What Is The Effects of Cyberbullying

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People nowadays are using social media in their everyday lives. Social media has

advantages and disadvantages. It can make our lives easier because of its high technology

and easy access. The disadvantage of using this is that it can ruin someone’s life whether it

is intended or not. One of the examples of this is the cyberbullying. What is Cyberbullying?

Is there any possible reason to stop this? What is the effect of Cyberbullying? Let’s discuss

about that.

Cyberbullying is the use of technology to harass, threaten, embarrass, or target

another person. Examples of cyberbullying include mean text messages or emails, rumors

sent by email or posted on social networking sites, and embarrassing pictures, videos,

websites, or fake profiles.

what is the effects of cyberbullying

-fear of internet, low self-esteem, depression, decrease of academic achievement,changes in

sleep and eating patterns, anxiety, suicide.

Here are some tips to prevent Cyberbullying. First, encourage teenagers to

appropriately limit what they post online. Secondly, victims of cyber bullying should

change their online accounts in order to prevent further harassment. Lastly, Parents and

other adults responsible for the safety of teenagers should get involved by appropriate

monitoring of online activities. Teaching appropriate online behaviour to teens is also


Parents should be aware of what to do if their child was being cyberbullied. If they

discovered that their child is being cyberbullied, offer comfort and support. Talking about
any bullying experiences in their childhood might help their child feel less alone. Encourage

your child not to respond to cyber bullying, because doing so just fuels the fire and makes

the situation worse. But do keep the threatening messages, pictures, and texts, as these can

be used as evidence with the bully's parents, school, employer, or even the police. You may

want to take, save, and print screenshots of these to have for the future.

If you are experiencing cyberbullying ignore it, don’t mind it ,because you only know

the truth about yourself. Don’t be affected of what their saying.

And it is really important to think before you post anything online in social media.

One click may affect someone’s life, that’s why you have to remember to “think before you


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