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gain some familiarity with this important area. The neurologic levels.

Although some of the information

book is well produced, the articles are clearly written, presented has been oversimplified in a stylized manner,
and every effort has been made to avoid the overlap overall the text is clear, concise, and beautifully illus-
among authors that is so frequently found in multi- trated.
author volumes. The book is divided into two parts: nerve root lesion
JOHN GERGELY, MD and spinal cord lesion by neurologic level. However, the
Boston, Massachusetts book’s title, Orthopaedic Neurology, could be misleading.
The author did not intend to write a textbook of
orthopedic neurology; rather, he has provided a well-
ETHICS IN MEDICINE: written, beautifully illustrated manual that serves as a
HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVES AND diagnostic guide to the specific neurologic levels. To
CONTEMPORARY CONCERNS this reviewer, the book’s greatest value lies in its
Edited Stanley J. Reiser, Arthur J. Dyck, and William simplified and stylized illustrations. The author should
J. Curran, 667 pp, illus, M I T Press, Cambridge, M A , be complimented on making this highly visual ap-
1977. $15.00 (paper) proach possible. I can recommend this manual to a
This is a compendium of essays on ethical issues in wide spectrum of readers: orthopedic, neurosurgical,
medicine. It is divided into eight sections, each with an neurologic, physical medicine, and family practice
introduction by the editors. The topics covered are the residents as well as physical therapists. I further suggest
doctor-patient relationship, the moral bases of medical that a copy be kept for general reference in all
ethics, regulation of medicine, truth-telling, experi- emergency rooms.
mentation on humans, procreative decisions (popula- WON H. OH, MD, FACS
tion policy, genetic control, abortion, and fetal Boston, Massachusetts
experimentation), suffering and dying, and problems
in the provision of medical care. The latter six sections
are followed by illustrative case histories which serve as FUNCTION AND METABOLISM OF
a basis for discussion of the topics covered. PHOSPHOLIPIDS IN THE
The essays were chosen to provide a diversity of CENTRAL AND PERIPHERAL
opinions on each subject. They are written by leading NERVOUS SYSTEMS
thinkers in the field, of both contemporary and earlier Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, Volume 72
periods, and all have been published previously. The Edited C. Porcellati, L. Amaducci, C. Calli, 412 pp,
compilation serves the useful purpose of making these illus, Plenum Press, New York, 1976. $36.50
papers easily available to students, and the book grew This collection of 30 papers presented at the Interna-
out of courses taught by the editors. The illustrative tional Satellite Meeting on Function and Metabolism
cases are well chosen. of Phospholipids in Central and Peripheral Nervous
I would have preferred longer introductory state- Systems, held in Tuscany in August 1975, is an am-
ments that were more analytical of the material con- bitious contribution to the field of phospholipid re-
tained in each section. The editors have merely search. Spanning the realms of membrane structure,
described the essays and put them into context. I also lipid turnover, and pharmacologic and behavioral roles
think the section on the moral bases of medical ethics is of phospholipids, this volume manages to survey an
too short, particularly as regards the attention it pays enormous range of material without sacrificing detail.
to philosophical ethics. Mill, Ross, Rawls, and Hart are These factors ensure its value to researchers of diverse
not sufficient to represent the foundations of Western interests and at different stages in their careers.
ethics. Those concerned with the metabolism of phos-
The book, nonetheless, is a valuable tool for teachers pholipids will be particularly gratified by the theoreti-
of ethics in medicine, because it brings together a great cal and experimental analysis that Horrocks and his
many important writings. It is a good starting point for colleagues provide regarding the calculation and inter-
anyone interested in the field. pretation of phospholipid turnover experiments. Those
LESTER S. ADELMAN, MD readers with a particular interest in neuropharmacol-
Boston, Massachusetts ogy will find the contributions of Rowe and Ellis and of
Abdel-Latif to be particularly insightful reviews of the
actions of neurotransmitters on cyclic nucleotides and
membrane phospholipid turnover. Additional note-
By Stanley Hoppenfeld, 131 pp, illus, J. B. Lippincott Co, worthy papers include the Suns’ review of “Functional
Philadelphia, PA, 1977. $15.00 Roles of Phospholipids of Synaptosomal Membranes,”
This profusely illustrated manual provides a diagnostic Dawson and Gould’s views of “Renewal of Phos-
guide to neurologic levels. The author states in the pholipids in the Myelin Sheath,” and Thompson’s
preface that the text is intended for those who wish to “Cytidine Diphosphate Diglyceride of Bovine Brain
understand more clearly the clinical concepts behind and Liver: Isolation and Characterization.”

256 MUSCLE & NERVE M a y / J u n 1978

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