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Reflection #1

St. Paul University Philippines

Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500


As a Paulinian what is the relevance of knowing the humble beginnings of my beloved

In this world we live in, people are faced with immense

challenges and so we need enlightenment from diverse humans and
institutions that we’ll come across with. Just as how we got to
know our new friends and acquaintances, we also need to know and
learn the humble beginnings of our university the moment we decided
to be part of it.
The discussions that we had in our session have helped me
learn more about St. Paul University Philippines. It paved the way
for me to realize that this university is a catalyst of change, but
more than that, a body of Christ – who fervently serve its people
and who fosters love and compassion, just as how Christ commanded
us to be. Saint Paul University Philippines core values have paved
the way to where the University has set today. These values were
evident to its ministries: Education, Health and Pastoral. Their
mission doesn’t just end with introducing Christ Jesus on the
people, but of reaching out for them, by educating them, giving
care, love and compassion to those who are needy. Nothing can be
more satisfying than showing our brethren the love of our Lord
Lastly, having this knowledge would make me a proud Paulinian,
and in a larger context, it would make me a responsible,
compassionate and Christ-like individual who will uphold His
teachings in this world.
Reflection #2

St. Paul University Philippines

Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

Name: EDMAR G. SAGUN Course : MAED

Paul was a tireless, fearless and faithful worker of the Gospel of Jesus. His self-giving
love was like that of Jesus who gave his whole life for us.

How does the life of St. Paul appeal to you?

Do you also have the desire to follow him as he tells us:
How do you follow Christ who gave his whole life for you?

Walk by faith and not by sight, says the Apostle Paul. As I

look back to the life and journey of Paul, I learned that God
doesn’t only choose the good ones who will uphold His teachings in
this world. Paul was once a persecutor of Christians but God has
found him and changed him into the man he has become. It is the
Holy Spirit that made him obey the will of God, and with that I was
moved. It should’ve been very hard for Paul to obey because he knew
he would be condemned and persecuted by his countrymen. But he
continued, He preached the good news to the gentiles—a character
which I want to pursue in my life.

I can relate my experience to that of Paul, but I am not as

bold as him and that is something I would like to work on, to be
bolder in sharing the salvation which our Lord Jesus gave to us. If
we don’t work for it, then who will? It may be difficult for us but
just as what the bible teaches us, that we should not only believe
in Him but also to suffer for Him. Following Christ doesn’t happen
overnight, but it is following Him-his teachings ‘til the last day
here on earth. It is living my life to what is righteous. I believe
that when I follow our Lord Jesus, I have to be compassionate,
forgiving, and generous to the poor. Having Christ Jesus in my life
means aiming for what is heavenly and despising for what is

It is important to set our lives in the side of God because

Jesus died for us already and we are all bound to the judgment day.
It is but our own decision which path to take but we have to give
importance to the sacrifice of Jesus. First thing to do is to
accept Him, let Him work in our lives, trust His ways and live His
teachings, just as what Paul has portrayed in the days of his life.
Pauline Letter
St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500



Please refer to the assignment Letter of Paul to you in the attendance sheet.

Letter Structure of Paul

Supply the second column with the specific verses to which the structure of the Pauline
letter is responded.
Letter Opening
-Identification of the Sender Galatians 1: 1
-Designation of Recipient Galatians 1:1
-The Greeting Galatians 1:3-5
Letter Thanksgiving
- Thanksgiving Galatians 1:3-11
- Function Galatians 2:2-11
The Letter Body
- A. Disclosure of the Problem Galatians 1:6-7
- B. The Appeal Galatians 1:8-12
- C. The Now About Section Galatians 1:13-24
- D. The Confidence Section Galatians 2:1-10
- E. The Exhortation Section Galatians 5:16-12
The Letter Closing
A. The Peace Benediction Galatians 5:1-5
B. The Final Greetings Galatians 5:13-18
C. The Autograph Galatians 5:19-26
D. The Final Exhortation Galatians 4: 26-31
E. The Grace Benediction Galatians 6: 1-10
F. The Greetings Galatians 6:11-18
Salient Points
St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500


Cite a specific verse in your specific assignment that presents indicative and imperative

Galatians 1:6-9

6 I am astounded that you are so quickly deserting him who

called you in the grace of Christ, and that you are turning to
a different gospel 7 —not that there is another gospel, but
there are some who trouble you and want to twist the gospel
of Christ. 8 But even if we or an angel from heaven should
preach to you a 'gospel' that is contrary to the gospel we
preached to you, let him be accursed. 9 We've told you this
before, and now I say it again. If anyone is preaching to you
a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be


