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© Copyright September 2019 by Roger Moore, Policy Analyst

Introduction of light, often single-occupant modes of transportation for

In September 2017, a startup company known as Bird short distances. Along with electric scooters, station-based
dispatched hundreds of dockless electric scooters* on the and dockless pedal and electric bicycles are the most com-
streets of Santa Monica, California.1 The small, motor- monly used micromobility vehicles, accounting for more
ized vehicles were equipped with GPS technology and than 80 million trips in 2018.4
customized to be located and unlocked via a smartphone
application. The scooters were rentable for a flat fee, with The affordability and accessibility of micromobility vehi-
an additional charge for each minute of usage, and could cles give them the potential to mitigate the most pressing
be left unattended at the rider’s destination, ready to be transportation and infrastructure issues facing cities and
activated by the next user. suburbs, including increased congestion, high emissions
and poor air quality, and inequitable access to convenient
Two years later, Bird operates fleets of electric scooters in transit options. However, the proliferation of electric
dozens of cities across the United States, with an estimated scooter usage on U.S. streets during the past two years
valuation greater than $2 billion.2 The company’s rapid has precipitated several transportation and public safety
ascent is a testament to the growing popularity of shared problems for state and local government officials. In many
electric scooters for short-distance travel, primarily in cities cases, officials have been forced into reactive positions,
and other population centers. Bird is only one of several developing regulations after scooters already have been
related companies that have launched in recent years, shar- widely adopted within their jurisdictions. Some cities have
ing the market with Lime, Skip, Spin, Jump and Lyft. embraced this new form of mobility, while others have
enacted strict regulations or outright bans due to the var-
According to the National Association of City Transpor- ious risks it poses for riders and pedestrians.
tation Officials (NACTO), more than 85,000 electric
scooters were available for use across the country at the end In the South, the introduction of shared electric scooters
of 2018, resulting in nearly 40 million trips.3 The emer- has been swift. With growing populations and favorable
gence of shared electric scooters is the latest development in climates across much of the region, urban and suburban
the broader micromobility movement, defined by the use areas in most SLC states are experiencing both the benefits
of electric scooters for expanded mobility and the chal-
All references to electric scooters in this SLC Regional Resource
refer to dockless scooters, which do not require docking stations lenges they present for transportation and public safety.
for storage or charging. In response, several SLC states enacted legislation in 2019
to address the concerns that shared electric scooters advances in GPS technology, peer-to-peer connectiv-
have engendered, such as how and where they should ity, mobile payment systems and improved battery
operate, who is eligible to ride them and what pre- technology.5 These developments have led to the
cautions need to be taken to maximize safety. prolific growth of shared micromobility vehicles
across urban and suburban landscapes, both nation-
This SLC Regional Resource provides an overview of ally and globally, offering a popular, accessible and
micromobility, specifically shared electric scooters, affordable means of transportation. According to
and outlines the various actions Southern states have NACTO, annual trips on shared micromobility vehi-
taken to create a coherent regulatory framework to cles increased from 321,000 in 2010 to 84 million in
manage their growth. While much of the authority to 2018 (see Figure 1).6
regulate electric scooters is delegated to local officials,
state governments have an important role to play to Today, micromobility generally includes several trans-
ensure this emerging mode of transportation is both portation options, most notably docked and dockless
safe and accessible. pedal bicycles, electric bicycles and electric scooters.
Though each is distinct, they share commonali-
Shared Micromobility ties that connect them to the current micromobility
Micromobility is not a new concept in transporta- movement. According to the National League of
tion, with origins dating back to the invention of the Cities — a Washington, D.C.-based advocacy orga-
bicycle in the 19th century. However, the phenomenon nization working on behalf of U.S. cities, towns and
of shared micromobility emerged in the past decade villages — there are three key features among today’s
due to the near-universal adoption of smartphones, micromobility vehicles:

Figure 1 Shared Micromobility Trips 2010-2018

Source: “Shared Micromobility in the U.S.: 2018,” National Association of City Transportation Officials

