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Dynamic modelling of a combined cycle power plant with

Baligh El Hefni Daniel Bouskela Grégory Lebreton
6 quai Watier, 78401 Chatou Cedex, France

Abstract oped to assess the performance degradation of steam

generators because of tube support plate clogging,
A new open source Modelica library called “Ther- without having to wait for the yearly plant outage to
moSysPro” has been developed within the frame- open the steam generators for visual inspection [1].
work of the ITEA 2 EUROSYSLIB project. This The potential of Modelica as a means to efficiently
library has been mainly designed for the static and describe thermodynamic models has been recognised
dynamic modeling of power plants, but can also be for quite a while [2, 3] and lead to the initiative of
used for other energy systems such as industrial developing a library for power plant modeling within
processes, buildings, etc. the ITEA 2 EUROSYSLIB project.
To that end, the library contains over 100 0D/1D This library is aimed at providing the most fre-
model components such as heat exchangers, steam quently used model components for the 0D-1D static
and gas turbines, compressors, pumps, drums, tanks, and dynamic modelling of thermodynamic systems,
volumes, valves, pipes, furnaces, combustion cham- mainly for power plants, but also for other types of
bers, etc. In particular, one and two-phase wa- energy systems such as industrial processes, energy
ter/steam flow, as well as flue gases flow are han- conversion systems, buildings etc. It involves disci-
dled. plines such as thermalhydraulics, combustion, neu-
The library has been validated against several test- tronics and solar radiation.
cases belonging to all the main domains of power The ambition of the library is to cover all the phases
plant modeling, namely the nuclear, thermal, bio- of the plant lifecycle, from basic design to plant op-
mass and solar domains. eration. This includes for instance system sizing,
The paper describes first the structure library. Then verification and validation of the instrumentation and
the test-case belonging to the thermal domain is pre- control system, system diagnostics and plant moni-
sented. It is the dynamic model of a combined cycle toring. To that end, the library will be linked in the
power plant, whose objective is to study a step varia- future to systems engineering via the modeling of
tion load from 100% to 50% and a full gas turbine systems properties, and to the process measurements
trip. The structure of the model, the parameterization via data reconciliation.
data, the results of simulation runs and the difficul- Several test-cases were developed to validate the
ties encountered are presented. library in order to cover the full spectrum of use-
cases for power plant modeling:
- static and dynamic models of a biomass
Keywords: Modelica; thermal-hydraulics; combined
plant [8],
cycle power plant; dynamic modeling; inverse prob-
- dynamic model of a concentrated solar power
- dynamic model of steam generators for sodium
fast reactor [7],
1 Introduction - dynamic model of a 1300 MWe nuclear power
plant covering the primary and secondary loops,
Modelling and simulation play a key role in the de- - dynamic model of a combined cycle power
sign phase and performance optimization of complex plant.
energy processes. It is also expected that they will This paper is an introduction to ThermoSysPro li-
play a significant role in the future for power plant brary, and presents the combined cycle power plant
maintenance and operation. Regarding for instance test-case.
plant maintenance, a new method has been devel-
Using dynamic models for combined cycle power - The library should be truly tool independent.
plants (as well as for any other type of power plants) - The library should be stable across language and
allows to go beyond the study of fixed set points to: tools versions.
- check precisely the performances and the design - The library should be validated against signifi-
given by the manufacturers (commissioning), cant real applications.
- verify and validate by simulation the scenario of - The library should be fully documented. In par-
large transients such as gas turbine trips, ticular, all modeling choices should be clearly
- find optimised operating points, justified.
- find optimised operation procedures,
- perform local and remote plant monitoring, 2.2 General principles of the library
- build correction curves,
- etc. The library features multi-domain modeling such as
In order to challenge the dynamic simulation capa- thermal-hydraulics (water/steam, flue-gases and
bilities of the library, a step load variation from some refrigerants), neutronics, combustion, solar
100% to 50% and a turbine trip (sudden stopping of radiation, instrumentation and control.
the gas turbine) were simulated. The library is founded on first physical principles:
mass, energy, and momentum conservation equa-
tions, up-to-date pressure losses and heat exchange
2 Introduction to ThermoSysPro correlations, and validated fluid properties functions.
The correlations account for the non-linear behaviour
2.1 Objectives of the library of the phenomena of interest. They cover all wa-
ter/steam phases and all flue gas compositions. Some
From the end-user’s viewpoint, the objectives of the components such as the multifunctional heater con-
library are: tains correlations that were obtained from experi-
- Ability to model and simulate thermodynamic mental results or CFD codes developed by EDF. An
processes. early Modelica implementation of the IAPWS-IF97
- Ability to cover the whole lifecycle of power standard by H. Tummescheit is used for the compu-
plants, from basic design to plant operation and tation of the properties of water and steam.
maintenance. This implies the ability to model The level of modelling detail may be freely chosen.
detailed subsystems of the plant, and to model Default correlations are given corresponding to the
the whole thermodynamic cycle of the plant, in- most frequent use-cases, but they can be freely modi-
cluding the I&C system. fied by the user. This includes the choice of the pres-
- Ability to initialize the models for a given oper- sure drop or heat transfer correlations. Special atten-
ating point. This is essentially an inverse prob- tion is given to the handling of two-phase flow, as
lem: how to find the physical state of the system two-phase flow is a common phenomenon in power
