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Topic -Educational thoughts of Gandhiji 'Education, like family, marriage, Religion, law politics is

one of the important institutions of the society which plays pivotal role in maintaining and developing
social system'. 'Gandhiji's contribution to education is unique in the sense that he made the first attempt
to develop an indigenous scheme of education in British colonial rule in India. With the advent of British
colonial rule in India an alien system of imperil education was introduced which was in contradiction
with the age old and unique educational system of India . Gandhiji always viewed education as an all-
round development and hot just as literacy. His philosophy of education is a harmonious blending of
Idealism, Naturalism and Pragmatism.Idealism is the base of Gandhi's philosophy, whereas Naturalism
and Pragmatism are helpers translating that philosophy into practice. Therefore he is known as the
practical-idealist.His notion was 'An education for life, education through out life'. Gandhi's educational
thoughts were influenced by his philosophy of life. Most of Gandhiji's important writings on education
have been compiled in two books namely Basic Education (1951) and Towards New Education (1953).
Gandhi's Basic Education takes up the challenging task of preparing the young learners to become
morally sound, independent, socially constructive, economically productive and responsible future
citizens of India. Gandhiji Stated 'By education, I mean all-round drawing out the best in child's and
man's body, mind and spirit. Literacy is neither the beginning, nor the end of education. It is only a
means through which an man or a woman can be educated'.Gandhiji believed that the aim of education
should be developing the integrand personality of the child. To Conclude Mahatma Gandhiji's
contribution to the field of education is outstanding. He has been considered to be a revolutionary
educational thinker of the modern India. Through his education scheme he wanted to bring about a
social revolution in our country. Gandhian approach to education is very practical and hence proved
beneficial for our country.


Siddhi Pophale


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