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Procr.rement of Electronic Type Odorizer Unit

Intemational Tender Invitation

Ref. No. : JG/Fp/tFIT-01/Odorizer ptantl20l6-t7: Date: O3lOSlZOtT


Up to 11.00 AM (BST) on l2thoctober,20l1

Price of Ter)dcr Docunlcltt

BDT 2.000.00 !n. US$ t5.0r) l Non- Rerirndnblc l


Jalalabad Gas Transmission & Distribution System

(A Company of petrobangla)
Gas Bhaban, Mendibagh, Sylhet_3 l0-0, ilangladesh.
, Tel : +88 0821-711649. Fax: +88 0821_7t6964
websire:, E_mail : dgnrpurchasel3@gmail.corn
Procurement of Odorizer plant


Tender Data Sheet (TDS)

comptering rhe render Dan sheet*M
of, and Supprements to, ctauses in ,h.
+#::lI:," r;;;;;

Managing Director.
Jalala,bad Gas Transm ission
& Distribution Sysrem Ltd.,
Cas Bhaban. Mendibagh, Sythet_3100. ,
Name of the Tender Invitation,,
Elechonic Type O dorizer lJnit ffi
& its accessorils.
Invitation Ref No.:
JG/FP/IFIT-0 t /O dorizer plant
/20I6-17;Date: 03/OBI2O17
The number, identification
and name of lots comprising
the Tenillre-I
Iender Invitation Ref. No.: JGiF
P,{IFIT-O^l/Odoriz er plant 12016-17
Date: 03/08/2017 ;

of Electronic Tvpe odorizer

.|""J#iolt**tent Unit & it,s accessories,, in a

-" ,T" of the Development partner is .,None,,.
Tenderers from fsrael are not eligible.

Goods and related service

from Israel is not eligible,

Page I of7 (TOS)

l'rccurement of Odorizer Plant

B. 'lcndcr Documcnt

ITT 8.2 | The followings are the olfices

of the Purchaser for the purpose of providing
thc Tcndcr Documcnt :
Ii) Castr Counter ( lst lloor), I'inance Department,
I Jalolubud Gas Transmission & Distribution System Ltd ,
Cas Bhaban. Mendibagh' SYlhet.
I ii)' Liaison office:
| Jululubu.l Gus Transmission & Distribution System Ltd',
I House No-23/A, Apartment-l D, I{oad No -2' Old DOI'IS,
I Banani, Dhaka.
I Tel: +8802-9832147
f*CUtin.atir, f. the Purchaser's address is:
9.1 "t
Dcputy-Gcncral Manager (l'urchase) '100'
Puichase Departmcnt, Gas Bhaban (5th floor), Mendibagh, Sylhet-3
Phone :+ 88-0821-711649, Fax : + 88-0821-716964,
E-mail : durnourchasel 3ft)lrnatl.corn

li'or sccking clarifioation, tcnderer must submit copy of reccipt ol'purchase of

tender document with the clarification lctter.

tT'f l0.l A Prc- Tcndcr nleoting shall not bc hcld.

C. Qualification Criteria
Bidd"rs shatl h"ve to submit the following up-to date documents along with
ITT 12.1
their bid.
a) If the Tenderer has supplied any gas materials to Jalalabad Gas, the
tenderer shall have to submit a up to date satisfactory compliance
ccrtificalc issucd by thc Purchasc Dopartmont of JCTDSI. about thc
rnaterials supplied in past along with the--tender. Otherwise the tcnder
will not be considered for evaluation.
b) The rnanuf'acturer/tabricator must have valid ASME 'U' stamp
certificate for at least 03 (Three) years i.e. years counting backward
fiom the date of publication of IFT in tbe news paper

c) The manufactureridesigner and fabricator must have valid ISO-9001

certificate lbr pressurc vessel as well as odorizer unit nranufacturing.

Pagc 2 ol'8 (TDs)

Jalalabad Gds Transmission & dittribution System Ltd., Sylhet BanSladesh

Procurement of Odorizel Plaot

r rt. l3. t 'l'hc rnaxirnum 02 (t\\o) nurnbcr ol'arbitratron against thr: 'l'cndercr
ovor a
period of last 05(tive) 1'cars.
'l'ho tcndcrer should have overseas supply experience (overall
T l1.l(a) and
spccific) as lbllorvs:
i) 'fhc lcndcrcr shrrll lr;rvc a rnirrirnurrr ol- 05 (llvc) yours ol' ovcrall
intemational cxperience in the supply of goods and retated services in
Oil and Gas industries
ii) If the tenderer is manuflacturer thr:n the tenderer shall have a nrinimun
of05 (fivc) years of overall international experience in thc supply of
goods and related services in Oil and Gas industries.

iii) l'he overall supply records rnust bc submittcd in tabulatod lbrnr lor last
05 years lurnishing the nanre and detailed contact address ofthe client
including phone, lax number, e-rnail & website address for easy
communication and to verify the authenticity of the submitted
iv) The tenderer shall have a minimum of 03(three) years of specific
experience iri supplying gas regulating and metering station having
pressure vessel or odorizer unit to other tlran the Manut'actureCs own
country. The evidence mentioning name of the materials, purchaser's
addrcss with lhx & c-rnail, namc o['contoot porson ctc. ol'supplicd
nratcrials during this penod should bc lurnishcd.

