To float through space (expression): to move slowly in the air
Example: Space tourism would be really boring, simply floating through space and looking
out of the window of the spacecraft.
Nghĩa: di chuyển chậm rãi trong không khí
5. Alien life forms (expression): creatures from another world
Example: One of the most exciting possibilities of the space program is finding alien life forms
on other planets.
Nghĩa: những sinh vật ở ngoài hành tinh
6. The quest for a new homeland (expression): the search for a new place to inhabit
Example: As humans are destroying their own planet, the quest for a new homeland in the
universe is essential.
Nghĩa: cuộc tìm kiếm địa điểm khác để định cư

Part 2
29.Describe an intelligent person you know
You should say:
- Who is the person
- When and where you first met him/ her

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- What kind of person he or she is
-And explain why you think this person is intelligent
(Who is the person)

I’m going to describe a friend of mine, Phuong Chau, who is an intelligent girl. We have been
through thick and thin for about 15 years since primary school, so we know each other inside
out. Chau is full of energy and always displays a cheerful disposition towards others, which
has endeared her to people she comes into contact with.

(When and where you first met him/ her)

I met Chau on the very first day in primary school, and her warm gestures comforted me a
great deal. Despite her young age at that time, Chau seemed really mature and she helped me
a lot during the school years. We have maintained our friendship over a decade, and shared
both successes and hardships with each other. Practically, no words can describe the bond
between us.

(What kind of person he or she is)

I found in Chau an important attribute, which distinguishes her from most of her peers. It is the
way she faced up to her scholarly setbacks with great decency and resilience. Her strenuous
efforts and unflinching belief helped her to overcome obstacles, make progress, and seek out
opportunities to succeed, which inspired many of her schoolmates. I was greatly impressed by
her efforts and tremendous progress both in academic achievement and personal growth. She
treats other with grace and always looks on the bright side of the problem, so I think positivity
is one of her most attractive traits.

(And explain why you think this person is intelligent)

I have met individuals who are extremely intelligent by society’s standards: good at
mathematics, great memory, holders of PhDs and so on and so forth. Yet, how I measure a
person’s intelligence is not by the knowledge they possess, but by the manner with which they
deal with people. In Chau, you can see her interpersonal intelligence and cooperation capacity,
which help her negotiate with patience, insight and temperance different problems both
academically and socially. She is fully aware of her own direction and determined to achieve
her targets by any means.


1. through thick and thin [expression]: If you support or stay with someone through
thick and thin, you always support or stay with them, even if there are problems
or difficulties: trải qua vui buồn cùng nhau
Eg: She has st uck wit h m e through thi ck and t hi n.

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2. disposition [n]: the particular type of character that a person naturally has: tính
Eg: She is of a nervous/cheerful/sunny disposition.
3. comfort [v]: to make someone feel better when they are sad or worried: an ủi, làm cho
thoải mái
Eg: The girl's mother was at home today, being comforted by relatives.
4. hardship [n]: (something that causes) difficult or unpleasant conditions of life, or an
example of this: khó khăn, gian khổ
Eg: The 1930s were a time of high unemployment and economic hardship.
5. resilience [n]: the ability to be happy, successful, etc. again after something difficult or
bad has happened: sự kiên cường
Eg: Trauma researchers emphasize the resilience of the human psyche.
6. strenuous [adj]: needing or using a lot of physical or mental effort or energy: hăng hái
Eg: Strenuous efforts were made throughout the war to disguise the scale of civilian
7. positivity [n]: the quality of having a positive attitude: sự lạc quan
Eg: I'm a great believer in positivity.
8. negotiate [v]: to deal with something difficult: giải quyết vấn đề
Eg: The company's had some tricky problems to negotiate in its first year in
9. insight [n]: (the ability to have) a clear, deep, and sometimes sudden understanding of
a complicated problem or situation: sự sâu sắc
Eg: It was an interesting book, full of fascinating insights into human relationships.
10. by any means [expression]: at any costs: bằng bất cứ giá nào
Eg: We need to court that big investor by any means, so shameless flattery is a fine
place to start.

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