given the values of the observable outputs of the plants. The physics of two-phase flow is complex
system. because of the mass and energy transfer between the
- Ability to perform static calculations (for plant two phases and the different flow regimes (bubbles,
monitoring and plant performance assessment) churn or stratified flow…) [4]. Currently, mixed and
and dynamic calculations (for operation assis- two-fluids 3, 4 and 5 equations flow models are sup-
tance) faster than real time. ported. For instance, 3 equations are used for the
- Ability to fit the plant models against real plant homogeneous single-phase flow pipe model, 4 equa-
data using for instance data assimilation tech- tions for the drum model, and 5 equations for the
niques. separated flow pipe model. The different flow re-
- Ability to use the models to improve the quality gimes are accounted for by appropriate pressure drop
of measurements using the data reconciliation and heat transfer correlations. The drift-flux model
technique. may be used to compute the phase velocities. Also,
- Ability to use the models for uncertainty studies accurate sets of geometrical data are provided for
by propagating uncertainties from the inputs to some heat exchangers.
the outputs of the model. Flow reversal is supported in the approximation of
From the model developer’s viewpoint: convective flow only (the so-called upwind scheme
- The library should be easy to read, understand, where the Peclet number is supposed to be infi-
extend, modify and validate. nite [5]). It is planned to investigate the interest of
- The library should be sharable at the EDF level, taking diffusion into account for a more robust com-
and more. putation of flow reversal near zero-flow.
The components are separated into 4 groups: yellow should therefore be eliminated from the physical
components for static modelling only, green compo- equations system after compilation of the model.
nents for static and dynamic modelling, blue compo- However, as connectors are sensitive to the compo-
nents for dynamic modelling only, and purple com- nents graph orientation rules, they define the conven-
ponents for fast dynamic modelling (waterhammer). tion for the sign of the flows, or in other words,
All components are compatible with each other, but which direction in the graph is assigned for positive
many yellow components do not withstand zero- flows, and which direction is assigned for negative
flows, so they cannot be used to model transients that flows.
involve flow reversal for instance. The green com- For flow orientation, two alternatives are possible.
ponents group is composed of singular pressure The first is to have a flow orientation at the compo-
losses in the approximation of zero-volume, so that nent level: the flow is positive when it enters the
the coefficients of the derivative terms of the balance component, and negative when it leaves the compo-
equations are equal to zero. Hence, one should only nent. The second is to have a flow orientation at the
use yellow or green components for static modelling graph level: the flow is positive under normal operat-
only. ing conditions, and negative in case of reverse flow
The library components are written in such a way conditions, the latter being most often transitory. The
that there are no hidden or unphysical equations, that second alternative has been preferred over the first
components are independent from each other and to one for the fluid connector, as it gives a flow sign
ensure as much as possible upward and downward convention closer to the end-user perception of the
compatibility across tools and library versions. This operation of the system.
is particularly important in order to control the im- From these requirements, and also from the fact that
pact of component, library or tool modifications on the staggered grid and the upward schemes are used,
the existing models. the structure of the connector follows.
To that end, only the strictly needed constructs of the
Modelica language are used. In particular, the inheri- connector FluidInlet
tance and stream mechanisms are not used, and no SIunits.Pressure P;
physical meaning is assigned to the fluid connectors: SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy h;
they are considered as a means to pass information SIunits.MassFlowRate m_flow;
SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy h_flow;
between components, so they are not part of the
physical equations. input Boolean a=true;
The components are connected together using the output Boolean b;
fluid connectors according to the staggered grid end FluidInlet;
scheme [5]. This scheme divides the components
into two groups: volumes and flow models. Volumes connector FluidOutlet
compute the mass and energy balance equations, SIunits.Pressure P;
whereas flow models compute the momentum bal- SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy h;
ance equations. Volumes may have any number of SIunits.MassFlowRate m_flow;
connectors, whereas flow models have exactly two SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy h_flow;
connectors (they look like pipes, although they are
not necessarily pipes). The staggered grid scheme output Boolean a;
input Boolean b;
states that flow models should be connected to vol-
end FluidInlet;
umes only, and volumes should be connected to flow
models only. It is however possible to connect flow
models together without breaking the staggered grid There are actually an inlet connector and an outlet
rule, by considering that the intermediate volume has connector. These two connectors have the same
a zero-volume capacity. physical structure (P, h, m_flow, h_flow), but differ-
ent flow orientations enforced by the Booleans a and
2.3 Structure of the fluid connectors b. The flow is positive when entering the component
at the inlet or leaving the component at the outlet.
The structure of the fluid connectors is of particular The keywords input and output prevent connecting
importance as it reflects the overall structure of the inlets or outlets together (see Figure 1 where inlets
library. are blue and outlets are red).
As already stated, the fluid connectors do not bear Notice that the Modelica prefix flow is not used for
any physical meaning. They are only considered as a m_flow and h_flow. The reason is that (1) the mass
way to pass information between components, and balance and energy balance equations are not gener-
ated by the connections, but fully implemented in the Volume 1 Flow model Volume 2