1. Increased flexibility and access via connected U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal High-
devices, allowing them to be located and activated way Administration, nearly 60 percent of all vehicle
with a smartphone or other GPS-enabled device; trips nationally in 2017 were less than six miles and
2. Small-scale adoption intended for individual rid- more than one-third were under three miles (see
ership; and Table 1).8 Proponents of micromobility argue that
3. Shared usage via docking stations or smartphone many of these short-segment trips can be replaced
applications which allow dockless pickup and by shared micromobility vehicles, thereby reduc-
drop-off.7 ing congestion in population centers, improving air
quality and offering riders an economical alterna-
The flexibility and accessibility afforded by shared tive to automobiles.
micromobility vehicles allow them to occupy a
unique space within existing transit and mobil- Micromobility services also have the potential to aug-
ity systems, representing an alternative to motor ment existing public transit systems by facilitating
vehicle trips for short-distance travel. According better access to public transportation options. Many
to the National Household Travel Survey from the communities, even those in and around core urban
centers, are designated as “mobility deserts” due to
the presence of first- and last-mile transit gaps —
Average Motor Vehicle Trip the beginning and end of individual trips that are
Table 1
Distance in Miles 2017 not met by existing transit options (see Figure 2).
In many cases, the closest transit stop may not be
Trip distance Percent
within a feasible walking distance* from the point of
Less than 0.5 mile 5.0 departure or arrival, diminishing the overall utility
1 mile 16.4 of public transportation. Unlike buses and trains,
2 miles 13.8 *
The distance an individual is willing to walk to reach the
3 miles 10.4 nearest transit stop varies depending on the circumstances,
4 miles 7.9 including existing pedestrian infrastructure, weather con-
ditions and physical abilities of the individual. According
5 miles 6.0
to the Federal Highway Administration, most people
6-10 miles 17.3 generally are willing to walk for five to 10 minutes —
Source: 2017 National Household Travel Survey, approximately a quarter of a mile to half a mile — to reach
Federal Highway Administration a transit stop, and potentially longer to access heavy rail.

Figure 2 First- and Last-Mile Transit Gaps

Source: “First and Last Mile Strategic Plan,” Regional Transportation District, Denver, Colorado

micromobility vehicles do not operate along fixed-
route networks and have the flexibility to be located Figure 3 Shared Micromobility Rides 2018
near the communities that experience first-mile/last-
mile dilemmas. Riders can easily access the vehicles
to transport them to the closest transit stop. This
can be particularly beneficial for underserved and
low-income communities, which are more likely to
be affected by first-mile/last-mile gaps.9

One optimistic forecast suggested that as many as

1.4 trillion miles of existing annual travel nationally
could be replaced by micromobility services.10 While
this may be an unrealistic target, there are indications
to suggest that micromobility vehicles potentially
could replace a significant share of short-segment
travel. McKinsey and Company, a New York-based
consulting firm, estimates that 8 percent to 15 percent
of all trips shorter than five miles will be replaced by
micromobility vehicles in the future.11 Adoption rates
will vary depending on weather conditions, demo-
graphics of riders, geographical orientation and the
extent of regulations.

Electric Scooters Source: “Shared Micromobility in the U.S.: 2018,”

Although micromobility includes several different National Association of City Transportation Officials
modes of transportation, shared electric scooters
have become the fastest growing and least regulated and $.15 for each minute of use.* Prospective riders
micromobility vehicle since their introduction two locate a nearby scooter with a smartphone appli-
years ago. In 2018, shared electric scooters overtook cation, pay for it digitally and then travel to their
bicycles as the preferred vehicle for dockless ven- destination, at which point the scooter is locked
dors, only a year after they became widely available, until the next rider reactivates it. The price points
due to quick adoption in cities, suburbs and other are significantly lower than taxis and ride-sharing
population centers, such as college towns.12 Shared services. Meanwhile, the dockless nature of scooters
bicycles, including electric and pedal docked and makes them a more flexible travel option than buses
dockless bicycles, still account for a greater percent- and trains — though not always more affordable — for
age of trips than dockless electric scooters, but the short distances.13
margin is narrowing. Electric scooters accounted for
42.5 percent of the 84 million trips taken on shared Data indicates that peak electric scooter usage is
micromobility vehicles in 2018 (see Figure 3). around midday and continues into the early eve-
ning, with the highest rates documented during
The prolific growth of electric scooters highlights weekends. This suggests that, currently, they are used
their popularity and utility. Generally capable of trav- primarily for social and recreational activities, rather
eling at speeds between 15 and 20 miles per hour, than commuting to/from work during the week.14
electric scooters allow riders to move short distances *
Electric scooter rates vary depending on location. Several
at a minimal cost, generally $1 to activate the vehicle U.S. cities now have surpassed the $.15/minute usage rate.