v) If the tenderer is a manufacturer then the manuf'acturer should have 03

(three) years proven experience of supply ol' gas regulating and
metering station having pressure vessel or odorizer unit against
overseas tender.

vi) The above (iv) & (v) specific supply records must be furnished with
purchase order/ contract agrcement/L.C copies and satisihctory
corrpletion certilicate along with the lender proven track record.

rTT l4.r(b) (i ) Thc tendcrer must have satisfactory completion ol supply of sirmilar lypc of
goods ol minitnunt US$ 65,000.00 (US Dollar Sixty Five Thousand) undcr
single or multiplc contracts lor the last 05 (five) years i.e. )ears counting
backrvard from the date olpublication of I['f in the news paper.
(ii) tror the evidencc ol' the above criteria the tenderer shall submit thc
lbllowing dooulnonts i.e. oopies of oontraot agrecn'lent/ purchasc order and L.C
copies along with narne and detailed address, phone number, fax nurnber,
email and website address of the client.

ITT 14.1(c) Ths minimurn supply and/or production capacity of Goods is/ are: Nonc.

Jalalabad Gas Transmission & distribution System Ltd., Sylhet, Banghdesh
Procurement of Odorizer Plant

ITT 16.2 The maximum percentage ofGoods allowed to be subcontracted: None

Preparation of Tender
ITT 21. r(q) The Tenderer shall submit the following documents in addition to documents
asked to submit in accordance with ITT 21.1
(D Originai Money Receipt as evidence of purchase of Tender
(iD Written confirmation authorising the signalory of the Tender to commit
the Tenderel in accordance with ITT Clause 34.3
(iiD Original IFT document (issued by us) as well as all the documents of
the tender (will be submitted by tenderer) duly sealed & signed by the
signator whose specimen signature properly attested or authorized by
(iv) Manufacturers' Authorisation Certificate: In case the Tenderer is not
manufacturer of the offered goods, a certificate from the manufacturer
to the effect that the tenderer has been duly authorised by manufacturer
or producer to supply the goods to the purchaser,s country. Such
certificate should be fumished with the tender in original letter head
pad containing complete mailing address (postal address, phone No,
Fax No, E-mail etc.) ofthe manufacturer duly signed by an authorised
(v) Printed original product catalogue(s) (General, Maintenance & parts
Catalogue) in English language containing minimum information like
Model / Size / material grade /standard/Design pressure/Test pressure
etc. Moreover, the official website/e-mail address of the manufacture
should be mentioned in their prorluct catalogue to verifl the
authenticity of the submitted original printed catalogue.

(vD If any information is not available in the printed catalogue,

manufacturer/ principal shall provide clarification about that
infolnalion in a separate sheet as a part and parcel of the catalogue
which shall have to be enclosed with the bid at the time of submission
of the same.
(viD A declaration certificate menrioning the shelf-life of the materials (if
applicable) shall be submitted by the tenderer and manufacturer along
with the tender.
(viii) Letter of Authorization to Local Agent (If any) and declare the
commission payable to them in percentage on FOB value.
(x) Other documents to be fumished by the Local Agent (Trade Licence,
Indenter's Registration Certificate, TIN Certifi caie, VAT Certificate,
Bangladesh Bank Permission & Membership Certificate of any
Chamber of Commerce).

Page 4 of7 (TDS)

Jalalabad GasTransmksion & dhtribution System Ltd., Sythet, Banglad;i

Procurement of C)doriTer Plant

(xi) OtherCertificatesDeclaration:
(a) certificate to be fumished with the tender to the effect that the price
quoted are the declaration price and that the materials quoted are new
and conform to the required speoifications.
(b) Any other certificates/documents, if any, mentioned in the bid shall
have to be fumished with the tender.
(xii) The country oforigin ofthe materials and name ofthe manufacturer with
address must be mentioned in the tender.

trT 22.1 Alternative Tenders shall not be permitted.

ITT 23.3 Tondors are being invited for the items stated in section-7 of this Tender
ITT 23.5 Tenders being invited for a single lot, price quoted shall correspond to all
items and related service specified in section-7 ofthe tender document.

fiT23.7 The following partioular item represents more than fifty percent (50%) of the
estimated lot value is : 'Not Applicable,

r"IT 23.12 (a) i. Price shall be quoted on CFR, Chittagong (By Sea)
ii. Sea freight charges up to Chittagong Port, Bangladesh to be paid by the
Supplier and the Purchaser shall pay the Sea Freight charges up to Chittagong
Port at actual ol submission of freight memo but not-exceeding the quoted
freight charges shown in the tender. Bill of Lading shall be marked ,,Freight

ITT 23.12 (c) Total Tender Price:

i. The Tenderer shall quote prices on CFR, Chittagong (by Sea) basis and
Local agents Commission, ifany.
ii. Sea freight up to Chittagong, Bangladesh to be paid by the supplier at their
own cost. Bill ofLading shall be marked .,Freight prepaid,,.
iii. The Ocean freight charge up to Chittagong, Bangladesh shall be paid by
the supplier at actual on submission of freight memo but not-exceeding thi
amount quoted in the tender

