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Introduce your self (name, age, origin, occupation):

My name is Diego, I am Thirty-Seven years old.

I am from Rionegro,
I am working as guardian in the Model Jail.

Introduce one of your classmates (name, age, origin, occupation):

He is Fabian, he is Thirty- Nine years old.
He is from Bucaramanga,
He Works as Singer.

What does tour family usually do on Sundays? Talk abaut you:

I like to walk on the countryside,
I also like to go fishing.

¿Fabian, where are from?

I am from Bucaramanga.
¿Diego, where do you live?
I am living in Rionegro.
¿Fabian, do you have children?
I have not children.
¿Diego, who is your favorite person?
My daughter Pilar.
¿Fabian, do you have pets?
I have a dog, its name is Zeus.
¿Diego, which is your favorite activity?
I like to go fishing.
Abuelo: Grand father. Abuela: Grand mother.

Suegro: Father in law. Suegra: Mother in law.

Esposo: Husband. Esposa: Wife.

Cuñado: Brother in law. Cuñada: Sister in law.

Tío: Uncle. Tía: Aunt.

Hijo: Son. Hija: Daughter.

Sobrino: Nephew. Sobrina: Niece.

Primo: Cousin. Prima: Cousin.

Nieto: Grand child. Nieta: Grand daughter.

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