to operate a scooter, riders are expected to bring their
Electric scooter operators mostly rely on independent own, as scooters are not equipped with them.
freelancers to pick up the scooters, recharge them and
redeploy the vehicles at designated locations. Freelance These uncertainties can lead to potentially dangerous
chargers receive between $3 to $5 per vehicle and, in habits that pose risks for both riders and pedestrians.
some cases, may be paid as much as $20, depending on According to a June 2019 survey by Consumer Reports,
how long it has been since the scooter was recharged, 27 percent of electric scooter riders are not certain
when it became available and the difficulty of locating it. which traffic laws they are required to follow. The
report also noted that more than half ride on side-
walks, even though it is banned to do so in many
Populus, a San Francisco-based company that col- areas; 26 percent ride in bike lanes; and 18 percent
lects data from shared mobility operators† for cities ride on streets but not in designated bike lanes.17
and other stakeholders, found that public percep- Authorities caught unaware by the influx of scooters
tions of electric scooters are mostly positive. Based are enacting measures and implementing restrictions
on a survey of 7,000 people in major U.S. cities, to improve public safety, but it has been difficult to
approximately 70 percent viewed scooters in a posi- do so in areas where scooters already are widespread.
tive light. In Atlanta and Austin, two Southern cities
with large electric scooter fleets, 79 percent and 76 Public Safety
percent of respondents, respectively, viewed electric In April 2019, the Centers for Disease Control and
scooters favorably between May and July of 2018.15 Prevention (CDC) and the Public Health Department
of Austin, Texas, released a study documenting elec-
However, electric scooters have caused varying prob- tric scooter-related injuries in the city from September
lems for state and local authorities and the public. In to November 2018. The study followed reports from
many cases, electric scooter operators have entered local doctors and emergency personnel indicating an
markets with ambiguous regulatory frameworks, elevated number of injuries in local medical facili-
leading to confusion among riders, heightening ties associated with electric scooter usage. During
public safety concerns and accentuating existing the three-month study period, the researchers found
infrastructure limitations. As a result, the benefits 20 individuals injured per 100,000 electric scooter
and convenience of electric scooters often have been trips, with nearly half of riders sustaining head inju-
overshadowed by the problems they have caused. ries. Moreover, almost half of injured riders reported
severe injuries, including bone fractures; nerve, ten-
Regulatory Ambiguity don or ligament injuries; extended stays in hospitals;
Regulations governing electric scooters vary consider- severe bleeding; and sustained organ damage. Fifteen
ably by city and state, often leading to uncertainties percent of riders had evidence suggestive of traumatic
for riders, pedestrians and drivers. From restrictions brain injuries.18
on roads and sidewalks to helmet requirements, it
can be difficult to know local and statewide regula- Additionally, a February 2019 investigation by Con-
tions for scooter usage. In some cities, scooters are sumer Reports estimated that 1,500 people nationally
treated as “personal mobility vehicles,” not subject have been injured in electric scooter-related accidents
to standard helmet or inspection requirements; in since late 2017, while a study from the University
others, scooters are placed in the same classification of California in Los Angeles (UCLA) identified
as mopeds, with all the accompanying rights and 249 scooter-related visits at two Los Angeles-area
responsibilities.16 In cities where helmets are required emergency departments from September 2017 to
August 2018.19,20 These studies, and others, reflect a