IrT 23.12 (d) In addition to the CFR price specified in ITT 23.12(a), the price ofthe Goods
manufactured outside Bangladesh shall be quoted: See price Schedule of
Godds form PG4-3B

ITT 24.3 Name of the foreign currency: Either USD or GBp or EURO

rrT 2s.2(b) Spare parts are: As in Price bid schedule

ITr 26.r(b) A Manufaoturer' s Autho.isa@

Section 6: Schedule of Requirements.
rTT 26.1(C) After sales service is: 'required,

Paee 5 oI7 {TDS)

Jala abad Gas Transmission & distribution System Lrd., Sylhet, Bangtadesh
Procurement of Odorizer Plant

The Tender validity period shall be 120 (One Hundred and Twenty) days
tTT l -.2
from the date ofthe opening ofthe tender.
The tender shall fumish tender security as a part of its tender,
fTT 29.2
In favour of :
Managing Director,
Jalalabad Gas Transmission & Distribution System Ltd.
Gas Bhaban, Mendibagh, Syltret-3100, Bangladesh.
ITT 29.3 Amount of tender security is BDT. 10,00,000.00 (Taka Ten Lac only) or
US$ 13,000.00 (US Dollar Thirteen Thousand) only or EURO 10,500.00
(EURO Ten Thousand Five Hundred) only in the fonn of Bank Draft/ pay
Order or Bank Guarantee issued by a scheduled bank in Bangladesh or from
any reputed foreign bank duly endorsed by a scheduled bank in Bangladesh
with full obligation and liabilities described in the prescribed form of Section-
5 (PG4-6). The tender security must remain valid for one hundred and forty
eight (148) days from the date of opening ofthe tender.

ITT 34.1 In addition to the Original of the Tender, 01 (One) copy shalt be subrnitted

E. Submission of Tender
ITT 3s.2(c) The inner and outer envelope shall bear the following additional identification
Tender Invitation Reference Number is :
JGIFPIFIT-0liodorizer ptant i2016-17; Date: O3lOglZ}tT

"For the Procurement of Electronic Type Odorizer Unit & its accessories,,
ITT 35.7 Tenderer shall not have the option of submitting their tender electronically.

IT'T 35.8 If bidders_shall have the option of submitting their bids electronically, the
electronic bidding submission procedures shall be: ,Not Appticable,

ITT 36.I For I endcr submtsston purposes,the Purchaser's address is:

Committee Room (4th Floor)
Head office
Jalalabad Gas Transmission & Distribution System Ltd.,
Gas Bhaban, Mendibagh
Sylhet. Bangladesh
The deadline for submission ofTenders is:
Time up to 11.00 AM (BST) on l2th October, 2017

Page 6 of? (TDS)

lalalabad Gas Tnnsmission & distribution System t-ta., Syttret-"ngl;;;

Procurement of Odorizer Plant

Opening and Evaluation of Tenders

ITT 42,2 The Tender opening shall take place at:
Address :
Committee Room (4th Floor), Head office
Jalalabad Gas Transmission & Distribution System Lid.,
Gas Bhaban, Mendibagh, Sylhet. Bangladesh
Tele: + 88-0821-711649

Time & Date: At 11.15 AM (BST) on 12th October, 2017

lftender opening day happens to fall on any holiday tenders shall be opened at
the same hours on the first subsequent working day. The tenderer,s authorised
_who will be present shall sign a Tender opening sheet
evidencing their attendance.

Ifelectronic tender subrnission is permitted as sated under ITT sub-clause

34.8, the specific tender opening procedures shall be: ,Not Applicable,.

Domestic preference shall not be a tender evaluation factor.

ITT 52,5 The applicable economic factors, for the purposes ofevaluation ofTenders
shall be:
'Not Applicable',
Cost of major replacement components, mandatory spare parts, and service:

Award of Contract
The maximum percentage by which quantities per item may be increased
is 20%.
The maximum percentage by which quantities per item may be decreased
is 20%.

The arnount ofPerformance Security shall be 1096 percent ofthe Contract price.
She performance guarantee shall remain valid for 5b4 days frorn
the date of

The name and address ofthe of

submilled is:
Managing Director
Jalalabad Gas Transmission & Distribution System Ltd.
Gas Bhaban, Mendibagh

Page 7 of 7 (TDS)

Jalalabad Gas Transmission & distributio;aysaem LtA.,

Sytrreg a-ngtaaesi'
PrOCuremeDt of Odo.izer Planl

Section 4. Particular Conditions of Contract

CCC CIause Amendmerlts of, ard Supplements to, Clauses in the G€neral Conditions ofColtract

ccc r.r (h) The nature of the goods to be supplied is as specified in the TendEr Notice and T

ccc r.r(j) The Purchaser is: Jalalabad Gas T & D System Ltd., Gas Bhaban, Mendibagh, Sylhet_3100

GCC 1.1(o) The site(sy point(s) ofdelivery is/are: The port of shipment declared by the Tenderer.