volumes, (2) and that the sign convention for posi-

tive flows is not compatible with the sign convention P1, h1
h _ flow = s (m _ flow) ⋅ h1 + s(− m _ flow) ⋅ h2
P2, h2
of the Modelica flow prefix, which stipulates that all m _ flow = f ( P1 , P2 , h _ flow)

flows should be of the same sign (positive or nega-

tive) when entering the component via the connector.
As a consequence, multiple connections are not al- Figure 3: staggered grid scheme
lowed as in Modelica.Fluid for instance, so that
mergers or splitters must be modeled using volumes. According to the upwind scheme:
In practice, this is not considered as a restriction, as h _ flow = s (m _ flow) ⋅ h1 + s (−m _ flow) ⋅ h2
in most cases, mergers or splitters do have non trivial where s denotes the step function:
physical behaviours which could not be simply rep- s ( x) = 0 if x ≤ 0 and s ( x) = 1 if x > 0
resented by multiple connections.
2.4 Organization of the library

The library is subdivided into application domains.

Each application domain corresponds to a connector
type. Each application domain is divided into pack-
ages corresponding to broad component types:
boundary conditions, connectors, heat exchangers,
machines, pressure losses, sensors, volumes, etc. (see
Figure 5 in the Appendix).
Figure 1: connecting components
Components may be written in plain Modelica text,
P and h denote resp. the average fluid pressure and or constructed by connecting other components from
specific enthalpy inside the control volumes. m_flow the library, as shown in Figure 4.
and h_flow denote resp. the mass flow rate and spe-
cific enthalpy crossing the boundary between two
control volumes (see Figure 2).

