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Better Training for Safe Food

Workshop - Biosecurity at farm level

Biosecurity is the prevention of disease causing agents entering or leaving any place where farm
animals are present (or have been present recently). It involves a number of measures and protocols
designed to prevent disease causing agents from entering and leaving a property and being spread.

The objectives of the workshop include:

 To expose course participants during a visit to a real life situation at a pig holding
 To invite the participants to identify pathway of infections and critical control points at the
 To invite the participants to prepare a draft biosecuritry plan for the holding visited
 During a plenary session allow participants to present findings from the visit, to provide
information on the content of proposed biosecurity plans and to discuss plans

Method of work

 The participants will be dived into working groups having 4 – 5 participants in each group.
Each group will select a group leader and a reporter
 Some basic information will be provided on farm ownership, location, type of animal
production and farm management , see annex 1
 All participants will be given a Lay-out of the farm buildings, see annex 2

Visit to the farm

Each working group will work on the preparation of a biosecurity plan for the holding visited. The
plan shall be based on hazard analysis and critical control points (HACCP); a systematic approach
shall be applied to protect the holding’s animal population against infectious diseases. Solutions shall
be given to identified pathway of infections and suggest solutions.

Plenary session
The leader or reporter of working groups will in a plenary session be asked to present
findings from the holding visit, the proposed biosecurity plan and to discuss biosecurity issues.


1) Presentation given during BTSF training session (see USB stick)

2) Good practices for biosecurity in the pig sector. FAO Animal Production and Health Paper No.
169, FAO, Rome
3) Biosecurity of Pigs and Farm Security. Levis D. G and Baker R.B, University of Nebraska –
Lincoln Extension educational program

Information on Pig holding

Name of holding Sia “Ancers”

Street Abeju iela 4
Village Salaspils
Region Rigas rajons
Name of Owner Sia Ancers
Number of pigs 5 – 6.000
Type of The holding has sows, boars and piglets. Pigs, at the weight
production: of about 30 kg, are transported to farm for fattening located
Breeding of pigs in a distance of about 50 km and owned by the same owner. A
slaughterhouse is located next to the fattening farm
Veterinary A veterinarian, full time, is employed to provide services at
assistance the two farms and at a slaughterhouse belonging to the same owner.

Artificial The farm use artificial insemination. The semen is obtain

insemination from boars kept on the farm and occasionally semen is
bought from outside.
Vaccinations Vaccine used for protection agains: Mycoplasma-, Circovirus-, Parvovirus-
and Erysipelothrix-infections and Aujeszky‘s disease
Feed Obtained from one supplier
Liquid manure Liquid manure is sold and transported to neighbouring farms

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