GCC 5.1(i) The following documents shall also be part ofthe Contract:
(a) The signed form of Contract Agreem€nt;
(b) The Ietter ofNotifrcation ofAward & Acceptanca ofNotification ofAward
(c) The Tender Submission Sheet as submitted'by the Tenderer (Supplier);
(d) The Price Schedules as submitted by the Tenderer (Supplier) ' '
(9) The Specification Submission Sheet as submifisd by th; Te;derer (Supplier);
(q The Final list & specification ofmat€rials to be supplied;
(g) The Particular Conditions ofContract;
(h) The General Conditions ofcontract;
(i) The Schedule ofRequirements ofthe tender documenq
The Technical Specifications ofthe tender document;
The Perfonnanca Guarantee
(l) The Dmwings (if required)
(m) Any other document (ifrequired)

GCC 6.1 Suppliers oflsrael is not eligible.

GCC 6.2 Goods manufactured in Israel is not eligible.

GCC l1.t For notices, the Purchasers' contact details shall be:
Managing Director
Jalalabad cas T & D System Ltd.
Gas Bhaban, Mendibagh,
Sylhet-3 1 00, Bangladesh.
Attention: Deputy General Manager (purchase)
Fax No.+ 880-821-716964, E-mail:

For notices- the Supplier's contact details shall be:

Facsimile number:

Page I of6 (PCC)

Jalalabad GasTransmission & distribution System

Ltd., Syth;t, Bungtud;
Procurement of Odorizer plani

The scope ofSupply shall be defined in: Section 6-schedule ofRequirements.

GCC 22.2 Packins

a) The supplier shall provide such packing of the goods as is required to prevent trreir
damage or detonation during transit by sea/Land, rair road etc. Thi packing'shafl also be
sufficient to withstand. wirhout.limitarion, rough handling during trinsit an-d exposure
rain,.extreme temperature, salt_ and precipiiation durlng traisit and open'storage.
considering the remoteness of the good's final destinatio,-n and the absence of hea:vy
handling facilities, individual packing case/bundle weight shourd preferably u" *iirrr"
(one) metric ton. This limitation w l not however be apilicable where
the niture orjooos
does.,not so permit..The supplier shall replace free of cost any materials
snoruoamaged due to improper packing.
b) The Packing List, showing the contents of each package, must be placed in a waterproof
cover and secured to the outside ofeach package.
Shiopine Marks
A complete packing list.indicating the content of each package shalr be enclosed in a water
proot envelope and shall be secured to the outside of the packing
case. In addilion, each
package shall be marked with indelible ink/paint in bold l"tt"ri,
* fo" o*r,
a) Port of Landing
b) Contract Number
c) Name and address ofpurchaser
d) Country oforigin
e) Gross weight
D Net weight
g) Package number oftotal number ofpackages
h) Brief description ofthe content
i) Measurement of package.

Upright markings, where appropdate, shall be placed on all four

vertical sides ofthe package.
All materials used for packing shall be ofenvironment friendly.
Addifional marking and documentation within.and outside
the packages shall be printed in
proper size in colour on at least two sides ofeach '---


Page 2 of6 (PCC)

Jalalabad Gas Tr.nsmissio"@

Procuremenl of odorizer Planr

GCC 23.2 Details ofshipping and documents to be fumished by the Supplier shall

a) Delivery of the goods shal be made by the Supprier up to handover the materials to
shipping agenr at the port ofloading.
b) A^-shortes-t possib,le delive-ry time is desired; keeping this in view
a firm delivery
p€nod not exceeding 90 (Ninety) days from ti.le date ofreceipt
ofletter of Credit
should be quoted by the Tenderer.

c) Q1.Uy_i11
aaf of shipment, the Supplier shall notify the purchaser through Fax: 880_
821-7169.64 or E-mail: dgrnpurchasii and the
Insurer lr4ls Sadharan Bima
:,:p?fr]o:, !'h911"n3, Sylhet, Barrgtadesh
Contact Number, Descriptions
about the tufl details of the shipment
L9ludllg of goods, euantity shipped, Nafre of Vessel,
Bill of Lading Number and Date, ot kiaing,'Oate ot Shipmint, port of Discl.Erge
etc. Immediately (Not exceeding 3 days) after siripment, tlie Suppliei shall despatch 6y
of Shipping docu[rents compriiing the iottowing tc Uie CIienr,
^C^"-llil -511"-")
copytoM/sSadhaIanBimaCorpoIation,Chowhatta,5yttret,rangtidesh wiUra
i) Copies.of the Supplier,s lnvoice. showing goods, description, quantity,
unit price,
total price, L/C No., L/.C. Authorization n-orin No., purchase order,
lnsrirn"" ior".
Note No. etc.
ii) Copies ofClean, On-Board Bill ofLading marked ,.Freight prepaid,,.
iii) Copies ofPacking List identig/ing contents of each package.
iv) wa,anty certificate as per clause-33 ofGeneral conditions ofcontract.
v) Factory Test Certificate/Mill Test Report
vi) Pre-shipment Inspection certificate issued by the appointed
Inspection Agent ofthe
vii) Freight Memo in Original (issued by Carrier).'
viii) Certificate of Origin (issued by the Chamber ofCommerce).
ix) Suppliers l'actory inspection repo(.
x) Any other documents ifany as per contract.