In this SLC Regional Resource, “operator” refers to the
companies that own and maintain electric scooter fleets. growing consensus among authorities, the medical

community and public safety experts that increased from operating on sidewalks. However, the streets to
electric scooter usage poses risks for both riders and which riders are confined often are insufficiently safe,
pedestrians if they are not appropriately regulated. prompting them to ride on sidewalks, in violation of
However, the overall number of deaths resulting from the law, or in potentially dangerous situations along-
electric scooter trips remains low, especially compared side traffic. Riding at night can be especially dan-
to the number of people injured or killed in motor gerous. In Atlanta, where four electric scooter-related
vehicle accidents each year. According to Consumer deaths have occurred in 2019, the city announced
Reports, eight scooter-related fatalities were document- a ban on operating the vehicles at night until safer,
ed in the United States as of June 2019.21 dedicated areas for scooter traffic can be identified.23

The majority of riders do not wear helmets while Access

operating an electric scooter, despite scooter opera- Despite the potential of broader access, electric scoot-
tors recommending helmets in their terms of service. ers are not always easily accessible for everyone. The
The CDC/Austin study found that less than 1 per- vehicles often are clustered in densely populated,
cent of injured riders were wearing a helmet; in the affluent neighborhoods, bypassing those in under-
UCLA study, less than 5 percent of those injured served communities.24 In response, a number of
wore helmets. Electric scooter operators encourage proposals have been considered or implemented
riders to wear helmets as a precaution and, in some to encourage more equitable expansion, including
cases, will send free helmets upon request. In most waiving caps on the number of scooters allowed in
localities, helmets are voluntary, suggesting that riders underserved communities; requiring discounts for
will continue to remain susceptible to scooter-related low-income riders; cash payment options, as opposed
head injuries. to credit cards; and unlocking scooters using a text
message instead of scanning a code, which requires
Infrastructure Limitations a smartphone.25
Perhaps one of the most notable attributes of shared
electric scooters — that they are dockless and capable However, data from Populus indicates that public
of being activated anywhere — also garners the most perceptions of scooters are most favorable among
complaints from the public and local officials. It those with incomes less than $50,000. Specifically,
has been difficult for officials in many cities to keep 72 percent of individuals with incomes under
parked scooters off areas where they pose a risk or $25,000, and 75 percent with incomes between
public nuisance, such as heavily trafficked sidewalks, $25,000-$50,000, viewed scooters favorably. By com-
next to crosswalks or in front of businesses and res- parison, favorable perceptions fell to 69 percent for
idences. Obstruction of public rights of way can be incomes between $50,000-$100,000, 66 percent for
dangerous for individuals with mobility and sight $100,000-$200,000, and 64 percent for $200,000
limitations, occasionally leading to lawsuits against and greater.26
both electric scooter operators and the cities in which
they operate.22 Electric scooter operators encourage Micromobility and Electric Scooter
riders to park the vehicles responsibly, even requiring Legislation in the South
a photo to be taken upon arrival at a destination, Due to mostly mild year-round weather conditions
while independent contractors who charge the scoot- and growing population centers, cities in many
ers are required to drop them off at specific locations Southern states have been popular locations for
designated by scooter operators. electric scooter operators. According to NACTO,
at the end of 2018, electric scooters had been intro-
In most areas, roads and sidewalks were not de- duced in cities throughout 11 of the 15 states in the
signed to accommodate widespread electric scooter SLC region, a noticeably large share relative to other
usage. Like bicycles, scooters generally are banned areas of the country (see Figure 4). Inclement weather

conditions that are more common in areas outside the 3. Aligning electric scooter regulations with rules
South, such as extreme cold and frequent snowfall, and standards for bicycles rather than motor vehi-
can place limitations on electric scooter adoption, cles; and
resulting in strong seasonal demand for the vehicles.27 4. Delineating the role of local governments in estab-
lishing standards, rules and regulations for electric
At the beginning of 2019, more than 40 bills pertain- scooters within their jurisdictions.
ing to electric scooters were introduced in 26 states,
including many in the SLC region.28 In the South, Although several states have different statutory names
Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Kentucky, Louisiana, for electric scooters*, the vehicles are defined in all
Tennessee and Virginia successfully passed legislation pieces of legislation as devices that weigh less than
during their 2019 legislative sessions. Other states, 100 pounds and do not exceed speeds of 20 miles per
including Georgia, North Carolina and Texas, intro- hour on level surfaces. In addition, several states refer
duced bills, but were unable to pass them through to electric scooters as “motorized” devices, distinct
both chambers. The introduced and enacted legis- from motor vehicles that do not meet the specified size
lation primarily focuses on four aspects of electric and speed thresholds. A review of legislation that was
scooter usage and adoption: signed into law in SLC member states in 2019 follows.

