It'S Good To Consume Yogurt (Improvement of Saliva PH)

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Ad and Journal

As a Partial Fulfillment of English 3

Taught by Indah Nuraini


1. Devi Nuriyatul Jannah (1520050)

2. Melati Budiarti (1520062)
3. Yolan Cita Arasati (1520078)
4. Yudha Pramono (1520080)

Nursing Department

School of Health Sciences Kepanjen

Yogurt is a food produced from fermented milk. The fermentation process from milk
causes a decrease in pH up to 3.8-4.5. Actually the nutritional content of yogurt is higher than
milk, yogurt also has many benefits, but most people only know yogurt is good for digestion
(Overview of Yogurt Consumption Against Time Increased Saliva pH, 2015). According to
Harjiyanti and Mulyani (2011) yogurt is a product of fermented milk by lactic acid bacteria that
has an acidic taste. The benefits of yogurt, besides being safely consumed by people with lactose
intolerance, are able to improve bone structure and stimulate the growth of stomach-friendly
bacteria (The Effect of Additional Skimmed Milk with Whey as The Basic Material for Total
Acid, pH and Total Lactic Acid Bacteria) , 2013). According to Muhammad Ilas in 2012 it was
found that there was a difference in salivary pH before and after drinking yogurt.
Salivary pH is the degree of acidity of the mouth which is measured through saliva to
determine the value of the wet acid. Conditions that are too acidic at a critical pH of 5.5 in the
mouth will result in a tooth demineralization process which leads to dental caries. To return to
normal pH takes 30-60 minutes. Dental caries is a disease that results in the destruction of dental
caries tissue.
Frozen yogurt is yogurt with physical forms such as ice cream. Actually making frozen
yogurt itself is almost the same as ice cream, but making frozen yogurt made from yogurt, sugar,
and artificial flavor enhancers is mixed and then frozen. (The Effect of Additional Skim Milk in
Basic Frozen Yogurt with Basic Ingredient to Total Acid, pH and Total Lactic Acid Bacteria,
One ready-to-eat product that is often consumed by people is yogurt. Consumption of
yogurt has continued to increase over the past twenty years. From 2005 to 2010, yogurt
consumption increased by 22% (Overview of Yogurt Consumption Against Time Increased
Saliva pH, 2015). Moreover, the latest issue arises that the nutritional content of frozen yogurt is
better than ice cream. Therefore, we will analyze the various benefits of yogurt for the body.

Heavenly blush is one product that produces frozen yogurt by combining natural fruit
juice. The ad also said that heavenly blush produces low-fat, healthy frozen yogurt for
consumption. Heavenly Blush comes in two variants, namely Heavenly Blush Greek Yoghurt
Classic 200 ml in a prism package making it more practical and easy to carry everywhere. As
well as heavenly Blush Greek Yogurt 100 grams cup-shaped with separate fruit and various
kinds of toppings (beritasatu, 2018). Greek yogurt has a lower carbohydrate and sugar content
and has a protein content two times higher than ordinary yogurt, so it can be consumed at any
time either as a breakfast menu, snack when hungry, or as dessert (beritasatu, 2018). Generally
yogurt and frozen yogurt have a pH of around 4.5.
This journal discusses health
According to the journal Siswosubroto et al. 2015 with a description of the consumption
of yogurt to the time of increasing salivary pH, from 30 samples in this study, it was found that
29 people were instructed to consume bread experiencing an increase in pH of 6.8 and a
maximum of 7.8 and only 1 person who do not experience an increase in pH. The cause of the
existence of 1 person who did not experience an increase in pH was due to individuals 1 and the
other having different mouth conditions. This difference occurs because of the influence of the
method of chewing which affects the formation of plaque which will affect the pH of saliva.
Carbohydrates are given to influence the pH of saliva and increase acid production by bacteria.
From this study, it can be seen that after consuming yogurt there was a change in salivary
pH in the samples in the 5th, 10th and 15th minutes. It can be concluded that in the 5th minute
the samples experienced a change in salivary pH to 7.0 by 4 people, at the minute 10 as many as
11 people, and the number of samples that experienced changes in salivary pH approaching 7.0
in the 15th minute were 15 people. From the results of this study indicate that by consuming
yogurt there has been a change in the salivary pH to normal (pH = 7.0) or the salivary pH value
close to the normal value even though the changes that occur in the sample are not the same in
one yogurt consumption.
From the video above about Frozen Yogurt and the composition that is in frozen yogurt
has several benefits that are good for digestion, body and healthy. Because Frozen Yogurt has a
lower carbohydrate and sugar content and has a protein content two times higher than ordinary
yogurt, while heavenly blush greek frozen yogurt already has carbohydrates, so to increase
salivary pH does not need to consume bread first as in the journal Siswosubroto et al 2015 with
the title of the picture of yogurt consumption against the time of increasing salivary pH.