Indicative verb is a verb that states factual information,

certainty and actuality while imperative verb is the one that gives
command. Therefore in the verse above, the indicative verb would be
“—not that there is another gospel, but there are some who trouble
you and want to twist the gospel of Christ and the imperative verb
is “If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you
received, let him be accursed. In the two verbs and with their
example, we can clearly identify their relationship or connection.
St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

Paul’s Ethos:





A. Key Points: (In bullet form)

 Christ

 Holy Spirit

 Prayer

 Self-image

 New Creation

 Dying and Rising with Christ

B. My Personal Reflection:

Paul’s ethos is centered upon the life and teaching of Jesus,

the Holy Spirit, and prayer. These three are the sources or
foundation of his ethos, in which he wants his followers to look
upon these things and strive for these things. It means that for
someone who was called by God, he must possess Jesus Christ in his
life, he must let the Holy Spirit work for his life and that it is
empowered by the power of prayer.
These three sources of Paul’s ethos have their fruits. It
includes Self-image, New creation, and Dying and Rising with
Christ. Looking on its relationship with its sources, I can say
that as a person, she must know her character, her capabilities,
weaknesses, and her image as a person. Knowing what your self-image
is will help you determine the things you need to change and retain
in your life. This will be of great help when one aspires to follow
Jesus. Because when we accept Him, through the Holy Spirit that is
in us, we are already new creation, our past has been forgiven and
it is now then expected from us to despise evil things, to unlearn
unrighteous acts and to refrain ourselves from committing the same
mistake again. That is what new creation means, it is Jesus living
in us. And as a new creation, it is also expected from us to
continue working for the gospel of the Lord, to manifest kindness
towards others until the last day of our lives. For when we live
our days here on earth working for the Lord, our physical body may
die, but soon enough we will rise again with Christ, a life that is
incorruptible, a life that would be eternal.

Moreover, there are aspects which comes with these ethos,

these are righteousness, gospel, faith, community, hospitality,
grace, freedom, knowledge, wisdom, interaction with the poor,
parousia, and judgment. Paul integrates all these things because he
wanted the people, his followers to continue his journey—to serve
God, his people, and the community. And Paul’s ethos work from the
inner core of a person towards the outer core. He simply wants his
followers to pursue Jesus Christ in their lives and every good
thing shall follow. And as a teacher and at the same time a
student, I look forward on achieving and pursuing this ethos which
I can use for my future endeavors.
- St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500



As Paulinians we had journeyed back into Paul’s time and had a

glimpse of the life of Paul and were informed of his ethical
teachings through the available materials at hand. Somehow we have
known St. Paul the Apostle, the Patron of the Paulinians. And so,
for a deeper understanding and reflection of Paul’s life and
teachings, take time to read the suggested readings, the Bible and
search for other possible materials for your references. Based on
your readings and reflection on the life of St. Paul, please answer
the following reflectively. Please indicate your sources and
references following the APA format. Bibliography should be
indicated at the last page. Please use Courier New font face and 12
font size for all your output.
Road to Damascus Experience

As I have read the ‘road to Damascus experience of Paul, and

after having some research about the meaning of road to Damascus
experience, I have internalized if what part of my life or is there
any point in my life that I have experience such thing? A part of
me says YES. But what is it? Does it have a comparison with the
experience of Paul? Is it meaningful? Does it make the world a
better place to live in? The answers are all YES.

I grew up in a Christian family and that the story about Adam

and Eve, about the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and some of the
bible stories were introduced to me at a young age. As a child, I
was told to go at church every Sunday and attend the Sunday school
services for the primary level. Aside from that, I always join the
DVBS during summer vacations and would do varied activities geared
towards the theme of such event. As I grew older, I participated in
the dance ministry wherein we are going to perform tambourine
dance. I was also taught to play instruments and that it was
inculcated in my mind that our talents should be use for the glory
of God. I also grew up having this thought in my mind: that I
should not befriend those who are bad, who could lead us to the
wrong path, that I should shut my doors with them.

Until one day, a pastor preached about GRACE. It’s not my

first time to hear such word, but it was during that time that I
have learned it. It is indeed one of the most powerful preaching I
have heard yet and there’s so much learning I have kept in my heart
which I use today. One is if God is gracious to us, then why can’t
we be generous and forgiving to others? If God loves the sinners,
then why can’t we love our fellowmen? If God gives chances to us,
then why can’t we let others change? Grace is beyond one’s
understanding but I’m grateful for the things I have learned.