1. Codifying the definition of electric scooters and, Alabama

in some cases, micromobility devices, services and Senate Bill 312 defines “shared micromobility
operators; device” and “shared micromobility device system”
2. Establishing parameters on electric scooter usage, as modes of transportation, including electric scoot-
including parking restrictions, minimum age ers, that provide docked or dockless devices to users
requirements, safety equipment (e.g., headlamps *
Statutory names for the devices include scooter, electric
and rear lights between sunset and sunrise), and motorized scooter, electric low-speed scooter and motor-
licensure and registration; ized scooter.

Figure 4 Electric Scooter Fleets (as of December 31, 2018)

Source: “Shared Micromobility in the U.S.: 2018,” National Association of City Transportation Officials

for short-term rentals. According to the legislation, local authorities to require operators to provide com-
shared micromobility devices cannot be deployed prehensive data regarding their vehicles’ activity.
on public highways or bikeways of the state without
authorization from the applicable county or munic- The legislation also stipulates that scooter-share
ipal authority. Counties and municipalities also operators must carry commercial insurance cover-
retain the right to regulate the operation of all shared age dedicated exclusively for the operation of shared
micromobility devices, with the authority to establish scooters, with a limit of at least $1 million for each
minimum insurance requirements, age restrictions, occurrence and $5 million in the aggregate. Operators
safety standards and any other provisions deemed also must carry excess liability coverage with a limit
necessary. of at least $5 million, as well as workers’ compen-
sation coverage as required by law. Arkansas is one
In jurisdictions where they are permitted to operate, of only two states in the South to require minimum
riders of shared micromobility devices are granted all commercial insurance requirements for operators.30
the rights given to bicyclists. Micromobility devices
are not considered motor vehicles and, therefore, not Florida
subject to provisions related to personal insurance, House Bill 453 defines “micromobility vehicle” as
licensing and registration. Additionally, micromo- any motorized transportation device available for
bility devices cannot be parked on a sidewalk in a private use by reservation through an online appli-
manner that impedes the reasonable movement of cation, website or software for “point-to-point” trips.
traffic or pedestrians. According to the bill, local authorities retain the
right to adopt ordinances governing the operation
The legislation also stipulates that operators of shared of micromobility devices on streets, highways, side-
micromobility devices systems must have commercial walks and “sidewalk areas” within their jurisdictions.
liability policies with minimum limits of $1 million
per occurrence, insuring against injuries, death and Riders of shared micromobility devices also are grant-
property damage. Alabama is one of only two states ed all the rights given to bicyclists. Micromobility
in the South to include minimum commercial insur- devices are not considered motor vehicles and, there-
ance requirements for operators.29 fore, not subject to provisions related to personal
insurance, licensing and registration. The legislation
Arkansas states that a rider may not drive any vehicle, other
House Bill 1619 defines “scooter-share operator,” than by human power, upon a bicycle path, sidewalk
“scooter-share program” and “shared scooter” as or sidewalk area, implying that motorized scooters
entities, services and devices that facilitate for-hire must be operated on streets.
scooter transportation. According to the legislation,
local authorities may establish reasonable standards, The measure also establishes that micromobility
rules and regulations for the safe operation of electric device operators are responsible for securing all
scooters on public property. The devices cannot be devices located in any part of the state during extreme
ridden by those under 16 years old. weather events. This includes active tropical storm or
hurricane warnings issued by the National Weather
Notably, local authorities can require scooter-share Service.31
operators to provide fleet and ride activity data for
all trips beginning or ending within their jurisdic- Kentucky
tions, as well as all ride activity resulting in accidents. House Bill 258 allows riders over age 16 to oper-
The legislation establishes guidelines to ensure indi- ate electric scooters on a highway, bicycle lane or
vidual privacy is protected when data is transferred. bicycle path. According to the legislation, riders and
Arkansas is the only state in the South that allows operators of electric scooters must comply with all

