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Design of Manufacturing Systems

Department of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering

Faculty of Engineering
Manufacturing Operations

q  Manufacturing Industries and Products

q  Manufacturing Operations
q  Production Facilities
q  Product / Production Relationship
Manufacturing Defined -
Technological Definition

Manufacturing - Application of physical and chemical processes to

change the geometry, properties, and/or appearance of a given
starting material to make parts or products.

§  Manufacturing also includes the

joining of multiple parts to make
assembled products
§  Accomplished by a combination of
machinery, tools, power, and manual
§  Almost always carried out as a
sequence of operations
Manufacturing Defined -
Economic Definition

Manufacturing - Transformation of materials into items of greater value

by means of one or more processing and/or assembly operations.

§  Key point: Manufacturing adds value to the material

§  Examples:
–  Converting iron ore to steel adds value
–  Transforming sand into glass adds value
–  Refining petroleum into plastic adds value
Manufacturing Operations
§  There are certain basic activities that must be carried out
in a factory to convert raw materials into finished products.
Physical activities that “touch” the
§  For discrete products: product
1.  Processing and assembly operations
2.  Material handling
3.  Inspection and testing Alter the geometry, properties
and appearance of the work
4.  Coordination and control
unit (Add value to the product).
The product must be inspected and/
or tested to ensure high quality.
The product must be moved from one operation
to the next in the manufacturing sequence.
Classification of
Manufacturing Processes

Transforms a work material

from one state of completion
to a more advanced state that
is closer to the final desired

Joint two/more components

to create a new entity.
Processing Operations
§  Shaping operations
―  Solidification processes (Casting, molding)
―  Particulate processing (Powder metallurgy)
―  Deformation processes (Forging, rolling, forming, bending)
―  Material removal processes (Turning, milling, drilling)

§  Property-enhancing operations (heat treatments)

§  Surface processing operations
–  Cleaning and surface treatments
–  Coating and thin-film deposition
Assembly Operations
Components of a new entity are connected together either
permanently or semi-permanently.

§  Joining processes

–  Welding
–  Brazing and soldering
–  Adhesive bonding

§  Mechanical assembly

–  Threaded fasteners (Bolts and nuts, screws)
–  Rivets
–  Interference fits (Press fitting, shrink fits)
Material Handling
Moving and storing materials between processing and/or
assembly operations.
§  Material transport
–  Vehicles, e.g., forklift trucks, monorails
–  Conveyors
–  Hoists and cranes

§  Storage systems

§  Unitizing equipment
§  Automatic identification and data capture
–  Bar codes
–  RFID (Radio frequency identification)
–  Other AIDC (Automatic identification and data capture)
Time Spent in Material Handling
Machine tool industry

Significance of material
handling and storage in
a typical factory
Inspection and Testing
Quality control activities.

Inspection – examination of the product and its components to

determine whether they conform to design specifications
–  Inspection for variables – measuring
–  Inspection of attributes – gaging

Testing – observing the product (or part, material, subassembly)

during actual operation or under conditions that might occur
during operation (functional specifications)
Coordination and Control
§  Regulation of the individual processing and assembly
operations (process level)
–  Process control Achievement of certain performance by manipulating
–  Quality control the inputs and other parameters of process.

§  Management of plant level activities

–  Effective use of labor
–  Maintenance of the equipment
–  Controlling inventory
–  Shipping products of good quality on schedule
–  Plant operating cost → Minimum
Production Facilities
§  A manufacturing company attempts to organize its
facilities in the most efficient way to serve the particular
mission of the plant
§  Certain types of plants are recognized as the most
appropriate way to organize for a given type of
§  The most appropriate type depends on:
–  Types of products made
–  Production quantity
–  Product variety
Production Quantity

Number of units of a given part or product produced annually

by the plant

Three quantity ranges:

1.  Low production – 1 to 100 units
2.  Medium production – 100 to 10,000 units
3.  High production – 10,000 to millions of units
Product Variety
Refers to the number of different product or part designs
or types produced in the plant.