Control volume 1 Control volume 2

P1, h1 P2, h2

Figure 2: finite volume discretization

P, h and m_flow are the state variables of resp. the
mass, energy and balance equations. h_flow is not a
state variable. The purpose of h_flow is to compute
the fluid specific enthalpy using the upwind scheme.
P and h are computed within volumes, whereas
m_flow and h_flow are computed within flow mod-
els (see Figure 3).
Figure 4: model component of a gas turbine
3 Model of the combined cycle power Type Model name in the library
plant Water split- VolumeA, VolumeD
3.1 Description of the model Heat Exchanger : Flue Gases/ Water Steam
Actually, two models are used: one to simulate the Based on first principles mass, momentum and en-
power generator step reduction load (see Figure 6 in ergy balance equations, the following phenomena are
the Appendix), the other to simulate the full GT trip represented:
(see Figure 7 in the Appendix). In the model used to - transverse heat transfer,
simulate the GT trip, the gas turbine is replaced by a - mass accumulation,
boundary condition. - thermal inertia,
The model contains two main parts: the water/steam - gravity,
cycle and the flue gases subsystem. Only one train is - pressure drop within local flow rate.
modelled, so identical behaviour is assumed for each Drum and Condenser
HRSG and for each gas turbine. Based on first principles mass and energy balance
HRSG model equations for water and steam, the following phe-
The model consists of 16 heat exchangers (3 evapo- nomena are represented:
rators, 6 economizers, 7 super-heaters), 3 evaporat- - drum level and swell and shrink phenomenon,
ing loops (low, intermediate and high pressure), 3 - heat exchange between the steam/water and the
drums, 3 steam turbine stages (HP, IP and LP), 3 wall,
pumps, 9 valves, several pressure drops, several - heat exchange between the outside wall and the
mixers, several collectors, 1 condenser, 1 generator, external medium.
several sensors, sources, sinks and the control system Steam turbine
limited to the drums level control. Based on an ellipse law and an isentropic efficiency.
An important feature of this model is that the ther-
modynamic cycle is completely closed through the Pump
condenser. This is something difficult to achieve, Based on the characteristics curves.
because of the difficulty of finding the numerical
Pressure drop in pipes
balance of large closed loops.
The list of component used for the development of Proportional to the dynamic pressure ± the static
the HRSG model is given in Table 1. pressure.
Table 1: library components used in the HRSG model Based on the mass and energy balances for the fluid.
Type Model name in the library GT model
Condenser DynamicCondenser The model consists of 1 compressor, 1 gas turbine, 1
Drum DynamicDrum combustion chamber, sources, sinks and 1 air humid-
Generator generator ity model.
Heat ex- DynamicExchangerWaterSteamFlueGases
The list of component models used for the develop-
changer ment of the GT model is given in Table 2.
Table 2: library components used in the GT model
HeatExchangerWall Type Model name in the library
Pipe LumpedStraightPipe Air humidity AirHumidity
Pump StaticCentrifugalPump Compressor GTCompressor
Sensor SensorQ Gas turbine CombutionTurbine
Steam tur- StodolaTurbine Combustion GTCombustionChamber
bine chamber
Valve ControlValve Gas turbine
Water mixer VolumeB, VolumeC
Based on correlations for the characteristic.
Compressor 3.4 Simulation scenarios
Based on correlations for the characteristic.
For simulation runs, two scenarios were selected.
Combustion chamber The first scenario is a power generator step reduction
Based on first principles mass, momentum and en- from 100 to 50% load:
ergy balance equations. The pressure loss in the - Initial state (combined cycle): 100 % load
combustion chamber is taken into account. - Final state (combined cycle): 50% load (800 s
3.2 Data implemented in the model The second scenario is a full GT trip (sudden stop-
ping of the gas turbine):
All geometrical data were provided to the model - Initial state (GT exhaust): 894 K, 607 kg/s
(pipes and exchangers lengths and diameters, heat - Final state (GT exhaust): 423 K, 50 kg/s (600 s
transfer surfaces of exchangers, volumes…). slope)
The plant characteristics are given below.
Gas Turbine (GT) The following phenomena are simulated:
- flow reversal,
Compressor compression rate: 14 - local boiling or condensation,
Steam Generator (HRSG) - swell and shrink effect in drums,
HRSG with 3 levels of pressure. - drums levels and condenser level,
High pressure circuit at nominal power: 128 bar - drums pressure control
Intermediate pressure circuit at nominal power: 27
bar 3.5 Simulation scenarios
Low pressure circuit at nominal power : 5.7 bar
Simulation runs were done using Dymola 6.1.
Steam Turbine The simulation of the scenarios were mostly success-
High pressure at nominal power : 124.5 bar, 815 K ful. However, some difficulties were encountered
Intermediate pressure at nominal power : 25.5 bar, when simulating large transients, mainly stemming
801 K from the large size of the model:
Low pressure at nominal power : 4.8 bar, 430 K - poor debugging facility,
- slow simulation,
Condenser - large number of values to be manually provided
Steam flow rate: 194 kg/s by the user for the iteration variables,
Water temperature at the inlet: 300 K - no efficient handling of these values.