Table 2 Overview of Electric Scooter Legislation in SLC States 2019
Data Permitted on Commercial Headlamp/
Maximum Maximum reporting sidewalks, unless insurance reflector/
weight of speed of by scooter prohibited by local required for tail light
State Bill 100 pounds 20 mph operators ordinance operators required

Alabama Senate Bill 312 X X X

Arkansas House Bill 1619 X X X X

Florida House Bill 453 X

Kentucky House Bill 258 X X X

Louisiana Senate Bill 91 X X X X

Tennessee Senate Bill 1107 X X

Virginia House Bill 2752 X X X X

Source: State Codes and Statutes

local government ordinances, and the Kentucky other time when visibility is low. Riders under the
Transportation Cabinet must promulgate administra- age of 17 also are required to wear helmets while
tive regulations establishing safe operating standards operating an electric scooter.33
for electric scooters.
The measure also states that electric scooters must Senate Bill 1107 gives counties, municipalities and
be equipped with at least one headlamp and one rear metropolitan governments the authority to establish or-
tail light if operated at night, defined as a half-hour dinances for regulating, controlling or banning the use
after sunset and a half-hour before sunrise, as well as and operation of electric scooters within their jurisdic-
any other time when visibility is low. Electric scooters tions, as long as the ordinances are reasonably related
can be parked on sidewalks if they do not impede the to promoting and protecting the health, safety and
reasonable flow of traffic or pedestrians.32 welfare of the community. For the purposes of driving
under the influence, riders of electric scooters are sub-
Louisiana ject to the same provisions as motor vehicle drivers.34
Senate Bill 91 states that electric scooters may be
operated on sidewalks, bicycle paths and highways Virginia
unless it is prohibited by local authorities within their House Bill 2752 allows any county, city, town or
jurisdictions. According to the legislation, parishes political subdivision to establish demonstration proj-
and municipal governing authorities retain the right ects or pilot programs regulating the operation of
to issue reasonable regulations and assess penalties electric scooters, as long as the projects or programs
for moving and parking violations resulting from are consistent with state law. Anybody over the age
inappropriate use of electric scooters. of 14 is permitted to ride an electric scooter; those
under 14 are permitted to do so if they are accom-
The measure also states that electric scooters must panied by a guardian who is at least 18 years of age.
be equipped with appropriate lights, reflectors or
reflective marking if operated at night, defined as The bill also states that riders of electric scooters are
anytime between sunset and sunrise, as well as any subject to the same rights as pedestrians when riding

on a sidewalk or crossing a roadway on a crosswalk. short-distance travel for those with the interest and
Electric scooters are permitted to be operated on ability to utilize such vehicles.
sidewalks unless prohibited by a local ordinance.
However, electric scooters can be parked on side- State and local governments have a role in maximizing
walks only if they do not impede the regular flow of the utility of these emerging modes of transportation
traffic or pedestrians and not prohibited by official for all communities and ensuring they remain safe
traffic controls. for riders, pedestrians and drivers. Policies that facili-
tate the placement of electric scooters in underserved
Electric scooters must be equipped with a headlight communities can play a beneficial role in expanding
and a red reflector when operating anytime between multi-modal transportation and increasing access to
sunset and sunrise. The lights and reflectors must public transit. Collecting data from electric scooter
be visible from 500 feet and 600 feet, respectively.35 operators can ensure local authorities have sufficient
information to understand how scooters are utilized
Conclusion and where they should be placed to maximize access.
In a January 2019 report, McKinsey and Company Meanwhile, state governments can enact legislation
forecasted a shared micromobility market potential that promotes better public safety, ensures standard-
between $200 billion to $300 billion in the United ization across communities and gives local authorities
States by 2030.36 Shared electric scooters have an appropriate autonomy to create policies that best fit
especially promising future for expanded mobility in the circumstances within their jurisdictions.
cities, suburbs and other population clusters, given
their prolific growth during the past two years. Their The sudden proliferation of electric scooters, and the
affordability and accessibility, along with the poten- ongoing popularity of micromobility as a means of
tial to mitigate first-mile/last-mile public transit gaps, transportation, is an important reminder that states
give them a unique and complementary role to play and localities must have the flexibility and vision to
within transportation systems. appropriately regulate emerging mobility platforms,
while ensuring they do not stifle entrepreneurship
Electric scooters and other micromobility solutions, and innovation that can benefit both consumers
regardless of their proliferation, are not viable forms and transportation systems. New mobility systems
of transportation for all population groups, includ- and vehicle designs will emerge in the future, just
ing those with injuries, chronic disabilities, sight as shared electric scooters have during the past two
and mobility issues, and families that require more years. Proactively responding to such innovations will
than single-occupant vehicles for travel. As a result, give officials an opportunity to strike the right bal-
micromobility should be viewed only as a single com- ance between ensuring public safety and incentivizing
ponent of transit infrastructure, capable of providing expanded mobility.