Notes: The Supprier shalr ensure that the documents to

be sent are free
In case of any discrepancy in the documents, th" Suppi;;;;uii from any discrepancy.
consequent expenses, such as additional bank charges,
be responsible for any
additional derrurrage at poft owing to
delayed clearance of goods etc. rr," n.goriuui" ufii-ih.
signed bv the concern authorities. The a"bove
,ir_r.g"i"ure documents shall be
,"g;,iJl; ;;;;;;"r;s shall be received by the
Purchaser ar the Iatest 7(Seven) davs b"for"
Bangladesh and ifnot so received.-the srppri".
;;il;-;f lililil
ar rhe chirragong porl"
*iiL f.
from any delay in custom crearance causid thereby
ier;;;i;;i". *y.xpenses resutring
ura .ir.nrlon or rrre perioa of insurance
by corresponding period of delay or for'any d;il;; iuio uy ,r," purchaser for
such delay.

The Contract price shall be CFR (Chittagong,

by Sea)

Page 3 of6 (PCC)

Jalalabad Gas Transmission A airtrjb;;;;;;I;EE;;;;;

PrOcUIement of Odorizer Plant

ccc 26.2 Responsibility of the Purchaser and Supplier : responsibilities are described in pCCl6, pCC
17, & GCC 23.2.

GCC 27.1 The-method and conditions of payment to be made to ttriSr,pptier unaer ttris contr.act
shall be as follows:

1. The payments shall be made-

Through an irrevocable letter ofcredit opened in favour ofthe supplier in

a scheduled bank ofBangladesh
- Mode of payment:
(i) The purchase rvill be financed out ofCash Foreign Excbange Fund.

(iD Payment of foreign currency portion for supply of materials will be

made to the Supplier in their quoted currency Jfter deduction of local
agents' commission on FOB pdce, if any, through an irrevocable letter (L/C) to be opened in their favour. payment against shipment
will be made on presentation of originai shipping documents
comprising clean on board Bill of Lading, Invoici, Facking List,
Certificate of Origin, Freight memo, pre-shipment Insiection
Ceftificate, Waranty/Guarantee as required. payment against Lr'C shall
be effected as follows :

(a) 100% (hundred percent) ofGoods value (CFR value) shall be paid
upon presentation ofabove clean original shipping documents.

(iiD The Iocal agenfs commission (if any) will be paid in local currencv at
the selling exchange rare established by Sonali Bank for siniilar
transactions on the day of tender opening on submission of
their bill
f after the materials are received in purchier's store in gooa conJition
and the completion ofrelated services.
L/C charges:
(i) All,banking charges r.vithin. Bangladesh in connection with the opening
ol letter of credit shall be borne by rhe purchaser and outside
Bangladesh at supplier,s account ;ncludin[ L/C confirmation
(ii) The Supplier shall have to bear at such charges both inside and oiside
Bangladesh in case of extension L/C /othei document i.
J"""-ri ifl"
request of the Supplier.
(iiD Normally the L/C will be irrevocable; but it can be made confirmed
added-confirmed at the request of the supplier. fn tf,ut
uli tf,"
related banking charges (inside and outside Bangladesh)"u.",
have to be
borne by the supplier.

Payment of local curencv Dortion, if any, shall be made in Bangladesh

thirty (30) days of presentation of clarm supported by
Taka within
a certificare ftom the purchaser
declaring that the boods have been derivered and
it"t confiacted Related
Services have been performed. "ii "iri"r
GCC 27,3 Payments shall be rnade in no case later than
the days 4j days af\er submission of an
invoice or request for payment by the Supplier, and
aftei the ru'."tiri t u, u"."pt"a u
GCC 27.5 No interest will be paid on delayed payment.

Page 4 of6 (PCC)

Jalalabird Gas Transmisrio" a;;"brt.,""Xr"t", L,a , Syrfr.t, r""Ch

Procurement of Odorizer piant

GCC 28.2 The Insurance coverage for the materials ordered will be done by the purchaser for
which the Supplier shall be bound to submit promptly necessary particulars of each
shipment to the Insurer M/s. Sadharan Bima Corporation, Chowhatta, 'sylhet as well as to
the Managing Director ofthe Company. The purchaser,s Fax No. is +ggO-BZ1_716964
and E-mail:

Insurance Premium:
Vessel age slrould not exceed 15 years; shipment of cargo by Chartered vessel is
acceptable provided the vessel is approved by Sadharan Bima Corporation, Chowhatta,
Sylher3100, Phone +88 O82t-717459, Fax:+88 0821-719643 dangladesh. prior to
sh.ipment SBC uormally charged higher rate of premium for overaged vessels. SBC
allows- & concession in premiurn the Buyer for shipment of cargo per Chartered
up to 15 years ofage. In case of shipment of cargo by chartered vesiel, the age ofvessel
mu_st. be within 15 years and classed by a classifiid Associatior/Society."Otherwise,
additional premium, unclassed OAP/Ap or any other extra charges in addition to normal
premium imposed by SBC will have to be bome by the supplier In foreign currency.
The Inspections and tests :
a) The purchaser reserv€s the right to inspect the ordered materials before shipment
tkough its appointed inspection agent at its own cost but such inspection shall not
relief the supplier from_ responsibility/or liability nor be interpreted in any way 1o
imply acceptance of such goods.
Name and address of the pSI agent will be notified later.
b) The inspections and tests m
v.endors sub-contractor(s), at point of delivery and it the good's final destination.
Wien inspection conducted on the premises ofthe supplieior its sub-contractor(s),
facilities and assistance, includinj'u""* to drawings anj
production data, shall be fumished to the inspectors aino charge to the purchaser.

