Stress in Soil

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Theory of elasticity used for determining stress in soil mass

Main stress strain parameter

1 Modulus of elasticity E detemined by triaxial compression test (CU) stress strain curve for devia
2 Poission ratio μ vaires from 0 to 0.5 for undrained condition 0.5

If there is no lateral srain ,coffient of pressure at rest

depen upon Soil is stretched or compressed laterally

Vertical stress due to concentrated load

Boussinesq Equation

1 Soil mass is elastic continuum
2 Soil is homogenus
3 Soil is isotropic
4 Soil mass is semi-infinite

�_𝑧= 𝐼_𝐵 𝑄/𝑧^2

𝐼_𝐵 = 3/(2 𝜋 [1+

(𝑟/𝑧)^2 ]^(5∕2)
Since vertical stress does not depend upon E and μ, vertical stress distribution is same in all linearly elastic material

Assume �_𝑧=0.1 𝑄

�_� " "=0.1

Chart Title
Depth z IB r/z r -r
-1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5
0 0 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0
0.25 0.00625 2.159935 0.539984 -0.53998
0.5 0.025 1.50129 0.750645 -0.75065
0.75 0.05625 1.162965 0.872224 -0.87222
1 0.1 0.932126 0.932126 -0.93213
1.25 0.15625 0.750548 0.938185 -0.93819
1.5 0.225 0.592579 0.888869 -0.88887
1.75 0.30625 0.440897 0.771569 -0.77157 1
2.185 0.477423 0.005955 0.013012 -0.01301



Vertical stress distribution on a horizontal plane
Chart Ti
Assume z= 2m 0.14


Radius r r/z IB 0.1

0 0 0.477465 0.119366 Q 0Q 0.08

0.5 0.25 0.410317 0.102579 Q -0.5 Q
1 0.5 0.273317 0.068329 Q -1 Q 0.06

1.5 0.75 0.156456 0.039114 Q -1.5 Q 0.04

2 1 0.084405 0.021101 Q -2 Q
2.5 1.25 0.045424 0.011356 Q -2.5 Q 0.02
3 1.5 0.025075 0.006269 Q -3 Q 0
3.5 1.75 0.014354 0.003588 Q -3.5 Q -4 -3 -2 -1 0

Vertical stress distribution on a verical plane

Assume r= 1m

Chart Ti
Depth z r/z
1 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05
0.25 4 0.000401 0.006411 Q 1.006411 0
0.5 2 0.008541 0.034165 Q 1.034165
0.75 1.333333 0.037128 0.066005 Q 1.066005 1
1 1 0.084405 0.084405 Q 1.084405
1.25 0.8 0.138622 0.088718 Q 1.088718 2

1.5 0.666667 0.19041 0.084627 Q 1.084627

1.75 0.571429 0.235585 0.076926 Q 1.076926
2 0.5 0.273317 0.068329 Q 1.068329 4
2.25 0.444444 0.304246 0.060098 Q 1.060098
2.5 0.4 0.329455 0.052713 Q 1.052713 5
2.75 0.363636 0.350028 0.046285 Q 1.046285
3 0.333333 0.3669 0.040767 Q 1.040767 6

3.25 0.307692 0.380828 0.036055 Q 1.036055

3.5 0.285714 0.392412 0.032034 Q 1.032034
3.75 0.266667 0.402119 0.028595 Q 1.028595
4 0.25 0.410317 0.025645 Q 1.025645
4.25 0.235294 0.417288 0.023102 Q 1.023102
4.5 0.222222 0.423259 0.020902 Q 1.020902
4.75 0.210526 0.428406 0.018988 Q 1.018988
5 0.2 0.432871 0.017315 Q 1.017315

Maximum vereical stress occur when r/z =0.817

Point of intersection of vertical plane with line drawn at 39o15' to vertical axis of the load
Vertical Stress due to line load

