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International Journal of Industrial Electronics and Electrical Engineering, ISSN: 2347-6982 Volume-5, Issue-4, Aprl.

B. Tech students, 5Assistant Professor, Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department, KHIT
Chowdavaram,Guntur,Andhra Pradesh.

Abstract- Nowadays the demand for electric utilization is goes on increasing due to rapid increase in population. The
controlling of the power flow within the interconnected power system is needed. There are so many conventional power flow
controlling devices are needed to improve the performance of the power system network. Distributed power flow controller
is one of the combined controlled FACTS devices. The DPFC consist of two types of converters. One is series converter and
another one is shunt converter connected to grids. The active power exchange between the converters is carried out through
the transmission line at the 3rd order harmonic frequency. The redundancy of series converter provides high reliability of the
system.In this paper the performance of the DPFC during single series converter failure is considered. An adaptive control
scheme to improve the performance of the DPFC during the single series converter failure is proposed. The method of
control is based on the failure of single series converter will lead to unsymmetrical current components at the fundamental
frequency. The failure of the series converter is compensated by controlling the negative and zero sequence currents to zero.
The main advantages of the proposed control scheme are to provide the continuity of the supply between the buses, eliminate
the sequential components of currents within the line and continuity of active power exchange between series and shunt
converters is maintained. The system is simulated on MATLAB environment and results are presented to highlight the
effectiveness of the proposed control scheme.

Keywords- Power flow control, flexible AC transmission system, symmetrical components, 3rdharmonic frequency,
reliability, transmission system,


Nowadays the fast and reliable control schemes are

needed to control the power flow in the
interconnected power system network. Because of
increasing the demand of electrical energy, aging of
the networks and distributed generation the
distributed power flow controller (DPFC) is proposed
in [1], is a FACTS device which provides more Fig.1. Distributed power flow controller
reliability than the other FACTS devices at low cost.
It is derived from the UPFC to control the system The improved reliability of DPFC provided by the
parameters like impedance of the line, transmission useful of distributed series converters. If any of the
angle and magnitude of the bus voltage [2]. In case of series converters fails the other will continue the
UPFC the active power is exchanging between the operation. However the failed converter will stop
converters through a common DC link to provide providing the desired voltage, thereby causing
better control over the active power flow. But in unbalancing of the series converter and reducing the
DPFC the active power is exchanging between the performance of DPFC. In this paper the behavior of
series and shunt converter through the transmission DPFC during failure of single series converter is
line at 3rd harmonic frequency [1] by the elimination discussed. An adaptive controlling scheme improves
of common DC link between the converters and the DPFC performance during the series converter
adapting D-FACTS concept. The DPFC employs failure is proposed. The controller scheme design and
multiple single phase series converters to improve the corresponding simulation results are also discussed.
reliability of DPFC. In D-FACTS [3] concepts the
series converters can float with respect to the ground II. BASIC OPERATING AND CONTROL
thus reducing the cost of high voltage isolation. This PRINCIPLE OF DPFC
concept reduces the rating of components and
converter cost also. The scheme of the DPFC in a In Fig.1. the series converter are distributed among
simple two bus system is illustrated in Fig.1. the length of the line to inject a controllable voltage
over 3600,thereby controlling the active and reactive
power flow in the line. The converter connected
An Improved Performance of the DPFC During Series Converter Failure by Using Supplementary Control Scheme