The. Purchaser s rigtt to

arrival in the Purchaser's country shall in no way be limiied or waiveJby reason
the goods having previously been inspected, tested and passed by G
purchaser or its
representatives prior to the goods' shipment from the country of origin.

d) Nothing in this clause 32

their obligations under the Contract.

The waranty shall remain valid for twelve (12) months from the date of acceptance
the supplied materials ty the purclraser, or'foi eighteen (18) months after the
date of
from the porr of toading in ihe source iountry, whichever period
concludes later.

The Purchaser shall give notice to the Supplier stating the nature
"t ^"r;
evidence thereoi-within
lSddays from the daie of receiving
:lg"l"l,:,,11,, l]:]lable shall afford utt-."^onuUt"
the goods. The Purchaser
inspect such defects
The period for repair oirepliG int shall be :

a) Upon receipt of such notice, the supplier shall, with all reasonable speed,
or replace the defective goods or parts thereofwithin 3o(thirty)
GCC 33.6 The liquidated damages for delay shall be half percent (0.57d ofthe
Contract price
or tne delayed Goods or unperformed Relaled services for each week
of delay until
actual delivery or performance

amount of liquidated damages shall be ofTen (10%) percent

of the

Page 5 of6 (PCC)

Jalalabad Gas Transmtssion & distrtbution S[i!m tta., Sytfret, aangladesh

Procuremelt of Odorizer Plant

GCC 35.1 a) The liquidated darnages for delay shall be half percent (0.5%) ofthe Contract price
ofthe delayed Goods or unperformed Related services for each week ofdelay until
actual delivery or perfomance
b) The maximum amount of liquidated damages shall be of Ten (t0yo) percent of the
Contract Price.
GCC 47.2(b) The name of the appointing authority of rhe Arljudicator : e*gtuO".h Oi[Iiiin
Corporation ( PETROBANGLA.)
The name ofthe Adjudicator shall be notified by the purchaser as per JG-IDSL practice.

GCC 47.3(b) Therules ofprocedrr" to, *b,*ffi

O In case of Contract with foreign Srffi
All_disputes arising in connection with the present Contract shall be finally
settled undff the Rules of Conciliation and Arbifation of the Intemational
Chamber of Commerce by one or more arbirators pointed in accordance
with said Rules.

(ii) In case of Contracts with Supptier nationat oJitreTurctraslE c6iitryI

In the case of a dispute between the purchaser and a Supplier who is a
nalional of the Bangladesh, the dispute shall be referred to adiudication or
arbitration in accordance with the laws of the Bangladesh i,e A;bitmtion Act
( Act No I of2001) ofBangladesh as at present in force.

(iii) ln both case the arblt at

Page 6 of6 (PCC)

Jalalabad Gas Transmission & distrtbution System ttO., Sythet,

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Procurement olOdorizer PIan!

Section 6. Schedule of Requirments

Invitation for Tender No: Jc/FP/IFIT-Ot/Od,oizet plallt l2\t6-17; Date 1B/o\l2otl
A. List of Goods and Delivery Schedule
When completing Form PG4-3B the Tenderer shall quote prices and contract delivery dates for each lot
separately, as specified in the List ofcoods and Deliverv Sched;le.

Delivery Date Required

(in weeks)
Item Point of
Descriptio[ of Item Unit of
No. Quantity Deliyery
(Note 2) Eartiest Latest
Delivery Delivery
Date Date
I 2 3 4 5 6 7

As Per Technical As Per Technical

As Per
Specification Specification
( Section-7) ( Section-7) Specification
( Section-7)
PurchaseiioptioiEiIEi frerms is: CFR ,Chittagong (By
Sea) delivery of materials
within 90 Days after
receipt of Letter of
Note :
l. Delivery Schedule will start from date ofreceipt ofLetter ofCredit.

2. Place ofDestination: Chittagong Sea port, Bangladesh

3. All items should be Brand New and conform to the required specification.

4. In case ofdiscrepancy between unit price and total price the unit price shall prevail.

5. comparison, Evaluation and contract award wi be made covering all items at total bid price.

6' country-of origin, Name of Manufacfurer, port ofshipment, delivery period must
be mentioned in
the Tender.

7. Manufacturer'sAuthorisationLetter.

8. Tenderer
aEl put signature on the Tender submission sheet (form pG4-r), price Bid schedure
(form PG4-38) and other rerevant Tender Documents. Stamped signature i. noi o"""ptuut".