§  Inverse relationship between

production quantity and product
variety in factory operations
Product Variety

§  Product variety is more complicated than a number

Hard product variety – products differ greatly
§  Few common components in an assembly
- Difference between a car and a truck is hard
Soft product variety – small differences between products
§  Many common components in an assembly
- Differences between car models made on the same
production line
product categories tends to be hard
The variety between different
models within the same
product category tends to be soft
Low Production

Job shop – makes low quantities of specialized and

customized products
§  Also includes production of components for these products
§  Products are typically complex (e.g., specialized machinery,
prototypes, space capsules)
§  Equipment is general purpose and the labor force is highly skilled
§  Plant layouts:
–  Fixed-position layout
–  Process layout
Fixed-Position Layout
Designed for maximum flexibility to deal with the wide part and product
If the product is large and heavy, difficult to move in the factory, it remains in a
single location at least during its final assembly.
Workers/processing equipment are brought to the product rather than moving
the product to the equipment.
Fixed-Position Layout (Example)
Fixed-Position Layout (Example)

Materials Storage Materials Storage Materials Storage Materials Storage

#1 #2 #3 #4

A Employee
Subcontractors Group #1

Group #2

Group #3

Machine Machine Machine

Group #1 Group #2 Group #3
Process Layout
Different parts requiring a different operation sequence, are routed through
departments in the particular order needed for their processing, usually in
Flexible – accommodate a great variety of alternative operations sequences for
different part configurations.
Much material handling is required to move parts between department
à in-process inventory is high
Process Layout



Assembly Grinding G

Receiving and
Shipping G G

A layout that groups similar activities together in departments of work
centres according to the process or function that they perform
Medium Production
Batch production – A batch of a given product is produced, and then
the facility is changed over to produce another product
–  Changeover takes time – setup time
–  Typical layout – process layout
–  Hard product variety

Cellular manufacturing – A mixture of products is made without

significant changeover time between products
–  Typical layout – cellular layout
–  Soft product variety
Cellular Layout (Example)
Before Applying Cellular Layout
After Applying Cellular Layout
High / Mass Production

Quantity production – Equipment is dedicated to the manufacture of

one product
–  Standard machines tooled for high production (e.g., stamping
presses, molding machines)
–  Typical layout – process layout

Flow line production – Multiple workstations arranged in sequence

–  Product requires multiple processing or assembly steps
–  Product layout is most common
Product Layout
Product layout is defined as the arrangement of facilities according
to the needs processing requirement and in the same sequence as
the operations necessary for producing the products or service.
Product Layout

L: Lathe D: Drilling A: Assembly

M: Milling G: Grinding
Relationship between Plant Layout
and Type of Production Facility
Product / Production Relationship
Production Quantity & Product Variety
§  Total number of product units Qf = PQ
Q = Production quantity, P = Product variety

§  Q refers to the numbers of units of a given part/product that are produced annually by a plant.

If we consider the product variety P

§  Total number of product units (made in the factory) = Qf = ∑ Q j

j =1
Qj = Annual quantity of style j
P = Total number of different part/product styles, j = 1, 2, 3, …, P

§  P refers to the different product designs/types that are produced in a plant.
Product / Production Relationship

Production Quantity & Product Variety


§  Total number of product units (made in the factory) = Qf = ∑ Q j

j =1

§  Product variety

–  Hard product variety (P1) = differences between products
–  Soft product variety (P2) = differences between models of products

§  Total number of product models = P = ∑ P2 j j = 1, 2, 3, …, P1

j =1
Example 2.1 (Pg.54)

A company specializes in home entertainment products.