International Journal of Industrial Electronics and Electrical Engineering, ISSN: 2347-6982 Volume-5, Issue-4, Aprl.-2017
between the line and ground is known as the shunt  Series control: Each series converter has its own
converter. The main function of the shunt converter is series control. This is used to maintain the dc
to inject the active power required by the series capacitor voltage of its own converter by using
converter at a harmonic frequency and absorb active the 3rd harmonic frequency components to inject
power of fundamental frequency from the grid. To series voltage at the fundamental frequency.
ensure that DPFC having the superior controlling  Shunt control: The main objective of shunt
capability as compared with UPFC, a method that can control are to inject a constant 3rd harmonic
let the active power exchange between the converters current into the line based on active power
with eliminated common DC link and implementation required by the series converters.
of D-FACTS concept. Within the DPFC there is a
common connection between the AC terminals of the The line current contains two frequency components;
converter in different transmission lines. Therefore it a 3rd high pass filter is needed to reduce the
is possible to exchange the active power through the fundamental current. The frequency of ripples
AC terminals. This method is based on the power depends on frequency of current flowing through the
theory of non-sinusoidal voltages and current converter. There are two possible ways to reduce this
components. ripples one is increasing the turns ratio of single
phase transformer of the series converter to reduce
According to the Fourier analysis the non sinusoidal the magnitude of the current. Second one is with the
voltage and current components can be expressed by use of large capacitance of the DC capacitor.
the sum of sinusoidal functions in different
frequencies with different magnitudes. It is defined as III. BEHAVIOR OF THE DPFC DURING
the mean value of product of voltage and current.The SERIES CONVERTER FAILURE
active power can be expressed as;
The series converters are subjected few disturbances,
P = ∑∞ V I cos ∅ (1) one is short circuit and another is open circuit. When
a short circuit occurs, the interruption of power flow
Where Vi is the voltage at nth harmonic frequency through the transmission line should not be affected.
and Ii is the current at theith harmonic frequency.∅ is But when an open circuit occurs the transmission line
the angle between the voltage and current at ith will be also open circuit which leads to influencing
frequency. Equation (1) describes the active power at the whole network. To prevent the open circuit of the
different frequencies is isolated from each other and series converter a crowbar bypass switch is connected
voltage or current in one frequency has no influence in parallel to the output terminal of the series
on active power at other frequencies. This provides a converter. If any one of the series converter open
converter without power source can supply active circuited, the crowbar bypass switch will be
power at one frequency and absorb active power at connected to bypass the transmitted power.
other frequencies. The 3rd harmonic is selected to
exchange the active power within the DPFC because If one of the series converter is subjected to short
which are naturally blocked by the star-delta circuit with the transmission line the voltage injected
transformers and the corresponding reactive power by this converter makes unbalance between the
losses are negligible. phases. The unbalanced series voltage leads to
unsymmetrical current components exist in the line,
which leads to decreasing the power quality of the

Considering the DPFC in a two port transmission

network where VSand Vr are the sending and
receiving ends bus voltages as shown in Fig.1. The
total voltage injected by all series converters is Vse
and the number of series converters is m per phase.
Fig.2. Block diagram of the control of a DPFC With the failed converters in phase the voltage
injected is given by:
All the converters of DPFC are controlled with
different types of controllers they are central, series v ,
and shunt controllers as shown in Fig.2. v =
v , (2)
v ,
 Central Control: The central control provides where k is the number of failed converter in phase a.
reference voltage signals to the series converters This unbalanced series voltage can be represented by
and reactive current signals to the shunt using sequence analysis as:
converter at fundamental frequency.

An Improved Performance of the DPFC During Series Converter Failure by Using Supplementary Control Scheme

International Journal of Industrial Electronics and Electrical Engineering, ISSN: 2347-6982 Volume-5, Issue-4, Aprl.-2017
v  The controller should give correct
v = v (3) compensation voltage reference by the
v discrimination of the phase with the faulty
At the fundamental frequency, the unbalanced line  The communication between series converter
currents caused by series converter failure are and central control should be independent to
i 1⁄Z 0 0 v −v +v enable the series converters to inject the
i = 0 1⁄Z 0 v (4) voltage in one phase and other phases should
be different.
i 0 0 1⁄Z v
Where Z , , is the transmission line impedance in The supplementary control scheme is based on the
positive, negative and zero sequence respectively. fact that, the failure of a single series converter will
The negative and zero sequence line impedance lead to unsymmetrical current at the fundamental
magnitudes depends on number of series converter frequency. By eliminating negative and zero currents
failed. the failure of series converter can be compensated.
For this, two current control loops are added to the
existing DPFC controller to control zero and negative
sequence current. The control scheme with these
supplementary controllers of the central control is
shown in Fig .4.

Fig. 3. The equivalent network of the DPFC at the 3 rd harmonic

The currents at the fundamental frequency and 3rd

harmonic frequency getaffectedby series converter
failure. The equivalent network of the DPFC at 3rd
harmonic is illustrated in Fig.3. This is used to
determine the 3rd harmonic currents.

