The Effectiveness of Using Biometric Based Attendance Monitoring System

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The Effectiveness of Using Biometric Based Attendance

Monitoring System
Dandy F. Niez
Laarni O. Dulojan
Ailyn F. Impuesto
Sarah T. Ong

The study aimed to evaluate the Effectiveness of Biometric This study will intend to shed some light on how to address this
Attendance Monitoring System in SLSU. Using biometric problem and significantly reduce time and effort from doing
fingerprint reader to facilitate the monitoring of students the old conventional way of dealing student’s attendance. A
attendance. This study followed the framework of Design biometric based attendance monitoring system is designed
Science Research for Information Systems, thus, the researcher particularly for this kind of problem and this will prove to be
identified the problems and issues encountered in the effective and time efficient.
monitoring of attendance, defined the objectives of the study
and presented the result of the study. Furthermore, the system
greatly contributes in giving students ease and improving work Biometrics offers a systematic and advance verification
values. Specifically, it determined the profile of the process of student’s identification through physical means of
respondents; the features for a good automated attendance unique personal characteristics such as fingerprints. Among
system; the problems encountered by the representatives of other biometrics information includes speech, hand geometry
BSBA and ICT department and the students on the existing and iris / retinal scan as well as facial recognition or facial
system; the manner of keeping and organizing records; the characteristics.
security of the records; and the effectiveness of the existing
manual attendance system.

Keywords: Biometric; Attendance; Computerized System; 2. Literature Review

Monitoring System; Fingerprint
2.1 Biometrics
1. Introduction Biometric Identification System is widely used for
unique identification of humans mainly for
One of the most common issues in every workforce and
verification and identification. Biometrics is used as
institutions is management staffing and work-time efficiency.
a form of identity access management and access
In the same way an institution cannot be efficient in managing
control. So, the use of biometrics in the Automated
student’s attendance record if there is no intuitive system that
Attendance Monitoring and Servicing Time
will reduce the time of manually monitoring the attendance
Computation System is a secured approach.
records by doing the conventional method of paper sheets and
old file system method.
2.2 Fingerprint Scanner
Enrollees of academic institution in the Philippine is expected
to increase every year which means there will be more students Fingerprint identification system relies on capturing
who will also enroll in the secondary and tertiary levels. This an optical image, essentially a photograph, and using
pattern entails a problem in managing student’s attendance algorithms to detect unique patterns on the surface,
especially when there is a school related event conducted. such as ridges or unique marks, by analyzing the
lightest and darkest areas of the image. Similar to
According to Escobedo, (2012), using the manual system in smart phone cameras, these sensors can have a finite
keeping the records cause slow processing in scanning/finding resolution, and the higher the resolution, the finer
the students’ file, the records may not be completely secure. In details the sensor can discern about your finger,
the time spent in making servicing of the students, they increasing the level of security. However, these
encountered very serious problems such as long queuing and sensors capture much higher contrast images than a
taking of several minutes in inquiring their servicing regular camera. These scanners typically have a very
information. high number of diodes per inch to capture these
details up close. Of course, it’s very dark when your
finger is placed over the scanner, so optical scanners System Development Life Cycle
also incorporate arrays of LEDs as a flash to light up
the picture come scan time. Such a design is a bit
bulky for a smartphone though, where slim form
factors are important

3. Methodology and Procedure

This type of research was Development-Evaluative; the

researcher would develop a system and would be simulated
inside the campus to come up with an evaluation result. With
further findings, the researchers proposed the program which
is somewhat similar to that of other reviewed researches. These
SYSTEM FOR ICT STUDENTS OF SLSU-TO. This Figure 2. System Development Life Cycle
following existing document provides a huge influence to
proceed in this proposed program. As the transaction Figure 2 shows the life cycle of the system from
processing system accumulated the data in the database that requirement analysis to maintenance based from the
observation from the existing system, which is the manual
forms the information system. Same with this, servicing
inquiry system acknowledge all paper files containing the
servicing of each student of SLSU-TO would be merged  Requirement Gathering – We gathered all the possible
through database process. In COMPUTERIZED requirements for developing the system. From the BSBA
TRANSACTION AND INQUIRY SYSTEM OF IGP it is a and ICT Office, we asked the problems they have
vital instrument to make the process faster, reliable, and secure. encountered during attendance and keeping the records of
According to the encyclopedia, it develops to accommodate the students.
dramatic growth both in the amount of information and in the  System Design – In system design, we visualized the
needs to provide access to it. This helps the stored information design of the system and the document design. And also
become more reliable and accurate, as well as faster in specify the hardware that we will be using in the system
processing of the system which can improve keeping of and that is the Fingerprint biometric device.
documents.  Implementation – In Implementation, we now create the
Automated Attendance Monitoring and Servicing designs, integrates the codes. We developed the system
Time Computation System identified and characterized for each unit and tested for its functionality.
specific strategies, methods and tools appropriate to the work  Testing – We perform all the testing activities and we
among the members interacting as a whole. make sure all the requirements meet the expectation of the
 Deployment – In deployment, we conducted our system
B. Procedure to the respondents and test the system with them, we also
1. FUNCTIONS FOR ADMIN give them some questionnaires for them to answer based
a. To log-in on testing the system and then Oral Defense our system.
b. To input data  Maintenance - In maintenance, in case of changing the
c. To collect data representative, the system allows updating the
d. To add data information of the representative and if there are possible
e. To delete data features that can be added the system or better changes of
f. To update information the system
g. To set events
h. To access all information
This research study is aim to follow a systematic process
called the Input-Process-Output (IPO) model to develop a
(REPRESENTATIVE) customized Biometric Based Attendance Monitoring
a. To enroll the fingerprint of the students. System that will enable the user to input and process data
b. To view their name and servicing. and produce or retrieve stored information according to
c. To register and modify the information each students biometric identity.
d. To inquire information of the students.