3.3 Calibration of the model In particular, it has been observed that sometimes
Dymola cannot calculate the initial states, even when
The calibration phase consists in setting (blocking) all iterations variables are set very close to their solu-
the maximum number of thermodynamic variables to tion values. This was the main difficulty that was
known measurement values (enthalpy, pressure) encountered when closing the loop through the con-
taken from on-site sensors for 100% load. This denser.
method ensures that all needed performance parame- When Dymola stops before the end of the simula-
ters, size characteristics and output data can be com- tion, no clear message is delivered to analyse the
puted. causes of the failure.
The main computed performance parameters are: Tool improvements were analysed and reported as
- the characteristics of the pumps, part of the EDF contribution to the EUROSYSLIB
- the ellipse law coefficients of the turbines, project, in partnership with Politecnico di Mi-
- the isentropic efficiencies of the turbines, lano [6].
- the friction pressure loss coefficients of the heat
exchangers and of the pipeline between the 3.6 Simulation results
- the CV of the valves and the valves positions The model is able to compute precisely:
(openings). - the air excess,
- the distribution of water and steam mass flow
- the thermal power of heat exchangers,
- the electrical power provided by the generator, Despite of some simulation difficulties because of
- the pressure temperature and specific enthalpy the lack of debugging tools for Modelica models,
distribution across the network, this work shows that the library is complete and ro-
- the drums levels and the condenser level, bust enough for the modelling and simulation of
- the performance parameters of all the equip- complex power plants. However these two essential
ments, qualities for a power plant library should continu-
- the global efficiencies of the water/steam cycle ously be improved and maintained in the long run.
and gas turbine.

The computational time is faster than real time (with Acknowledgements

Dymola 6.1).
The results of the simulation for 100% load are given This work was partially supported by the pan-
below. European ITEA2 program and the French govern-
Gas Turbine (GT) ment through the EUROSYSLIB project.
Nominal power: 2*230 MW,
Steam Generator (HRSG) References
Thermal power: 2*350 MW,
[1] Bouskela D., Chip V., El Hefni B., Faven-
Steam Turbine nec J.M., Midou M. and Ninet J. ‘New
Nominal power: 275 MW, method to assess tube support plate clog-
Condenser ging phenomena in steam generators of
nuclear power plants’, Mathematical and
Thermal power: 423 MW. Computer Modelling of Dynamical Sys-
Outlet water temperature: 306 K tems, 16: 3, 257-267, 2010.
Vacuum pressure: 6100 Pa
[2] El Hefni B., Bouskela D., ‘Modelling of a
The results of the simulation runs are given in Figure water/steam cycle of the combined cycle
8 and Figure 9 in the Appendix. They are consistent power plant “Rio Bravo 2” with Mode-
with the engineer’s expertise. lica’, Modelica 2006 conference proceed-
However, when the GT trip reaches full stopping of ings.
the plant, the recirculation flows in the evaporators [3] Souyri A., Bouskela D., ‘Pressurized Wa-
do not go to zero as expected, for reasons that are not ter Reactor Modelling with Modelica’,
yet fully understood. Modelica 2006 conference proceedings.
[4] Collier J.G., and Thome J.R., ‘Convective
Boiling and Condensation’, Mc Graw-Hill
4 Conclusion Book Company (UK) limited, 1972 Clar-
endon Press, Oxford, 1996.
A new open source Modelica library called ‘Ther- [5] Patankar S.V., ‘Numerical Heat Transfer
moSysPro’ has been developed within the frame- and Fluid Flow’, Hemisphere Publishing
work of the ITEA 2 EUROSYSLIB project. This Corporation, Taylor & Francis, 1980.
library has been mainly designed for the static and
[6] Casella F., Bouskela D., ‘Efficient method
dynamic modeling of power plants, but can also be
for power plant modelling’, EDF report H-
used for other energy systems such as industrial
P1C-2010-01929-EN, 2010.
processes, buildings, etc. It is intended to be easily
understood and extendable by the models developer. [7] David F., Souyri A., Marchais G., ‘Model-
Among other test-cases, a dynamic and rather large ling Steam Generators for Sodium Fast
model of a combined cycle power plant has been Reactors with Modelica’, Modelica 2009
developed to validate the library. This model com- conference proceedings
prises the flue gas side and the full thermodynamic [8] El Hefni B., Péchiné B., ‘Model driven op-
water/steam cycle closed through the condenser. timization of biomass CHP plant design’,
Two difficult transients were simulated: a step reduc- Mathmod conference 2009, Vienna, Aus-
tion load of the power generator and a full gas tur- tria.
bine trip. The results are mostly consistent with the
engineer’s expertise.

Packages Components


Figure 5: organization of the library

Figure 6: model of the combined cycle power plant used for the power generator step reduction load

GT exhaust
Mass flow rates

Figure 7: model of the combined cycle power plant used for the full GT trip
Figure 8: power generator step reduction simulation (-50%)
Figure 9: GT trip simulation

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