Guest Registration Form - A: Yahanuuu HOTEL Jl. Bebalu No. 21 Pemenang PH: XXXXXX

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Yahanuuu HOTEL

Jl. Bebalu No. 21 Pemenang

Ph: xxxxxx


No. 0000

Name-Nama(Mr./Mrs./Miss) Arrival Date - Tanggal Kedatangan

Home Address-Alamat Rumah Departure Date - Tanggal Keberangkatan

City-Kota State -Daerah Country - Negara Coming From - Datang dari

Passport No./IC. No Issued by: Visa: Next Destination - Tujuan Berikut

No. Passport/KTP No.

Nationality - Kebangsaan Occupation - Pekerjaan Form of Payment:

Date Place of Birth-Tempat tanggal lahir Company Name - Nama perusahaan Traveller's Cheque
Credit card No.
Travel Agent
Purpose of Visit-Maksud Kunjungan Company Address - Alamat Perusahaan Voucher No.

Bussines Pleasure Others Company Acc

( )
Guest Signature - Tanda Tangan

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