Name of the Signatory:

Page I of 1 (schedute ofRequiremenB)

lalalabad GasTransmission & distribution system ttd., Sylhet, Sangla;;
Procurement of Odorizer Plant


Tender Ref. No. JG/FP/IFIT-01/Od orizar plan 2O16-17iDated: O3l}BlZOtT

Name & Address of Tenderer:

Tenderer's ProposayQuotation/Offer No. & Date:

A. Technical Specification ofOdorizer Unit :

sl. Unit
Descriptlon of the coods 4ry. Total Price
Odorizer Unit & it's Accessories: t0
@etails Technical Specification is given below) Set

01. Type Electronic Control Pressure Injection Typaadorizer Unit vvorking on

Differential Pressure or Meteringpump System
02. Odorizer Vessel According to ASME Boiler and pressure vessel iodeS tion-V I,
design standard Div-1
03. Vessel Capacity 100 Liter
04. Vessel Material Stainless Steel ATSI 304 or better
05. Storage Tank Capacit.v 200 Liter
06. Storage Tank Material Stainless Steel AISI 304 or better
07. Vessel Design 275 Psig
08. Vessel Design 0uC - 60oC or bettei
09. Details Specification The Odorization system will@
and Feature injection of odorant can be achieved either by a d'riving force due to
differential pressure ofgas or by using metering pumps.-
Either of the systems will allow the Odorant injection with high
accuracy 10 maintain over lhe entire mnge of the system, approachilg
infinite^tum down for the injection of odorant ro file Oo*n.t eu*!a!
flow ofthe gas station.
For differential pressure of the Odorizer Unit upstream gas pressure
ranges from P.; :100 Psig to p.* 500 psig ind downstream gas
pressure ranges from P.i" :40 psig to p,,*: 70 psig.
The sysrem config@
push bunon panet and LCD display. This display musi
'lrt:$a1eg be
able to display and log the alarms and evints messaees. T[re sv.r".
must include software that is capable to configuri tocalty'using
keypad of portable Pc/Laptop.
The Odorizing system must haye following criteria and standard.

Page I of4 { Technical Specifications)

lalalabad Gas Transmission & distntrtion System Ltol
Procurement of Odorizer Plant

Odorant injection rt@

(covering Q-* to Q-;") through gas station. Odorint should be
iniected as per intemational standard.
Hrgn accumcy jniection rate.
Automatic and manual mode indivi dually for operation.
Provide alarm signal for low@
Software for locil dataionGuration.
Gas.flow rate_can ue ou@
mA) from turbine meter or EVC of turbine meter witho'ut using flow
10 handle gas flow rate ringiff fro 3b61/hlQ6)T
10000 m3./h (e**).
0. 04 liter,,hr. 0gTr*/,..
tro5 enclosure lbr safety and protection,
"d;;-"j""ri"" -*.
Exploration-proof enclGlre-EEEEIp6iEcti6n-
l line backlit Lcp sciiin with k6iidGesGualE
poor: Lockable with win@
Power supply option: Single phasljiO VacjbEi
luitabte com*unication port foiiorti6lEFE/LiiIE
rlogrammrng locks by kev switch & nasswnrl
10. Odorizer unit Skid and The srand & skid of rhe om
Pronerties of Odore',t T., t. -fr_e_e-from
rust with antirusVanticorrosive paintinp. ' '
----r-.-l I etra Hydro Thiophene (THT)
Physical State: Liquid Density : 999 kgAni at 20oC
Melting point : -96 o C BoilingPoint:ll80C
Vapor pressure : Z0 mbarat 2O-E

P-e -;.a:ic Panel

14. Configuration of


Page 2 of4 (Technioal Specifications)

. Jalalabad Gas Transmission a aistritution System tt4, Syltret

Procurement of Odorizer Plant

Other Accessories (Trryd ngi. of Laoton havine the fo owine-;Aifrca;;n:

I Q2
Pro_cessor- 6'' Gen. Intel Core i5 , processor clock speed- 2.30 _ 2.g0
| 9lL: CPY Cache- 3MB, Display-15.6,,, Dispiay Type: LED
I lbptry,
RAM: 4GB, RAM Type- DDR4, rDri- rrb rmo,
Graphics Chipest-lfltel HD 520, Graphic Memory- Shared, Optical
Device-DVD RW, Nerworking -LAN WiFi, Blutooth, Card
Webcam, Disptay pon-HDMI, VGA, Audio port_Combo,
I I:^{"t
p:I- 2X UsB3.0, 2XUSB2.0, Bauery_6cell Li_ion, Backup
Tirne-_ Up to 4.5 hrs, Operating system- litest original windows
operating system, Free Dos, Weight-2.10 Kg, Warrenty_2 years
| ( B4ttery, Adap]er lJear), 02(rwo) Iap-lop c;rD,ing bag
0l (Orre) set I/4" S. S Screwed b@
each Odorizer unit. l