As I grew older, I have learned the trend of this world. It’s

extremely disorganized, people having a rally on the streets,
rebellion of armed forces groups, children and women abuse, vices
that causes broken relationships, families who fights against their
families, brothers against brothers, discrimination, inequalities
and all other forms of injustices—these sums up the current
situation of our world. I asked myself, what causes these
phenomenons? And behind these things, who is out there happily
seeing these people who fight and suffer? It’s probably not God.

These scenarios have a likeness with the experience of Paul.

As I look back with my readings to the journeys of Paul, he had
also encountered such things; he had witnessed how people treat
each other. Such actions were a manifestation that people have to
better their situation and they could only do that if they put
their faith unto God. The same thing it implies in our situation
today, where the confusion is, let the word of God be known to men.

With those crises in us, it is not a time for me to turn my

back to those who need enlightenment; rather it is the BEST
opportunity to share the love of God. Remember, Paul doesn’t
preached the teachings of God to those people who had already know
Him, but he preached it to those who did not yet received Christ in
their lives. So I’ve come to realized that what was taught to me
growing up was absolutely wrong. If people lose, we stop, we
despise them. When someone’s path leads to somewhere else, we walk
away from them. But I have understand and realized that I was
When one fails, help him stand. When a person loses, help him
find the right way, when one becomes bad, we should not judge him.
As followers of Christ, we don’t push them away; instead we
introduce them to Jesus. People should start believing that during
the storm that our faith becomes firm. Our faith to God can never
be tested not unless we experienced shame and persecution, just
like what Paul have experienced in his journeys.

Having in mind my realization that one should be brave in

sharing the word of God to those ‘who need’ it, I know there will
be people who will discourage me. Sharing the word of God is the
most difficult task to do as portrayed in the journeys of Paul. But
I know that in the end, it will be all worth it. Because in this
world, there are so many people who needs to be understand, to be
accepted and to be help. Money, relationships, and power are just
temporary things. What they need is enlightenment—the word of God.
And so if we say them words that are awful, we only worsen their
situation, but if we can just accept, embrace, and pray for them,
they might as well redirect their path unto the will of God and
change their lives for the better.

This experience I have gave me realizations such as I should

not own my knowledge about Christ Jesus, rather, I should share it
with others most especially to those who did not yet received Him,
because Christ did not only die for me but for those people also.
And as a follower of Christ, I choose not turn my back to them, not
to despise and judge them, but by the help of the One above, I
would embrace and share the goodness of our Lord to them. And from
that, I believe I have understood the command of Apostle Paul to
the people, to be imitators of him as he is of Christ.
On the character of Paul, what did you discover about Paul that you
intend to imitate and apply to both your personal and professional
life? (2-3 pages)

The opportunity to learn about the life of Paul gave me so

much insight on how does a person becomes an apostle or follower of
Christ. Paul is an excellent example for the followers of Christ
today. First in his road to Damascus experience, he saw a light and
from that, God talk to him. He received a calling from Him and
second thing he did was to obey and submit himself to the Lord. I
think that was the foundation to where Paul has reached unto his
life, because of obedience and submission. Nowadays, God can talk
to us in so many ways but only few who OBEY and SUBMIT. One reason
I see why people can’t obey and submit themselves is because they
are afraid to be persecuted, ashamed to be condemned of his past
doings and afraid that people will be observant of his actions. But
as I put my eyes unto the life of Paul, I would like to be as
obedient and submissive as him.

Paul in his journeys has portrayed so much resilience. If he

discovers that there are people who plan to attack him, or people
plans to kill him, it doesn’t stop him from going to different
places to continue his mission. He never feared for his life
because despite the threats to him, the more he was encouraged to
introduce God to the people. As what he has said in Acts
21:10,”Paul declared that he was ready, not only to be bound but to
die for the name of Christ.

Another character of Paul which is evident in his journeys was

his being vigilant. There were times most especially in the midst
of adversity that he would write the people and the church to keep
them away from any harm and that they should not be corrupted by
the works of evil, and to just remain and become productive with
their faith unto God.

The journeys of Paul wouldn’t become extraordinary without him

being dedicated, compassionate, and committed to his calling. A
simple man may easily tremble and give up when everything else
turns into chaos, but Paul was different. He portrayed his
perseverance, and put love in everything that he does. He has
written so many letters and he has been to different places and has
taught the people about God.

