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Agriculture is the back bone of our country.

Agriculture is no longer what it used to be

intensive, mechanized operations are fast changing the tempo of agriculture. Agriculture is the
base of Indian economy; a large number of populations depend upon the agriculture sector for
their lively hood. India needs very big quality of food grains to feed her population. So, it is
high time that we need to improve modern agriculture equipment and their implementation to
increase the productivity in agriculture sector. The western countries are now able to produce
excess of food grains using better techniques. Now the time has come or has exceeded for us
to step in to the mechanized agriculture.

Agriculture is a significant sector of the Indian economy and over 70% of the country depends
on it as their major source of income. Farmers can adopt modern agricultural technologies to
increase farm yield due to the increase in demand for food supply. The agricultural machinery
market is predicted to grow at a CAGR of nearly 6% during the forecast period. Farm
equipment manufacturers are concentrating on integrating technologies like robotic systems,
GPS, and Google Earth navigation systems in the existing Indian agricultural machinery in the
agriculture equipment market in India to improve productivity. Another major driver for the
predicted growth in this market is the low rates and government subsidies offered to farmers to
adopt agricultural machinery. The Indian agricultural equipment market was worth INR 908
Billion in 2018.

The market is further projected to reach a value of INR 1,289 Billion by 2024, growing at a
CAGR of 6% during 2019-2024. Over the last few years, there has been a considerable progress
in agriculture mechanization. A significant proportion of farmers in the country have already
started moving from using animate sources to mechanical equipment’s to power their farming
activities. Mechanical equipment’s for various farm operations like tillage, sowing, irrigation,
plant protection and threshing, etc., are generally being used by the farming community. As a
result of increasing farm mechanization trends, the agricultural equipment market has
witnessed strong growth in the past few years. This market is currently being driven by a
number of factors such as easy availability of credit, government incentives, increasing
agricultural productivity, emergence of contract farming, increasing rural incomes, etc.

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