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Inside Higher Ed, accessed August 14, 2019, SearchableInstruments/2019rs/PrintFiles/201461-1.pdf.
causing-safety-and-accessibility-headaches-campuses. 30. Arkansas House Bill 1619 (2019), accessed August 7, 2019,
13. “2018 E-Scooter Findings Report,” Portland Bureau of
Transportation, accessed August 7, 2019, 31. Florida House Bill 453 (2019), accessed August 7, 2019,
14. “Shared Micromobility in the U.S.: 2018,” 32. Kentucky House Bill 258 (2019), accessed August 7, 2019,
National Association of City Transportation Officials.
15. “The Micro-Mobility Revolution: The Introduction and 33. Louisiana Senate Bill 91 (2019), accessed August 7, 2019,
Adoption of Electric Scooters in the United States, Populus,
accessed August 12, 2019, SB91-Chaptered.pdf.
Populus_MicroMobility_2018_Jul.pdf. 34. Tennessee Senate Bill 1107 (2019), accessed August 7, 2019,
16. “E-Scooter Injuries on the Rise; Researchers Urge Helmet Law,”
Insurance Journal, accessed August 7, 2019, https://www. SB1107-Chaptered.pdf. 35. Virginia House Bill 2752 (2019), accessed August 7, 2019,
17. Ryan Felton, “8 Deaths Now Tied to E-Scooters,” Consumer
Reports, accessed August 7, 2019, 36. Kersten Heineke, Benedikt Kloss, Darius Scurtu and Florian Weig,
product-safety/deaths-tied-to-e-scooters/. “Micromobility’s 15,000-Mile Checkup,” McKinsey and Company.

Alabama • Arkansas • Florida • Georgia • Kentucky • Louisiana • Mississippi • Missouri
North Carolina • Oklahoma • South Carolina • Tennessee • Texas • Virginia • West Virginia

This report was prepared by Roger Moore, policy analyst and government policy issues facing Southern states. Member
committee liaison of the Economic Development, Transporta- outreach in state capitols, leadership development and staff
tion & Cultural Affairs Committee of the Southern Legislative exchange programs, meetings, domestic and international
Conference, chaired by Representative Manly Barton of delegation study tours, and policy fly-ins by the Southern
Mississippi. This report reflects the policy research made avail- Office support state policymakers and legislative staff in their
able to appointed and elected state officials by the Southern work to build a stronger region.
Office of The Council of State Governments (CSG).
Established in 1947, the SLC is a member-driven organization
Opened in 1959 as the final regional office of CSG, the and serves as the premier public policy forum for Southern
mission of the Southern Office is to promote and strengthen state legislatures. The SLC Annual Meeting and a broad array
intergovernmental cooperation among its 15-member states, of similarly well-established and successful SLC programs —
predominantly through the programs and services provided focusing on both existing and emerging state government
by its Southern Legislative Conference (SLC). Legislative innovations and solutions — provide policymakers diverse
leadership, members and staff depend on the SLC to identify opportunities to interact with policy experts and share their
and analyze solutions for the most prevalent and unique state knowledge with colleagues.

Southern Legislative Conference and SLC are trademarks registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

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