a. To enroll fingerprint in the device.
b. To view students number of servicing be done.
3.2 Process

Following after the registration of the students all the

information gathered are stored in a database and will
be readily available for retrieval upon the user’s
request. When the students enters the premises all
they have to do to have their attendance check is to
simply use the finger print scanner in order to
authenticate their identification.
Figure 1: Input-Process-Output (IPO) Model

Figure 1 shows the initial gathering of data from all
students including biometric information and stored it in
a database and retrieve the desired information for
reporting purposes. Fingerprint

3.1 Registration

During the deployment of the system it is essential to No

assign users according to functionality privileges and Aunthentication
restrictions. System users are classified as
administrators and ordinary users where the
administrator has all the privileges of the systems
functionality over a limited ordinary user. Once the Yes
users has been assigned all the students in each
department should be enrolled with all the necessary
information needed to identify themselves when they Confirmed! Database
need to login or logout from within the premises.

Start End

Fingerprint Figure 3: Attendance Authentication

3.3 Report Generation

This procedure involves the printing of consolidated

data on a specific student in order to view his overall
Aunthentication records and whether or not the student was able to
complete his/her attendance. Through this system the
job of consolidation will be easily and quickly
performed without too much time and hard work.

4. Results and Discussion

Data entry

Table 1 shows that the system’s reading of the

fingerprint as well as the security of the system is very
effective. On the other hand the security of the data input has
End least average comparing to the other but yet still effective.
Overall the total result of the proposed system data gathered is
highly effective.

Figure 2: Operational Flowchart

Table 1. Effectiveness of the System

Weighted Standard
Efficiency Description
Mean Deviation 6. References
1. Processing
[1] Aberdeen, F. (2008). Time Management System in
time in Organization. Wesley Pub. London.
3.66 .588 VE
checking of [2] Crowell, K. (2002). Importance of biometric
Technology. Carnegie Mellon University.
attendance. [3] Feng Zhao and Xiaoou Tang, “Preprocessing and
2. Accuracy postprocessing for skeleton-based fingerprint minutiae
extraction”, Pattern Recognition Society, Published by
in computing
.568 Elsevier Ltd, 2006
the services [4] Magay, J(2017). Biometric Attendance Monitoring
3.69 VE System of Cagayan State University-LASAM Campus,
to be
Philippines, Published by International Journal of
rendered by Research Granthaalayah, 2017
3. Security of .627
the data 3.62 VE Dandy F. Niez
input. Completed his BS Computer
Engineering Degree at the
4. Mobility of .567 University of Cebu in 2002.
3.65 VE
the system.
5. Reading of .520
the 3.75 VE Sarah Tuyor Ong
fingerprint. Kinachawa, San
6. Security of .595
3.67 VE
the system.
3.67 VE

Anna Cristina C.
LEGEND: Cornejo
3.26-4.00- Very Effective (VE) Biasong, Libagon, So.
2.51-3.25- Moderately Effective (ME) Leyte
1.76-2.50- Less Effective (LE)

5. Conclusion and Recommendation

Based on the information and test results conducted from
this study it is evident that using Biometric Based Ailyn F. Impuesto
Attendance Monitoring System proves to be highly Brgy. Lawaan, Abuyog
efficient which can save time and produce satisfactory Leyte
output. The researchers recommend that this will be
adopted to the different departments and campuses of
SLSU and even to other colleges or university. Not every
institution has the same attendance policies but the one in
this particular research study can be upgraded and
customized according to the needs of an organization.
Furthermore, biometric attendance monitoring system
provides more versatility and ease of use because of its
intuitive design.

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