1. It's heavenly im in heaven

2. Slim and Healthy Body

In the video explained that frozen yogurt has a low fat content. In vivo studies in
humans and mice showed that bifidobacterium longum BLI in yogurt has a
hypocholesterolemic effect by reducing total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol. Other
studies suggest that total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol decreased significantly with
milk consumption (8.7% and 15.9%) and yogurt (5.6% and 8.6%). (Orviyanti, 2012)

3. Toping a variety of fruits

In the video, 13, it is shown that there is a toping of frozen yogurt with a variety of
healthy fruits such as kiwi, strawberry, raspberry, blue berry and mango. With the
toping of the fruit, it not only makes a person who consumes healthier, but also
refreshes and can create a distinctive consumer appeal. In addition, in the video, it is
explained that fruit is a natural source of nutrition, but in reality today all food uses a
lot of preservatives. Likewise with the fruits that are planted, now many are not
natural, due to the addition of chemicals to make the fruit become larger than usual
and can also bear fruit incorrectly in the season.
4. It's feel different heavenly blush, heavenly yogurt with real fruit juice
In the video there are kiwi, strawberry, raspberry, blue beri and mango toppings. One
of the benefits of kiwi has the properties of producing the largest vitamin C compared
to other fruits. Kiwifruit also contains actidine, a natural enzyme that can overcome
constipation. Ascobin acid protects the body from fever and joint pain. (,
2018) Strawberry has properties such as teeth whitening, treating skin irritation,
improving digestive problems, increasing immunity, reducing the risk of heart
disease, fighting cancer, removing wrinkles, reduce weight and improve memory.
(, 2015) Blue berries have properties that are to prevent alzaimer disease,
eye disease, and inhibit cancer growth.

Conclusion : Yogurt is a food made from milk fermented by lactic acid bacteria. Yogurt
has a unique taste that has a sour taste and has health benefits. Yogurt has many benefits for the
body, one of which is an increase in the pH of saliva to 7 to prevent dental caries and good for
digestion. Whereas frozen yogurt has innovation so that many people are interested in consuming
yogurt by giving toping to yogurt with various fruits such as kiwi, strawberry, raspberry, blue
berry and mango.

Suggest : People are advised to consume yogurt because yogurt has many benefits for the
body. And it is recommended to be more selective in the selection of yogurt that has toping so
that people who consume yogurt really get topping fruit that has natural nutrients.

beritasatu. 2018. Heavenly Blush, Greek Yogurt untuk Panjang Umur. [Online] 2018. [Cited:
November Minggu, 2018.]
Gambaran Konsumsi Yoghurt Terhadap Waktu Peningkatan pH Saliva. Siswosubroto,
Anastasia. E, Pangemanan, D. H. C and Leman, Michael A. 2015. 4, 2015,
Pharmacon, Vol. 4, pp. 2302-2493.
Orviyanti, Geryn. 2012. Perbedaan Pengaruh Yoghurt Susu, Jus Kacang Merah, dan Yoghurt
Kacang Merah Terhadap Kadar KOlesterol LDL dan Kolesteol HDL Serum pada Tikus
Dislipidemia. Yogyakarta : Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Diponegoro, 2012.
The Effect of Additional Skim Milk in Making the Frozen Yogurt with Whey as The Basic
Material Ingredient to Total Acid, pH and Total Lactic Acid Bacteria. Septiani, A. H,
Kusrahayu and Legowo, A. M. 2013. 1, 2013, Animal Agriculture, Vol. 2, pp. 225-231.

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