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Name : Francis Henry A.

Program : MBA - FM
Subject : BM 212 – Human Resource Management and Development
Professor : Mr. Manolito C. Alsola CPA, MBA
Topic : Reaction paper for Job Analysis and Talent Management

It seems that there are similarities in Personnel Planning and Recruitment with Talent
Management however, it is understood that Talent Management comes first then Personnel
Planning and Recruitment in which is a goal-oriented and integrated process of planning,
recruiting, developing, managing and compensating employees.

Job analysis is a very important function of HR, which is related with many activities of
human resources management. Theoretically speaking, job design, job analysis, job
descriptions and job specifications are all around “work” to be, but from the company’s
current situation, the design work than not to change, the only way is indeed feasible that
using job analysis to evaluate the value of work position, even reasonable analysis can
achieve job enrichment and purposes of diversification.

Job analysis is an important function of human resource management, human resource

managers can fully understand the various important business links and business processes
of organization and management, its contributing to human resource management functions
to truly rise to strategic position. It can better understand the importance of job analysis
through analysis of the role of enterprises. It describes the process of job analysis which
enables enterprises better application of the results of job analysis.

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