�_𝑧= (2 𝑞′)/(𝜋 𝑧) [1/(1+ (𝑥∕𝑧)^2 )]^2

q' Line load

Vertical Stress due to Strip Load

Point P is below the centre of strip


θ z

�_�= 𝑞/𝜋 (2𝜃+𝑠𝑖𝑛2𝜃 )

Point P is not below the centre of strip

θ z



�_�= 𝑞/𝜋 (2𝜃+𝑠𝑖𝑛2𝜃 𝑐𝑜𝑠2φ)

where β1 +β2 = 2ɸ

Isobar of 0.1 q of strip load can go upto depth of 6B

Width of strip foundation 5m

Stress countor of 0.1 q

z α1 α2 I x
1 0.4 1.375235 0.100354 3.438088 0.1 -3.43809
2.2 0.88 1.80341 0.100113 4.508526 0.1 -4.50853
3.4 1.36 2.188875 0.100155 5.472187 0.1 -5.47219
4.6 1.84 2.531025 0.100128 6.327563 0.1 -6.32756
5.8 2.32 2.832849 0.100087 7.082122 0.1 -7.08212
7 2.8 3.097819 0.100051 7.744547 0.1 -7.74455
8.2 3.28 3.313838 0.10094 8.284594 0.1 -8.28459
9.4 3.76 3.517182 0.100621 8.792955 0.1 -8.79295
10.6 4.24 3.690838 0.100389 9.227095 0.1 -9.2271
11.8 4.72 3.835986 0.100229 9.589966 0.1 -9.58997
13 5.2 3.953502 0.100125 9.883755 0.1 -9.88375
14.2 5.68 4.043987 0.100061 10.10997 0.1 -10.11
15.4 6.16 4.08511 0.100693 10.21277 0.1 -10.2128
16.6 6.64 4.132429 0.10034 10.33107 0.1 -10.3311
17.8 7.12 4.14927 0.100141 10.37317 0.1 -10.3732
19 7.6 4.135912 0.100036 10.33978 0.1 -10.3398
20.2 8.08 4.090025 0.100024 10.22506 0.1 -10.2251
21.4 8.56 4.014427 0.099998 10.03607 0.1 -10.0361
22.6 9.04 3.878835 0.100401 9.697088 0.1 -9.69709
23.8 9.52 3.757438 0.099995 9.393595 0.1 -9.39359
25 10 3.57228 0.099944 8.930701 0.1 -8.9307
26.2 10.48 3.336359 0.099913 8.340897 0.1 -8.3409
27.4 10.96 3.060808 0.099678 7.652019 0.1 -7.65202
28.6 11.44 2.656584 0.099864 6.641459 0.1 -6.64146
30 12 2.5 0.097136 6.25 0.1 -6.25

Vertical Stress due to circular Load

Assume footing is flexble and contact pressure distribution is uniform
Point P is below the centre of strip

θ z

�_�= " " 𝐼_𝑐 𝑞

Ic Influence coefficient for circular area
𝐼_𝑐=1− 〖𝑐𝑜𝑠〗 ^3 𝜃

Isobar of 0.1 q of strip load can go upto depth of 2D where D=2R

Vertical Stress under corner of a rectangular Load

�_�= " " 𝐼_𝑁 𝑞

IN Newmark's Influence coefficient

𝐼_𝑁= 1/2𝜋 [(𝑚𝑛 )/(�^2+�^2+1)^(1/2) .(𝑚^2+𝑛^2+2)/(�^2+�^2+�^2 �^2+1)+ 〖𝑠𝑖𝑛〗 ^(−1) 𝑚𝑛/

(�^2+�^2+�^2 �^2+1)^(1/2) ]

where m = B/z
n = L/z

B 1
L 1
z 1
m 1
n 1

IN 0.17522

Vertical Stress at any point under arectangular Load

1 2.5 2

P 4 5m

4 3


q 20 t/m2
B 2.5 m
L 4m
z 2m
m 1.25
n 2

IN 0.215

σz 17.179 t/m2

Westergard Equation

1 Soil mass is elastic continuum
2 Soil is non homgenus It is used for precompressed clays
3 thin sheet of rigid materials sandwitched in homegenous soil
4 Soil mass is semi-infinite