One thing I admire the most about Paul was his being selfless.
After his encounter with God, he no longer mind living his own
life, rather, he gave it to God and to the people—his days,
strength and time. His selflessness paved the way for the people to
find their true King, to know that they belong to the kingdom of
God and that the modern people today look up to him as an imitator
and good follower of Jesus Christ. His selflessness was not put
into waste; rather, his followers will reap it until the last day.

The characters of Paul like obedient, submissive, resilient,

vigilant, dedicated, compassionate, committed and selfless are the
things I want to follow and apply it in my life. Like in my
personal life, being an adult has an immense responsibility. In
this stage that we spend our time more on work, we prioritize to
advance our careers and knowledge, and we focus on material things
our salary could buy. We forget to better our characters as a
human, as a sister, as a friend, or a part of the society. In
short, we become self-centered.

But based on the characters of Paul which I learned from my

readings, I as a person should work on achieving these things,
because relationship with others, especially the relationship with
God are more important. I need to obey and submit to the will of
God, to live my purpose in this life. I have to be resilient in
times of difficulty, to be vigilant, to despise what is unrighteous
and share what should be taught as good. As a human, I have to be
dedicated, compassionate and committed in helping those who are
weak and poor. I would love to be the voice of those who are unable
to speak. I would love to extend a hand to those who would need it,
without expecting anything in return. I would love to make them
feel at ease, I would love to make them happy. Even just in simple

I know achieving these things would have an immense impact

with my profession. I am a teacher and I admit there are times that
my passion would run out. And that’s the reason I have to look up
with Paul. With his characters, I was inspired to apply it with my
profession. Probably the best word to describe teachers is their
selflessness, which I want to sustain it even more. Our work is so
tiring yet the most fulfilling one, and in order for us to keep
teaching, we need to sustain not only our selflessness but with
dedication, compassion and commitment.

Lastly, the characters which Paul has portrayed to his

journeys are very important in today’s situation. These characters
will be of great help in the formation of one’s values. I know I
can acquire these and use it in my personal and professional life,
to better my character towards other people, to my profession and
to God. And acquiring these things will make one a catalyst of
change, I just pray everyone could acquire these characters so we
can portray the love of God to our fellowmen.
Reflect on Paul’s ethical teachings. Draw their relevance in
today’s world and times. Include a discussion on Paul’s view of
sexuality.(Discuss extensively)

Paul’s ethical teachings are timeless. It means that these

teachings may be a thousand of years already; but still it is very
applicable in our present times. It serves as a mirror, guide and
reminder for everyone to keep them from doing unrighteous. It
provides learning for everyone on how to build a harmonious
relationship with our parents, friends, to the society, and to God.

The ethical teachings of Paul comes from four sources

namely Graeco-Roman, Jewish, especially that of Old Testament, the
life and words of Jesus Christ, and the working of St. Paul’s
powerful mind upon the morally fruitful idea of the believer’s
union with Christ. It means that these teachings were not solely
owned by Paul but there were influence that took place in order for
him to come up with these ethical teachings.

Ethical Teachings of Paul include the ‘Duties toward Self’

where Paul teaches and exhorts the individual to cultivate personal
virtues for his own personal welfare. Under these ethical teachings
are the following: personal purity, humility, tenderness and
gentleness, virtue of honest speech, self-control, labor omnia
vincil, independence, self-respect and the obligation of serving
and helping others.

It is then followed by ‘Social Duties’ wherein it is said

that the conditions prevalent in the society with which Paul was
acquainted and in daily contact determined the character of the
obligations which he laid upon the converts to Christianity. This
includes marriage, parents and children’s mutual obligation where
children should obey and honor their parents and parents not to
provoke their children, but to nurture them. Paul also emphasized
that masters and slaves should treat each other fairly, with the
recognition that God was over both. Another one is that love for
our neighbors should prevail. He also discussed the role of the
church that it should be a constant object of solicitude and
attention with the apostle, and that they should edify each other.
In addition to that, duties to the state was also mentioned which
means that Christians are under obligations to give respect to the
civil government, to pay taxes, and to pray for kings and all that
are in high places. The last in this teaching would be Christians
are to love their fellow-men and abound in love for them, rendering
good for evil, and exercising generosity, charity, and patience
toward all.