It produces only TVs and audio systems. Thus P1 = 2.
In its TV line it offers 15 different models, and in its audio line it offers 5 models.
Thus for TVs, P2 = 15, and for audio systems, P2 = 5.
Total number of product models = P = ∑ P2 j
j =1

= 15 + 5 = 20
Product / Production Relationship

Product & Part Complexity

§  Product complexity np = number of parts per product
Product Number of Components
Mechanical Pencil (Modern) 10
Ball Bearing (Modern) 20
Rifle (1800) 50
Sewing Machine (1875) 150
Bicycle Chain 300
Bicycle (Modern) 750
Early Automobile (1910) 2000
Automobile (Modern) 20,000
Commercial Airplane (1930) 100,000
Commercial Airplane (Modern) 1,000,000
Space Shuttle (Modern) 10,000,000
Product / Production Relationship

Product & Part Complexity

§  Part complexity no = number of operations per part
Part Number of Processing Typical Processing
Operations Operations Used
Plastic Molded Part 1 Injection molding
Washer (Stainless Steel) 1 Stamping
Washer (Plated Steel) 2 Stamping, Electroplating
Forged Part 3 Heating, Forging, Trimming
Pump Shaft 10 Machining (from bar stock)
Coated Carbide Cutting Tool 15 Pressing, Sintering, Coating, Grinding
Pump Housing, Machined 20 Casting, Machining
V6 Engine Block 50 Casting, Machining
Integrated Circuit Chip 75 Photolithography, Thermal & Chemical
Factory Operations Model

Simplified for purposes of conceptualization:

§  Total number of product units Qf = PQ
§  Total number of parts produced npf = PQnp
§  Total number of operations nof = PQnpno
Example 2.2 (Pg.57)
Suppose a company has designed a new product line and is planning to build a new
plant to manufacture this product line.
The new line consists of 100 different product types, and for each product type the
company wants to produce 10000 units annually. P = 100, Q = 10000
The products average 1000 components each, and the average number of
processing steps required for each component is 10.
All parts will be made in the factory. np = 1000, no = 10
Each processing steps takes an average of 1 min.
a) how many products
b) how many parts
c) how many production operations will be required each year
d) how many workers will be needed for the plant, if each worker works 8 hrs/shift for
250 days/yr (2000 hrs/yr)?
Example 2.2 (Pg.57)

a)  How many products?
The total number of units to be produced by the factory is given by
Qf = PQ = 100 x 10,000 = 1,000,000 products annually.

b)  How many parts?

npf = PQnp = 1,000,000 x 1,000 = 1,000,000,000 parts annually.
c)  How many production operations will be required each year
nof = PQnpno = 1,000,000,000 x 10 = 10,000,000,000 operations.

d)  How many workers will be needed for the plant, if it operates one eight-hour shift
First consider the total time to perform these operations.
If each operation takes 1 min (1/60 hr)
Total time = 10,000,000,000 x 1/60 = 166,666,667 hr
If each worker works 2000 hr/yr (250 days/yr x 8 hr/day), then the total number
of workers required is w = 166,666,667 / 2000 = 83,333 workers.
The ABC Company is planning a new product line and will build a new plant to manufacture the
parts for a new product line.
P = 50
The product line will include 50 different models.
Q = 1000
Annual production of each model is expected to be 1000 units.
np = 400
Each product will be assembled of 400 components.
All processing of parts will be accomplished in one factory. no = 6
There are an average of 6 processing steps required to produce each component, and each
processing step takes 1.0 minute (includes an allowance for setup time and part handling).
All processing operations are performed at workstations, each of which includes a production
machine and a human worker.
If each workstation requires a floor space of 25 m2, and the factory operates one shift (2000 hr/yr).
a) how many production operations
b) how many workers will be required in the plant, and
c) how much floorspace.

This problem neglects the effect of assembly time.
a) How many production operations
nof = PQnpno = 50(1000)(400)(6) = 120,000,000 operations in the factory per year.

b) How many workers will be required in the plant.

Total operation time = (120 x 106 ops)(1min./(60 min./hr)) = 2,000,000 hr/yr.
At 2000 hours/yr per worker, w = 2,000,000 hr/yr = 1000 workers.
2000 hr/worker

c) How much floorspace, and

Number of workstations n = w = 1000.
Total floorspace = (1000 stations)(25 m2/station) = 25,000 m2

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