The shunt converter supplies the constant3rd harmonic

current (i3). The series converters only inject or
absorb the active powerat 3rd harmonic frequency. Fig. 4. Control scheme for unbalance compensation.
Theyactlike variable resistors. The power consumed
by these resistors is given by: The sequence analyzer processes the line current in
Pse=Re(vseil) (5) three phases. The positive sequence currents are used
for power flow control and other for series converter
The 3rd harmonic current over the three phases is: failure compensation purpose.
P , , A synchronous PI controller [4] is used for zero and
Z , .i , + ∗ = V negative sequence controller. It can be used on
transformed values, and output of the controls can be
, ,
Z , .i , + ∗ =V transformed to the fixed frame of reference. For
, ,
negative components park’s transformation [5],[6],[7]
Z , .i , + ∗ =V (6) is used. By replacing DPFC series converter with an
rd ideal voltage sources, the basic zero and negative
whereV is the 3 harmonic frequency voltage across
the transmission line. To eliminate the 3rd harmonic sequence network within the DPFC is represented as
current leakage and balance the unsymmetrical shown in Fig .5.
current at the fundamental frequency, a
supplementary control is essential. The relationship between the current and voltage with
the dq-transformation is given by:
di ,,
SCHEME v , , =R i , +L − ωL , i ,, − v , ,
di ,,
The main function of supplementary control is to v , , , = R , i ,, + L , − ωL , i ,, − v , ,
inject more voltage into the line to maintain balance (7)
between the phases at the fundamental frequency.
The supplementary control surrounded by the central
control. There are two aspects required by the
supplementary control is;

An Improved Performance of the DPFC During Series Converter Failure by Using Supplementary Control Scheme

International Journal of Industrial Electronics and Electrical Engineering, ISSN: 2347-6982 Volume-5, Issue-4, Aprl.-2017
The Fig.8.shows, a new control scheme for faulted
series converter. It provides controlled signals to the
all series controllers thereby compensate the faulted

Fig.5. Simplified zero and negative sequence network with the

The unbalanced voltagesand cross coupling transfer
function are considered as the disturbances, which are
given by:
G(s) = , , (8)
Fig. 8.A new control scheme for faultedseries converter.
As the disturbance is unpredictable, to active damp
the disturbances for each controller the inner Each series converter supplied 0.012pu voltage at
feedback loops are added. The current control thefundamental frequency. At t=1s to t =1.1s,
parameters are calculated by internal model control single line to ground fault is created (Line – a to
[8],[9] and it is done as: Ground) then the series converter in line – a, is short
F , (s) = α , L , + α , (R , + R , )/s
F , (s) = α , L , + α , (R , + R , )/s (9)
Where αd, αq are the band width for d and q
components control respectively. The Fig. 6.showsan
unbalanced current control scheme for failed series

Fig. 9. Three phase current at the delta side of transformer.

The system behavior with and without the

supplementary controller is presented. Fig. 9.shows
the three-phase current at the delta side of the
Fig. 6. Unbalanced current control scheme.
transformer at the fundamental frequency. As shown,
without the controller, the three-phase system
becomes unbalance during the converter failure.
A new control scheme successfully compensates the
The simulation has been done in MATLAB Simulink. phase difference caused by the series converter
The DPFC is tested in a two-bus system, where two failure.
fixed voltagesources are connected to the two
transformers to represent the infinite buses. Both the
bus voltages are 1pu with 1.50 differences. Three
inductors represent the three-phase transmission line.
To simplify the calculation, two sets of three series
converter are connected to control the power flow
through the line, see in Fig. 7.

Fig.10.The magnitude of the series converter reference voltage.

In this case, one converter has a fault in phase a,

therefore the control signal for phase a, should be
twice larger than without the fault, and the control
signals for the rest phases should be unchanged. The
Fig. 7.DPFC Simulated model.

An Improved Performance of the DPFC During Series Converter Failure by Using Supplementary Control Scheme

International Journal of Industrial Electronics and Electrical Engineering, ISSN: 2347-6982 Volume-5, Issue-4, Aprl.-2017
magnitude of the series converter reference voltage is The authors would like to acknowledge the facilities
illustrated in Fig.10. provided by KHIT, Department of Electrical and
Electronics Engineering, Chowdavaram, Guntur, A.P.


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An Improved Performance of the DPFC During Series Converter Failure by Using Supplementary Control Scheme


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