It is also important to include here the last ethical

teaching of Paul which is ‘Duties toward God’. Here, Paul did not
mention any laws of sacrifice, ceremony, and ritual. Instead, he
gave an emphasis of becoming worthy of the kingdom of God, and of
not murmuring against God. Paul did not bring so much about the
deeds of Jesus but he appears to have endeavored to gather the
intent of Jesus and the interpretation of the life of Jesus in what
may be called “the spirit of Jesus”.

In his ethical teaching which is personal purity, he insisted

it upon plainly and repeatedly. This teaching was discussed in 1
Thessalonians 4:3-7, 1 Corinthians 6: 12-20 and 10:8. This teaching
emphasizes the importance of one’s purity because our body is
united with Christ; it is the temple of the Holy Spirit, and it is
our body that received Christ. It means that one should refrain
from doing sexual immortality, to maintain our purity, because “God
did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life.”
Paul’s ethical teachings urge us to pursue what is highly
acceptable, to do what is good and righteous. Especially with
today’s generation, we are faced with immense problems — poverty,
corruption, injustices, sexual immortality, killings, and wars. The
youth loses good values, neglects the importance of education and
more and more people focuses and strives on acquiring fame, wealth,
and power. Our fellowmen were blinded, not knowing that these
things all contribute to the destruction of our relationship to
God. But with the application of Paul’s teachings, we can redirect
them and lead them to the right path. These teachings were
inculcated to us so we can help them. We are the instruments to
change the current situation of this world. In these present times
that these teachings should be taught, inculcated and fostered in
our lives so we can influence our fellowmen to better their lives.
Journal Reflection on Love as the Highest Virtue

“Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is

not arrogant or rude… Love bears all things, believe all things,
hopes all things, endures all things…So now faith, hope and love
abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.”

These verses about love show the real meaning of love. It is

the kind of love which God wants us to bestow for our fellowmen.
It is the love that gives serenity, the love that keeps the heart
guarded. Moreover, it is the love that teaches us to patiently
wait, to endure all things, and to believe that love conquers all
things. Love through these verses taught me that when I love, I
should not rush things, it inculcates the virtue of patience; when
I love, it should be a love that could perform good actions, a love
that could give understanding, empathy, care, sincerity, acceptance
and forgiveness. Love in these verses reminds us that no evil
actions shall prevail and that love can surpass all
misunderstanding. Love endures all things.

Love is beyond my comprehension. I may have felt or

experienced it but still I really can’t explain it. For example the
love which God has bestowed to us, it is out of love that He paid
the price of our sins—through His son Jesus Christ. As I have look
upon my past, and the past of humanity, I can see the great love of
our Father God, a love that only Him could give. One Sunday
service, I went for the altar call. The place was so full of the
presence of the Lord. I asked Him, what is in me that I was so
special to You? That Jesus took my place in the cross for me to be
saved? I cried. I cried. I could not even pronounce it, I could not
say it, I felt it but I will never know the depth of His love.
In another book of bible (Romans 12:9-21), love was
illustrated in a different manner, though it is also good one, but
these verses teaches us to manifest love in all of our actions. It
says that love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is
good. Be devoted to one another in love… Practice hospitality.
Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse… Live in
harmony with one another… Do not repay anyone evil for evil… Live
at peace for everyone… Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome
evil with good. These tell me to love my enemy, to display
affection towards others, to repay the good deeds with good ones
and to leave vengeance to God.

For me, an ordinary human could not follow all of these

things, for we are only humans. We are not God. I myself could not
say that I can love my enemy, to show them kindness despite their
offense, to repay them with kindness. But I also believe that when
I accepted Jesus in my life, I should uphold His character, it
means that I should be able to manifest these things in my life.
One would say that a person like me who imitates Jesus is fool.
Fool for treating my enemies with love and kindness. But is it not
delightful in the eyes of the Lord to love our enemies? After all,
we live our lives to please God, to bring glory to His name because
we are His people.

Love is the highest virtue. Love never fails. Love is

eternity. Love is supreme. Love is magical. People may come up with
different meanings of love, but the one true meaning of it which
will be made known to the whole wide world is that “God is Love.”
Because it is the love that saved us, the love that covers us, and
the love that sustains our life.
ANTHONY, ALFRED WILLIAMS.Oct.,1909.The biblical world,Vol.
34,No.4.The University of Chicago Press. Pp 249-258>about-the-school

May the Spirit of God be with you so that you may be able to share
generously for “God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Cor 9:7)

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