extra for each Odorizer unit. i

Meter - |

to built in regulator with Odorizer Unit must be supplied to reduce


500 psig to lso psis for intet sufpry pressure of

B::'#flffi I

Scone of \\'orkr
T:e ::::lr--r shall te res:onslble to design, procure, fabrication,
-installation testing, CFR delivery at Chittagong
.: -l A necessa.y hiok-up with ,ir";;iir;;;:
.:_.-:.__--.'.: .:=::: t: l1:p".ation.
rB...S,1::::., cj:terent areas (JGTDSL,s franchise area) rrnder Sylhet divi-siin,
:r i :-::.-. :-: I ::::::::.;t::E oarhe.odorizing unit. Design data shcet oithe
.--::::::::: : . :..: s_::.:3i. T'ae supplier also shall be resp-onsible rl.,",ild ;;
fo,,it. ",luipir.nt
,lp.ut", ."rpi"if
::,-:ri "f"un ",
.-: ;-::.::: Lr:Jl r.c:;1 the ourchaser with a tilnc schedrilc lo irrstall. configLrration
: :;;s: it ning ofrhe suppliea Eiectronic
: arrd
Odorize." .rppitr rvill scnd their commissioning
:;:ineer ream to rhe site (different Iocation of syrhet Division)'irnder
LcTDSL,s franchise area for
iesrins & commissioning of the supplied Odorizer unit u""o.iir . .I.he sLrpplier
install. at no cost to the purchaser, al1 required ,"""rrury rvill supply and
,ru?Jriols, tools, cables and related
accessories to get purse input from turbine meter
or EVC oi turbire for proper insta,atiorl
.:I]litsioning purp.oses. Alt expenses in trri, ,"gu.O- intfudmeter
"i "i, i;;;,'f;;,
l:t,ll_c_t ing cosi
roogrng elc ol the engineers wili be on supplier.s
The supplier shall provide a list of spare parts/consumable
items of tlre suppried coods with unit
price for smooth operation and maintenancl or gr""tr"ri.
oi"r#r"Unit. The unit price list wilr be
valid for a1 least 03 (tl,ee) years after the e*prry of
warrunty p.roi-a t'e s,pplier/Manufacturer
must supply this listed item as soon as possible *h"r
r"qu.#d'by i-hl pur"hur"r.
Factorv Visit :

o The supplier-will anange a lactory visit for minimum

4 nos. of Engineer/ official ofJalabad Gas T
& D system Ltd during manufacturing/ fabrication of odorizer
unit for minimum one week (7 davs)
for technology transfer. oDerarion, a-.uint"rr-... rf.,"
u.r, ;i;;;;ilil
.rppii* *iii ;i ffi;l
provide a daily allowance admissible a. p", T;i
tTi;illIias per omciars choice ormenu) and
Co"r oinurjfiO"il.

Page 3 of4 ( Technical Specifications)

Jalalabad GasTransmission & distributiona;;m Ltd., sythet,
Prccurement of Odorizer Plant

bltir erd commbsionine:

' The SWplier/M shall be responsible to install, configuration and commissioning of all
Ite s]IPlied Electronic Odorizer Unit, no cost to the puichaser, at different DRS under J6TDst
amchise-area- Supplier shaLl supply.all necessary materials (fittings, tools, cattes for
tatin! iurUine
Meter Pulse etc.) for Proper installation, commisiioning and iook--rp *o.ks ln p."r"n"" oiip"-rution

' The Supplier shall have to supply two sets of documents including
operation manual, maintenance
testing-commissioning. procedures, configuration
Parts Number etc. for the smooth operation of the
-anuai- with cD, spare i"rt. ri.i *itt
ft Yisit ofthe Tenderer:
r The SupptierlManufacturer may_visit-_the existing gas regulating and metering stations
Jalalabad Gas Transmission.and Distribution syst;;Limit"o @RS) in
arrangement before submission ofthe tender-
llcrosr-; f.un"hi"." *"u ut th"jr1*n

. The list of DRS with location is given below:

SL. No. Name ofDRS Location Inlet Outlet

pressure Pressure
01. Pirojpur DRS lirojpur, South Surma Sylhet 450 -550 psie 50 - 70 psiE
02. Patibag DRS Patibag, Chafialq Sunamgoni 400 - 550 psie 40 - 70 psie
03. Kumna(O1d)DRS Kurnna, Chattak, Sqnamgonj 400 - 550 psie 50- 70 psis
0.1. \ladhabpur DRS Madhabpur, Hobigoni 900 - 1000 psie 50- 70 psis
i'5. \o1 aoara DRS Noyapara, Madtrabpur, Hobigoni 120 -200 psie 50- 70 psie
\-:-r::pur DRS Nasratpur, Hobigonj 540 psie 50 - 70 Dsis
\":::::ze: DRS Notunbazar, Mirpur, Hobigoni 300 -500 psis 40 - 60 Dsis
.: ,'-.fRS iuri, Moulovibazar I00 - 150 psis 40 - 60 psie
Kumargoan,Sylhet 400 *550 psie 50 - 70 psie
Khadimnagar,9ylhet 400 550 psis 50 - 70 psie

Page 4 of4 (Technical Specificatiohs)

Jalalabad Gas Transmission & distribution-Gaem Lta.,
syttret, e-r4-taa"i'
ffi qFrt,rFrtq'rflqEffi{ ers BmREetr Frrsq fra
(clGmsqm esF ffiIqtft)
rBl{\5<{, Gft-{FI, FrrEB-s}oo r

<frqqq q!.;-?lpts()1 . .. .. .... Rnr<x

Gcrde-{t< -Thz-IpCl;,'o ko Us a;
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