�_𝑧= (𝑐∕ 〖 2� 〗 )/( [𝑐^2+(�/(𝑐 �))^2 ]^(3∕2) ) 𝑄/𝑧^2

𝑐= √((1−2𝜇)/(2−2𝜇))

μ Poisson ratio 0
c 0.707107

�_𝑧= 𝐼_𝑊 𝑄/𝑧^2

𝐼_𝑊 = 1/( 𝜋
[1+2(𝑟/𝑧)^2 ]
^(3∕2) )
Fense's Chart

below centre of uniform circular load of intensity q

�_𝑧= 𝑞 [1−{1/(1+(𝑅∕ 〖𝑐 𝑧〗 )^2 )}^(1/2) ]

Sand Deposit

In case of sand, experimental evidence indicate that Eh/Ev is consideraly less than 1
Distribution of vertical pressure in sand can be computed from semi-emperical equation of Frohlich with concentration fac

Normally and light overconsolidation clays : Eh/Ev approximately one Boussinesq solution
Heavy overconsolidation clays : 1.5<Eh/Ev < 3 Westergaard
Sands : Eh/Ev < 1 Frohlich with m'=4
Variable deposist Boussinesq solution

Two to one load distribution method

z 2

Contact Pressure distribution
In the derivation of above formale is assumed that footing is flexible and contact pressure distribution is uniform and equa
footing resisting on semi-elastic mass and footing is flexible and base is frictionless
soil structure interaction
Kr Relative rigidity of footing-soil system

= 1/6 ((1− 〖� _𝑠 〗 ^2 ))/((1− 〖𝜇 _� 〗 ^2 ) ) 𝐸_�/𝐸_𝑠 (𝑡/𝑏)^3

μs Poisson's ratio for soil

μf Poisson's ratio for footing material
Es Modulus of ealsticity of soil
Ef Modulus of ealsticity of footing material
In cohesion soil
Kr Infinity for perfectly rigid footing contact pressure is very large at edge and minimum at centre 0.5 q fo
Kr 0 for perfectly flexible footing contact pressure is uniform and equal to q

This equation valid for cohesive soil which behaves like an elastic soil mass
Kr Infinity for perfectly rigid footing
In cohesionless soil, soil at centre is confined and therefore high modulus of elasticity which also increase with depth due
Soil being unconfined at edge has low modulus of elasticity , however if the footing is embedded there will be finite contac
Kr 0 for perfectly flexible footing

Contact pressure on sand

Soil at centre is confined and has high modulus of elasticity and deflect less for same contact pressure


As the effective stress increase, volume of soil decrease. The decrease in vol. is generally expressed as change in void ratio
Effective stress increase due to transfer of pressure of pressure to solid paticle

Consoilidation test apparatus oedometer or consolidometer

Contact Pressure distribution

stress strain curve for deviator stress (σ1 - σ3) and axial strain Ꜫ1

early elastic material

Chart Title
-0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5





Chart Title







-2 -1 0 1 2 3 4

Chart Title
1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.1

�_2=𝑥∕𝑏 tan 〖� _1=((�_2−1)/�_1 ) 〗

tan 〖� _2=((�_2+1)/�_1 ) 〗

Pressure bulb
-15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15






^(−1) 𝑚𝑛/
for precompressed clays
hlich with concentration factor or index m'=4
ibution is uniform and equal to q

minimum at centre 0.5 q for circular footing & 0.67q for stip footing
Its maximum deflection is at the centre

so increase with depth due to increase in confining pressure

ed there will be finite contact pressure at edge
Its maximum deflection is at the edges

ssed as change in void ratio

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